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Albus Severus Potter - Epilogue explained

Source: Albus Severus Potter - Epilogue explained by kiss_a_spider

Harry Potter is a coming of age story. Child Harry used to see the world in black and white with Snape and Dumbledore representing 'good' and 'bad'. Snape had black hair and black robes while Dumbledore had a white name and a long white beard . Even his eyes twinkled while Snape's eyes reminded Harry of dark tunnels. Then on the 7th book Harry grows up, he learns about Dumbledore's dark past and stops putting him on a pedestal, he learns about Snape's true self and about his love and realizes that there was good in him. There are also some interesting visuals with Dumbledore's hand turning black and his name being blackened by Rita's articles. Snape on the other hand produces the doe patronus made of pure glowing light and when he faces Voldemort at the end his face is marble white and no longer sallow. By the end of the book Harry grows to see both men as people, flesh and blood and all grey.

Albus Severus Potter demonstrates Harry's growth and the person he became. A person who learned to forgive people for their past mistakes and accept them. There is also self acceptance of Harry's Slytherin side.

Another important aspect is that Voldemort was defeated solely by the Platinum Trio: Dumbledore Snape and Harry. Dumbledore was the master mind of the plan while Harry and Snape were the hero and anti hero who executed the plan, each by doing his own half. Out of the three Harry is the only survivor, Snape and Dumbledore sacrificed themselves so he could win and Harry honored their sacrifices.

Albus Severus is a harmonious name like James Sirius. Snape and Dumbledore had a lot in common: Both were hunted by terrible guilt until the end of their lives because of their past mistakes. Both chose the dark when they were young and it caused the death of an innocent girl who they loved. both chose to serve the light afterward and tried to repent. Their destinies were interwind and personally I think that they cared about each other.

Albus Severus IS the epilogue. It is no coincident that the books ends with Harry sending off Albus Severus to his first year at Hogwarts. Not James Sirius. Not Lily Luna. These names are just a sweet cookie, a reincarnation of Lily and James to give the readers a warm comforting feeling. Albus Severus is singled out because he is the epilogue that seals Harry's coming of age story. Even Cursed Child recognize Albus Severus as the rightful protagonist of the sequel.

Replace Albus Severus with 'Remus Rubeus' or 'Fred Cedric' and what do you get?

An epilogue that means absolutely nothing.

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