Fictionlover96lol's Challenge Responses
Quote from Sam on September 17, 2023, 11:27 amChallenge 33: Uncertainty
Characters/Pairings: Severus Snape (No Pairings)
Rating/Warnings: M (Character Death, Violence, Murder)
Summary: When something feels not quite right, one should remain cautious. You may not get the time to regret things later.Thanks to Dark Angel for helping with warnings and stuff 🙂
Sometimes, it is in your best interest to leave things well alone and listen to your gut feeling. After all, as they say curiosity killed the cat.
Severus Snape, a half-blood boy from a poor muggle household was many things but he wasn’t a coward. He had doubts about one of his nemesis being a dark creature and thus he knowingly went with the idiotic dare or as the headmaster would say “prank” and went to the whomping willow that fateful night of full moon. He had expressed his doubts to his supposed best friend of years, a certain Lily Evans who refused to believe him and told him that he’s obsessed with the “marauders” as those loathsome boys liked to call themselves. Never mind the fact, that they had an invisibility cloak and a tracking map that they used to ambush him with on multiple occasions that left him with broken bones and concussions, which were chalked as nothing more than “boys being boys”.
Severus usually spent his holidays at Hogwarts due to the less than ideal situation at his abusive household which consisted of his mother and father shouting if he was lucky, or beatings if he was unlucky. Tobias was an abusive drunkard muggle who couldn’t keep to a single job and spent his meager savings on liquor and gambling. While Eileen Snape nee Prince, who came from a rather prestigious pureblood family had decided in her phase of rebellion to run away and fall in love with said muggle. Which later turned out to be a bad idea since she was disowned by her family and Tobias had begun to show his true colors but as they say, love is blind.
This year, Severus had decided it was better to spend his time at home rather than at Hogwarts since that fateful encounter with Lupin in his werewolf form. The headmaster had given them nothing but a slap on the wrist and he was forced into an unbreakable vow to not reveal about the incident. But apparently the ones responsible for the event were free to tell everyone about it. As the loathsome Potter had bragged about saving his life and that he owed him a life debt. When he was confronted by Lily and she told him that he was ungrateful. He was seething and wanted to strangle her. What a great best friend she was, who chose to believe his bullies than him. He had begun to see her in a different light from then on.
Severus spent most of his time at the library and parks. One day, he came across a rather unusual book at the library. It was a book with pitch black cover and a pentagram on it. He thought it might have been a parody book or something, but he was feeling this weird sensation and he just couldn’t quite get it out of his mind. He had tried putting it back but the feeling would grow stronger, so he reluctantly took it with him and tried reading it. The book was written in some sort of runic language with strange symbols that felt oddly familiar and yet strange. There were no English words or letters on it but he kept browsing through the pages. There were diagrams and what felt like lists on some pages.
After coming home, he had placed the book on the nightstand and went to have dinner downstairs. The dinner was just potato and pea soup with stale bread. Obviously, there was no money for fancy roasts or exotic fruits. They were lucky enough to not go on empty stomachs. The house was falling apart too but was barely holding on. After dinner, he had returned to his room. He took a quick shower and changed into his threadbare pajamas and went to sleep. That night, he had a strange dream about a rather creepy landscape. There was a massive gate like structure with chained doors on it and there was a fog seeping out of it. He woke up while sweating profusely and he felt like he wasn’t alone in his room.
Over the next few days, he had started to hear this strange voice in his head which would often urge him to continue reading the book. Somehow, the unintelligible runic language had begun to morph into old English and he could make some sense of it. The voice was growing stronger too. The voice would tempt him that he could become powerful and the greatest wizard of all time. Severus, was no fool and he could feel that maybe this book wasn’t as harmless as he had thought. He still continued to read it, nonetheless.
He had returned to Hogwarts but he found that book somehow amongst his possessions, even if he distinctly remembered putting it in his drawer. Things remained the same over the course of the year. He would do his homework, practice spells and potion making while reading the strange book at night. His life was constantly made miserable by those privileged sons of bitches, even his own Slytherin “friends” were giving him shit for continuing to associate with the mudblood.
This had changed until that particular day during one of his O.W.L exams, after which he was returning from class to Slytherin dorms when he was harassed by marauders. They had strung him upside down and had stripped him after choking him with Scourgify spell. While Lily, the self-righteous harpy was nagging at them to stop bullying him. She would always just nag, never throw a hex or jinx at them. She would often make excuses for not meeting with him. She had almost smiled but quickly fixed her expressions to those of faux outrage. Something broke in Severus at that time and in his moment of weakness and anger, he had said “I don’t need help from a filthy mudblood.” To which she had responded with “Suit yourself Snivellus. And if I were you, I’d wash my pants” and promptly left. He had tried apologizing at the time but she was having none of it.
He would have gone to the Gryffindor towers to beg for her forgiveness, but the voice in his head was telling him not to bother. For once, he agreed with the voice. He had lost his friendship with Lily, something that Potter vermin had wanted and had succeeded in. There was no coming back from this. Life continued to move on, with the only difference of that he was alone. Or was he? The voice had become more prominent over time and now it felt like there was another person inside his head.
Two years had passed since that fateful event. His Slytherin “friends” continued to pester him about joining Voldemort and taking the dark mark and how he would get all the riches and the bitches. He just wanted to be left alone, and he didn’t really believe that the dark lord would even accept him considering he’s a poor half-blood and they were all about pureblood supremacy. He had finished reading the strange book and the voice told him do a series of little rituals that would give him the ultimate power. He wouldn’t have to rely on any so called dark lord for meager scraps. He could become the next dark lord. Those words did hold an appeal to him and he decided to go along with it. After all, what was the harm. It’s not like things could get any worse.
On the day of graduation, he had excused himself from the event and had gathered the required items for the final ritual. Ironically enough, it was the place of shrieking shack which he had chosen for the ritual. He had drawn a large circle with a pentagram inside it, with goat blood. The skull was placed right in the center. On the corners, there were various items. The bones from a recently robbed grave were placed into one corner followed by a black gemstone, incense and various other bits and bobs. The most important part of it all was a house elf. Severus had been reluctant with this step but the voice was adamant that it was necessary, so he had asked Lucius Malfoy for help in this regard who was more than happy to provide him with an elf. So he could put Severus more into his debt and have him join the ranks of Voldemort since he would be an asset considering he was a prodigy in potions.
The corpse of the house elf was placed right outside the circle on a makeshift altar. The elf almost looked at peace with his slit throat. The blood continued to pour from the body and pooled around the circle. The circle began to glow with an eerie light, as suddenly a thunderstorm started brewing up in the air. Severus remained rather aloof as to what was happening. After a while, everything had returned to normal and the little ritual circle along with everything had vanished into nothingness. There remained absolutely no trace of what had transpired.
Later that night, he dreamed of the same gate like structure. The strange thing was that the door was open and there were no chains around it anymore. The fog had not only remained but had increased. There were howling voices and growls coming from the other side and an unnatural heat and a sense of hatred seeping from it. Severus woke up only to find himself not in control of his body. Something was seriously wrong and he was at an unknown location and his hands were colored with blood. He panicked thinking he might have hurt himself, but apparently the blood wasn’t his own but rather from a mangled corpse of one James Potter who was splayed in a rather undignified manner with his limbs folded into opposite direction than normal.
He had lost his vision once more, only to find himself staring at the corpse of a redheaded girl that he couldn’t even recognize because the corpse was desecrated too much. This sudden vision loss and return continued for a while until he had seen about a couple dozen corpses or so over the night. He was not in control of this body and came to terms with it. He tried resisting to the best of his abilities but it was all for naught. As his body had transformed into a monstrous form. With bat like wings sprouting from his back to having claws for hands and hooves for feet. His head now sprouted horns and his maw filled with razor sharp teeth. He even had a spiked tail that was swishing back and forth in an excited manner.
This was just the beginning of this horrible night. There was more to come as there were fires raging all across the country. People screaming as monstrous creatures were hunting them. The streets were littered with gore and violence. It took no more than a month until humanity was on its last breath. There were small enclaves of the survivors, who continued to live in fear. The world had ended, all because a book that should have never been in the world in the first place was found by a curious boy with a bit of darkness in his heart. Maybe the book was placed there by an evil deity or perhaps it was otherworldly magic, no one would ever know. Through it all, the boy known as Severus Snape continued to remain stuck in the body that was now not his anymore. He could only lament that perhaps he should have stayed at Hogwarts that year. On the bright side, there was no dark lord anymore. After all, a foolish wizard wouldn’t stand a chance against hordes of demons from the deepest pits of hell.
Challenge 33: Uncertainty
Characters/Pairings: Severus Snape (No Pairings)
Rating/Warnings: M (Character Death, Violence, Murder)
Summary: When something feels not quite right, one should remain cautious. You may not get the time to regret things later.
Thanks to Dark Angel for helping with warnings and stuff 🙂
Sometimes, it is in your best interest to leave things well alone and listen to your gut feeling. After all, as they say curiosity killed the cat.
Severus Snape, a half-blood boy from a poor muggle household was many things but he wasn’t a coward. He had doubts about one of his nemesis being a dark creature and thus he knowingly went with the idiotic dare or as the headmaster would say “prank” and went to the whomping willow that fateful night of full moon. He had expressed his doubts to his supposed best friend of years, a certain Lily Evans who refused to believe him and told him that he’s obsessed with the “marauders” as those loathsome boys liked to call themselves. Never mind the fact, that they had an invisibility cloak and a tracking map that they used to ambush him with on multiple occasions that left him with broken bones and concussions, which were chalked as nothing more than “boys being boys”.
Severus usually spent his holidays at Hogwarts due to the less than ideal situation at his abusive household which consisted of his mother and father shouting if he was lucky, or beatings if he was unlucky. Tobias was an abusive drunkard muggle who couldn’t keep to a single job and spent his meager savings on liquor and gambling. While Eileen Snape nee Prince, who came from a rather prestigious pureblood family had decided in her phase of rebellion to run away and fall in love with said muggle. Which later turned out to be a bad idea since she was disowned by her family and Tobias had begun to show his true colors but as they say, love is blind.
This year, Severus had decided it was better to spend his time at home rather than at Hogwarts since that fateful encounter with Lupin in his werewolf form. The headmaster had given them nothing but a slap on the wrist and he was forced into an unbreakable vow to not reveal about the incident. But apparently the ones responsible for the event were free to tell everyone about it. As the loathsome Potter had bragged about saving his life and that he owed him a life debt. When he was confronted by Lily and she told him that he was ungrateful. He was seething and wanted to strangle her. What a great best friend she was, who chose to believe his bullies than him. He had begun to see her in a different light from then on.
Severus spent most of his time at the library and parks. One day, he came across a rather unusual book at the library. It was a book with pitch black cover and a pentagram on it. He thought it might have been a parody book or something, but he was feeling this weird sensation and he just couldn’t quite get it out of his mind. He had tried putting it back but the feeling would grow stronger, so he reluctantly took it with him and tried reading it. The book was written in some sort of runic language with strange symbols that felt oddly familiar and yet strange. There were no English words or letters on it but he kept browsing through the pages. There were diagrams and what felt like lists on some pages.
After coming home, he had placed the book on the nightstand and went to have dinner downstairs. The dinner was just potato and pea soup with stale bread. Obviously, there was no money for fancy roasts or exotic fruits. They were lucky enough to not go on empty stomachs. The house was falling apart too but was barely holding on. After dinner, he had returned to his room. He took a quick shower and changed into his threadbare pajamas and went to sleep. That night, he had a strange dream about a rather creepy landscape. There was a massive gate like structure with chained doors on it and there was a fog seeping out of it. He woke up while sweating profusely and he felt like he wasn’t alone in his room.
Over the next few days, he had started to hear this strange voice in his head which would often urge him to continue reading the book. Somehow, the unintelligible runic language had begun to morph into old English and he could make some sense of it. The voice was growing stronger too. The voice would tempt him that he could become powerful and the greatest wizard of all time. Severus, was no fool and he could feel that maybe this book wasn’t as harmless as he had thought. He still continued to read it, nonetheless.
He had returned to Hogwarts but he found that book somehow amongst his possessions, even if he distinctly remembered putting it in his drawer. Things remained the same over the course of the year. He would do his homework, practice spells and potion making while reading the strange book at night. His life was constantly made miserable by those privileged sons of bitches, even his own Slytherin “friends” were giving him shit for continuing to associate with the mudblood.
This had changed until that particular day during one of his O.W.L exams, after which he was returning from class to Slytherin dorms when he was harassed by marauders. They had strung him upside down and had stripped him after choking him with Scourgify spell. While Lily, the self-righteous harpy was nagging at them to stop bullying him. She would always just nag, never throw a hex or jinx at them. She would often make excuses for not meeting with him. She had almost smiled but quickly fixed her expressions to those of faux outrage. Something broke in Severus at that time and in his moment of weakness and anger, he had said “I don’t need help from a filthy mudblood.” To which she had responded with “Suit yourself Snivellus. And if I were you, I’d wash my pants” and promptly left. He had tried apologizing at the time but she was having none of it.
He would have gone to the Gryffindor towers to beg for her forgiveness, but the voice in his head was telling him not to bother. For once, he agreed with the voice. He had lost his friendship with Lily, something that Potter vermin had wanted and had succeeded in. There was no coming back from this. Life continued to move on, with the only difference of that he was alone. Or was he? The voice had become more prominent over time and now it felt like there was another person inside his head.
Two years had passed since that fateful event. His Slytherin “friends” continued to pester him about joining Voldemort and taking the dark mark and how he would get all the riches and the bitches. He just wanted to be left alone, and he didn’t really believe that the dark lord would even accept him considering he’s a poor half-blood and they were all about pureblood supremacy. He had finished reading the strange book and the voice told him do a series of little rituals that would give him the ultimate power. He wouldn’t have to rely on any so called dark lord for meager scraps. He could become the next dark lord. Those words did hold an appeal to him and he decided to go along with it. After all, what was the harm. It’s not like things could get any worse.
On the day of graduation, he had excused himself from the event and had gathered the required items for the final ritual. Ironically enough, it was the place of shrieking shack which he had chosen for the ritual. He had drawn a large circle with a pentagram inside it, with goat blood. The skull was placed right in the center. On the corners, there were various items. The bones from a recently robbed grave were placed into one corner followed by a black gemstone, incense and various other bits and bobs. The most important part of it all was a house elf. Severus had been reluctant with this step but the voice was adamant that it was necessary, so he had asked Lucius Malfoy for help in this regard who was more than happy to provide him with an elf. So he could put Severus more into his debt and have him join the ranks of Voldemort since he would be an asset considering he was a prodigy in potions.
The corpse of the house elf was placed right outside the circle on a makeshift altar. The elf almost looked at peace with his slit throat. The blood continued to pour from the body and pooled around the circle. The circle began to glow with an eerie light, as suddenly a thunderstorm started brewing up in the air. Severus remained rather aloof as to what was happening. After a while, everything had returned to normal and the little ritual circle along with everything had vanished into nothingness. There remained absolutely no trace of what had transpired.
Later that night, he dreamed of the same gate like structure. The strange thing was that the door was open and there were no chains around it anymore. The fog had not only remained but had increased. There were howling voices and growls coming from the other side and an unnatural heat and a sense of hatred seeping from it. Severus woke up only to find himself not in control of his body. Something was seriously wrong and he was at an unknown location and his hands were colored with blood. He panicked thinking he might have hurt himself, but apparently the blood wasn’t his own but rather from a mangled corpse of one James Potter who was splayed in a rather undignified manner with his limbs folded into opposite direction than normal.
He had lost his vision once more, only to find himself staring at the corpse of a redheaded girl that he couldn’t even recognize because the corpse was desecrated too much. This sudden vision loss and return continued for a while until he had seen about a couple dozen corpses or so over the night. He was not in control of this body and came to terms with it. He tried resisting to the best of his abilities but it was all for naught. As his body had transformed into a monstrous form. With bat like wings sprouting from his back to having claws for hands and hooves for feet. His head now sprouted horns and his maw filled with razor sharp teeth. He even had a spiked tail that was swishing back and forth in an excited manner.
This was just the beginning of this horrible night. There was more to come as there were fires raging all across the country. People screaming as monstrous creatures were hunting them. The streets were littered with gore and violence. It took no more than a month until humanity was on its last breath. There were small enclaves of the survivors, who continued to live in fear. The world had ended, all because a book that should have never been in the world in the first place was found by a curious boy with a bit of darkness in his heart. Maybe the book was placed there by an evil deity or perhaps it was otherworldly magic, no one would ever know. Through it all, the boy known as Severus Snape continued to remain stuck in the body that was now not his anymore. He could only lament that perhaps he should have stayed at Hogwarts that year. On the bright side, there was no dark lord anymore. After all, a foolish wizard wouldn’t stand a chance against hordes of demons from the deepest pits of hell.

Quote from Dark Angel on September 17, 2023, 11:50 amIt is a truth universally acknowledged, that whenever a person convinces themself that things couldn't get worse, they inevitably do. I guess causing pandemonium due to a very questionable book definitely sounds like "worse".
You gotta love how almost being killed due to his curiosity during the werewolf prank, one would think Severus would learn his lesson and be more cautious but nope. Becoming a monster and doing the devil's bidding wouldn't be considered a win in my book.
It is a truth universally acknowledged, that whenever a person convinces themself that things couldn't get worse, they inevitably do. I guess causing pandemonium due to a very questionable book definitely sounds like "worse".
You gotta love how almost being killed due to his curiosity during the werewolf prank, one would think Severus would learn his lesson and be more cautious but nope. Becoming a monster and doing the devil's bidding wouldn't be considered a win in my book.
Quote from Sam on October 11, 2023, 3:10 pmChallenge 36: Torment
Characters/Pairings: Severus Snape (No Pairings)
Rating/Warnings: M (Character Death, Violence, Murder)
Summary: A confrontation between a couple of boys goes wrong and has profound effects on the future events.
The world wasn’t fair; it was something Severus had realized a long time ago. Ever since he could remember, things had never gone right for him. From being neglected at home and being beaten up by his drunken muggle father to being harassed, abused and vilified at Hogwarts while the people that were supposed to protect him chose to be on the side of those that were responsible for his misery. At least this would all change soon enough. After all, wasn’t it Lily who made it perfectly clear two years ago that she was done making excuses for him and they had both chosen their sides. Never mind the fact, that she was flattered by Potter and his cronies’ antics and in fact chose to date him. This reminded him of all the time she condoned their behavior while condemning him, without even trying to put herself into his shoes. But at least, they didn’t use dark magic. Severus sneered at those memories as he waited for his “friends” to arrive at the Hogshead inn. The graduation ceremony had been just two days prior. And once again Potter had snubbed it in his face that he got the girl that he used to be friends with, by proclaiming that they will get married soon.
Avery, Rosier, Wilkes and Mulciber had arrived at the Hogshead after a while. And they all ordered a few butterbeers. Mulciber started the conversation “Been waiting here long, Severus?”
“Not really, I was just thinking about certain things” replied Severus.
“Hah. That’s all you do. Come on, live a little. We’re going to be a part of something greater, very soon” Rosier replied with a chuckle.
Severus gave an impish smile at that. He doubted that things would change much but it was something, compared to his previous situation. He was still in tattered clothing, with nothing to his name except his skills in Potions and Dark Arts. And those weren’t going to help him without any connections, after all that was the reason he even wanted to join the ranks of Voldemort for. He didn’t really believe in the blood supremacy nonsense but he kept that to himself to avoid any problems. After all, his situation had somewhat improved in Slytherin after his loss of “friendship” with Lily, if you could even call it that.
Meanwhile, a very happy Potter with his lackeys was in full on celebration mode at Hogsmeade. After all, he got everything he wanted. Nobody could resist his charms, and Lily certainly had been a tough nut to crack but he got her in the end. After she had cut off her friendship with Snivellus. “Padfoot, I can’t believe I am going to get married so soon. It feels like a dream come true” he said to Sirius.
“I thought we were going to get married to each other, Prongs” Sirius jokingly said. To which they all laughed and Potter replied “Well, I wouldn’t want your drool on my face every morning Padfoot. Just once a month is enough”
Severus and his “friends” had been finished with their little conversation and they had promised to each other to stay in contact and that in a few days, they could meet up with the Dark Lord at Lestrange Manor for their initiation if the Dark Lord found them worthy.
Potter and his cronies had made their way towards Hogshead and upon entering they found themselves a seat. But Peter was looking around and he found Severus sitting there and it looked like he was about to leave too.
“Look guys, it’s Snivellus all by himself” Peter squeaked towards Potter while pointing at Severus.
“We ought to teach him a lesson to not grease up reputable places” said Sirius with a manic grin.
“Right you are, Padfoot. After all, people could slip on the grease and hurt themselves. And we wouldn’t want that” Potter replied with a smirk.
As they made their way towards Severus who had begun to leave the premises, they shouted at him “Hah coward. Why don’t you face us like a man?” said Potter while not understanding the fact that it was him and his cronies who were cowards.
Severus didn’t want to create a scene so soon after graduation so he just kept his mouth shut while internally he was raging at the unfairness of it all. Oh Potter had proclaimed that he would stop going after him if Lily gave him a chance, but he never did. It made him loath Lily too. She was very much happy to be rid of him and being buddy buddy with those that had been relentlessly bullying him. Oh the headmaster may have called it “pranks” and “boys being boys” but that made him even more angry at the world. It seemed like the entire world was against him, he just wanted to disappear. But knowing his luck, or lack thereof. It seemed he was bound to suffer.
Maybe the stars were aligned or something, but Severus had managed to create some distance between himself and the marauders who were frantically running after him. And just up ahead, Avery and others were busy talking to each other. The place was rather lacking in terms of pedestrians and it was already evening and going to be much more dark than it already was.
“Severus? What are you doing here?” said Rosier as the others looked at him with curiosity.
But before he could say anything, the marauders had finally caught up to him and shouted “Hah. Got you now, coward” as they brandished their wands. In response Severus and the rest of Slytherin boys took out their own wands.
Severus noted that, that for once someone was on his side and was willing to help him with their magic instead of empty words. Seeing how much further they would help him, he casted Muffliato around all the gathered boys, followed by Langlock on the marauders. After all, it would be a shame if someone were to come running here due to the noise and alert the authorities.
All the pent-up rage that had been building for years, opened the floodgates of his hatred towards the loathsome boys. Severus simply said one word and Potter collapsed in agony soiling himself. Before Potter’s cronies could react towards anything, they too fell under the effects of Crucio thanks to Avery, Rosier, Wilkes and Mulciber who had a sadistic grin on his face. Mulciber was always the extreme one and found enjoyment in roughhousing others. And now he could teach these blood traitors a lesson without any pesky staff to come helping them.
“Serves you right, filthy blood traitors. What did you call Severus? Him, a coward one against four? Someone really ought to teach you a lesson, maggots” said Wilkes with a sneer on his face.
“How the tables have turned. Let’s see how you will fare against when the numbers aren’t on your side” said Severus icily. He was glad that he had the backing of the others. He wanted to make these loathsome boys pay for every little infraction against him. He hadn’t forgotten all the times they had broken his bones, given him concussions, poisoned him, humiliated him in front of half the school and not to mention even attempted murder. So what if he returned all that with interest.
Avery had removed the wands of the marauders and pocketed them. After all, the boys were not going to need them any longer. They may have roughed around the boys a little bit. But, murder was something he wasn’t really looking forwards to. At least, not so soon.
Severus along with Rosier, Wilkes and Mulciber had made short work of marauders, who were barely holding on to life. Mulciber had carved blood traitors on their chests as the marauders lay stripped completely on the stone pavement of the alleyway. Potter had both his legs and arms completely fractured and his nose was bleeding profusely while he sported black eyes. The stench of his piss and feces was rather disgusting and made everyone almost gag. Surprisingly Black and Lupin fared slightly better, they hadn’t soiled themselves but they were just looking extremely tired. Pettigrew meanwhile had died from his injuries; he was the one who tried to run away but a quick Sectumsempra had removed the very important part of his body from his body. A body without a head couldn’t function very well, after all.
The situation dawned on the five boys rather quickly. This had gone from just paying them back for their transgressions to murder. They couldn’t possibly leave any witnesses, or else they would be serving life in Azkaban when they had a bright future with the Dark Lord.
“Guys, I think we should get rid of them all before we get in any trouble. The Dark Lord wouldn’t want us to be in Azkaban for this” Wilkes said.
Severus’ hands were shaking; he may not have wanted to kill them but now it seemed like they had no other choice but to kill the remaining three. He couldn’t let this ruin his future, which was already quite bleak. But, he couldn’t be the only one to kill the others because if things went wrong. He would be the only one with murder on his hands. So he quickly thought if others would be responsible for murder, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. He looked at Mulciber and said “Hey, Mulciber. How about killing this disgrace of the noble house of Black who turned his back towards everything the wizarding world has stood for and spat on it. Why not kill him to make sure Regulus gets to inherit, after all he’s the one who would be on our side.”
“Hah. Good thinking, Severus. I knew we kept you with us for a reason” he replied before using the killing curse on the black scion who went completely still, forever.
Severus looked at the dilapidated mess that was Lupin and spat at him. He may have had nightmares ever since he encountered him fully transformed in the shack but now he felt his fear leaving him. This wretched dark creature was sanctioned by the champion of the light side, Dumbledore. While he had to suffer quietly lest he gets expelled for revealing the truth about that fateful “prank”, not to mention all the times he didn’t do his duty as a prefect to stop his friends from going after him. He was just a pathetic mutt, who hid behind the visage of being a good person.
“Rosier, didn’t you say that one of your distant cousins had experience with dark creatures? More specifically with werewolves. Well, now you have the chance too” Severus said to him.
“Wait, what? Lupin’s a werewolf? Oh shit. That explains, why he went missing all those nights of the full moon. But that means, you faced him. Surely the headmaster wouldn’t have allowed it?” he looked at Severus with surprise.
“Well, I can’t say anything further. The headmaster did forbid me and I am not sure if I am in the clear or not” Severus said with a dejected face.
“Don’t tell me the old coot put you under an unbreakable vow. That’s illegal to be used on a minor without a guardian present” Wilkes said in response. To which Severus just gave a half smile.
“Well, in that case. Let me do something about it. Avada Kedavra” Rosier pointed his wand at Lupin and a green light shot out of his wand. Lupin was now gone forever. Three down, one more to go.
Avery meanwhile was not sure what should he do. So far, he had only tortured them. He didn’t want a death on his hand but it seemed now that he had to do something too. After all, this would increase his standing with the Dark Lord if he had killed a blood traitor too. He also realized that Severus had been quite sneaky and had made sure that all of them would have blood on their hands and the blame couldn’t be put on him alone. He had known Severus to be quite clever and smart, he only realized now that he had been shrewder than he looked.
Wilkes looked at Avery and said “You alright? You look like you’ve seen a dementor. Come on, finish this sorry excuse of a Potter.” Wilkes had been from a much more prominent family in the Dark Lord’s circle and already had the blood of two muggles on his hand before this day but others hadn’t. Mulciber was quite extreme but he had been all talk until now; he had though used a slightly lesser form of imperious on that mudblood Mary something back during fifth year if he recalled correctly.
Left with no choice, Avery pointed his wand towards the broken form of the Potter scion “Avada Kedavra, see you in hell Potter.” Potter finally went still and eyes became lifeless while the tears started to dry on his broken mug.
The five boys quickly made sure that there were no witnesses around and they hadn’t left any traces of themselves here. Severus quickly canceled the muffliato spell and they all made sure to keep quiet about the events and under no circumstances were to go anywhere near the headmaster, even if they were called. Severus knew from experience that the headmaster was a Legilimens. That was the reason he had become interested in Occulumency and had been practicing it. He didn’t want anyone poking around in his head. They all left towards their respective homes while the bodies of marauders were left for others to discover.
After returning to Spinner’s End, Severus had made his way towards his room before the drunken form of Tobias attempted to stop him.
“Where have you been, boy? You know better to not be out late.”
Severus just ignored him and continued his way upstairs before the hand of Tobias gripped his shoulder. He was in no mood to deal with this drunkard muggle and shoved him hard against the wall. “You’re lucky that you’re related to me by blood, else I would have killed you on the spot. Stay out of my way if you know what’s good for you” Severus removed the wand from Tobias’ neck. Tobias was sweating profusely. He had seen the look in the boy’s eyes. He would have actually hurt him. Maybe he had finally grown a pair.
“I need a drink” he said and proceeded towards the liquor bottle on the shelf.Severus mumbled to himself while going upstairs “Maybe, I need one too” before slamming the door shut and just lying on the bed. He replayed the events of the night in his mind over and over. Lily would be disappointed if she ever found out that it was him. Oh well, screw her. She made her choices, I made mine. It’s not like she would ever understand, she never did. She had everything in her life, while he hadn’t.
After a few days, there had been a massive scandal. The bodies of the marauders were found by passerby’s and proper authorities were alerted. The Daily Prophet reported about the horrific incident in details. Dumbledore had been furious after reading about this. The boys had such a great future ahead of them and now they were gone. He wondered just what had gone wrong, for them to be looking around for Death Eaters when they weren’t even Aurors yet. The parents of the deceased were in grief and they couldn’t be consoled. Mr. and Mrs. Potter passed away from hearing about the torture their poor boy had suffered before dying. Their health had been deteriorating and they were quite old. James had been their only child and now the Potters had no direct heir left.
The Lupin’s and Pettigrew’s were equally grieved at their losses. Both boys had been half-bloods and Gryffindors. One had been cursed to become a werewolf as a child and now died like a dog. The other was just a sycophant towards whoever was the biggest bully. The Blacks were of mixed opinion. On one hand Sirius had been a rebellious blood traitor who scorned his own family but on the other hand, he was their child. They had hoped that he would grow out of his childish behavior and make their house proud. At least, Regulus was still a well-mannered and well behaved boy. Although, he was inconsolable for some reason.
Lily Evans was distraught after seeing her copy of the Daily Prophet. Her boyfriend, whom she had begun dating after her friendship with Sev ended. She wondered if he had something to do with it. He was going on a dark path but surely, he wouldn’t kill anyone. That was the reason she had refused to forgive him, because he had chosen his friends over her. Or at least, that’s what she believed. After all, he was a troubled boy and She was the epitome of goodness and kindness and yet he had called her that word. Besides, Potter was a funny boy and he loved her. So what if he had been a bully in the past, he had changed and it’s not like he still went after Severus behind her back. And even if he did, it was to stop Severus from using Dark Magic.
After a few years, the cold war between the Dark and Light side had escalated. The Death Eaters had been going after quite a few muggleborn families. The Macdonalds and McKinnons were the most recent to perish and left with not a single survivor. Many purebloods had been openly supporting the Dark Lord now. And the ministry was already compromised with Voldemort’s sympathizers. Meanwhile Dumbledore continued to wonder, just what could have been done to stop all this.
Later on, there was a major confrontation between the dark side and the light side. Dumbledore perished in a grand duel with Voldemort, who acquired the Elder wand. Magical Britain fell under the control of the Dark Lord and there were now strict laws to take any muggleborn children away from their families and raised under their tender care. Mingling with muggles was illegal and those found to be doing it would be killed on the spot. It was a bleak future for everyone and now the Darkness ruled over the Light.
Severus Snape meanwhile found his own happiness. He was a trusted member of Voldemort’s inner circle. He had acquired power and riches after working for the Dark Lord. He had made potions and created spells, that further helped the cause. He even found someone to fall in love with. He got married to a French half-blood, who was the daughter of one of the Dark Lord’s sympathizers. He was expecting a child any day now. He couldn’t wait to become a father. Though, his mind often wondered towards a certain redhead. He lamented that perhaps they could’ve been together if not for Potter and his cronies making him a target when he went to Hogwarts. Oh well, no time to dwell on the past. He had made his choices despite all that, and he was even happy. He even had quite a significant sum of galleons under his name at Gringotts. He may never become the Prince heir, but he didn’t need to. He was his own man now, and that was good enough for him.
Challenge 36: Torment
Characters/Pairings: Severus Snape (No Pairings)
Rating/Warnings: M (Character Death, Violence, Murder)
Summary: A confrontation between a couple of boys goes wrong and has profound effects on the future events.
The world wasn’t fair; it was something Severus had realized a long time ago. Ever since he could remember, things had never gone right for him. From being neglected at home and being beaten up by his drunken muggle father to being harassed, abused and vilified at Hogwarts while the people that were supposed to protect him chose to be on the side of those that were responsible for his misery. At least this would all change soon enough. After all, wasn’t it Lily who made it perfectly clear two years ago that she was done making excuses for him and they had both chosen their sides. Never mind the fact, that she was flattered by Potter and his cronies’ antics and in fact chose to date him. This reminded him of all the time she condoned their behavior while condemning him, without even trying to put herself into his shoes. But at least, they didn’t use dark magic. Severus sneered at those memories as he waited for his “friends” to arrive at the Hogshead inn. The graduation ceremony had been just two days prior. And once again Potter had snubbed it in his face that he got the girl that he used to be friends with, by proclaiming that they will get married soon.
Avery, Rosier, Wilkes and Mulciber had arrived at the Hogshead after a while. And they all ordered a few butterbeers. Mulciber started the conversation “Been waiting here long, Severus?”
“Not really, I was just thinking about certain things” replied Severus.
“Hah. That’s all you do. Come on, live a little. We’re going to be a part of something greater, very soon” Rosier replied with a chuckle.
Severus gave an impish smile at that. He doubted that things would change much but it was something, compared to his previous situation. He was still in tattered clothing, with nothing to his name except his skills in Potions and Dark Arts. And those weren’t going to help him without any connections, after all that was the reason he even wanted to join the ranks of Voldemort for. He didn’t really believe in the blood supremacy nonsense but he kept that to himself to avoid any problems. After all, his situation had somewhat improved in Slytherin after his loss of “friendship” with Lily, if you could even call it that.
Meanwhile, a very happy Potter with his lackeys was in full on celebration mode at Hogsmeade. After all, he got everything he wanted. Nobody could resist his charms, and Lily certainly had been a tough nut to crack but he got her in the end. After she had cut off her friendship with Snivellus. “Padfoot, I can’t believe I am going to get married so soon. It feels like a dream come true” he said to Sirius.
“I thought we were going to get married to each other, Prongs” Sirius jokingly said. To which they all laughed and Potter replied “Well, I wouldn’t want your drool on my face every morning Padfoot. Just once a month is enough”
Severus and his “friends” had been finished with their little conversation and they had promised to each other to stay in contact and that in a few days, they could meet up with the Dark Lord at Lestrange Manor for their initiation if the Dark Lord found them worthy.
Potter and his cronies had made their way towards Hogshead and upon entering they found themselves a seat. But Peter was looking around and he found Severus sitting there and it looked like he was about to leave too.
“Look guys, it’s Snivellus all by himself” Peter squeaked towards Potter while pointing at Severus.
“We ought to teach him a lesson to not grease up reputable places” said Sirius with a manic grin.
“Right you are, Padfoot. After all, people could slip on the grease and hurt themselves. And we wouldn’t want that” Potter replied with a smirk.
As they made their way towards Severus who had begun to leave the premises, they shouted at him “Hah coward. Why don’t you face us like a man?” said Potter while not understanding the fact that it was him and his cronies who were cowards.
Severus didn’t want to create a scene so soon after graduation so he just kept his mouth shut while internally he was raging at the unfairness of it all. Oh Potter had proclaimed that he would stop going after him if Lily gave him a chance, but he never did. It made him loath Lily too. She was very much happy to be rid of him and being buddy buddy with those that had been relentlessly bullying him. Oh the headmaster may have called it “pranks” and “boys being boys” but that made him even more angry at the world. It seemed like the entire world was against him, he just wanted to disappear. But knowing his luck, or lack thereof. It seemed he was bound to suffer.
Maybe the stars were aligned or something, but Severus had managed to create some distance between himself and the marauders who were frantically running after him. And just up ahead, Avery and others were busy talking to each other. The place was rather lacking in terms of pedestrians and it was already evening and going to be much more dark than it already was.
“Severus? What are you doing here?” said Rosier as the others looked at him with curiosity.
But before he could say anything, the marauders had finally caught up to him and shouted “Hah. Got you now, coward” as they brandished their wands. In response Severus and the rest of Slytherin boys took out their own wands.
Severus noted that, that for once someone was on his side and was willing to help him with their magic instead of empty words. Seeing how much further they would help him, he casted Muffliato around all the gathered boys, followed by Langlock on the marauders. After all, it would be a shame if someone were to come running here due to the noise and alert the authorities.
All the pent-up rage that had been building for years, opened the floodgates of his hatred towards the loathsome boys. Severus simply said one word and Potter collapsed in agony soiling himself. Before Potter’s cronies could react towards anything, they too fell under the effects of Crucio thanks to Avery, Rosier, Wilkes and Mulciber who had a sadistic grin on his face. Mulciber was always the extreme one and found enjoyment in roughhousing others. And now he could teach these blood traitors a lesson without any pesky staff to come helping them.
“Serves you right, filthy blood traitors. What did you call Severus? Him, a coward one against four? Someone really ought to teach you a lesson, maggots” said Wilkes with a sneer on his face.
“How the tables have turned. Let’s see how you will fare against when the numbers aren’t on your side” said Severus icily. He was glad that he had the backing of the others. He wanted to make these loathsome boys pay for every little infraction against him. He hadn’t forgotten all the times they had broken his bones, given him concussions, poisoned him, humiliated him in front of half the school and not to mention even attempted murder. So what if he returned all that with interest.
Avery had removed the wands of the marauders and pocketed them. After all, the boys were not going to need them any longer. They may have roughed around the boys a little bit. But, murder was something he wasn’t really looking forwards to. At least, not so soon.
Severus along with Rosier, Wilkes and Mulciber had made short work of marauders, who were barely holding on to life. Mulciber had carved blood traitors on their chests as the marauders lay stripped completely on the stone pavement of the alleyway. Potter had both his legs and arms completely fractured and his nose was bleeding profusely while he sported black eyes. The stench of his piss and feces was rather disgusting and made everyone almost gag. Surprisingly Black and Lupin fared slightly better, they hadn’t soiled themselves but they were just looking extremely tired. Pettigrew meanwhile had died from his injuries; he was the one who tried to run away but a quick Sectumsempra had removed the very important part of his body from his body. A body without a head couldn’t function very well, after all.
The situation dawned on the five boys rather quickly. This had gone from just paying them back for their transgressions to murder. They couldn’t possibly leave any witnesses, or else they would be serving life in Azkaban when they had a bright future with the Dark Lord.
“Guys, I think we should get rid of them all before we get in any trouble. The Dark Lord wouldn’t want us to be in Azkaban for this” Wilkes said.
Severus’ hands were shaking; he may not have wanted to kill them but now it seemed like they had no other choice but to kill the remaining three. He couldn’t let this ruin his future, which was already quite bleak. But, he couldn’t be the only one to kill the others because if things went wrong. He would be the only one with murder on his hands. So he quickly thought if others would be responsible for murder, maybe it wouldn’t be so bad. He looked at Mulciber and said “Hey, Mulciber. How about killing this disgrace of the noble house of Black who turned his back towards everything the wizarding world has stood for and spat on it. Why not kill him to make sure Regulus gets to inherit, after all he’s the one who would be on our side.”
“Hah. Good thinking, Severus. I knew we kept you with us for a reason” he replied before using the killing curse on the black scion who went completely still, forever.
Severus looked at the dilapidated mess that was Lupin and spat at him. He may have had nightmares ever since he encountered him fully transformed in the shack but now he felt his fear leaving him. This wretched dark creature was sanctioned by the champion of the light side, Dumbledore. While he had to suffer quietly lest he gets expelled for revealing the truth about that fateful “prank”, not to mention all the times he didn’t do his duty as a prefect to stop his friends from going after him. He was just a pathetic mutt, who hid behind the visage of being a good person.
“Rosier, didn’t you say that one of your distant cousins had experience with dark creatures? More specifically with werewolves. Well, now you have the chance too” Severus said to him.
“Wait, what? Lupin’s a werewolf? Oh shit. That explains, why he went missing all those nights of the full moon. But that means, you faced him. Surely the headmaster wouldn’t have allowed it?” he looked at Severus with surprise.
“Well, I can’t say anything further. The headmaster did forbid me and I am not sure if I am in the clear or not” Severus said with a dejected face.
“Don’t tell me the old coot put you under an unbreakable vow. That’s illegal to be used on a minor without a guardian present” Wilkes said in response. To which Severus just gave a half smile.
“Well, in that case. Let me do something about it. Avada Kedavra” Rosier pointed his wand at Lupin and a green light shot out of his wand. Lupin was now gone forever. Three down, one more to go.
Avery meanwhile was not sure what should he do. So far, he had only tortured them. He didn’t want a death on his hand but it seemed now that he had to do something too. After all, this would increase his standing with the Dark Lord if he had killed a blood traitor too. He also realized that Severus had been quite sneaky and had made sure that all of them would have blood on their hands and the blame couldn’t be put on him alone. He had known Severus to be quite clever and smart, he only realized now that he had been shrewder than he looked.
Wilkes looked at Avery and said “You alright? You look like you’ve seen a dementor. Come on, finish this sorry excuse of a Potter.” Wilkes had been from a much more prominent family in the Dark Lord’s circle and already had the blood of two muggles on his hand before this day but others hadn’t. Mulciber was quite extreme but he had been all talk until now; he had though used a slightly lesser form of imperious on that mudblood Mary something back during fifth year if he recalled correctly.
Left with no choice, Avery pointed his wand towards the broken form of the Potter scion “Avada Kedavra, see you in hell Potter.” Potter finally went still and eyes became lifeless while the tears started to dry on his broken mug.
The five boys quickly made sure that there were no witnesses around and they hadn’t left any traces of themselves here. Severus quickly canceled the muffliato spell and they all made sure to keep quiet about the events and under no circumstances were to go anywhere near the headmaster, even if they were called. Severus knew from experience that the headmaster was a Legilimens. That was the reason he had become interested in Occulumency and had been practicing it. He didn’t want anyone poking around in his head. They all left towards their respective homes while the bodies of marauders were left for others to discover.
After returning to Spinner’s End, Severus had made his way towards his room before the drunken form of Tobias attempted to stop him.
“Where have you been, boy? You know better to not be out late.”
Severus just ignored him and continued his way upstairs before the hand of Tobias gripped his shoulder. He was in no mood to deal with this drunkard muggle and shoved him hard against the wall. “You’re lucky that you’re related to me by blood, else I would have killed you on the spot. Stay out of my way if you know what’s good for you” Severus removed the wand from Tobias’ neck. Tobias was sweating profusely. He had seen the look in the boy’s eyes. He would have actually hurt him. Maybe he had finally grown a pair.
“I need a drink” he said and proceeded towards the liquor bottle on the shelf.
Severus mumbled to himself while going upstairs “Maybe, I need one too” before slamming the door shut and just lying on the bed. He replayed the events of the night in his mind over and over. Lily would be disappointed if she ever found out that it was him. Oh well, screw her. She made her choices, I made mine. It’s not like she would ever understand, she never did. She had everything in her life, while he hadn’t.
After a few days, there had been a massive scandal. The bodies of the marauders were found by passerby’s and proper authorities were alerted. The Daily Prophet reported about the horrific incident in details. Dumbledore had been furious after reading about this. The boys had such a great future ahead of them and now they were gone. He wondered just what had gone wrong, for them to be looking around for Death Eaters when they weren’t even Aurors yet. The parents of the deceased were in grief and they couldn’t be consoled. Mr. and Mrs. Potter passed away from hearing about the torture their poor boy had suffered before dying. Their health had been deteriorating and they were quite old. James had been their only child and now the Potters had no direct heir left.
The Lupin’s and Pettigrew’s were equally grieved at their losses. Both boys had been half-bloods and Gryffindors. One had been cursed to become a werewolf as a child and now died like a dog. The other was just a sycophant towards whoever was the biggest bully. The Blacks were of mixed opinion. On one hand Sirius had been a rebellious blood traitor who scorned his own family but on the other hand, he was their child. They had hoped that he would grow out of his childish behavior and make their house proud. At least, Regulus was still a well-mannered and well behaved boy. Although, he was inconsolable for some reason.
Lily Evans was distraught after seeing her copy of the Daily Prophet. Her boyfriend, whom she had begun dating after her friendship with Sev ended. She wondered if he had something to do with it. He was going on a dark path but surely, he wouldn’t kill anyone. That was the reason she had refused to forgive him, because he had chosen his friends over her. Or at least, that’s what she believed. After all, he was a troubled boy and She was the epitome of goodness and kindness and yet he had called her that word. Besides, Potter was a funny boy and he loved her. So what if he had been a bully in the past, he had changed and it’s not like he still went after Severus behind her back. And even if he did, it was to stop Severus from using Dark Magic.
After a few years, the cold war between the Dark and Light side had escalated. The Death Eaters had been going after quite a few muggleborn families. The Macdonalds and McKinnons were the most recent to perish and left with not a single survivor. Many purebloods had been openly supporting the Dark Lord now. And the ministry was already compromised with Voldemort’s sympathizers. Meanwhile Dumbledore continued to wonder, just what could have been done to stop all this.
Later on, there was a major confrontation between the dark side and the light side. Dumbledore perished in a grand duel with Voldemort, who acquired the Elder wand. Magical Britain fell under the control of the Dark Lord and there were now strict laws to take any muggleborn children away from their families and raised under their tender care. Mingling with muggles was illegal and those found to be doing it would be killed on the spot. It was a bleak future for everyone and now the Darkness ruled over the Light.
Severus Snape meanwhile found his own happiness. He was a trusted member of Voldemort’s inner circle. He had acquired power and riches after working for the Dark Lord. He had made potions and created spells, that further helped the cause. He even found someone to fall in love with. He got married to a French half-blood, who was the daughter of one of the Dark Lord’s sympathizers. He was expecting a child any day now. He couldn’t wait to become a father. Though, his mind often wondered towards a certain redhead. He lamented that perhaps they could’ve been together if not for Potter and his cronies making him a target when he went to Hogwarts. Oh well, no time to dwell on the past. He had made his choices despite all that, and he was even happy. He even had quite a significant sum of galleons under his name at Gringotts. He may never become the Prince heir, but he didn’t need to. He was his own man now, and that was good enough for him.