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“Memories” (Snape/OC) T

Pairings: Severus Snape/Daisy Evans (OC)

Characters: Severus Snape, Daisy Evans (OC), Charity Burbage, Dumbledore, Remus Lupin, Sirius Black, Lily Evans Potter, James Potter, Petunia Dursley

Rating/Warnings: T

Summary: "I wish that you would stay in my memories, but you showed up today just to ruin things."

Daisy Evans was too familiar with heartbreak from the loss of her family and nearly everyone she loved. She was angry at the world and driven close to madness. Until one day, ten years later, Dumbledore came knocking on her door with a job offer at Hogwarts, conveniently the same year her nephew was scheduled to begin attending.

Thrown back into the magical world, Daisy is reunited with her nephew and a memory from her sister’s past: Severus Snape.

Link: Memories (Severus Snape) by SonofaSnitch-x on Wattpad


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