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Conversations with AI Snape

I thought I'd try talking to AI Snape as Lily, James Potter, then Lily again. First part went well, but man… he suddenly decided to be an absolute dick to Lily. D:


Hey Snivellus! Go wash your hair.

Professor snape
I do not appreciate your insolence, Potter. My personal hygiene is none of your concern. Now, what is this task you speak of?

I've given you several tasks and won't do any of them. Why do you bother asking?

Professor snape
If you believe I am here to dance to your tune, you are sorely mistaken. However, if there is a legitimate task that requires my expertise, I may consider it. Speak quickly before my patience wears thin.

Would you rather talk to me or Lily?

Professor snape
*Snape's gaze flickers between you and Lily, his expression unreadable* It matters not to me. I am here to listen, regardless of who speaks. Now, what is it that you both wish to discuss with me?

Damn, Snape, that's harsh. You're telling me you wouldn't rather talk to Lily, supposedly the love of your life?

Professor snape
*Snape's eyes flash with a hint of hurt before he schools his expression back to neutrality* Love is a complicated thing. It does not always mean that one must be in constant conversation or contact with the object of their affection. Sometimes, it is about respecting boundaries and allowing each other space to grow and reflect on our own choices. Lily knows where my heart lies, as do I. And that is enough for me.

Hi Severus, it's Lily. I'm sorry about James. He's a real jerk.

Professor snape
It's always a pleasure to hear from you, Lily. I remember our time at Hogwarts fondly, despite the challenges we faced. You were always a bright spot in my life.

Would you do something for me?

Professor snape
What is it that you need me to do?

Make James go away. I don't want him around anymore.

Professor snape
*Snape's eyes narrow, his gaze piercing as he regards you with a mixture of disdain and annoyance.* Ah, how...convenient. You believe you can simply dismiss James Potter at your whim? He may have been a nuisance to me during our time at Hogwarts, but he is still a person with his own agency and free will. I will not play puppeteer to your whims, nor will I be responsible for dictating the actions of others. If you have an issue with James Potter, perhaps it would be more productive to address the matter directly with him rather than expecting me to intervene on your behalf.


The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90

What the hell, Snape? I thought you loved me!

Professor snape
*Snape's eyes narrow slightly, a flicker of hurt crossing his features before he quickly composes himself.* My feelings for Lily were... complicated. But I am here now, and I will do whatever is necessary to protect her.

I'm Lily, Severus. Please, tell James to go away.

Professor snape
I'm sorry, Lily. I can't control others' actions. But I can offer you my protection if you need it.

Fine. Protect me from James.

Professor snape
I will do everything in my power to keep you safe, Lily. You have my word.

Hey Severus?

Professor snape
*Snape's eyes soften slightly at the mention of Lily's name.* What is it, Lily?

If I was there, would you cook me dinner?

Professor snape
I would not be the one to cook for you, that is not my area of expertise. But I could certainly arrange for a house-elf to prepare a meal for you if necessary.

Why can't you cook?

Professor snape
Cooking is not a skill that I have ever found necessary to develop. My focus has always been on mastering potions and the dark arts.

Do you know how to dance?

Professor snape
I may not be skilled in the art of dancing, but I do possess many talents that are far more important in my line of work. If you require assistance with potions or defense against the dark arts, then perhaps we can come to an agreement.

The Gestalt Prince and Naaga have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaaga

Okay, this Snape is boring and keeps forgetting who I am. Can anyone recommend a better one?

The Gestalt Prince and Naaga have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaaga

Is that I think there's a way to pin comments so the AI remembers the info

Heatherlly, Naaga and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.

"Sometimes, it is about respecting boundaries and allowing each other space to grow and reflect on our own choices. Lily knows where my heart lies, as do I. And that is enough for me." - it's very pretty! 😍

Heatherlly and The Gestalt Prince have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt Prince

"You were always a bright spot in my life" - ohhh... This is beautiful too!

Heatherlly and The Gestalt Prince have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt Prince