Am I really a Snape fan?
Quote from DON on July 31, 2023, 5:55 pmHey guys I'm new here and I just wanted to have a discussion on what makes a Snape fan legit because some Snaters say I can't love Snape because I'm just getting in the HP fandom this late and I mean like... Early this year late.
For some back story I haven't read the books or watched the movies and still haven't cause I'm one: really busy or two: really lazy... But anyhow I was surfing the net on quora and ended up on a discussion between snaters and one... single... Snover....ONE!! All the while I was thinking that this was the matrix with the Snover being neo while being surrounded by snaters being Mr. Smith's!!
I mean I never had more respect for this fans love for a character in my life. Like I was saying this fan was dodging bullets like THIS!!
from snaters with fax from the books themselves it have to be impossible to comment that fast and to be that sarcastic that long..... It was amazing!!! Anyway me at the time this was happening while watching with my mouth hanging open it was like a massacre like watching Madara Uchiha giving the smoke to any grown ass ninja, old or child anyone who wanted it could get it.
Anyway over my fan-girling over that ass whooping I went and talk to them and the character they introduced me too...
I never had a character make me this obsessed with him so much I mean from beginning of this year till now I can't get him out my head!!!
I've read every character analysis and back story of Snape even though the fan still hounds me to watch the movies and read the books even though they practically told me the whole 7 books plot they still tell me to read is better then being told.
But anyway while I was talking to them just going on and on about Snape love and fan art they gave me this site and I was nervous of coming because when were talking a snater came on the thread saying I can't call myself a Snover because I haven't watched the movies or read the books yet... Am I really a fan of Snape??
Hey guys I'm new here and I just wanted to have a discussion on what makes a Snape fan legit because some Snaters say I can't love Snape because I'm just getting in the HP fandom this late and I mean like... Early this year late.
For some back story I haven't read the books or watched the movies and still haven't cause I'm one: really busy or two: really lazy... But anyhow I was surfing the net on quora and ended up on a discussion between snaters and one... single... Snover....ONE!! All the while I was thinking that this was the matrix with the Snover being neo while being surrounded by snaters being Mr. Smith's!!
I mean I never had more respect for this fans love for a character in my life. Like I was saying this fan was dodging bullets like THIS!!
from snaters with fax from the books themselves it have to be impossible to comment that fast and to be that sarcastic that long..... It was amazing!!! Anyway me at the time this was happening while watching with my mouth hanging open it was like a massacre like watching Madara Uchiha giving the smoke to any grown ass ninja, old or child anyone who wanted it could get it.
Anyway over my fan-girling over that ass whooping I went and talk to them and the character they introduced me too...
I never had a character make me this obsessed with him so much I mean from beginning of this year till now I can't get him out my head!!!
I've read every character analysis and back story of Snape even though the fan still hounds me to watch the movies and read the books even though they practically told me the whole 7 books plot they still tell me to read is better then being told.
But anyway while I was talking to them just going on and on about Snape love and fan art they gave me this site and I was nervous of coming because when were talking a snater came on the thread saying I can't call myself a Snover because I haven't watched the movies or read the books yet... Am I really a fan of Snape??

Quote from Dark Angel on July 31, 2023, 6:35 pmHi there! Welcome to the Always Snape site!
Regarding your question, no one can define you as a fan or not, that's something you decide for yourself but given your interest in Snape, I guess it is safe to say you're one. I personally would suggest reading the books or at least watching the movies to form your own opinion on the character because all you have so far is secondary sources. Mind you, book Snape and movie Snape are quite different just so you know. If you don't really like reading, maybe try the audiobooks? I don't think you will regret it.
That said, I have heard of people who have read fanfiction prior to reading the canon works of the fandom, so I guess your situation is similar? In any case, you're free to dislike and like whatever you want and no one can tell you otherwise.
Hi there! Welcome to the Always Snape site!
Regarding your question, no one can define you as a fan or not, that's something you decide for yourself but given your interest in Snape, I guess it is safe to say you're one. I personally would suggest reading the books or at least watching the movies to form your own opinion on the character because all you have so far is secondary sources. Mind you, book Snape and movie Snape are quite different just so you know. If you don't really like reading, maybe try the audiobooks? I don't think you will regret it.
That said, I have heard of people who have read fanfiction prior to reading the canon works of the fandom, so I guess your situation is similar? In any case, you're free to dislike and like whatever you want and no one can tell you otherwise.
Quote from DON on July 31, 2023, 7:06 pmThank you so much for the welcome! Don't worry the fan I was talking about told me very sternly that book Snape and movie Snape are completely different.
And yes but not completely to your question about reading fanfiction first. It was before fanfiction I went into an online deep dive in the wizarding world of knowing what this was and that was about it.
I've Watched every character analysis on every character in the franchise and listened to the SnapeChat podcast so I wouldn't be sitting there scratching my head about what this or who was and that.
Which the fan who told me about Snape still hounds me till this day about spoiling myself, That if I was going to do all this research into Harry Potter I might as well read the books and watch the movies which I said to that was... very nicely reminded them they basically told me all seven plots of the books.
And which the replied.... not very nicely in their very words. To stop being a lazy punk b or they will apparate their foot to my ass and send a nagger to give me this message " May the force of my foot to your ass be with you... Always."
Thank you so much for the welcome! Don't worry the fan I was talking about told me very sternly that book Snape and movie Snape are completely different.
And yes but not completely to your question about reading fanfiction first. It was before fanfiction I went into an online deep dive in the wizarding world of knowing what this was and that was about it.
I've Watched every character analysis on every character in the franchise and listened to the SnapeChat podcast so I wouldn't be sitting there scratching my head about what this or who was and that.
Which the fan who told me about Snape still hounds me till this day about spoiling myself, That if I was going to do all this research into Harry Potter I might as well read the books and watch the movies which I said to that was... very nicely reminded them they basically told me all seven plots of the books.
And which the replied.... not very nicely in their very words. To stop being a lazy punk b or they will apparate their foot to my ass and send a nagger to give me this message " May the force of my foot to your ass be with you... Always."

Quote from The Gestalt Prince on July 31, 2023, 7:14 pmIn addition, we have a few posts in the Snape section of the site regarding his characterization, but also posts on other characters in relation to him that shape whom he becomes. Most of the hatred you find usually has to do with
- being mean to students
- being "obsessed" with Lily
- being a "literal Nazi" (paraphrase, but the point stands)
I think a lot stems from a portion of the Marauder fandom that sides with James when it comes to who should have "won" Lily, and that Snape's later life choices justify what happens to him as a student. I'm not arguing that Snape is perfect (he has quite a few issues), but his complexity as a character makes him my favorite, and it's Snaters' overall dismissal of his character that makes me like him more, especially when compared to the Marauders.
In addition, we have a few posts in the Snape section of the site regarding his characterization, but also posts on other characters in relation to him that shape whom he becomes. Most of the hatred you find usually has to do with
- being mean to students
- being "obsessed" with Lily
- being a "literal Nazi" (paraphrase, but the point stands)
I think a lot stems from a portion of the Marauder fandom that sides with James when it comes to who should have "won" Lily, and that Snape's later life choices justify what happens to him as a student. I'm not arguing that Snape is perfect (he has quite a few issues), but his complexity as a character makes him my favorite, and it's Snaters' overall dismissal of his character that makes me like him more, especially when compared to the Marauders.
Quote from DON on July 31, 2023, 7:49 pmOh trust me I've heard it all GP.
The whole time I was in the thread talking to the fan snaters was trying to tell my about Snape being a incel, stalker, obsessed with Lily. Snape being KKK memeber to Nazi. Snape being a child abuser?
But like I said I did a deep dive into his character and I was like... but didn't he leave Lily alone when she said too? I didn't read that he crashed her wedding to potter? I didn't read he tried to come between her marriage. When she said no he took no right.
And him being a child abuser. You mean he's an abuser for being stern and taking a few meaningless points away because of back mouthing, being set on fire, have his shit stolen, being blasted away, telling a student he see no difference in buck teeth when he was probably told the same about his nose. Telling a student who if he was so scared of Snape. he would have left that damed toad in his room,
when every other teacher is so much worse and he's seen as the abuser?
Snape's character seems like thou's kinds of kids who get hemmed up in gangs or the mafia. just to feel safe
And being part of the KKK or a Nazi that is really disrespectful to compare the death eaters to the kkk and the muggles to black ppl.
When most of the muggle London and wizarding London is white. And muggle-borns are still able to vote, own homes, and start businesses. Hell be part of the Wizmont counsel blk ppl didn't get that privilege till 60 years recently so comparing them is kind of stupid when they both don't fit in same suffering, same hurdles. And saying mudd-blood doesn't compare to the n-word
When we look at the real life history of During the Great Age of witch hunts from 1400 to 1775, religious upheaval and warfare, political tensions and economic dislocation led to waves of persecutions and scapegoating in Europe and its colonies. Roughly 100,000 people were tried for witchcraft and 50,000 executed.
So me personally it was wrong but after looking at those numbers of witch hunts can you blame them?
which we all know Grindelwald didn't even get to those kinds of numbers in muggle deaths yet at the time of his defeat and imprisonment by Dumbledore. so to compare blk ppl that the KKK killed between the years of 1865 and 1950 to almost 6500 deaths not counting the deaths from slavery it's very disrespectful to compare muggles or muggle-borns who are mostly white to the suffering of blk ppl in history in america. hell if I had to compare anyone to blk folk suffering to it would be the elves
Oh trust me I've heard it all GP.
The whole time I was in the thread talking to the fan snaters was trying to tell my about Snape being a incel, stalker, obsessed with Lily. Snape being KKK memeber to Nazi. Snape being a child abuser?
But like I said I did a deep dive into his character and I was like... but didn't he leave Lily alone when she said too? I didn't read that he crashed her wedding to potter? I didn't read he tried to come between her marriage. When she said no he took no right.
And him being a child abuser. You mean he's an abuser for being stern and taking a few meaningless points away because of back mouthing, being set on fire, have his shit stolen, being blasted away, telling a student he see no difference in buck teeth when he was probably told the same about his nose. Telling a student who if he was so scared of Snape. he would have left that damed toad in his room,
when every other teacher is so much worse and he's seen as the abuser?
Snape's character seems like thou's kinds of kids who get hemmed up in gangs or the mafia. just to feel safe
And being part of the KKK or a Nazi that is really disrespectful to compare the death eaters to the kkk and the muggles to black ppl.
When most of the muggle London and wizarding London is white. And muggle-borns are still able to vote, own homes, and start businesses. Hell be part of the Wizmont counsel blk ppl didn't get that privilege till 60 years recently so comparing them is kind of stupid when they both don't fit in same suffering, same hurdles. And saying mudd-blood doesn't compare to the n-word
When we look at the real life history of During the Great Age of witch hunts from 1400 to 1775, religious upheaval and warfare, political tensions and economic dislocation led to waves of persecutions and scapegoating in Europe and its colonies. Roughly 100,000 people were tried for witchcraft and 50,000 executed.
So me personally it was wrong but after looking at those numbers of witch hunts can you blame them?
which we all know Grindelwald didn't even get to those kinds of numbers in muggle deaths yet at the time of his defeat and imprisonment by Dumbledore. so to compare blk ppl that the KKK killed between the years of 1865 and 1950 to almost 6500 deaths not counting the deaths from slavery it's very disrespectful to compare muggles or muggle-borns who are mostly white to the suffering of blk ppl in history in america. hell if I had to compare anyone to blk folk suffering to it would be the elves

Quote from The Gestalt Prince on July 31, 2023, 8:44 pmPretty much every point you've listed so far, to counter the anti-Snape points, reflects a lot of points made on the site. We actually have a topic dedicated to re-reading the Harry Potter books, if you were interested in a synopsis and some commentary; it's not as in-depth in some portions, but much of what's said has to do with not only Snape (for obvious reasons, given the site) but also the choices of other characters.
I know you've said before that you haven't read or watched the source material regarding Snape, but in the event that you do, there are three portions of the series that I think help flesh out both Snape and the characters who speak of him (you probably already know these ones, but I'll list them anyway).
- The Werewolf Prank. This is first hinted at in PS, when Dumbledore reveals James saved Snape's life and that Snape owed him a "life debt"; it's later revealed in full during the Shrieking Shack chapters of PoA by Sirius and Remus, and also referenced by Snape later in the book when he argues with Dumbledore.
- Snape's Worst Memory. While James and Lily don't have a lot of characterization in the series as a whole, this scene, taking place after the werewolf prank, really needs to be read in full to have an understanding of the two. I've done two character studies on James and Lily if you want an abridged version (note: while Lily is my favorite female character, I don't shy away from my problems with her).
- The more interesting part of Snape's Worst Memory is the aftermath in the chapter following the memory, when Harry confronts Sirius and Remus and calls them out for their behavior in the past.
- The Prince's Tale. Enough said.
Pretty much every point you've listed so far, to counter the anti-Snape points, reflects a lot of points made on the site. We actually have a topic dedicated to re-reading the Harry Potter books, if you were interested in a synopsis and some commentary; it's not as in-depth in some portions, but much of what's said has to do with not only Snape (for obvious reasons, given the site) but also the choices of other characters.
I know you've said before that you haven't read or watched the source material regarding Snape, but in the event that you do, there are three portions of the series that I think help flesh out both Snape and the characters who speak of him (you probably already know these ones, but I'll list them anyway).
- The Werewolf Prank. This is first hinted at in PS, when Dumbledore reveals James saved Snape's life and that Snape owed him a "life debt"; it's later revealed in full during the Shrieking Shack chapters of PoA by Sirius and Remus, and also referenced by Snape later in the book when he argues with Dumbledore.
- Snape's Worst Memory. While James and Lily don't have a lot of characterization in the series as a whole, this scene, taking place after the werewolf prank, really needs to be read in full to have an understanding of the two. I've done two character studies on James and Lily if you want an abridged version (note: while Lily is my favorite female character, I don't shy away from my problems with her).
- The more interesting part of Snape's Worst Memory is the aftermath in the chapter following the memory, when Harry confronts Sirius and Remus and calls them out for their behavior in the past.
- The Prince's Tale. Enough said.
Quote from Naaga on July 31, 2023, 11:57 pmWelcome into the fold @debofnight. I'd say the amount of Snape info and insight you possess already qualifies you as a Snape fan and don't accept otherwise, especially from Snaters. That being said, a reading of books would be useful to appreciate to his character more, it'd do you better as someone who knows the plot because you'd able to analyse his actions better without getting sucked on Harry's POV.
I loved the lone Snover's comparison to Neo and Madara, and applaud them to be able to counter such Snater hoard and make you like Snape.
Please be sure to check out this awesome New Member Welcome Guide which contains all the useful information and links for our new members. You are recommendeded to check out the Snape Meta/Analysis, it'd help you to further your understanding about his character without trying to do it on your own.
Anything you wanna ask pertaining to the website and other stuff, you can ask by PM our Professors and Headmistress or by making a post on this thread itself, we'd love to help you out.
Welcome into the fold @debofnight. I'd say the amount of Snape info and insight you possess already qualifies you as a Snape fan and don't accept otherwise, especially from Snaters. That being said, a reading of books would be useful to appreciate to his character more, it'd do you better as someone who knows the plot because you'd able to analyse his actions better without getting sucked on Harry's POV.
I loved the lone Snover's comparison to Neo and Madara, and applaud them to be able to counter such Snater hoard and make you like Snape.
Please be sure to check out this awesome New Member Welcome Guide which contains all the useful information and links for our new members. You are recommendeded to check out the Snape Meta/Analysis, it'd help you to further your understanding about his character without trying to do it on your own.
Anything you wanna ask pertaining to the website and other stuff, you can ask by PM our Professors and Headmistress or by making a post on this thread itself, we'd love to help you out.

Quote from Heatherlly on August 1, 2023, 3:35 amHello, and welcome to the site!
First and foremost, we don't gatekeep here. If you like Snape, you're a Snape fan. End of story.
Having said that, I would recommend reading the books when you get a chance. This is by no means a prerequisite for being a fan, but I'm sure you'd enjoy them. Or, if you prefer recaps/fan commentary, there are plenty of YouTube channels and podcasts that go through the books chapter by chapter – those can be really entertaining.
Hello, and welcome to the site!
First and foremost, we don't gatekeep here. If you like Snape, you're a Snape fan. End of story.
Having said that, I would recommend reading the books when you get a chance. This is by no means a prerequisite for being a fan, but I'm sure you'd enjoy them. Or, if you prefer recaps/fan commentary, there are plenty of YouTube channels and podcasts that go through the books chapter by chapter – those can be really entertaining.
Quote from mmlf on August 2, 2023, 7:39 amWelcome to the site! Look forward to seeing you around the discussion boards, since you reached us via character analyses. I second Heather in strongly recommending the Harry Potter books. 🙂
Welcome to the site! Look forward to seeing you around the discussion boards, since you reached us via character analyses. I second Heather in strongly recommending the Harry Potter books. 🙂