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How would you fare as Snape's student?

If you were a student at Hogwarts, how'd you deal with Prof. Snape? Would his bullying get to you? Do you see yourself excel in his class or would you struggle?

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaSalvyus

Science was always my weakness between the years of 11 and 18, so while I would try to follow his instructions, I think I'd do pretty poorly

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HeatherllyKrystalNaagaDark AngelBitterBritSalvyus
Quote from Dark Angel on November 13, 2023, 10:22 am

If you were a student at Hogwarts, how'd you deal with Prof. Snape? Would his bullying get to you? Do you see yourself excel in his class or would you struggle?

We never see him bully any students except the Trio and Neville, all of whom had a connection to the most agonizing thing that ever happened to him. For him to behave even remotely that harshly toward the average student just wouldn't make sense, even if that student wasn't necessarily great at potions.

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaDark AngelSalvyus

I have some experience with teachers whose sole purpose was to convince us we were stupid and incompetent, so I know for a fact that Snape's remarks would get to me even if I'm not the one targeted. And I tend to talk back in these situations, which would only make matters worse.

As for marks... I'll try my best just to prove I'm not a dunderhead and I might actually do well so long as he doesn't fail me on purpose for arguing back. Potions seems similar to Chemistry and I'm a bit of nerd, so 🤷

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaWinter's ShadeDark Angel

As a student I always found myself gravitating towards the seemingly harsher teachers, the ones that others didn't really like. They're the ones I can remember when I look back as they left an impression — not negatively, mind.

I probably would be okay in Severus' class. I used to give slight cheek back if a teacher ever gave it to me unfoundedly, which would bother Severus I'm sure and earn me a detention or two. But at the same time, praise, or just acknowledgement of not being a disaster, from those teachers meant the world to me because you knew it was genuine — and that pushed me to do better in their classes.

I feel like I'd be decent enough to follow his instructions, I have strong attention to detail and it's unlikely I'd miss any steps if he's written them on the board.

However, I feel like I would lack the creativity he respects from his students and peers. I wouldn't go as far as to say I'd quote the textbook word for word — but were I called on I'd likely give a paraphrased answer rather than guess and get it wrong.

TLDR; I think I'd do fine. We wouldn't be best mates, but I'm not going to be made to disembowel horned toads for melting cauldrons in class.

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The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaWinter's ShadeDark AngelSalvyus

To be honest I've been told I have photographic memory so I probably do great in his class but with how much I simp for this man... I'll be completely honest I would just mess up on purpose just to get detention with him..

lol this me

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaWinter's ShadeDark AngelBitterBritSalvyus

I actually don't know whether Snape is generally harsh or just with the trio and Neville. In Neville's case, McGonagall is also quite rude in his treatment and she has no traumatizing memories haunting her because of him (at least none we know of), she is just frustrated with his incapacity, Flitwick also insults Seamus at one point iirc so a teacher being nasty to their student seems to be a norm and I imagine it happening with anyone who messes up.

As for how I would deal with Snape... if he treated me like Harry or Neville, I would do everything in my power to do well in his class just to spite him. I rarely talked back to teachers as a student but I would try to anger them by doing well and not giving them a reason to target me again. I would read ahead, I would practice the potions prior to class and then slam a successful vial on his desk. A friend also compared potions to cooking and said that Snape is basically making dangerous soup (XD) and since I am not a bad cook, I would be fine. If I want to and have the right motivation, I can be very meticulous and a perfectionist, you just need to make me and spite would be reason enough.

Then, i would probably develop a crush on him later on and ask him unnecessary questions in a stupid attempt to start a conversation with him and if that failed, I'd probably make him give me detentions just to spend time some alone time with him....let's just say he'd go into an early retirement due to sexual harassment from his students 😅

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 6 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaWinter's ShadeVenusBitterBritSalvyus

As for how I would deal with Snape... if he treated me like Harry or Neville, I would do everything in my power to do well in his class just to spite him. I rarely talked back to teachers as a student but I would try to anger them by doing well and not giving them a reason to target me again. I would read ahead, I would practice the potions prior to class and then slam a successful vial on his desk. A friend also compared potions to cooking and said that Snape is basically making dangerous soup (XD) and since I am not a bad cook, I would be fine. If I want to and have the right motivation, I can be very meticulous and a perfectionist, you just need to make me and spite would be reason enough.

Then, i would probably develop a crush on him later on and ask him unnecessary questions in a stupid attempt to start a conversation with him and if that failed, I'd probably make him give me detentions just to spend time some alone time with him....let's just say he'd go into an early retirement due to sexual harassment from his students 😅

Lol me and darkangel has the same ideas!!😋

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaDark AngelSalvyus

Ok, let's see how I fit in Snape's criteria of students he hates.

  1. James Potter Clone: Nope, so I'm safe there. I don't look like either of Potter so I'm pretty sure not on Snape's shit list there.
  2. Insufferable-know-it-all: Again safe, I don't have habit of answering when I'm not asked and I try to give original definations and explanations so, again saved.
  3. Dunderhead: I'm pretty good at science stuff and used to be good at chemistry and later biochemistry practicals. So I'm sure I can follow his instructions well and won't be a walking disaster like Neville so I'm safe there.

On positive side, I'm a Slytherin so I'm safe from public humiliation if any I incur from Snape, most I would get is a private detention.

Regarding his conduct as a teacher, he has a nice set of hacks regarding Potions and with no-nonsense teaching attitude, I'd be pretty happy in his class. I'd like his classes because I won't be facing negatives because of above mentioned reasons and in fact found myself among the favoured students.

In fact, I'd actually enjoy him tearing apart arrogant snobs and nerdy know-it-all, and let's face it, without Harry's POV and Hermione being his friend, you would've formed a general opinion of them which lined up well with what Snape thought of them.

So yeah, I'd fair good as his students and he'd be one of my favourite teachers.

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalWinter's ShadeDark AngelBitterBritSalvyus

Well I never talked nor raised my hand. So unless he was making his way around the room, I wouldn't say anything to him. I'm more likely to speak up if we're having a one-on-one at my table. And that would be just me double checking with him that I understand what's supposed to be done.

Would I excel - yeah, but not because I liked Potions. I never could stand science, and I worked harder at my most hated subjects.

Heatherlly, mmlf and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaSalvyus