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Lily's Boggart

Alright I discussed Snape boggart a few days back actually but now considering liliy boggart isn't known and she is someone who was snape best friend at one point.

Readers talk about how liliy effected snape yet refused to acknowledge that Snape effected liliy just as much perhaps even more.

I mean we see liliy as a person who is concerned for Snape choices in the prince tale chapter.

She is someone who is emotional by nature in contrast to Snape more guarded demenor.

Her language is expressive and emotional not guarded. Her emotions like her son are easy to read.

She feels too much as seen in her death scene yet unlike Snape can not mange them.

I mean her early marriage to James, her early parentage hood in a society where her worth isn't much she is a muggleborn.

Why did she decide to get married so young when she had no money or job for someone gifted highly or remerkable magically.

She doesn't do anything.

It shows that unlike Snape she couldn't be alone and needed others validation not hers. She doubted her ability unlike him.

Afterall her patronus is a doe which means she is someone in need of validation, companionship, she is emotional and caring all the traits she possess.

Her protective nature over harry is strikingly similar to how doe's care about their young ones.

Her emotional nature as evident by prince tale and Snape worst memory.

Her use of nicknames in her connection with Snape all demonstrate someone deeply involved in personal social connections.

Slughorn called her dynamic and vicious girl again emotional nature which is changeable.

Her willow wand as highlighted in philosopher stone indicates this.

She can't be alone Al and that's why she choose to get married because her fractured friendship with Snape and her broken connection with her sister was too much for her to bear she needed others more and in a sense one could say James was a sort of replacement.

Her boggart would be likely being alone or loneliness in comparison to Snape who would fear identity loss in my option.

Look at her as liliy potter her letter to Sirius indicates someone who is personally invested into connections they are in hiding yet she doesn't truly understand that.

She desires companionship even then but there is nothing  normal about their situation.

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