Happy Birthday, Severus Snape!

Quote from Heatherlly on January 9, 2023, 8:47 pmSeverus Snape was born on January 9, 1960, making this his 63rd birthday. Being born in early January would make him a Capricorn, which I personally think describes him very well:
Born between 22nd December and 20th January, Capricorns belong to the Earth element of the zodiac and tend to be practical, self reliant, stoic, and ambitious. They are the hardest workers of the zodiac and love nothing more than getting ahead. Ambitious, determined, and strong, they will keep going when others would’ve given up ten miles back. This makes them great partners in life, as well as friends or collaborators.
Capricorns tend to keep small circles, but are loyal and supportive of their friends and loved ones. Capricorns are born shrewd, with an innate sense of what makes other people tick
Ambitious (read: workaholic)
Driven to do their utmost best, Capricorns never let themselves off the hook. They're determined to show other people what they're made of.
Persistent (read: relentless)
Capricorns may not be the *most* talented person in the room, but they do work the hardest. That's why they so often make it: they never give up.
Realistic (read: pessimistic)
Capricorns are clear-eyed, perceptive, down-to-earth and worldly-wise characters. Their feet are so rooted to the ground that they forget to gaze upwards – one could rarely accuse a Capricorn of having their head in the clouds.
Sensitive (read: touchy)
Capricorns have zero tolerance when it comes to being made fun of. They will hunt someone down if they feel mocked or undermined by them. It's a sin that won't be forgotten in their book.
Practical (read: dry)
Capricorns aren't ones for flights of fancy or dreaming up new worlds. They're far more interested in the "here and now" and prefer to deal with the real world.
Disciplined (read: uptight)
Unlike other signs, Capricorns generally aren't tempted by immediate gratification. They are able and quite willing to wait for a bigger reward, even if that means controlling their urges and making numerous sacrifices. Capricorns are rock solid – once they set their eyes on a goal, they will persist until they have achieved it. They rarely, if ever, look for the easy way out.
Capricorns possess an inner resolve and ambition that equips them to handle anything life throws at them with stoicism and self-belief. Capricorns get stuff DONE. They tend to have dark, brooding good looks, and are often known as the strong, silent type. When they give you their attention, it’s 100%. They listen carefully, ask thoughtful questions, and give invaluable advice.
Whether or not you believe in astrology, Severus does fit the description of a Capricorn in most respects. I wonder if JKR did that intentionally, or if it was just a happy coincidence.
Severus Snape was born on January 9, 1960, making this his 63rd birthday. Being born in early January would make him a Capricorn, which I personally think describes him very well:
Born between 22nd December and 20th January, Capricorns belong to the Earth element of the zodiac and tend to be practical, self reliant, stoic, and ambitious. They are the hardest workers of the zodiac and love nothing more than getting ahead. Ambitious, determined, and strong, they will keep going when others would’ve given up ten miles back. This makes them great partners in life, as well as friends or collaborators.
Capricorns tend to keep small circles, but are loyal and supportive of their friends and loved ones. Capricorns are born shrewd, with an innate sense of what makes other people tick
Ambitious (read: workaholic)
Driven to do their utmost best, Capricorns never let themselves off the hook. They're determined to show other people what they're made of.
Persistent (read: relentless)
Capricorns may not be the *most* talented person in the room, but they do work the hardest. That's why they so often make it: they never give up.
Realistic (read: pessimistic)
Capricorns are clear-eyed, perceptive, down-to-earth and worldly-wise characters. Their feet are so rooted to the ground that they forget to gaze upwards – one could rarely accuse a Capricorn of having their head in the clouds.
Sensitive (read: touchy)
Capricorns have zero tolerance when it comes to being made fun of. They will hunt someone down if they feel mocked or undermined by them. It's a sin that won't be forgotten in their book.
Practical (read: dry)
Capricorns aren't ones for flights of fancy or dreaming up new worlds. They're far more interested in the "here and now" and prefer to deal with the real world.
Disciplined (read: uptight)
Unlike other signs, Capricorns generally aren't tempted by immediate gratification. They are able and quite willing to wait for a bigger reward, even if that means controlling their urges and making numerous sacrifices. Capricorns are rock solid – once they set their eyes on a goal, they will persist until they have achieved it. They rarely, if ever, look for the easy way out.
Capricorns possess an inner resolve and ambition that equips them to handle anything life throws at them with stoicism and self-belief. Capricorns get stuff DONE. They tend to have dark, brooding good looks, and are often known as the strong, silent type. When they give you their attention, it’s 100%. They listen carefully, ask thoughtful questions, and give invaluable advice.
Whether or not you believe in astrology, Severus does fit the description of a Capricorn in most respects. I wonder if JKR did that intentionally, or if it was just a happy coincidence.

Quote from Heatherlly on January 9, 2023, 9:08 pmThis is from a source called The Secret Language of Birthdays. I have the book, but I'm not sure where it is. Fortunately, they also have a website.
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Don't allow your ambition to lead you away from the best in you
Remain open to advice; take what others say about you seriouslyNumerology
Those born on the 9th of the month are ruled by the number 9 and by the planet Mars. The number 9 is powerful in its influence on other numbers (any number added to 9 yields that number: e.g., 5+9=14, 4+1=5, and any number multiplied by 9 yields a 9: e.g., 9x5=45, 4+5=9), and January 9 people are similarly influential.
The planet Mars is forceful and aggressive, embodying male energy, but for January 9 people its influence can be colored by Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, which here grants seriousness of purpose but also potentially manipulative tendencies.
ArchetypeThe 9th card of the Major Arcana is The Hermit, who is usually depicted walking with a lantern and a stick; he represents meditation, isolation and quietude. The card also signifies crystallized wisdom and ultimate discipline. The Hermit is a taskmaster who motivates by conscience and guides others on their path. The positive side of this card is stick-to-it-iveness, purpose, profundity and concentration; negative qualities include dogmatism, intolerance, mistrust and discouragement. Such saturnian characteristics are particularly relevant in the case of January 9 people.Apparently, you have to pay to unlock the full report (boo). I'll see if I can find my book – I really want to see if the detailed description is as accurate as what I quoted above.
This is from a source called The Secret Language of Birthdays. I have the book, but I'm not sure where it is. Fortunately, they also have a website.
Learn from them
Don't allow your ambition to lead you away from the best in you
Those born on the 9th of the month are ruled by the number 9 and by the planet Mars. The number 9 is powerful in its influence on other numbers (any number added to 9 yields that number: e.g., 5+9=14, 4+1=5, and any number multiplied by 9 yields a 9: e.g., 9x5=45, 4+5=9), and January 9 people are similarly influential.
The planet Mars is forceful and aggressive, embodying male energy, but for January 9 people its influence can be colored by Saturn, ruler of Capricorn, which here grants seriousness of purpose but also potentially manipulative tendencies.

Quote from The Gestalt Prince on May 2, 2023, 4:08 pmHappy Deathday to Professor Snape
Happy Deathday to Professor Snape