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Harry Potter Book Marathon

Harry Potter Shelf

Planning to binge on the Harry Potter series? You can share your progress updates in this thread, as well as adding thoughts and commentary on non-Snape related aspects of the books.

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I have Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire and Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince on my desk (partly because I forgot what exactly Snape did during the fourth book). Anyway, I only had to jump in at a certain page in each, and I got engrossed.

This is great, because I have been in a major reading slump over the last few weeks and I used work stress as an excuse. I forgot how readable, funny, and engrossing these books are! I need to go back to the beginning and read chronologically. But, I have a ton of sticky tabs and paper slips inside five out of seven of my Harry Potter books. My copies are heavily swollen as a result (except books five and seven).

In book 4, I am up to Harry warning Cedric about the dragons in the first challenge, and in book 6, I am up to the aftermath of Harry oevrhearing Snape and Draco's conversation. But like I said, I need to also do the proper read-through.

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Currently reading: Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince

I have an odd habit of reading in the middle of a book. This is probably because I was having another reading slump (more like a mental block over reading as a whole) and plucked this off the shelf.

Progress so far: pp 129-214 (The aftermath of Draco's attack on Harry, the announcements that Professor Slughorn will teach Potions and Professor Snape will teach DADA, the first DADA lesson, the trip to Hogsmeade, the attack on Katie Bell.)

Then went back to the beginning and read from pp 1-40 so far. Going to read some more this evening.

Why Book 6? Why not begin from Book 1? At this point, I have such a mental block over reading and other things that it's probably best not to question. I get engrossed reading the Harry Potter books, so I am running with that.

What I am doing this time is making summary cards to keep track of the many threads that feature in each chapter, as I am struggling to manage a similar thing in one of my WIPs. This will also help with future Snape-related posts.

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