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Poll: Severus Snape's Boggart?

Which one was Snape's Boggart?
Tobias Snape towering over him
James Potter with an arrogant grin saying because he exists
Remus Lupin as a werewolf lunging at him
Lily Evans kissing James Potter and more
A zombie form of Lily Evans saying that he killed her
Himself dressed in Death Eater insignia with a deranged expression
Dead body of Harry Potter
Lord Voldemort saying he discovered the truth
Albus Dumbledore saying Please before his death
Another form, explain
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Quote from James_Potter on April 1, 2023, 4:54 am

I am sure you saw the show in our seventh year, ah Snivellus 🤣🤣

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HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalWinter's ShadeZombiePotter04

I am pretty sure you are trying to save face among your followers @severussnape

I also think Severus' boggart would change over time and for the most part, I agree with the boggarts @kris listed. I think, though, that Harry's dead body has been his boggart from the moment he swore Dumbledore to protect Harry because it became his sole reason to go on, his only goal. Even if he was discovered by Voldemort and killed, he wouldn't care. He would trust Dumbledore to find another spy, another one to protect Harry, or to do it himself. I don't think Severus ever considered himself to be as important for the outcome of the war as he eventually turned out to be. So it's Harry's dead body, probably with Lily's eyes directly looking at him.

But - and here I stray from the list - I think he wouldn't have a boggart anymore after he learned that Harry has to die. I'm convinced after killing Dumbledore Severus was merely an empty shell, going on because he promised Dumbledore to keep the students as safe as possible but there was no space anymore to be afraid of anything. He knew that he couldn't prevent his former worst fear from happening so what should he still be afraid of? I think the only moment he felt genuine fear after killing Dumbledore was the moment right before he died himself because he thought he wouldn't be able to tell Harry what he needed to know, but apart from that? Complete emptiness and probably a boggart wildly changing from one popular fear to the next because it wouldn't be able to figure Severus out.

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaSalvyusZombiePotter04Altair

Lmao. I am the only one who picked Tobias as his boggart. But yes. It most likely changed over the years, but I somehow doubt it was ever Potter Sr. or Jr. It could have also been dead redhead but that's it.

Naaga and BitterBrit have reacted to this post.
  • I think Snape fear changed or continued to evolve throughout his life. It's very unlikely his boggart was lily till the end of his life she had died and he had accepted so there isn't anything to fear there. It could be seeing himself as a soulless monster or perhaps even himself in death eater robes and mask. It can't be the pensive because had already faced his fears. His worst memories are in harry hands so that option is impossible.

The most appropriate answer I believe would be that Snape fear unlike the other characters kept evolving because he has put himself into greater risks at general. There is nothing left to be unexplored. Fears arise from the unknown. Snape can't be afraid of danger. He doesn't seem to be afraid of lord Voldemort name in the pensive memories so I think it could be the fear of himself by the end of his life.

It could also be interestingly the fear that harry might find Snape motivations and history. The fear of being exposed.

Dumbledore boggart was his sister dead body but it was likely due to the fear of being responsible for his sister death. Also the act of not knowing that who was her killer between his brother and the dark wizard.

I know his name but my spellings of ( dumbledore darker twin) are weak.


Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaZombiePotter04
I'm just betting on Lily's dead body. 😭
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The Gestalt PrinceNaagaZombiePotter04
Quote from Heatherlly on March 8, 2023, 12:13 am

According to the Harry Potter Wiki, his Boggart is Lord Voldemort.

While the source for this information might be dubious, I think it's the only option that makes sense. Ultimately, it is Voldemort that is the source of the worst pain Severus ever suffered, Voldemort who stands between him and his only chance at redemption. Voldemort murdered the love of his life, and right up until Severus's final breath, Voldemort has the capacity to cause him more misery than anyone else in existence.

None of the other options can touch that. Either they're minor in comparison, or they directly stem from Voldemort himself.

ETA: I don't think Voldemort's Boggart would be limited to Severus's fear of discovery. The reasons he has to fear him go much deeper than that.

I find this to be a very interesting take on his (canon) Boggart, so, thank you for the new perspective (for me, at least) on it! I didn't know where the information could be taken from (don't remember it ever being mentioned/clarified in the books/films), but ever since I found it on the Wiki, I've found it to be quite foolish, considering I am of the belief that he would see Lily accusing him of murdering her or just seeing her dead body (I could've sworn it used to actually list "Lily Potter's dead body" as his Boggart instead, but I could be wrong). I presumed Voldemort didn't really have that much of an effect on him, beside the usual fear and maybe the extra fear that would come with being a double agent.

However, now that I've read your take on it, my opinions have swayed somewhat. The fact that you mentioned that Voldemort is the actual source of Sev's pain made me think, because I think, aside from Lily unfriending him and marrying James, that that is true. Also, it is very true that (maybe besides Dumbledore, would he desire to), Voldemort would be the only one still alive that would be able of causing him true pain. And, that you mentioned that the fear of Voldemort would probably be much deeper than just about being found out is also a really good point!

Anyway, just wanted to say you made some really good points and offered me a new perspective on Severus' potential Boggart, so thanks! <3

PS: If we had been talking about child/teen Severus, then I think it would either be, Tobias towering over him/abusing him The Marauders finding more ways to bully and humiliate him or, in case of teenage Sev, maybe even something along the lines of him confessing his love for her to Lily and her rejecting him/maybe even laughing at him.

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaBitterBritRobaku90
Quote from Naaga on March 8, 2023, 1:06 am

I vote for Dead body of Harry Potter.

Severus Snape took a vow to protect Harry and he dedicated his life to protect him.

Seeing a dead Harry represents Snape's failure in protecting Lily's son, inability in finding redemption through Harry and letting Voldemort win the war.

His reaction after Dumbledore told him that Harry must die said it all, that his purpose for living through the remorse of causing Lily's death was protecting Harry.

Ohh, that is a very interesting and believable take as well! Good points as well!

The Gestalt Prince and Naaga have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaaga
Quote from FIQ on March 9, 2023, 3:44 am

I think several of these options might be close to what Snape's Boggart was in various moments in time.

I think his first Boggart when young (but old enough to have proper fears that Boggarts can latch onto) was an angry Tobias Snape. After the "prank", I think it changed into Remus Lupin. Ultimately I suspect this morphed to something else when he joined the Death Eaters, but we don't know anything about that period pre-Prophecy, so I can't really say what it would be. Possibly Lord Voldemort saying something along the lines of "you failed me" with imminent death awaiting, but I'm not confident in this.

After the Prophecy, but before her death, I think a dead Lily (not zombified, but clearly dead). Not sure if she'd blame him for it though, I think the scene itself is enough. After she actually did die and Snape vows to protect Harry, I believe a dead Harry was his final boggart that he retained until his death. This is also the one I voted for.

Also, while I'm sure that Snape would be rather distressed by having to see James and Lily... doing it so to speak, I don't feel it's something he'd be *afraid* of to the point of triggering the Boggart.

Good points! I do agree with you about Severus possibly having had a lot of different Boggarts throughout his lifetime.

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The Gestalt PrinceNaaga
Quote from Krystal on March 9, 2023, 7:21 am

@fredriq, you were right in the opinion that these options represent what I feel were Snape's fears in different phases of his life.

Child Snape upto 'Prank' : Tobias Snape towering over him because he feared his father and wished to get away from him through the Hogwarts and carried both physical and psychological scars from it.

From 'Prank' to SWMRemus Lupin as a werewolf lunging at him, I can see him traumatised by encounter with the dangerous XXXXX rated feral dark creature and Dumbledore's mishandling of the situation. I headcanon this as the trigger for Snape's development of Sectumsempra.

SWM to Seventh Year : James Potter with an arrogant grin saying because he exists, it was the worst encounter with the marauders for him. Not only he was gagged, chocked and stripped naked, he lost his best friend due to the incident and James Potter is manifestation for it.

Seventh Year to Prophecy: Lily Evans kissing James Potter and more, here he was fearing Lily falling for Potter's lies and more means marriage and children i.e lifelong commitment, he would've feared losing Lily to Potter forever.

Prophecy to Lily's deathAnother form, the dead body of Lily as mentioned by FIQ is the right response, he feared Lily's death to the point that he was willing to beg from a psychopathic murderer and then his former Headmaster for a chance to save her and I regret that I didn't put this option, so consider this my response in Another.

From Lily's death to Harry's Hogwarts fourth year: A zombie form of Lily Evans saying that he killed her, a manifestation of his guilt and remorse, I can see him having this as his nightmares.

Harry's fourth year to Voldemort's resurrection: Lord Voldemort saying he discovered the truth, Severus spent the year gradually preparating himself for Voldemort's return seeing the darkening of the mark. He was scared to encounter Voldemort as noted by Harry through his expression yet he was dedicated to duty and as told by him, he won't run away like a coward.

Voldemort's resurrection to Dumbledore's death: Dead body of Harry Potter, as explained by @naaga that he was dedicated to the protection of Harry since Lily's death and Harry's death was akin to failing Lily again.

Dumbledore's death to his appointment as Headmaster: Albus Dumbledore saying Please before his death, while I won't call Dumbledore as his best friend, he was the only man to know Severus' true self, the man who granted him a chance for redemption and someone Severus grew to respect and admire, he had never killed directly till that time(my headcanon), so I consider this form as manifestation of his self-loathing, anguish and remorse for killing a dear friend.

Headmaster Snape to his death: Himself dressed in Death Eater insignia with a deranged expression, I believe this form as manifestation of his identity crisis. By this point, he had given up Harry for death, he kept seeing people die like Charity Burbage and scorned by his friends at Hogwarts. He kept himself going through the motions and used piece of Lily's love in letters and photo to remind himself his reasons for fighting. He feared falling back into the dark side and feared that side of himself manifesting again as seen in this form.

Thus, my option is his life's last fear, Himself dressed in Death Eater insignia with a deranged expression

It is almost surprising how much I agree with these takes. Well done! <3

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The Gestalt PrinceNaaga
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