Our Policy on Plagiarism and AI Generated Writing

Quote from Heatherlly on July 10, 2023, 6:22 amWHAT IS PLAGIARISM?
Plagiarism is the act of taking someone else's writing and claiming it as your own, usually without their knowledge or consent. This is deeply unethical, something we as a community will not tolerate under any circumstances.
Plagiarism includes (but is not necessarily limited to) stealing content from other people's fanfiction, copying all or part of someone's meta and passing it off as yours, or failing to provide sources for outside content, creating the impression that you wrote it yourself.
What happens if a member is caught plagiarizing?
We will immediately remove any plagiarized content and the member will receive a warning via PM. For repeat offenses, further action may be taken, including posting restrictions and notifying creators that their content is being stolen. While we don't believe in banning people as anything but a last resort, this may also be considered in cases where less drastic measures have proven to be ineffective.
What should I do if I spot plagiarism on the site?
If you know or suspect that another member is plagiarizing, please please PM me or a moderator.
AI writing is generated by submitting prompts to tools such as ChatGPT. AI generated writing can be great for information and entertainment purposes. It can also be used to spark creativity (e.g. generating writing prompts).
While we do allow AI generated writing on this site, it's important to label it as such. Some good examples are our Artificially Generated Fanfiction thread, AI on Harry Potter Characters, and Severus Snape's Challenge Responses. Each of these threads makes it clear that the writing is artificially generated, which is perfectly fine.
What isn't okay is trying to pass off AI generated writing as your own. This is every bit as dishonest as plagiarism and will not be permitted on this site.
What happens if a member is caught doing this?
For first offenses, the member will be given the opportunity to correct the issue (i.e. adding a note to their post(s)). If they refuse, the post(s) in question will be removed.
While we hope this will be sufficient, we will take further action if it becomes an ongoing issue. This may include posting restrictions or loss of other privileges.
What should I do if I notice another member using AI generated writing?
As mentioned above, it's fine as long as they make it clear that the writing is artificially generated. If you know or suspect that they're trying to pass off AI generated writing as their own, however, please PM me or another staff member.
Plagiarism isn't just harmful to others. Those who plagiarize are also harming themselves. While I understand that it might be tempting to take shortcuts, there's absolutely no benefit in doing so. Not only are you robbing yourself of the opportunity to express yourself and improve your skills, but any praise you receive for "your" writing is hollow at best. All it proves is that you've succeeded in lying, which is nothing to be proud of.
Please don't do that to others. More importantly, don't do it yourself. I know writing can be hard, but if you put in the effort, I promise it will be worth it. That's true regardless of your shortcomings, even if you think your writing is shit. The more you do it, the more you'll improve, which is an amazing feeling. Being able to look back and see how much you've learned and grown as a writer? That is something to be proud of, and every bit of the credit will belong to you. 💚
Plagiarism is the act of taking someone else's writing and claiming it as your own, usually without their knowledge or consent. This is deeply unethical, something we as a community will not tolerate under any circumstances.
Plagiarism includes (but is not necessarily limited to) stealing content from other people's fanfiction, copying all or part of someone's meta and passing it off as yours, or failing to provide sources for outside content, creating the impression that you wrote it yourself.
What happens if a member is caught plagiarizing?
We will immediately remove any plagiarized content and the member will receive a warning via PM. For repeat offenses, further action may be taken, including posting restrictions and notifying creators that their content is being stolen. While we don't believe in banning people as anything but a last resort, this may also be considered in cases where less drastic measures have proven to be ineffective.
What should I do if I spot plagiarism on the site?
If you know or suspect that another member is plagiarizing, please please PM me or a moderator.
AI writing is generated by submitting prompts to tools such as ChatGPT. AI generated writing can be great for information and entertainment purposes. It can also be used to spark creativity (e.g. generating writing prompts).
While we do allow AI generated writing on this site, it's important to label it as such. Some good examples are our Artificially Generated Fanfiction thread, AI on Harry Potter Characters, and Severus Snape's Challenge Responses. Each of these threads makes it clear that the writing is artificially generated, which is perfectly fine.
What isn't okay is trying to pass off AI generated writing as your own. This is every bit as dishonest as plagiarism and will not be permitted on this site.
What happens if a member is caught doing this?
For first offenses, the member will be given the opportunity to correct the issue (i.e. adding a note to their post(s)). If they refuse, the post(s) in question will be removed.
While we hope this will be sufficient, we will take further action if it becomes an ongoing issue. This may include posting restrictions or loss of other privileges.
What should I do if I notice another member using AI generated writing?
As mentioned above, it's fine as long as they make it clear that the writing is artificially generated. If you know or suspect that they're trying to pass off AI generated writing as their own, however, please PM me or another staff member.
Plagiarism isn't just harmful to others. Those who plagiarize are also harming themselves. While I understand that it might be tempting to take shortcuts, there's absolutely no benefit in doing so. Not only are you robbing yourself of the opportunity to express yourself and improve your skills, but any praise you receive for "your" writing is hollow at best. All it proves is that you've succeeded in lying, which is nothing to be proud of.
Please don't do that to others. More importantly, don't do it yourself. I know writing can be hard, but if you put in the effort, I promise it will be worth it. That's true regardless of your shortcomings, even if you think your writing is shit. The more you do it, the more you'll improve, which is an amazing feeling. Being able to look back and see how much you've learned and grown as a writer? That is something to be proud of, and every bit of the credit will belong to you. 💚