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Poll: Best Professor at Hogwarts Other than Professor Snape?

Best Professor at Hogwarts Other than Snape?
Professor McGonagall
Professor Dumbledore
Professor Flitwick
Professor Binns
Professor Sprout
Professor Hagrid
Professor Moody
Professor Lockhart
Professor Lupin
Professor Slughorn
Madam Hooch
Madame Maxime
Professor Karkaroff

'Best' encompasses teaching technique, magical powers, and personality, as well as popularity. Feel free to expound on your reasons below! You may also include your views on the worst teachers.

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and Krystal have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceKrystal

I'm going with Moody, even though he was Crouch Jr.

Crouch knew what he was talking about, and he was probably the most qualified teacher among the staff, given that (assuming Crouch Sr. remembered correctly) he passed all of his OWLs and was a master of the Dark Arts, having incapacitated the real Moody shortly prior to his career as professor.

Heatherlly, mmlf and Krystal have reacted to this post.

Probably a surprising choice, but I'm going to have to go with Lupin. Setting aside my complaints about him on a personal level, he was a reasonably skilled, friendly, and engaging teacher.

mmlf, The Gestalt Prince and Krystal have reacted to this post.
mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceKrystal

I thought Professor Lupin was a great teacher. All the same, my bias is towards Professor McGonagall. I enjoyed her no-nonsense teaching style. I get the feeling that she would cover everything very thoroughly, give homework, and mark people fairly. I liked it when she wouldn't allow Neville to do a NEWT in Transfiguration because his mark wasn't good enough.

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and Krystal have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceKrystal

I shall vote for Lupin due to his approach towards teaching and the fact that he managed to make his classes engaging, entertaining and interesting.

My second close vote shall be Barty Crouch Jr aka Fake Moody.

Worst teacher for me is Hagrid because his students suffered life threating injuries under his watch, he threatened Draco with human transfiguration just after his incident with Fake Moody and the fact that even his close friends like Harry thought Grubbly-Plank as better teacher and dropped his class at first opportunity in 6th year.

Heatherlly, mmlf and The Gestalt Prince have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt Prince

Flitwick for me because he taught his subject competently and his track record in his subject was good enough.

Heatherlly, mmlf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceKrystal

Prof. Sprout for me. We don't get much of her, but as the Head of Hufflepuff I HC her as a dependable workhorse - relative to the hot mess that is the Hogwarts faculty.

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaaga