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Round Robin: A Potter Manor Christmas Party

Title: A Potter Manor Christmas Party

Premise: Mary notices that Lily isn't enjoying the festivities at the Potter Manor. After getting her hands on Lily's phone, she scrolls through her contacts and finds Snape is still saved as 'Sev'. She decides to take the initiative and contact him. Hijinks ensues.

Limitations: Endgame Snily. All characters are 40 years younger than in canon, and the story takes place on 25 December 2018; Severus and Lily would be 18 at this point. This story will take place over the course of a single day.

Allowed Points of View: Severus, Lily, Mary

Note: Please be sure to read our official Round Robin rules before participating. Thank you!

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A Potter Manor Christmas Party


Mary had never enjoyed crowds, but the Christmas party at the Potter Manor made her feel conflicted. It was crowded, no doubt, but there were enough rooms for her to retreat to; she'd considered spending most of it outside, but she wasn't one for the cold. Marlene wasn't having any problem at all, although the drinks might've had something to do with her cheer; at the moment, she was busy fussing over cleaning the drink she'd spilled on Remus, the latter of the two looking tired and pale from what Sirius and Peter described as a "bad Wednesday", whatever that meant. Alice and Frank had come as well, which was the first time in a long time that they'd had a break from work, and they were both being entertained by James.

Leaving Lily alone by the hors d'oeuvres table.

Lily wasn't happy, to say the least; she hadn't been happy since her friendship with Snape started to sour. Everyone thought (or at least, everyone in James's circle of friends) that dating James in her final year would've brought her mood up. It hadn't. Superficially, perhaps, but Mary could tell it hadn't, especially not after hearing about the double date Lily had been on with her sister and their dates. Mary didn't know the details, but if she had to guess, it had been a battle of egos between the two men.

"Alright, Lils?" James asked as he approached the table where Lily and Mary stood.

"I'm fine," Lily replied with a superficial smile.

"Just checking." James grabbed a cracker with caviar from Lily's plate and popped the whole thing in his mouth.

"James!" Lily complained.

"Sorry, love!" James grinned, snatching another before returning to entertain his guests.

Mary glanced at the caviar dishes, seeing that they'd already run out, before glancing at Lily's plate, seeing that she'd only gotten the two crackers. "Do you want one of mine?" Mary offered.

Lily shook her head quietly.

"It's not a big... I don't mind."

Lily's eyes moved to one of the crackers and took it. "... he doesn't even like caviar," she mumbled. She set her plate down and padded her pocket. "Damn," she muttered. "I forgot my phone."

"Want mine?"

"No, I must've left it in the sitting room. I promised I'd text Tuney." Lily didn't sound very pleased.

"I could pretend to be you," Mary offered.

"You're a lifesaver."

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