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Hi, everyone!

My name is MMLF. Well, it's not (it's Deborah), but I have a fandom self and a personal self. Make of that what you will. (MMLF stands for MadameMorganLeFay, because I first met Heather through her BBC Merlin fansite.)

I got into the Harry Potter series in 2011, and I was hooked. At the time, I was just into the world itself, because I have always loved books with magic, books, villains, and mystery. When I joined fandom, I began looking more at the characters, and I think that few would deny the fascinating complexity of Severus Snape. I think many share some of his characteristics, whether we want to admit to it or not: bitterness, taking a long time to overlook a grudge, protectiveness to the point of aggression or even violence. But I don't know how many of us are capable of the utterly self-sacrificing love he displayed throughout the series. That requires a level of optimism that seems almost incongruous with Snape's usual demeanour.

It's a fascinating cocktail, and this is precisely the kind of character that makes me want to write! Give me the contradictory, the controversial, and the broken. As Jane Austen said, "Pictures of perfection, as you know, make me sick and wicked."

(But Snape's love for Lily is pretty perfect...)

I have loved writing since... forever. I am literally always writing something. If not writing, I am thinking about writing. The only thing I love more than writing is reading books. So expect plenty of meta analysis about Snape and other characters as I binge read the Harry Potter series again. And who knows, maybe some new fanfiction?

I am a moderator here, so send me a message if you need any help. I am British, so please don't think I'm ignoring you if there's a time delay between you asking and me answering! I will be on very regularly, in any case.

Looking forward to meeting more of you on this site!

Heatherlly, Snapecentric and 3 other users have reacted to this post.

You and I were both relative latecomers to the HP fandom (I first read the books in 2012). At the time, it was Ryne (another member of our BBC Merlin fansite/close friend) who convinced me to read them. She swore up and down that I was going to "LOVE the Marauders".

Obviously, that didn't happen, but reading those books did open the door to some amazing things. I love that you and I have been able to connect over our shared Snape obsession, one that has persisted over the years when so many other fandoms have come and gone. You're a good friend, a great moderator, and an awesome writer – so glad to have you on board for this new adventure!

mmlf and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.