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Relationship between Severus Snape and Draco Malfoy

I feel this relationship is often underrated in Snape discourse, what do you feel about Snape and Draco?

How close were they?

Do you think Snape was Draco's Godfather?

Did Snape's relationship with Draco affect his opinion of Harry?

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceWinter's ShadeDark Angel

Well, Snape being Draco's Godfather is never mentioned in canon, is it? It's just one of these very common fanon ideas that are so ubiquitous, it is taken for canon. Kinda like how everyone assumes Tobias is an alcoholic and excessively physically abusive (there's no proof in canon, Snape says his father doesn't like anything much and that suggests a more stoic personality and we don't see the kid battered an bruised either, then again consider the times; a husband who sometimes slaps his wife around and physically disciplines his child was the norm).

Back to the topic, Snape obviously associates with the Malfoys given how readily Narcissa sought him out for help and even Umbridge mentions that Lucius has spoken highly of Severus. I don't see why Lucius would bother if there weren't a semblance of kinship among them. I personally never saw Snape and Lucius as friends because for that to work out, they'd have to be equals which they are not. I see Lucius taking on a mentor kind of role for Snape and Snape being a charity case for Lucius.

As for Snape, it is hard to tell because he is a in essence a liar. He may associate with fellow Death Eaters but how many of his interactions with them are genuine? Later on, he probably did feel responsible for Draco and wanted to prevent him form a fate similar to his own but otherwise? Draco is a Slytherin James Potter in essence, I don't see Snape really liking the kid but he has to tolerate him and the other Death Eater kids, lest their parents get suspicious of his loyalties.

Snape's dislike for Harry has everything to do with his dislike for James and Harry practically being the reason Lily died. Petty yes but it makes sense. I don't see in any way how Draco would fit into the equation.

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaWinter's ShadeInterwovenMadness

I think they were very close. Snape was quite close with Malfoys as seen multiple points throughout the books and he watched Draco grow up, sometimes even helped taking care of him.

Snape favoured Draco since first class, he pointed out Draco's potion to others for reference to quality. He gave valuable advice to Draco multiple times and was gentle and assuring to Draco after Harry's Sectumsempra incident.

While there is no canon evidence of Snape being Draco's Godfather, I know from a third party source Tom Felton's friend who was told by JKR that Snape was indeed Draco's Godfather. It could be a retcon like many post canon additions but word came from JKR herself which explains Snape's closeness to Draco.

Snape swore unbreakable vow for the sake of Draco and Narcissa on his own agency, he wasn't told by Dumbledore to do so.

I frankly hate when fandom try to pawn all Snape's actions to Dumbledore and Lily, they were important to him but his life didn't completely revolve around them.

I think Draco did affect Snape's opinion of Harry. Harry and Draco didn't get a good relationship from Hogwarts express. Draco being a snitch, told his uncle Severus how Harry and Ron were mean to him and denied him friendship. Snape who got bad impression of Harry after that stare since in sorting dinner, could've concluded Harry being arrogant like his father who thinks himself above Slytherins and walked in first potion class with bad understanding of Harry's character and things only escalated from there.

He encountered many skirmishes between Trio and Draco's gang where Draco often fained innocence and Snape gave benefit of doubt to Draco. It didn't help that Snape often brought out Harry's inner James the most, where Harry behaved arrogantly in front of Snape.

Following scene is very interesting for me, it is from OOTP where Snape indeed caught Harry acting like James vs Draco.

Malfoy’s hand flew towards his wand, but Harry was too quick for him; he had drawn his own wand before Malfoy’s fingers had even entered the pocket of his robes.
The voice rang across the Entrance Hall. Snape had emerged from the staircase leading down to his office and at the sight of him Harry felt a great rush of hatred beyond anything he felt towards Malfoy … whatever Dumbledore said, he would never forgive Snape … never …
‘What are you doing, Potter?’ said Snape, as coldly as ever, as he strode over to the four of them.
‘I’m trying to decide what curse to use on Malfoy, sir,’ said Harry fiercely.
Snape stared at him.
‘Put that wand away at once,’ he said curtly. ‘Ten points from Gryff—’

This scene further consolidates Snape's impression of Harry being James 2.0, no wonder he could've thought Draco was in teen Snape's shoes, that explains Snape's advices to him.

The Gestalt Prince, Winter's Shade and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceWinter's ShadeDark AngelBitterBrit