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New Snape x Student Story Idea

So, I essentially want to rewrite the entire HP series book by book, chapter by chapter, but from my OC's point of view and have her gradually gaining a relationship with Snape throughout the series. However, instead of the Cursed Child, she would actually use a Time Turner or something similar to go back in time to the Marauders era and stop Snape from falling to darkness through another few stories.

It would be a very lengthy process, but I really want to do it.

Who would be interested in reading something like this?

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90
It's true that I prefer Snily, but your idea sounds interesting. Have you started working on it yet?
The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and Onyx Deadman have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaOnyx Deadman

I have 3 Chapters written so far of the Philosophers Stone, but not published anywhere yet.

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90
Quote from Onyx Deadman on September 1, 2024, 4:56 pm

I have 3 Chapters written so far of the Philosophers Stone, but not published anywhere yet.

Paste sample here. We'd love to get to know each other. Of course, if you want to.
The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and Onyx Deadman have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaOnyx Deadman

Just the first chapter for now.


Chapter 1 - The Boy Who Lived
The Deadman Manor stood shrouded in the early morning mist, its ancient stone walls silent witnesses to centuries of power, secrecy, and tradition. Within its hallowed halls, a quiet tension hung in the air, a tension that had been building for months, ever since rumors of Lord Voldemort’s downfall had begun to trickle in. The Dark Lord’s sudden and inexplicable defeat at the hands of a mere infant had sent shockwaves through the wizarding world, and nowhere was that felt more acutely than in the Deadman household.
In the grand dining room, where the walls were lined with portraits of stern-faced ancestors, Onyx Deadman sat at the long, polished table, her small hands clasped tightly in her lap. She was only eleven, but there was a maturity in her dark eyes that belied her years. Her black hair, as inky as the stone for which she was named, cascaded down her back in a cascade of unruly curls. She sat perfectly still, her posture impeccable, as she waited for her parents to speak.
Lord Thorne Deadman, her father, sat at the head of the table, his sharp features etched with deep lines of thought. His piercing gaze was fixed on the Daily Prophet spread out before him, the headline glaring up at him: “You-Know-Who Vanquished by The Boy Who Lived!”
Lady Elara Deadman, her mother, stood by the window, her elegant figure framed by the drapes as she stared out into the fog. She was a striking woman, her beauty as timeless as the magic that kept her ageless. But today, there was a shadow of concern on her face, an emotion rarely seen by anyone, let alone her daughter.
“The prophecy was clear,” Thorne said at last, his voice low and controlled. “The Dark Lord would be defeated, but not like this. Not by a child.”
Elara turned from the window, her eyes, the same shade of onyx as her daughter’s, narrowing slightly. “And yet, here we are. The boy has survived, and Voldemort has fallen. This changes everything.”
Onyx listened in silence, her heart pounding in her chest. She knew of the prophecy, had heard whispers of it for as long as she could remember. It was the reason she existed, the reason for her rigorous training, the reason for everything. She had been created, molded, and shaped to face the darkness, to counter the rise of evil. And now, before she had even set foot in Hogwarts, the world had shifted.
“But what does this mean for us?” Onyx asked, her voice steady, though her mind raced with possibilities.
Thorne’s gaze shifted to his daughter, a rare softness in his eyes. “It means, my dear, that the world is more uncertain than ever. The boy may have vanquished the Dark Lord, but the forces of darkness are never truly gone. Your time will come, Onyx. This is only the beginning.”
Elara moved to stand behind her daughter, placing a hand on her shoulder. “You must continue your training, now more than ever. The world will look to Harry Potter, but we know the truth. There is still much work to be done.”
Onyx nodded, the weight of her parents’ words settling heavily on her shoulders. She had always known that her destiny was tied to the rise and fall of dark forces, but she hadn’t anticipated that it would begin like this—with a boy, not much older than herself, thrust into the spotlight.
As her parents continued to discuss the implications of Voldemort’s defeat, Onyx’s mind drifted to the future. To Harry Potter, the boy who lived. She wondered what he was like, what he had gone through. And she wondered if their paths would cross sooner than anyone expected.
In the silence of the grand dining room, Onyx made a silent vow to herself. No matter what happened, no matter how the tides of fate shifted, she would be ready. She would fulfill the role she was born to play, not just as a weapon against darkness, but as something more.
But as her parents continued their discussion, voices low and serious, Onyx couldn’t help but feel a stir of something deep within her—a question she had never dared to ask before, not even in the quiet of her own thoughts.
She glanced at her mother, then her father, and finally, the untouched plate of breakfast before her. The decision had been made long ago, her path set before she had even taken her first breath. And yet, as she sat there, the weight of her future pressing down on her shoulders, Onyx wondered...
Was this truly her destiny, or merely the one her parents had chosen for her?
Onyx looked up at her parents, her dim, black eyes filled with worry, "Mum... Dad... Is defeating the Dark Lord really my only purpose?" she asks with wide eyes as a knot forms in her stomach.
Lady Elara’s gaze softened as she looked down at her daughter, the slight furrow in her brow betraying her concern. She moved closer, kneeling beside Onyx to meet her eyes at level. "Onyx, my love," she began, her voice gentle but firm, "your purpose is not just to defeat the Dark Lord. You are meant for greatness, yes, but that greatness isn’t defined by one single act. It’s in who you are—your strength, your wisdom, your kindness. The world may need you to stand against darkness, but there is so much more to you than just that."
Lord Thorne, still seated at the head of the table, watched his wife and daughter with a solemn expression. "Your mother is right," he added, his tone carrying the weight of his own expectations. "You were born with a great responsibility, but it’s important you understand that your purpose is what you make of it. Defeating the Dark Lord is a part of it, yes, but not the entirety. What you choose to do with your life beyond that... is up to you."
Onyx’s heart ached at their words, both reassured and burdened by them. Her parents’ love was clear, but so too was their belief that she was destined for something more than an ordinary life. The knot in her stomach tightened as she wrestled with the enormity of it all.
"But what if..." she hesitated, her voice trembling slightly, "what if I want to be more than just a weapon? What if I want to... to have friends, to experience life like any other witch? Can I be both, or must I choose?"
Elara exchanged a glance with Thorne, a silent conversation passing between them. "Onyx," Elara said softly, "you are allowed to have your own dreams, your own desires. The world is filled with possibilities, and it’s not wrong to want to explore them. You can have friends, you can live your life, but you must always remember the power you hold and the responsibility that comes with it. You are our daughter, yes, but you are also your own person."
Thorne leaned forward, his gaze intense but not unkind. "The path ahead will be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be one of loneliness or sacrifice alone. Your mother and I have prepared you for this world, but we do not want you to forget that you have the right to choose your own way."
Onyx nodded slowly, the knot in her stomach loosening just a little. Her parents' words were a comfort, though they didn’t fully erase her fears. She knew the weight of the expectations placed upon her, but now, for the first time, she felt a glimmer of hope that perhaps her life could be something more than just a battle against darkness.
And with that thought, a new resolve began to form within her—she would find a way to be both. To fulfill her destiny, yes, but also to carve out a life of her own, one where she could be more than just a weapon. She would be a daughter, a friend, and perhaps one day, even more than that.
The road ahead was uncertain, but as Onyx looked between her parents, she knew she wasn’t alone on it. And for now, that was enough.

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90