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Poll: What would Snape do if he survived Nagini?

What would Snape do on survival?
Fake his death
Taken to Azkaban for imprisonment
Return to Hogwarts to teach DADA or Potions
Retire to a nice cottage in countryside
Get Therapy
Find Love
Become next Dark Lord
Other option (please elaborate in comment)
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You might be wondering what would our favourite Professor do upon his survival. There is your chance. 😸

Vote for the most appealing option and feel free to comment why you believe so.

Heatherlly, SanctuaryAngel and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllySanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalDark AngelJaySMSalvyus

Multiple options are viable to me but I think that even if he survived, he wouldn't be able to.lead a happy life. That's why I chose Azkaban, he would stay there as penance if Harry and the others vouched for him and got him out, then maybe Hermione would suggest arranging Therapy for him, he would never go voluntarily.

Faking his death and leaving the country sounds as well. Even if he escaped Azkaban, he would never live a normal life in the UK and still be notorious as a former Death Eater or surviving Death Eaters would try to murder the traitor. The cottage in the middle of nowhere sounds about right as well...given how much he hates people.

Love and becoming the next Dark Lord...unlikely...although the latter would be an interesting plot twist!

Heatherlly, SanctuaryAngel and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllySanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaWinter's ShadeJaySMSalvyus

He might continue to stay alive just to watch over Harry on Lily's behalf or he might just off himself.

Hear me out.

Severus' love and guilt allowed him to be manipulated into obtaining a new purpose but telling Harry he had to die at the end, he probably saw as betraying Lily once again. It was a tough call to make. He had to choose between the wizarding world or his personal vow to protect Lily's son. He wouldn't feel like he deserved a second chance at life after that and would commit to his initial thought of wishing he were dead and follow through with it. He would probably see it as a mercy.

Heatherlly, SanctuaryAngel and 6 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllySanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaWinter's ShadeDark AngelBitterBritSalvyus
Quote from Dark Angel on July 16, 2023, 3:21 pm

Multiple options are viable to me but I think that even if he survived, he wouldn't be able to.lead a happy life. That's why I chose Azkaban, he would stay there as penance if Harry and the others vouched for him and got him out, then maybe Hermione would suggest arranging Therapy for him, he would never go voluntarily.

Faking his death and leaving the country sounds as well. Even if he escaped Azkaban, he would never live a normal life in the UK and still be notorious as a former Death Eater or surviving Death Eaters would try to murder the traitor. The cottage in the middle of nowhere sounds about right as well...given how much he hates people.

Love and becoming the next Dark Lord...unlikely...although the latter would be an interesting plot twist!

While I agree with most of this, I wanted to comment on a couple points:

"maybe Hermione would suggest arranging Therapy for him"

I don't think therapy would be an option for Severus, at least not in a way that would be canon compliant. 2023 or even 1998 mental health norms really don't apply to the magical world. They seem decades behind us in that respect… the effects of trauma and/or psychological issues are generally ignored in all but the most extreme cases where the person is institutionalized.

As for Hermione… she might be Muggle-born, but that doesn't necessarily mean she'd know much about modern standards for psychological care or how they could be beneficial. As someone who is roughly the same age as the Golden Trio/was a teenager in the 90s, I can tell you that my knowledge about mental health was rudimentary at best. Kids who had a diagnosis and/or attended therapy were the exception rather than the rule, and even in those cases, it wasn't something that was discussed on a regular basis.

The difference between Hermione and me is that I attended regular (i.e. Muggle) middle/high school (ages 11-18). She spent that time at Hogwarts, effectively isolated from the Muggle world. So the question is, where would she have learned about therapy or mental health from a Muggle perspective? When? She would've been too young before she started at Hogwarts, and afterwards, she was completely immersed in the magical world.

Portraying Hermione as a Muggle expert (or at least quite knowledgeable) is a common trope, though it really isn't backed up by canon. She knows more about the Muggle world than someone like Ron Weasley or Draco Malfoy, but her knowledge is that of a child and one we can assume was reasonably sheltered. She didn't live in that world as an adult or even as a teenager, which would naturally limit her understanding of more serious topics from a Muggle perspective.

This is true for every character I can think of with Muggle ties. They all seem desperate (Severus) or at least completely willing (Hermione) to abandon, ignore, or attempt to erase that part of themselves. I guess it isn't surprising given the way Muggles are portrayed in the series (either horrible or totally insignificant), but it's frustrating. I would have loved to have seen at least one character who embraced both sides of themselves, someone who chose to have Muggle friends, a Muggle job, Muggle partner or spouse, whatever. That would've helped blur the lines between the Muggle and Magical world, creating an environment where Muggle influence (e.g modern concepts like therapy) might have had a bigger impact.

"...given how much he hates people."

A lot of people say this, but there's no evidence for it. Yes, there are specific people he dislikes, but in those cases, there are always valid (or at least understandable) reasons. With everyone else, he's either neutral or in a few cases (Dumbledore, Draco, Narcissa, Minerva, Slughorn) he seems to genuinely respect and/or care about them.

I'm not faulting you for this perception. "Snape hates people" is such a common trope that it's more or less treated as canon. My point is that it's an oversimplification, one I personally think is inaccurate and unfair. Severus might not be a social butterfly or have many close relationships, but there are plenty of reasons for that that have nothing to do with misanthropy.

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 9 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaWinter's ShadeDark AngelGhostBitterBritJaySMSalvyusAri

I think a few of these options can still exist together.

My vote went to retiring to the countryside - I think the first thing he'd do is retreat and likely disappear for a while. Assuming he is cleared from the Ministry - I don't see him evading authorities or becoming a wanted man except for a very good reason. Because what life would that be for him? He could fake his death, which is also possible.

I think he'd want to disappear for a while, and figure out what to do with this second chance of his. Without a master to obey orders from, he'd be a free man - something he's never truly been since the time he left school prior to joining the Death Eaters. So at this point, he'd be lost and confused, not knowing what to do with himself in the time he has gained. I don't believe he ever expected to survive, so now he'd be at a complete standstill.

Azkaban is always a possibility, and he could have very well given himself up willingly, but I wholeheartedly believe Kinglsey can work in his favor and clear him with Harry's help - at this point, Harry being the one who killed Voldemort would now be an important voice for him.

Ending his life is also possible. I guess depending how things pan out from the other options, or if he continues to be shunned by the wizarding world for his past crimes. If people are still casting stones, and if he feels there are no other options, he might consider that especially if Azkaban is in his near future.

Returning to Hogwarts - This would never happen immediately, and if so, there needs to be a very good reason for this happening at all. Perhaps 10 years later when he's asked to step back into his old role and he feels comfortable to return, then maybe. But now that he has a choice, teaching young children would not be one of them.

Becoming the Dark Lord - A definite no.

Getting therapy - in the magical world, we hear of no such thing. Sadly. And if I'm to be very honest, I don't see him wanting to be subject to that willingly. But perhaps he may find someone to finally confide in, perhaps even Minerva being one of his oldest living friends. But I really think that, with time, he will be able to recover slowly by himself and with his own means and pace. He was just never within the right part of his life and circumstances to do so before.

Finding love - This definitely wouldn't be a priority for him, nor would he ever purposely be looking for a future wife, but with time for himself and slow healing, he may start to be open to new people in his life. So this is highly possible when he can learn to be his own person and not someone else's puppet. Discovering who he is now will be his biggest challenge, and once he can begin to find acceptance, and lessen his guilt and self-hate, the path to love will be a wholesome one.

So, many of these options can still apply simultaneously, but I think initially, he'd want to retreat in solitude and possibly live reclusively until he figures out his new path in life.

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 6 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaWinter's ShadeDark AngelBitterBritAri

Just as dear @sanctuaryangel said, Severus would retire to a quiet life without the commitments and media attention he surely could have at the end of the war.
He would disappear from sight to recharge his spirit after a lifetime of quests, work and PR as a capable double player.
I think he would choose a Muggle location without any wizards around who might recognise him, but my mind more to a cottage in the country goes to a seaside resort on some remote Pacific island.
Precisely because the sea, the sun and the beach are so different from him, he would like to start over in a place opposite to his way of life.
Besides this choice, in my headcanon, he would abandon his all-black clothes and choose something light-coloured (or at least partly so), as a symbol of his inner forgiveness and redemption after having fulfilled his mission.
Perhaps he would also cut his hair to better withstand the high temperatures ❤️

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaWinter's ShadeDark AngelInterwovenMadness

I voted Fake his death because I feel it was perfect time for Snape to away from all wizarding world dramas

Fake his death: My reason is similar to @sanctuaryangel that first thing he'd do is retreat and disappear for a while. The guy clearly needed a break after all the bullshit he has been through and he may or may not return, depending upon circumstances. Many of my favourite post-war fics have this scenario where Snape fakes his death. The real reason he fakes death is Harry leaking out his greatest secret, his love for Lily in front of whole crowd. I once read a fic, where Snape has a partner who saves him, and Snape disillusioned himself to aid Hogwarts. Then, he saw Harry's dialogue with Voldemort, felt mortified and compelled to disappear. He may or may not inform some people of his survival like McGonagall, Kingsley, Dumbledore etc.

Azkaban: Snape has done more than enough for penance, I don't think he would want to go to Azkaban and people like Harry, McGonagall, Kingsley, Dumbledore (portrait) will not let him taken. In canon, many people like Malfoys got away without Azkaban with just Harry's word, there is no reason Snape won't.

Return to Hogwarts to teach DADA or Potions: No, never, nada. He won't step a foot in the castle again unless situation demands it.

Suicide: No, Snape has changed a lot from the man who wanted to die from guilt of Lily's death. His last year, he had done stuff independent of Lily like choosing Dumbledore's greater good over Lily's will of protecting her son. Snape may feel lost without purpose after unexpected survival but he sure as hell won't take coward's way out (in his opinion).

Retire to a nice cottage in countryside: Same reason as @sanctuaryangel and @giosnape.

Get Therapy: He won't get or seek therapy as explained awesomely by @heatherlly.

Find Love: Not his first choice, he won't seek it but if he happens to meet someone who he falls for, why won't he. It may happen in late result of his other choices.

Become next Dark Lord: Nah, but Dark Lord Snape has a nice ring to it. 😸

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 8 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalWinter's ShadeDark AngelGiorgiaBitterBritInterwovenMadnessSalvyusAri

I chose 'Fake his death' because of the reasons mentioned by @naaga. Severus would go to a Caribbean and Pacific island and get some much needed sun, drinking cocktails and relaxing.

Heatherlly and Salvyus have reacted to this post.

I chose other.

My HC goes like this:

As he lay in the shrieking shack, bleeding out and barely alive, Fawkes appeared. He used his tears to close the wounds then transported Snape to a little cottage in Japan in a flash of brilliant light.

Before he died, Dumbledore contacted an old friend he had met while traveling. He told her that his dearest friend might be in need of help after the war and a safe place to stay. So, together they planned that should Snape be near death, Fawkes would heal his injuries as much as possible and transport Snape to her location.

She spends weeks getting him back on his feet. He looses his voice, but he never planned on using it again anyways, the last year having been the straw that broke the camels back and destroyed his desire to be close to anyone ever again. The scars that litter his throat are nasty, but he doesn't seem to care much. After all, he was never seen as anything less than repulsive, so what's one more defect in his appearance?

As he's lived his life under someone else's thumb, he isn't sure how to live for himself. The woman, having been told by Dumbledore prior about Snapes need to live for someone else/purpose, suggests that, perhaps, becoming the village witch might be something he could do.

Now he lives his days in a small cottage, tending to his garden, inventing and brewing, reading and helping the odd person. While he's physically mended, mentally he's still a wreck.

The people of the village try to befriend him, but he simply refuses, scared that they'll either abandon him when he makes a mistake (lily) or end up hating him (Minerva, Pomona, Filius), or even end up dying (Charity, Albus). He's now too tired and too scared to let anyone in.

His self esteem has never been lower. Having been bullied his entire life and then having to endure the extreme level of hatred everyone had for him for the entire year has made him internalize the belief that he is a disgusting monster that deserves to be alone, and that anyone who clames to be his friend is lying and will eventually end up turning their backs on him the moment he makes a mistake. The only thing keeping him going is his job as the village witch and Fawkes who has decided to become his new familliar.

I've got more but I didn't wanna make this post too long lmao.



Heatherlly, Dark Angel and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyDark AngelSalvyusZain
Quote from Ghost on August 21, 2023, 9:03 am

I chose other.

My HC goes like this:

As he lay in the shrieking shack, bleeding out and barely alive, Fawkes appeared. He used his tears to close the wounds then transported Snape to a little cottage in Japan in a flash of brilliant light.

Before he died, Dumbledore contacted an old friend he had met while traveling. He told her that his dearest friend might be in need of help after the war and a safe place to stay. So, together they planned that should Snape be near death, Fawkes would heal his injuries as much as possible and transport Snape to her location.

She spends weeks getting him back on his feet. He looses his voice, but he never planned on using it again anyways, the last year having been the straw that broke the camels back and destroyed his desire to be close to anyone ever again. The scars that litter his throat are nasty, but he doesn't seem to care much. After all, he was never seen as anything less than repulsive, so what's one more defect in his appearance?

As he's lived his life under someone else's thumb, he isn't sure how to live for himself. The woman, having been told by Dumbledore prior about Snapes need to live for someone else/purpose, suggests that, perhaps, becoming the village witch might be something he could do.

Now he lives his days in a small cottage, tending to his garden, inventing and brewing, reading and helping the odd person. While he's physically mended, mentally he's still a wreck.

The people of the village try to befriend him, but he simply refuses, scared that they'll either abandon him when he makes a mistake (lily) or end up hating him (Minerva, Pomona, Filius), or even end up dying (Charity, Albus). He's now too tired and too scared to let anyone in.

His self esteem has never been lower. Having been bullied his entire life and then having to endure the extreme level of hatred everyone had for him for the entire year has made him internalize the belief that he is a disgusting monster that deserves to be alone, and that anyone who clames to be his friend is lying and will eventually end up turning their backs on him the moment he makes a mistake. The only thing keeping him going is his job as the village witch and Fawkes who has decided to become his new familliar.

I've got more but I didn't wanna make this post too long lmao.



This actually has fanfic potential and recently@zain shared an interesting Tumblr post that also featured Fawkes coming to Snape's rescue.

And don't hesitate to elaborate on your headcanon, I personally love reading long posts. 😊

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