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Poll: Snape's Marauder friend on the Hogwarts Express

Severus Snape's one Marauder friend on the Hogwarts Express?
James Potter
Sirius Black
Remus Lupin
Peter Pettigrew

If possibly in an AU Severus gets to befriend a Marauder on the Hogwarts Express before the start of their animosity, i.e James and Sirius didn't antagonise him and sit in different compartments, which one he would choose?

Feel free to elaborate on your reason.

Heatherlly, mmlf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaaga

Ok, I went with Sirius Black due to their similarities assuming that James and Sirius sit in different compartments from each other otherwise that's moot.

In case James and Sirius are not sitting in same compartment, James is not there to make Sirius bond over their similarities in nature.

Cue enter Snape, kid looking forward to sorting in Slytherin. Sirius was looking forward to Slytherin(he was nervous) till James in canon made him want to break the traditions.

They bond over being destined to Slytherin and end up being bffs in Slytherin ironically due to their similarities. They are both from abusive households, share Slytherin ancestory and their affinity for dark.

Though, this Sirius might end up becoming a death eater due to no Gryffindor and Snape might end up becoming death eater due to different reasons from original canon.

Heatherlly, mmlf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceKrystal

I also voted for Sirius based on the reasons mentioned above.

Side note: That would make for a really interesting AU.

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and Naaga have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaaga

Right, Sirius is the most logical choice when he had not joined James.

I agree with @heatherlly that it would make an interesting AU. I had once read a fic like that and loved best friend Sirius.

There was a fic I read where Sirius himself told Severus they would've been friends if he went to Slytherin.

[Source: Harry Potter and the Death Eater Menace by The Sinister_Man A03 (MMLF)]

Then, he leaned forward and stage-whispered to the other man.

"If I'd gone into Slytherin like the Hat wanted, you and I would have been best friends!"

Severus stared at him in astonishment and then barked out a laugh of disbelief. "What?! That's … that's madness!"

"No, Sev, no. Just think about it. Me and you as 11-year-olds sharing a dorm in the scary Slytherin dungeons? Both of us coming from abusive homes? Both of us having just been separated from our best friends, one of whom was a Muggleborn and the other from a notorious blood traitor family? Oh yeah! We'd have been best buds. We'd have probably stayed up all night comparing childhood traumas!"

Snape put his hands over his face as Sirius continued.

"And it might have been better for both of us. You'd have helped me do better in Potions. I mean, I did fine in general – got a NEWT, of course – but you could have pulled me up to an O. And in exchange, I could have gotten you a make-over!"

At that, Snape's head jerked up. "A … make-over?!" he sputtered.

"Oh, don't give me that shocked expression, Sev! Harry told me that you were the one who told him to sort out his own hair, something no one's ever been able to get James to do. I'd have done the same for you if we'd been friends back then. And gotten you some clothes that weren't all-black." He tilted his head. "You should wear lots of red with your complexion. No wait! Red would be tacky…. Burgundy!"

"I assure you, Black, that I can imagine no universe in which you and I became fast friends by bonding over our shared psychological flaws. Nor one in which I would allow you to decide my fashion choices no matter how good you think I would look in … burgundy!" He paused. "Oh, and don't call me Sev!"

"Well, I'm sorry!" He suddenly paused to burp loudly. "But I need a new nickname for you since I can't use the one I used back when we hated each other! You don't like Sev? Okay, how about … Snappy!"

"I can think of nothing more likely to turn us back into sworn enemies once more."

"Alright, alright," Sirius said while holding a hand up in a placating gesture. "I'll keep working on it."

The Gestalt Prince and Naaga have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaaga

I've tweaked your title, Krystal. Could you link to the fanfic for the extract above?

I chose Remus Lupin. I think that Snape bonds with intellect, and despite Lupin's failings, he turned out to be a competent teacher, which suggests a great deal of learning. I can see where they would disagree, but I also think that Lupin as an outcast would have great sympathy for Snape.

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaWinter's Shade

@mmlf, this is the link to the fanfic for the mentioned dialogue.

P.S: I expected Lupin to win but barring mmlf, no other voters gave justification for Lupin, most likely it is Lupin's likability among most Snape fans.

mmlf, The Gestalt Prince and Naaga have reacted to this post.
mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaaga

Remus is the most tame compared to the others, though I agree Sirius makes the most sense, as it would give him an ally and reduce the number of enemies by 1. But I can't get behind someone who would try to kill someone, or inflict a fate worse than death, just because they aren't fond of them.

Heatherlly, mmlf and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaWinter's ShadeAlba

TLDR: Lupin wouldn't overwhelm, insult, and / or irritate Sev.


I don't think Black would have the ability or skill at the age of eleven to recognize the those similarities (mention above by other people) during the brief first impression that would take place at 9 + 3/4 or the train: nor do I believe Severus would be willing to unbox any of that to a stranger. A bit of speculation, but Black seemed to have found a leader in Potter. If that was something that pulled Black to Potter, that would not be present with Severus, as he was already settled with Lily as an equal(ish). I believe Black would overwhelm and irritate Severus.

That bit of speculation is also my conviction with Pettigrew, although it could also be power and protection Pettigrew is drawn to; things Black does not seem to lack. All three traits are not possessed by Severus at eleven years of age. If Pettigrew's behavior of flattery and groveling was presented to Severus, I think Severus would see it as mockery or pity, and therefore Severus would reject or jab back at Pettigrew.

As for Potter, similarly enough to Draco Malfoy, gives the distinct air of a child of a wealthy family who is relatively shelter by the parents. This might (probable in my mind) lead to Potter irritating or insulting (via tactlessness) Severus on multiple fronts with personality (also much like Draco Malfoy), blood status, socioeconomic class, or even family structure and friends / loved ones in their lives.

For Lupin, I believe he would have searched for belonging. That could be true for the other two, but Lupin is least likely to clash unpleasantly with Lily or Severus. Lupin also has ties to both wizwitch and no-maj culture. I would suspect there would be tension in the center of Lupin and his father's relationship, as John (or is it Lyall?) Lupin formerly advocated against Dark creatures, which was the damning cause for young Lupin's lycanthropy. Reserved and tied to the Dark Arts without regarding them as evil would fulfil gaps in what both boys find in their canon friendships / associations, and could be a strong foundation for a friendship between them.

Merlin's dysfunctional cloacae, this was long.

Heatherlly, mmlf and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaaga