Severus Snape and the Joys of Single Fatherhood (Severus/Lily, OCs) M

Quote from The Gestalt Prince on October 24, 2024, 7:50 pmCharacters/Pairings: Severus/Lily
Ratings/Warnings: Mature
Summary: Severus Snape didn't think he could lose Lily's friendship, until he did. Severus Snape didn't think he could defeat Lord Voldemort, until he did. And Severus Snape didn't think he would ever be a father... until he was.
WIP, new chapters will be posted here first before being posted to FFN and AO3. Eventual Snily.
Table of Contents for "Severus Snape and the Joys of Single Fatherhood"
Characters/Pairings: Severus/Lily
Ratings/Warnings: Mature
Summary: Severus Snape didn't think he could lose Lily's friendship, until he did. Severus Snape didn't think he could defeat Lord Voldemort, until he did. And Severus Snape didn't think he would ever be a father... until he was.
WIP, new chapters will be posted here first before being posted to FFN and AO3. Eventual Snily.
Table of Contents for "Severus Snape and the Joys of Single Fatherhood"

Quote from The Gestalt Prince on October 24, 2024, 7:50 pmChapter 1: The Reorganization of a Household
Albus I
Friday, 9 April 1982
Living in a world without the threat of Lord Voldemort was something Albus never believed he would have the privilege of experiencing firsthand; at most, he thought his portrait would. On the 31st of October 1981, the evening of Voldemort's demise, word spread across the wizarding world, and all of wizardkind was found dancing in the streets, startling the Muggle population with their behavior and resulting in a few cases where Obliviators and Muggle Liaison Officers had to be deployed. The only place where this wasn't the case was Cokeworth, in the West Midlands, statistically the least magical town of any settlement ever settled in Britain and Ireland; its sole magical inhabitant was very intimately aware that his former 'master' was dead, and had known longer than anyone else (including Albus).
For the most part, Severus Snape had stayed secluded from the rest of wizardkind apart from working for Slug & Jiggers, but Albus knew that the young wizard worked in the back and barely interacted with customers. The two had kept in regular contact since Severus's graduation, mostly to do with the war effort against the Death Eaters, but since Voldemort's death, Albus found that he was spending more time with Regulus Black, from whom he learned more about Severus's life (more specifically, the lack of a life the former Slytherin lived). It was during these meetings, at least immediately after Voldemort's death, that the two made an effort to keep Severus's involvement in the Dark Lord's demise a secret, something which made little sense to either of them.
As far as the world knew, it was Regulus Black, heir of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black, who had vanquished the Dark Lord through methods kept secret from the public. This had put a strain on Regulus's relationships with Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, as well as the other former Death Eaters; Regulus, despite being hated by his former comrades, did what he could to vouch for them and limit their sentences. Albus didn't agree with Regulus's choices or motivations, but he admired Regulus for the love he had for his friends and family. And it was on this point, on friends and family, that Albus and Regulus were united in their concern for Severus's well-being, as the latter had neither (not from a lack of effort on Albus's and Regulus's part).
At least, that's what both assumed until Albus was summoned involving an Obscurial.
Albus entered the orphanage, following Muggle Liaison Officer Philip Greymoor as he was told the details involving the incident. Truthfully, Albus had no other reason to be here other than the news that the attack had occurred in Birmingham, just bordering the Black Country where Cokeworth was centered. It couldn't have been a coincidence that such an attack had occurred so close to Severus's home, despite learning that the Obscurial was little more than three years old.
"Isla Glenn," Greymoor said as they waited for someone at the orphanage to find the girl. "Born on the 18th of January 1979. Daughter of Catherine Glenn, one of the victims."
"And I believe you mentioned others," Albus said. "A brother and uncle."
"Martin Glenn is the uncle," Greymoor explained. "Or was the uncle. He was another victim."
"And the brother?"
"Miles, born not four days ago. Hospitalized. Unknown father, like Isla, but from what we can tell, the fathers are different."
"That poor boy," Albus murmured.
"We thought he wouldn't live," Greymoor admitted. "By all rights, he should be dead, but according to the healers, he'll make a full recovery."
"That's some relief." Albus was disturbed enough by the situation, and the last thing he needed was for a newborn to die. "What's the official story?"
"An explosion caused by a gas leak," Greymoor explained. "Isla has no memory of it."
"Mr. Greymoor? Mr. Dumbledore?" A woman approached them, holding the hand of a small girl with a downcast face.
"Ah," Greymoor said with a smile. "And this must be Isla, then?"
"How about you say 'hello', as we practiced?" the woman said to the girl.
Isla looked up at Greymoor with sad eyes, removed her hand from the woman, and hid behind her skirt.
Albus took in the appearance of the little girl. She had pitch-black hair with equally black eyes, her skin pale from a lack of sunlight. There was the shadow of a bruise underneath her shirt sleeve, which Albus could tell was made by an adult's hand firmly grabbing her.
"Oh, sweetheart, it's alright," the woman said, kneeling and rubbing Isla's shoulder gently. "These men were asking about you."
Isla looked at the woman, then back to Greymoor, before turning her attention to Albus. In the brief moment before the young girl blinked, Albus gleaned the surface of her mind, finding himself staring into, and nearly stepping back from, abusive memories at the forefront of the girl's thoughts. How anyone could treat their daughter or niece in such a way only reminded Albus of Ariana, of how their father had thrown his life away by seeking vengeance for less.
"This is Mr. Philip Greymoor," the woman was saying to the girl. "And this is... oh, I'm terribly sorry, I can't remember."
"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," Albus replied, smiling at the girl.
Isla furrowed her brow apprehensively.
And, somehow, it was that simple furrowing of the brow that told Albus exactly who her biological father was.
Lily I
Monday, 12 April 1982
"I can't believe you!" Lily shouted at James as she packed her trunk in a frenzy, her eyes stinging with the tears she'd just shed.
"Lils, come on, let's-"
"Don't you dare 'Lils' me!" Lily pushed past him, which she knew he only allowed because she was both armed and pregnant. She grabbed more hangers off the rack in the wardrobe and waved her wand, having each article of clothing fold on its own as she continued barraging her soon-to-be ex-husband. "You don't get to trick me and expect me to accept that you did it 'out of love'!"
"Prongs?!" a voice called from the corridor outside the master bedroom. Sirius walked with Harry in his arms. "Lily, listen-"
"Tell me it isn't true," Lily dared Sirius, waiting for an answer.
"If you have any kind of respect for me, Sirius Black, you'll tell me the truth!"
"... it's true," Sirius admitted.
"Sirius!" James exclaimed.
"Lily, James did stop most of it-"
"But not with Snape," Lily cut in. "Did Remus know?"
"Lily," James said in his soft, gentle tone, "this is just the hormones talking."
"... James Potter, I know you didn't just say that to me!"
At that moment, Harry started crying, to which Sirius responded by hushing the toddler and carrying him out of the room.
"Look what you did!" James said, gesturing to Harry. "You're upsetting Harry!"
"You tricked me into marrying you!"
"Watch it." James's voice went quiet, but his eyes were burning with anger.
"I'm not staying here!"
"You're not leaving this house," James continued. "And we're not getting a divorce."
"Watch me!" Lily shut her trunk and picked it up, only for James to get in her way.
"I've been providing for us from the beginning," James said. "I was there when your parents died, when your sister started distancing herself from you-"
"Because of you!" Lily shot back. "Petunia and I were making things work until you had to ruin it!"
"You're unpacking your trunk, and we're going to forget any of this happened."
"Go to hell!" Lily hissed as she pushed past once more, but she felt James grab her wrist. "Let go of me, James!"
"You're not taking my daughter away from me!"
"And I'm not living with a liar! Now LET GO!"
"Oi!" Sirius rushed to Lily and James, but Lily was surprised to see that the other man was trying to free her. "James, stop!"
"Stay out of this!" James spat back.
While James was distracted, Lily managed to wrench herself free, hurrying down the spiral staircase and toward the living room fireplace. She set the trunk down, grabbed a handful of Floo powder, stepped in, and shouted "McKinnon residence!" before throwing it down. She found herself stepping out to be met by the McKinnon family, who seemed to be having a post-Easter dinner.
"Christ, Lily!" Marlene exclaimed, only for her mother to smack the back of her head.
"Don't use the Lord's name in vain, Marlene!" Mrs. McKinnon said sternly.
Marlene, ignoring her mother's correction, hurried out of her seat and rushed to Lily. "Lily, what happened?!"
"Shut the grate," Lily said quickly, pointing to the fireplace.
"Marley, please, shut the grate!"
Marlene drew her wand and waved it, the grates of the fireplace shutting to prevent anyone from coming through. "Come sit down!"
Lily let Marlene lead her to the dinner table, taking Marlene's seat.
"What's happened, dear?" Mrs. McKinnon asked, rubbing Lily's back. "You shouldn't be moving around this much while you're pregnant."
The concern in Mrs. McKinnon's voice, something she hadn't heard from her own mother in too long, broke Lily for the second time that night. And everything she'd learned about James, about the lies he'd convinced her of, came out.
Severus I
Friday, 16 April 1982
Severus had only just returned home with groceries after a long day of brewing for Slug & Jiggers and going to Gringotts to convert his salary into Muggle money. The bank had grown busier with the coming of the new year, meaning the lines had grown longer, meaning he had less time to prepare dinner for himself once he returned home. There was some temptation for him to simply get Chinese takeaway, but that could involve standing in another line, and the fewer people he had to stand around, the better. Now, fortunately, he was home, unpacking his groceries while checking for anything expired in his pantry; he knew he'd checked yesterday, and the day before, but he could never be too careful about these sorts of things.
Severus was busy opening a can of baked beans when there was a knock at the door. He wasn't expecting anyone to visit at this time, which meant it was an impromptu visit from either Dumbledore or Black the Younger, and Black the Younger would be too busy with his wife and sons (and probably his brother) on a Friday evening. He set the can and can opener down and walked to the front door, unlocking it before opening it to greet the knocker.
Dumbledore's presence didn't surprise Severus, but the two accompanying the former did. The man Severus recognized as Philip Greymoor, a Muggle Liaison Officer stationed in the West Midlands region on account of his family living in Birmingham. The girl whose hand Greymoor was holding was a complete stranger, and there was no way she could be older than two (at least as far as her size went).
"Severus," Dumbledore began, "may we enter?"
Severus held back a sigh and opened the door fully for Dumbledore and the other two to enter, shutting it behind them and re-locking up. He followed them into the sitting room to find they'd already sat down. "How may I help you?" he asked blankly, glancing back at the can of beans.
"To confirm," Mr. Greymoor began, "you are Severus Snape?"
"... Mr. Greymoor, you know who I am," Severus said.
"This is a formal occasion."
"Yes," Severus answered tiredly. "I'm Severus Snape."
"Son of Tobias Snape and Eileen Prince?"
"Born on the 9th of January in the year of our Lord 1960?"
"For how long do we have to go through this? I haven't eaten since breakfast."
"Severus," Dumbledore said sternly, "this is an important matter."
"Instead of listing off questions we all know the answers to, why not just get to the point?!"
Dumbledore gave Severus a cold stare before gesturing to Mr. Greymoor. "Perhaps, we could expedite this?"
"Do you know a woman by the name of Catherine Glenn?" Mr. Greymoor asked.
"Catherine-" Severus hadn't expected a question like that. "She was my neighbor."
"Was?" Dumbledore asked.
"She and her brother moved away."
"And you haven't seen her since?"
"Not that I'm aware of." Severus had no idea what was going on anymore, nor did he have any clue as to how either man visiting him knew that name to begin with. "Why do you ask?"
"Sir," Mr. Greymoor said, turning now to Dumbledore, "perhaps Isla would like to look around?"
"Oh, of course," Dumbledore said with that annoying smile on his face, taking the little girl's hand. "Come along, Isla; I've heard there's a river nearby."
Severus watched dumbfoundedly as Dumbledore led the girl back down the corridor they'd just come from, and he heard the unlocking, opening, and shutting of the front door.
"Mr. Snape," Mr. Greymoor explained, "Catherine Glenn and her family were killed ten days ago."
"... what?"
"The only survivors were her children, but the son was relocated to live with his great-uncle."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because her daughter," Mr. Greymoor said, gesturing back to where Dumbledore and the girl had left, "is being sent to live with her father. You."
... Severus fully understood each individual word that came out of Mr. Greymoor's mouth, but putting them together into one sentence, in that specific order, didn't register in his brain. "I'm... I need you to repeat that."
"You are Isla's biological father," Mr. Greymoor said more clearly. "... did you not know?"
"That's ridiculous!" Severus exclaimed. "How is that even possible?!"
"You're saying that you knew Catherine, but you didn't know you'd spent the night with her?"
"I've never been with anyone, let alone Catherine! The only-" Severus paled. "Fuck!"
"Mr. Snape?"
"... during my spring holiday three years ago..." Severus wasn't sure if Muggle law crossed over to wizarding law.
"I have been made very aware of the line of work Catherine took part in," Mr. Greymoor replied. "Would it help you if I said Isla's birthday is the 18th of January?"
"What year?"
... the date lined up perfectly with the night Severus had lost his virginity in Birmingham. "Fuck," he muttered.
"You didn't recognize her?"
"She must've dyed her hair," Severus admitted. He looked in the direction of the corridor leading to the front door. "If her brother is being sent to another relative..."
"You're not his father," Mr. Greymoor explained. "They were half-siblings. If not for the circumstances surrounding the deaths, Isla would be joining him."
"What do you mean?"
"Isla is an Obscurial, which the headmaster believes is from abuse at the hands of her mother and uncle."
"You want-" Severus was flabbergasted. "You want me to take care of an Obscurial?"
"You are her only next of kin within the wizarding community. Therefore, she is your legal responsibility."
"I-" Severus was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and closing, along with the return of Dumbledore and the girl.
"We've returned," Dumbledore announced. The girl was sitting atop his shoulders. "I smelled rain in the air and thought it best to return before it started; I forgot to pack my umbrella."
"Dumbledore," Severus objected, "you have to explain that- I can't raise a child!"
"I'm sure you'd do a marvelous job," Dumbledore said with a smile as he patted the girl's knee before setting her down on the couch.
"I barely make enough money as it is; I can't afford to take care of someone else!"
"Which is why I'm offering you the Defense Against the Dark Arts post at Hogwarts."
"I-" Severus processed what Dumbledore had just said. "Hogwarts?!"
"Whatever salary you make, I can double it. You would start in September and be permitted to bring Isla to live at the castle."
"And what about when I'm teaching?" Severus realized he wasn't even arguing against the idea anymore, even though teaching at Hogwarts was among the last things he wanted to do.
"I find that house-elves make excellent nannies," Dumbledore said in his annoyingly assuring manner. "I've already selected one for you."
"You can't just show up at my doorstep and expect me to go along with all this!" Severus objected.
"Not even for your own flesh and blood?"
"Where's your evidence?" Severus pointed at Mr. Greymoor. "You need evidence that I'm her father! With what Catherine Glenn was doing, anyone could be the father!"
"I thought as much," Dumbledore said cooly. "Which is why we went to Gringotts earlier today to have her hair cataloged by the goblins."
Severus paled.
"And we saw her family tree," Dumbledore continued. "That is how we concluded you were the father."
"You-" Severus couldn't think of any way to respond. If the goblins had confirmed her lineage (and Severus had seen it firsthand), then that meant... "... I'm a father...?"
Dumbledore nodded.
"... headmaster," Severus said, this time without his previous outrage or denial, "I really can't... I can take care of her, but I can't teach at Hogwarts. I don't have the credentials for it."
"You scored top of your class in the subject," Dumbledore reminded Severus. "And in Potions. As well as in Arithmancy, History of Magic, Care for Magical Creatures-"
"Yes, I know!" Severus said in frustration. "I-"
"Severus," Dumbledore said, cutting him off, "we both know you're more than qualified to teach."
The appraisal would've sounded like a compliment had it come from any other person, but Severus knew, by stitching together the various tells he'd noticed on Dumbledore, that this wasn't a compliment. The two had agreed, nearly three years ago, that Dumbledore would conceal Severus's involvement against Voldemort and the Death Eaters, which had continued even after the death of the Dark Lord. Originally, Severus desired to keep everything hidden from Lily, but during his partnership with Dumbledore and Black the Younger, Severus had started considering the other ramifications of people finding out about his contributions, such as hiring potential; anyone who knew what he'd done would want to hire him without even seeing if he was qualified for the job. Even worse than that, he would become famous for something so Gryffindor.
And now, the Sword of Damocles was hanging over his head, the thin string holding it up with Dumbledore all but threatening to cut it.
Severus glowered at Dumbledore as he said, "... when do I start again?"
"September," Dumbledore said with a smile. "And I'll give you an advance payment to help care for Isla until you start, so you'll have time to hand your resignation in at Slug & Jiggers. Now, shall we get the paperwork sorted out?"
Severus watched in dismay, although he knew it had to be done, as Mr. Greymoor pulled out a folder from underneath his coat.
Lily II
Saturday, 17 April 1982
Lily knew that getting back in touch with Petunia probably wasn't the best idea, but she didn't feel comfortable staying with Marlene and her family for too long, especially not during the Easter holiday. It had taken her some time to remember Petunia's address (she'd written it down once but lost it not too long after the wedding) as well as some encouragement from Marlene, which had led up to the two witches sitting with Petunia and Vernon while Dudley was taking a nap upstairs. It took Lily longer than she'd wanted to explain everything to Petunia (not from lack of trying, she'd been very thorough about how her marriage had been), but Marlene was there to help guide her back to the main points. She wasn't sure if she should've been surprised by how supportive the Dursleys were being, but as the conversation went on, she soon found out it had more to do with criticizing James (and Lily wasn't opposed to that one bit).
"Have you signed anything yet?" Petunia asked, pouring Lily another cup of tea.
"Not yet," Lily replied. "Marley and Mary agreed to come with me to the Ministry for the paperwork."
"Oh, they do their own marriages, do they?" Vernon asked as he took another biscuit. "Christian or pagan?"
"Depends on the witch or wizard," Marlene answered. "It tends to be mostly Christian. My family's Catholic."
Vernon mumbled and nodded as he all but swallowed the biscuit whole.
"Anyway," Marlene continued, "I've been in contact with Remus; he's agreed to mediate between Lily and James until the divorce is finalized."
"One of James's friends?" Petunia asked. "Is he that brute with the motorbike?"
"No, that's Sirius," Lily explained. "You haven't met Remus yet."
"Will it be simple?" Vernon asked.
"Well, I heard Sybill Trelawney was allowed to divorce her husband because she didn't like his surname. If that's a valid reason, I don't see what isn't."
"A witch we went to school with," Marlene explained. "Bit of a nutter, really."
"Odd name," Vernon commented. "Well... I suppose Petunia and I could let you stay for a bit."
"I promise, I won't take advantage," Lily said quickly.
"I should hope not," Petunia said primly. "It'll be difficult enough to keep the neighbors from gossiping."
Lily didn't want to think about whatever neighbors Petunia had if she of all people was complaining about their gossiping. "I could go to London in the morning and start looking."
"Do you remember when Mum and Dad took me to get my supplies for school?"
"... right..."
"I could find a job there, maybe at an apothecary-"
"Lily, you can't risk the baby!" Marlene objected.
"-at the counter," Lily finished her sentence. "Honestly, Marley, you have no faith in me."
They all heard the sounds of a baby crying, and Petunia stood. "Dudley's woken up," she said.
"Could I see him?" Lily asked. She hadn't had the chance to see her nephew in-person, only though the photographs Petunia had sent last Christmas (which were still at James's house).
"Give me a moment."
As Petunia left, Lily, Marlene, and Vernon sat silently, save for the sipping of tea and the stifling of a cough; it really seemed like, without Petunia present, there wasn't much Lily could think of to discuss with Vernon. He was about as boring as one could expect, even by Muggle standards (not that Muggles were less interesting than wizardkind, especially not when compared to Professor Binns). They were spared any extra time waiting as Petunia returned with the round, blond-haired baby boy, whose chubby arms were wrapped around his mother's neck.
"Here, Diddykins," Petunia cooed to Dudley. "How about we say hello to Aunt Lily?"
Dudley, having been sat down beside Lily, looked up at her with his watery eyes, his thumb stuck in his mouth for a bit before crawling over to sit on her lap. He was heavier than one might expect, being perhaps twice the size of Harry... Lily felt her throat tighten as she thought about her son, about how it had been five days since she'd held him. She felt someone put their arm around her shoulder and hold up a napkin, which Lily took and dabbed away the tears she now only registered. In the heat of the argument, divorcing James seemed so simple, but not if it meant losing Harry...
Dudley made a burbling noise with his mouth as he stretched out a hand to grab Lily's hair, which was the only thing that could bring a smile to her face, as well as give her a new sense of determination. Harry was going to grow up with his sister and cousin if it was the last thing Lily could do.
Severus II
In the five days that Isla Glenn (now Isla Snape) had lived at Number 13 Spinner's End, Severus found he had no point of reference for when children were supposed to learn basic knowledge; he'd barely managed to find something suitable for her to eat on her first night. And, after that, he discovered she wasn't even potty-trained, nor did she know how to take a bath or brush her teeth, which resulted in him having to assist (much to the detriment of his stomach and sense of smell). He'd then given her his old bedroom after having cleared out some of his old things, some of which he'd kept locked away in his wardrobe. It seemed it would take the girl some time to get used to the room, since he'd awoken the next morning to find her sleeping at the foot of his bed.
On that first morning, Severus had discovered (after serving fried eggs on toast) that Isla didn't know what an egg was (not that she said very much), which resulted in him explaining that it had come from a chicken... which would have been perfectly fine if not for the fact the girl didn't know what a chicken was. And so, he had to explain (using a book he'd had to purchase from one the few bookstores in Birmingham he hadn't been banned from) what chickens were, as well as birds in general. And all of this was before finding out the next morning that she didn't know what bacon was.
And so, it was on the fifth evening that Severus found himself helping Isla brush her teeth, going over the motions of how to properly use baking soda as a tooth powder. She was a relatively quick learner, but her motor skills were lacking. Then again, he had no idea when he'd been taught how to brush his teeth, and based on his upbringing, he was half-convinced he'd been forced to teach himself.
"Spit," Severus commanded.
Isla spat into the sink and took the hand towel Severus held out for her, drying her mouth before folding it and handing it back.
"I thought we could visit the playground tomorrow," Severus suggested. "They have a swing set."
"... okay," Isla replied in the smallest voice Severus had ever heard come from a living creature. She looked neither happy nor unhappy about the idea.
Severus led Isla to her bed and drew back the covers, helping her up and onto the mattress before tucking her in. "Sleep well."
Isla nodded and pulled the covers up, hiding her mouth.
Severus nodded and left the room, going to his own and preparing for bed before picking up the book on his bedside table. He'd selected something on early childhood education, something he was sure he'd have to take part in during his future office hours; he hoped the time between now and the 31st of August would be enough to teach Isla the basics, such as reading and maths... which only reminded him that he couldn't remember a time when his mother had taught him. Was three too early an age for someone to learn? Mozart had been around that age when he'd started performing.
Severus spent the next hour or so reading under the low light of the lamp when he heard the doorknob turn slowly. He glanced over, watching as it creaked open, and a tiny hand gripped the wood before its owner peered into the room, only to quickly recede upon realizing Severus was still awake.
"Come in," Severus called out.
The figure paused before slowly pushing the door open, and Isla stepped in, looking away from Severus and focusing on her hands.
"You should be asleep."
Isla nodded quietly, her tiny lip quivering.
"Is the room not good enough?" Severus realized how the question sounded as it left his mouth, and he thought of a way to correct himself.
Or, he would have, if Isla hadn't started to cry.
Severus had never heard Isla cry before; she'd always had a sad expression on her face, but it had never gone past that. The little girl's sobs were as quiet and small as her voice usually was, and she soon crouched down onto the ground and tucked her head into her knees.
"Isla," Severus said, quickly getting out of bed, but not quick enough to stop the girl from balling one of her fists and hitting the top of her head. His blood ran ice-cold at the sight. "Isla, enough of that!" He grabbed her small wrist, only for the girl to fight back.
"No, no!" Isla cried, her face wet as she struggled. "Bad!" Each time the girl tried wrenching her hand free, something dark rippled across the surface of her skin, and the furniture within the room began to shake.
Severus didn't know what form an Obscurial took, but he recognized the signs. "Isla, stop hitting yourself!"
"If I don't, Mama will!"
Severus felt something break inside. He had felt similar pains when his mother died, and when Lily had ended their friendship (albeit for justifiable reasons). Neither of those moments was remotely close to this, even with the threat of an Obscurial. He felt his body lose its strength as he looked down at the head of the tiny, black-haired girl, recognizing the same shape of a young boy who'd grown up within these very walls. In the moment his grip loosened, he was snapped back to the present as he heard the balled fist hit the top of the girl's head.
"Isla!" Severus wrapped his arms around the girl as he shielded her head with his, feeling her small fist strike against his cheek and temple.
The hitting soon stopped, the furniture in the room now stilling so that only the sound of the girl's weeping could be heard.
"No one will hit you again," Severus whispered into Isla's hair, feeling something well up in his eyes. "Never hit yourself."
"... sorry," Isla whined, her voice muffled.
Severus kissed the top of her head. "It's alright. You're safe." He rubbed her back the way he'd seen other children's mothers rub theirs. "You can stay with me tonight."
Isla gave the smallest nod as she sniffled.
Severus picked Isla up and took her to the other side of his bed, letting her settle in as he went and opened his wardrobe to find what he'd removed from the one in his old room. It was a dirty old pillowcase where he kept his most valuable possessions, or at least the pieces of what had once been before Tobias ripped them all apart. He sat down beside Isla and picked up his wand as he pulled the first item out: a ruined copy of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, a book he'd stolen from a library when he was younger.
Severus had never bothered repairing the torn spine or withering pages; it couldn't be any more ruined than it already was. Even after Tobias's death, Severus kept it as was, as he didn't have much reason to have it other than something to touch when he needed to calm down. But now, he had at least one reason to restore it. "Reparo," he chanted softly, touching the cover and watching as the book slowly stitched itself back together, the frayed pages turning crisp once more before their eyes. He turned to Isla, the little girl's eyes wide with disbelief... and he now realized he'd never used magic in front of her until now.
"... how?" Isla asked.
"Magic," Severus answered.
Isla looked up at him. "Magic?" she whispered.
Severus nodded. "My mother was a witch. I'm a wizard. And, when you're old enough, you'll be a witch as well."
The awe on Isla's face turned to concern, and she pulled the covers over her mouth. "But," she asked, now afraid, "what about the shadows?"
Severus handed Isla the book, which she hid under the covers with her, as he held out his wand, drawing on memories long past. "Expecto Petronum!" Lily's doe sprang from the tip of the wand, the silver shape dancing around the room. Isla quickly sat up, eyes still wide but lacking any fear, as a broad smile spread across her face. The doe finally slowed to a trot, hopping up onto the bed and lying down where Isla's feet were.
"What's that?!" Isla asked.
"A doe. A female deer?"
"What's her name?"
Severus felt a smirk on his face. "I haven't got one for her?"
Isla looked up at him. "Can I name her?"
"If you'd like."
Isla looked back at the silver doe. "'Silver'."
"Silver's a good name," Severus said. He drew out the second item in the pillowcase, this time the remnants of what had once been a stuffed toy fox. He repaired the animal wordlessly, allowing it to retake its original form.
"And what's that?!" Isla asked.
"My old toy fox."
"A fox?"
"It's related to dogs."
"Oh." Isla didn't reach out to it.
"I used to call him 'Basil'," Severus explained.
"'Basil'?" Isla moved a tiny hand to touch the fox's paw.
"He's yours now," Severus said, encouraging her to take it.
Isla pulled the fox to her, tucking it in under the covers. "Thank you, sir," Isla said quietly.
Sir? "Isla," Severus said, "you don't have to call me 'sir'."
"I'm your father. You could call me 'father', or 'dad'." Severus thought of the other ways in which he'd heard children refer to their fathers. "Or perhaps 'daddy', or 'papa'."
"Oh." Isla looked down at the book and stuffed fox, then to the patronus resting at her feet, and then back to Severus. "Thank you, Papa."
Severus's lips tightened to fight back the surge of emotion, and he gestured to the book the girl... his daughter was holding. "Shall we read one chapter?"
"It's a part of a book."
"Oh. Yes, please."
Severus laid the book out for the two of them to read, ignoring the time.
Chapter 1: The Reorganization of a Household
Albus I
Friday, 9 April 1982
Living in a world without the threat of Lord Voldemort was something Albus never believed he would have the privilege of experiencing firsthand; at most, he thought his portrait would. On the 31st of October 1981, the evening of Voldemort's demise, word spread across the wizarding world, and all of wizardkind was found dancing in the streets, startling the Muggle population with their behavior and resulting in a few cases where Obliviators and Muggle Liaison Officers had to be deployed. The only place where this wasn't the case was Cokeworth, in the West Midlands, statistically the least magical town of any settlement ever settled in Britain and Ireland; its sole magical inhabitant was very intimately aware that his former 'master' was dead, and had known longer than anyone else (including Albus).
For the most part, Severus Snape had stayed secluded from the rest of wizardkind apart from working for Slug & Jiggers, but Albus knew that the young wizard worked in the back and barely interacted with customers. The two had kept in regular contact since Severus's graduation, mostly to do with the war effort against the Death Eaters, but since Voldemort's death, Albus found that he was spending more time with Regulus Black, from whom he learned more about Severus's life (more specifically, the lack of a life the former Slytherin lived). It was during these meetings, at least immediately after Voldemort's death, that the two made an effort to keep Severus's involvement in the Dark Lord's demise a secret, something which made little sense to either of them.
As far as the world knew, it was Regulus Black, heir of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black, who had vanquished the Dark Lord through methods kept secret from the public. This had put a strain on Regulus's relationships with Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, as well as the other former Death Eaters; Regulus, despite being hated by his former comrades, did what he could to vouch for them and limit their sentences. Albus didn't agree with Regulus's choices or motivations, but he admired Regulus for the love he had for his friends and family. And it was on this point, on friends and family, that Albus and Regulus were united in their concern for Severus's well-being, as the latter had neither (not from a lack of effort on Albus's and Regulus's part).
At least, that's what both assumed until Albus was summoned involving an Obscurial.
Albus entered the orphanage, following Muggle Liaison Officer Philip Greymoor as he was told the details involving the incident. Truthfully, Albus had no other reason to be here other than the news that the attack had occurred in Birmingham, just bordering the Black Country where Cokeworth was centered. It couldn't have been a coincidence that such an attack had occurred so close to Severus's home, despite learning that the Obscurial was little more than three years old.
"Isla Glenn," Greymoor said as they waited for someone at the orphanage to find the girl. "Born on the 18th of January 1979. Daughter of Catherine Glenn, one of the victims."
"And I believe you mentioned others," Albus said. "A brother and uncle."
"Martin Glenn is the uncle," Greymoor explained. "Or was the uncle. He was another victim."
"And the brother?"
"Miles, born not four days ago. Hospitalized. Unknown father, like Isla, but from what we can tell, the fathers are different."
"That poor boy," Albus murmured.
"We thought he wouldn't live," Greymoor admitted. "By all rights, he should be dead, but according to the healers, he'll make a full recovery."
"That's some relief." Albus was disturbed enough by the situation, and the last thing he needed was for a newborn to die. "What's the official story?"
"An explosion caused by a gas leak," Greymoor explained. "Isla has no memory of it."
"Mr. Greymoor? Mr. Dumbledore?" A woman approached them, holding the hand of a small girl with a downcast face.
"Ah," Greymoor said with a smile. "And this must be Isla, then?"
"How about you say 'hello', as we practiced?" the woman said to the girl.
Isla looked up at Greymoor with sad eyes, removed her hand from the woman, and hid behind her skirt.
Albus took in the appearance of the little girl. She had pitch-black hair with equally black eyes, her skin pale from a lack of sunlight. There was the shadow of a bruise underneath her shirt sleeve, which Albus could tell was made by an adult's hand firmly grabbing her.
"Oh, sweetheart, it's alright," the woman said, kneeling and rubbing Isla's shoulder gently. "These men were asking about you."
Isla looked at the woman, then back to Greymoor, before turning her attention to Albus. In the brief moment before the young girl blinked, Albus gleaned the surface of her mind, finding himself staring into, and nearly stepping back from, abusive memories at the forefront of the girl's thoughts. How anyone could treat their daughter or niece in such a way only reminded Albus of Ariana, of how their father had thrown his life away by seeking vengeance for less.
"This is Mr. Philip Greymoor," the woman was saying to the girl. "And this is... oh, I'm terribly sorry, I can't remember."
"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," Albus replied, smiling at the girl.
Isla furrowed her brow apprehensively.
And, somehow, it was that simple furrowing of the brow that told Albus exactly who her biological father was.
Lily I
Monday, 12 April 1982
"I can't believe you!" Lily shouted at James as she packed her trunk in a frenzy, her eyes stinging with the tears she'd just shed.
"Lils, come on, let's-"
"Don't you dare 'Lils' me!" Lily pushed past him, which she knew he only allowed because she was both armed and pregnant. She grabbed more hangers off the rack in the wardrobe and waved her wand, having each article of clothing fold on its own as she continued barraging her soon-to-be ex-husband. "You don't get to trick me and expect me to accept that you did it 'out of love'!"
"Prongs?!" a voice called from the corridor outside the master bedroom. Sirius walked with Harry in his arms. "Lily, listen-"
"Tell me it isn't true," Lily dared Sirius, waiting for an answer.
"If you have any kind of respect for me, Sirius Black, you'll tell me the truth!"
"... it's true," Sirius admitted.
"Sirius!" James exclaimed.
"Lily, James did stop most of it-"
"But not with Snape," Lily cut in. "Did Remus know?"
"Lily," James said in his soft, gentle tone, "this is just the hormones talking."
"... James Potter, I know you didn't just say that to me!"
At that moment, Harry started crying, to which Sirius responded by hushing the toddler and carrying him out of the room.
"Look what you did!" James said, gesturing to Harry. "You're upsetting Harry!"
"You tricked me into marrying you!"
"Watch it." James's voice went quiet, but his eyes were burning with anger.
"I'm not staying here!"
"You're not leaving this house," James continued. "And we're not getting a divorce."
"Watch me!" Lily shut her trunk and picked it up, only for James to get in her way.
"I've been providing for us from the beginning," James said. "I was there when your parents died, when your sister started distancing herself from you-"
"Because of you!" Lily shot back. "Petunia and I were making things work until you had to ruin it!"
"You're unpacking your trunk, and we're going to forget any of this happened."
"Go to hell!" Lily hissed as she pushed past once more, but she felt James grab her wrist. "Let go of me, James!"
"You're not taking my daughter away from me!"
"And I'm not living with a liar! Now LET GO!"
"Oi!" Sirius rushed to Lily and James, but Lily was surprised to see that the other man was trying to free her. "James, stop!"
"Stay out of this!" James spat back.
While James was distracted, Lily managed to wrench herself free, hurrying down the spiral staircase and toward the living room fireplace. She set the trunk down, grabbed a handful of Floo powder, stepped in, and shouted "McKinnon residence!" before throwing it down. She found herself stepping out to be met by the McKinnon family, who seemed to be having a post-Easter dinner.
"Christ, Lily!" Marlene exclaimed, only for her mother to smack the back of her head.
"Don't use the Lord's name in vain, Marlene!" Mrs. McKinnon said sternly.
Marlene, ignoring her mother's correction, hurried out of her seat and rushed to Lily. "Lily, what happened?!"
"Shut the grate," Lily said quickly, pointing to the fireplace.
"Marley, please, shut the grate!"
Marlene drew her wand and waved it, the grates of the fireplace shutting to prevent anyone from coming through. "Come sit down!"
Lily let Marlene lead her to the dinner table, taking Marlene's seat.
"What's happened, dear?" Mrs. McKinnon asked, rubbing Lily's back. "You shouldn't be moving around this much while you're pregnant."
The concern in Mrs. McKinnon's voice, something she hadn't heard from her own mother in too long, broke Lily for the second time that night. And everything she'd learned about James, about the lies he'd convinced her of, came out.
Severus I
Friday, 16 April 1982
Severus had only just returned home with groceries after a long day of brewing for Slug & Jiggers and going to Gringotts to convert his salary into Muggle money. The bank had grown busier with the coming of the new year, meaning the lines had grown longer, meaning he had less time to prepare dinner for himself once he returned home. There was some temptation for him to simply get Chinese takeaway, but that could involve standing in another line, and the fewer people he had to stand around, the better. Now, fortunately, he was home, unpacking his groceries while checking for anything expired in his pantry; he knew he'd checked yesterday, and the day before, but he could never be too careful about these sorts of things.
Severus was busy opening a can of baked beans when there was a knock at the door. He wasn't expecting anyone to visit at this time, which meant it was an impromptu visit from either Dumbledore or Black the Younger, and Black the Younger would be too busy with his wife and sons (and probably his brother) on a Friday evening. He set the can and can opener down and walked to the front door, unlocking it before opening it to greet the knocker.
Dumbledore's presence didn't surprise Severus, but the two accompanying the former did. The man Severus recognized as Philip Greymoor, a Muggle Liaison Officer stationed in the West Midlands region on account of his family living in Birmingham. The girl whose hand Greymoor was holding was a complete stranger, and there was no way she could be older than two (at least as far as her size went).
"Severus," Dumbledore began, "may we enter?"
Severus held back a sigh and opened the door fully for Dumbledore and the other two to enter, shutting it behind them and re-locking up. He followed them into the sitting room to find they'd already sat down. "How may I help you?" he asked blankly, glancing back at the can of beans.
"To confirm," Mr. Greymoor began, "you are Severus Snape?"
"... Mr. Greymoor, you know who I am," Severus said.
"This is a formal occasion."
"Yes," Severus answered tiredly. "I'm Severus Snape."
"Son of Tobias Snape and Eileen Prince?"
"Born on the 9th of January in the year of our Lord 1960?"
"For how long do we have to go through this? I haven't eaten since breakfast."
"Severus," Dumbledore said sternly, "this is an important matter."
"Instead of listing off questions we all know the answers to, why not just get to the point?!"
Dumbledore gave Severus a cold stare before gesturing to Mr. Greymoor. "Perhaps, we could expedite this?"
"Do you know a woman by the name of Catherine Glenn?" Mr. Greymoor asked.
"Catherine-" Severus hadn't expected a question like that. "She was my neighbor."
"Was?" Dumbledore asked.
"She and her brother moved away."
"And you haven't seen her since?"
"Not that I'm aware of." Severus had no idea what was going on anymore, nor did he have any clue as to how either man visiting him knew that name to begin with. "Why do you ask?"
"Sir," Mr. Greymoor said, turning now to Dumbledore, "perhaps Isla would like to look around?"
"Oh, of course," Dumbledore said with that annoying smile on his face, taking the little girl's hand. "Come along, Isla; I've heard there's a river nearby."
Severus watched dumbfoundedly as Dumbledore led the girl back down the corridor they'd just come from, and he heard the unlocking, opening, and shutting of the front door.
"Mr. Snape," Mr. Greymoor explained, "Catherine Glenn and her family were killed ten days ago."
"... what?"
"The only survivors were her children, but the son was relocated to live with his great-uncle."
"Why are you telling me this?"
"Because her daughter," Mr. Greymoor said, gesturing back to where Dumbledore and the girl had left, "is being sent to live with her father. You."
... Severus fully understood each individual word that came out of Mr. Greymoor's mouth, but putting them together into one sentence, in that specific order, didn't register in his brain. "I'm... I need you to repeat that."
"You are Isla's biological father," Mr. Greymoor said more clearly. "... did you not know?"
"That's ridiculous!" Severus exclaimed. "How is that even possible?!"
"You're saying that you knew Catherine, but you didn't know you'd spent the night with her?"
"I've never been with anyone, let alone Catherine! The only-" Severus paled. "Fuck!"
"Mr. Snape?"
"... during my spring holiday three years ago..." Severus wasn't sure if Muggle law crossed over to wizarding law.
"I have been made very aware of the line of work Catherine took part in," Mr. Greymoor replied. "Would it help you if I said Isla's birthday is the 18th of January?"
"What year?"
... the date lined up perfectly with the night Severus had lost his virginity in Birmingham. "Fuck," he muttered.
"You didn't recognize her?"
"She must've dyed her hair," Severus admitted. He looked in the direction of the corridor leading to the front door. "If her brother is being sent to another relative..."
"You're not his father," Mr. Greymoor explained. "They were half-siblings. If not for the circumstances surrounding the deaths, Isla would be joining him."
"What do you mean?"
"Isla is an Obscurial, which the headmaster believes is from abuse at the hands of her mother and uncle."
"You want-" Severus was flabbergasted. "You want me to take care of an Obscurial?"
"You are her only next of kin within the wizarding community. Therefore, she is your legal responsibility."
"I-" Severus was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and closing, along with the return of Dumbledore and the girl.
"We've returned," Dumbledore announced. The girl was sitting atop his shoulders. "I smelled rain in the air and thought it best to return before it started; I forgot to pack my umbrella."
"Dumbledore," Severus objected, "you have to explain that- I can't raise a child!"
"I'm sure you'd do a marvelous job," Dumbledore said with a smile as he patted the girl's knee before setting her down on the couch.
"I barely make enough money as it is; I can't afford to take care of someone else!"
"Which is why I'm offering you the Defense Against the Dark Arts post at Hogwarts."
"I-" Severus processed what Dumbledore had just said. "Hogwarts?!"
"Whatever salary you make, I can double it. You would start in September and be permitted to bring Isla to live at the castle."
"And what about when I'm teaching?" Severus realized he wasn't even arguing against the idea anymore, even though teaching at Hogwarts was among the last things he wanted to do.
"I find that house-elves make excellent nannies," Dumbledore said in his annoyingly assuring manner. "I've already selected one for you."
"You can't just show up at my doorstep and expect me to go along with all this!" Severus objected.
"Not even for your own flesh and blood?"
"Where's your evidence?" Severus pointed at Mr. Greymoor. "You need evidence that I'm her father! With what Catherine Glenn was doing, anyone could be the father!"
"I thought as much," Dumbledore said cooly. "Which is why we went to Gringotts earlier today to have her hair cataloged by the goblins."
Severus paled.
"And we saw her family tree," Dumbledore continued. "That is how we concluded you were the father."
"You-" Severus couldn't think of any way to respond. If the goblins had confirmed her lineage (and Severus had seen it firsthand), then that meant... "... I'm a father...?"
Dumbledore nodded.
"... headmaster," Severus said, this time without his previous outrage or denial, "I really can't... I can take care of her, but I can't teach at Hogwarts. I don't have the credentials for it."
"You scored top of your class in the subject," Dumbledore reminded Severus. "And in Potions. As well as in Arithmancy, History of Magic, Care for Magical Creatures-"
"Yes, I know!" Severus said in frustration. "I-"
"Severus," Dumbledore said, cutting him off, "we both know you're more than qualified to teach."
The appraisal would've sounded like a compliment had it come from any other person, but Severus knew, by stitching together the various tells he'd noticed on Dumbledore, that this wasn't a compliment. The two had agreed, nearly three years ago, that Dumbledore would conceal Severus's involvement against Voldemort and the Death Eaters, which had continued even after the death of the Dark Lord. Originally, Severus desired to keep everything hidden from Lily, but during his partnership with Dumbledore and Black the Younger, Severus had started considering the other ramifications of people finding out about his contributions, such as hiring potential; anyone who knew what he'd done would want to hire him without even seeing if he was qualified for the job. Even worse than that, he would become famous for something so Gryffindor.
And now, the Sword of Damocles was hanging over his head, the thin string holding it up with Dumbledore all but threatening to cut it.
Severus glowered at Dumbledore as he said, "... when do I start again?"
"September," Dumbledore said with a smile. "And I'll give you an advance payment to help care for Isla until you start, so you'll have time to hand your resignation in at Slug & Jiggers. Now, shall we get the paperwork sorted out?"
Severus watched in dismay, although he knew it had to be done, as Mr. Greymoor pulled out a folder from underneath his coat.
Lily II
Saturday, 17 April 1982
Lily knew that getting back in touch with Petunia probably wasn't the best idea, but she didn't feel comfortable staying with Marlene and her family for too long, especially not during the Easter holiday. It had taken her some time to remember Petunia's address (she'd written it down once but lost it not too long after the wedding) as well as some encouragement from Marlene, which had led up to the two witches sitting with Petunia and Vernon while Dudley was taking a nap upstairs. It took Lily longer than she'd wanted to explain everything to Petunia (not from lack of trying, she'd been very thorough about how her marriage had been), but Marlene was there to help guide her back to the main points. She wasn't sure if she should've been surprised by how supportive the Dursleys were being, but as the conversation went on, she soon found out it had more to do with criticizing James (and Lily wasn't opposed to that one bit).
"Have you signed anything yet?" Petunia asked, pouring Lily another cup of tea.
"Not yet," Lily replied. "Marley and Mary agreed to come with me to the Ministry for the paperwork."
"Oh, they do their own marriages, do they?" Vernon asked as he took another biscuit. "Christian or pagan?"
"Depends on the witch or wizard," Marlene answered. "It tends to be mostly Christian. My family's Catholic."
Vernon mumbled and nodded as he all but swallowed the biscuit whole.
"Anyway," Marlene continued, "I've been in contact with Remus; he's agreed to mediate between Lily and James until the divorce is finalized."
"One of James's friends?" Petunia asked. "Is he that brute with the motorbike?"
"No, that's Sirius," Lily explained. "You haven't met Remus yet."
"Will it be simple?" Vernon asked.
"Well, I heard Sybill Trelawney was allowed to divorce her husband because she didn't like his surname. If that's a valid reason, I don't see what isn't."
"A witch we went to school with," Marlene explained. "Bit of a nutter, really."
"Odd name," Vernon commented. "Well... I suppose Petunia and I could let you stay for a bit."
"I promise, I won't take advantage," Lily said quickly.
"I should hope not," Petunia said primly. "It'll be difficult enough to keep the neighbors from gossiping."
Lily didn't want to think about whatever neighbors Petunia had if she of all people was complaining about their gossiping. "I could go to London in the morning and start looking."
"Do you remember when Mum and Dad took me to get my supplies for school?"
"... right..."
"I could find a job there, maybe at an apothecary-"
"Lily, you can't risk the baby!" Marlene objected.
"-at the counter," Lily finished her sentence. "Honestly, Marley, you have no faith in me."
They all heard the sounds of a baby crying, and Petunia stood. "Dudley's woken up," she said.
"Could I see him?" Lily asked. She hadn't had the chance to see her nephew in-person, only though the photographs Petunia had sent last Christmas (which were still at James's house).
"Give me a moment."
As Petunia left, Lily, Marlene, and Vernon sat silently, save for the sipping of tea and the stifling of a cough; it really seemed like, without Petunia present, there wasn't much Lily could think of to discuss with Vernon. He was about as boring as one could expect, even by Muggle standards (not that Muggles were less interesting than wizardkind, especially not when compared to Professor Binns). They were spared any extra time waiting as Petunia returned with the round, blond-haired baby boy, whose chubby arms were wrapped around his mother's neck.
"Here, Diddykins," Petunia cooed to Dudley. "How about we say hello to Aunt Lily?"
Dudley, having been sat down beside Lily, looked up at her with his watery eyes, his thumb stuck in his mouth for a bit before crawling over to sit on her lap. He was heavier than one might expect, being perhaps twice the size of Harry... Lily felt her throat tighten as she thought about her son, about how it had been five days since she'd held him. She felt someone put their arm around her shoulder and hold up a napkin, which Lily took and dabbed away the tears she now only registered. In the heat of the argument, divorcing James seemed so simple, but not if it meant losing Harry...
Dudley made a burbling noise with his mouth as he stretched out a hand to grab Lily's hair, which was the only thing that could bring a smile to her face, as well as give her a new sense of determination. Harry was going to grow up with his sister and cousin if it was the last thing Lily could do.
Severus II
In the five days that Isla Glenn (now Isla Snape) had lived at Number 13 Spinner's End, Severus found he had no point of reference for when children were supposed to learn basic knowledge; he'd barely managed to find something suitable for her to eat on her first night. And, after that, he discovered she wasn't even potty-trained, nor did she know how to take a bath or brush her teeth, which resulted in him having to assist (much to the detriment of his stomach and sense of smell). He'd then given her his old bedroom after having cleared out some of his old things, some of which he'd kept locked away in his wardrobe. It seemed it would take the girl some time to get used to the room, since he'd awoken the next morning to find her sleeping at the foot of his bed.
On that first morning, Severus had discovered (after serving fried eggs on toast) that Isla didn't know what an egg was (not that she said very much), which resulted in him explaining that it had come from a chicken... which would have been perfectly fine if not for the fact the girl didn't know what a chicken was. And so, he had to explain (using a book he'd had to purchase from one the few bookstores in Birmingham he hadn't been banned from) what chickens were, as well as birds in general. And all of this was before finding out the next morning that she didn't know what bacon was.
And so, it was on the fifth evening that Severus found himself helping Isla brush her teeth, going over the motions of how to properly use baking soda as a tooth powder. She was a relatively quick learner, but her motor skills were lacking. Then again, he had no idea when he'd been taught how to brush his teeth, and based on his upbringing, he was half-convinced he'd been forced to teach himself.
"Spit," Severus commanded.
Isla spat into the sink and took the hand towel Severus held out for her, drying her mouth before folding it and handing it back.
"I thought we could visit the playground tomorrow," Severus suggested. "They have a swing set."
"... okay," Isla replied in the smallest voice Severus had ever heard come from a living creature. She looked neither happy nor unhappy about the idea.
Severus led Isla to her bed and drew back the covers, helping her up and onto the mattress before tucking her in. "Sleep well."
Isla nodded and pulled the covers up, hiding her mouth.
Severus nodded and left the room, going to his own and preparing for bed before picking up the book on his bedside table. He'd selected something on early childhood education, something he was sure he'd have to take part in during his future office hours; he hoped the time between now and the 31st of August would be enough to teach Isla the basics, such as reading and maths... which only reminded him that he couldn't remember a time when his mother had taught him. Was three too early an age for someone to learn? Mozart had been around that age when he'd started performing.
Severus spent the next hour or so reading under the low light of the lamp when he heard the doorknob turn slowly. He glanced over, watching as it creaked open, and a tiny hand gripped the wood before its owner peered into the room, only to quickly recede upon realizing Severus was still awake.
"Come in," Severus called out.
The figure paused before slowly pushing the door open, and Isla stepped in, looking away from Severus and focusing on her hands.
"You should be asleep."
Isla nodded quietly, her tiny lip quivering.
"Is the room not good enough?" Severus realized how the question sounded as it left his mouth, and he thought of a way to correct himself.
Or, he would have, if Isla hadn't started to cry.
Severus had never heard Isla cry before; she'd always had a sad expression on her face, but it had never gone past that. The little girl's sobs were as quiet and small as her voice usually was, and she soon crouched down onto the ground and tucked her head into her knees.
"Isla," Severus said, quickly getting out of bed, but not quick enough to stop the girl from balling one of her fists and hitting the top of her head. His blood ran ice-cold at the sight. "Isla, enough of that!" He grabbed her small wrist, only for the girl to fight back.
"No, no!" Isla cried, her face wet as she struggled. "Bad!" Each time the girl tried wrenching her hand free, something dark rippled across the surface of her skin, and the furniture within the room began to shake.
Severus didn't know what form an Obscurial took, but he recognized the signs. "Isla, stop hitting yourself!"
"If I don't, Mama will!"
Severus felt something break inside. He had felt similar pains when his mother died, and when Lily had ended their friendship (albeit for justifiable reasons). Neither of those moments was remotely close to this, even with the threat of an Obscurial. He felt his body lose its strength as he looked down at the head of the tiny, black-haired girl, recognizing the same shape of a young boy who'd grown up within these very walls. In the moment his grip loosened, he was snapped back to the present as he heard the balled fist hit the top of the girl's head.
"Isla!" Severus wrapped his arms around the girl as he shielded her head with his, feeling her small fist strike against his cheek and temple.
The hitting soon stopped, the furniture in the room now stilling so that only the sound of the girl's weeping could be heard.
"No one will hit you again," Severus whispered into Isla's hair, feeling something well up in his eyes. "Never hit yourself."
"... sorry," Isla whined, her voice muffled.
Severus kissed the top of her head. "It's alright. You're safe." He rubbed her back the way he'd seen other children's mothers rub theirs. "You can stay with me tonight."
Isla gave the smallest nod as she sniffled.
Severus picked Isla up and took her to the other side of his bed, letting her settle in as he went and opened his wardrobe to find what he'd removed from the one in his old room. It was a dirty old pillowcase where he kept his most valuable possessions, or at least the pieces of what had once been before Tobias ripped them all apart. He sat down beside Isla and picked up his wand as he pulled the first item out: a ruined copy of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, a book he'd stolen from a library when he was younger.
Severus had never bothered repairing the torn spine or withering pages; it couldn't be any more ruined than it already was. Even after Tobias's death, Severus kept it as was, as he didn't have much reason to have it other than something to touch when he needed to calm down. But now, he had at least one reason to restore it. "Reparo," he chanted softly, touching the cover and watching as the book slowly stitched itself back together, the frayed pages turning crisp once more before their eyes. He turned to Isla, the little girl's eyes wide with disbelief... and he now realized he'd never used magic in front of her until now.
"... how?" Isla asked.
"Magic," Severus answered.
Isla looked up at him. "Magic?" she whispered.
Severus nodded. "My mother was a witch. I'm a wizard. And, when you're old enough, you'll be a witch as well."
The awe on Isla's face turned to concern, and she pulled the covers over her mouth. "But," she asked, now afraid, "what about the shadows?"
Severus handed Isla the book, which she hid under the covers with her, as he held out his wand, drawing on memories long past. "Expecto Petronum!" Lily's doe sprang from the tip of the wand, the silver shape dancing around the room. Isla quickly sat up, eyes still wide but lacking any fear, as a broad smile spread across her face. The doe finally slowed to a trot, hopping up onto the bed and lying down where Isla's feet were.
"What's that?!" Isla asked.
"A doe. A female deer?"
"What's her name?"
Severus felt a smirk on his face. "I haven't got one for her?"
Isla looked up at him. "Can I name her?"
"If you'd like."
Isla looked back at the silver doe. "'Silver'."
"Silver's a good name," Severus said. He drew out the second item in the pillowcase, this time the remnants of what had once been a stuffed toy fox. He repaired the animal wordlessly, allowing it to retake its original form.
"And what's that?!" Isla asked.
"My old toy fox."
"A fox?"
"It's related to dogs."
"Oh." Isla didn't reach out to it.
"I used to call him 'Basil'," Severus explained.
"'Basil'?" Isla moved a tiny hand to touch the fox's paw.
"He's yours now," Severus said, encouraging her to take it.
Isla pulled the fox to her, tucking it in under the covers. "Thank you, sir," Isla said quietly.
Sir? "Isla," Severus said, "you don't have to call me 'sir'."
"I'm your father. You could call me 'father', or 'dad'." Severus thought of the other ways in which he'd heard children refer to their fathers. "Or perhaps 'daddy', or 'papa'."
"Oh." Isla looked down at the book and stuffed fox, then to the patronus resting at her feet, and then back to Severus. "Thank you, Papa."
Severus's lips tightened to fight back the surge of emotion, and he gestured to the book the girl... his daughter was holding. "Shall we read one chapter?"
"It's a part of a book."
"Oh. Yes, please."
Severus laid the book out for the two of them to read, ignoring the time.

Quote from The Gestalt Prince on October 30, 2024, 5:32 amChapter 2: The Remainder of Summer
Lily I
Saturday, 24 July 1982
Roughly three months had passed since Lily got the job at Slug & Jiggers. Apart from working the counter, it was also her job to take inventory at the end of the day, both things which she'd expected when she applied. What surprised her was the additional responsibility of brewing potions to sell after the doors were shut for customers, although that had more to do with the previous potioneer abruptly resigning for undisclosed reasons; when Lily disclosed she was expecting, however, the owner instead offered to do all the brewing if Lily could compensate by looking over the morning inventory as well. The pay was as decent as she could expect from a job like this (14 Galleons a week), but the conversion to Muggle currency would take some getting used to if she was to stay with her sister.
Roughly three weeks had passed since Lily finalized her divorce from James. Petunia and Marlene had both been outraged when Lily refused to take what she was entitled to, but neither of them seemed to understand no matter how many times Lily tried to explain. If she took what she was entitled to, it was an admission to James and herself that she needed his money, and Lily didn't want one bloody knut from the toerag apart from what the children needed; she'd even gone as far as to return to him every article of clothing and piece of jewelry he'd ever bought for her, slowly replacing her wardrobe with what she'd bought with her own wages. Instead of additional financial assistance, she'd asked to have the children on weekdays (receiving them on Sunday evening), while James could have them on weekends (receiving them on Friday evening); that way, she could make sure they were schooled until they started attending Hogwarts, as she was sure James wouldn't do the same.
Six days had passed since Sirius started delivering Harry to the agreed-upon spot: the Leaky Cauldron. Remus had been the one to suggest it, and he acted as a mediator between Sirius and Marlene (the latter offering to go in Lily's stead whenever picking up or dropping off Harry). Lily didn't hate Sirius as much as she hated James, but she wasn't ready to speak with him in person any time soon, not after the number of times he could've told Lily the truth but chose not to.
And three hours had passed since Lily gave birth to a rather plump Marlene Evans (Marley, for short), during which time Marlene McKinnon had cried nearly non-stop after finding out she was both the namesake and godmother; in fact, Lily was fairly sure Marlene had Disapparated at one point to return to her parents' house, which would explain the arrival of Mary MacDonald and the remainder of the McKinnon family. Of course, being in a Muggle hospital had drawn some odd looks from members of staff, but Lily soon realized it had less to do with the McKinnons' choice of clothing (only for the older members) and more to do with them being Irish. The biggest objector to the presence of the Irish was, unsurprisingly, Vernon, resulting in him and Petunia (and Dudley) leaving the delivery room to wait outside. If only Marley had been born one day later; he might've been too busy with golf to show up.
Lily wasn't very fond of Vernon, but he was more welcome company than the man who stood just outside the threshold of the room. James (holding Harry) was waiting with Sirius and Remus, with Marlene having gone out to them to explain how they would visit so that Lily didn't have to tolerate James's presence; Marley would be handed off to Marlene, who would hand her to Remus, who would hand her to Sirius, who would hand her to James, and then the inverse when returning her to Lily. But of course, before that, Harry would be allowed to see his sister.
Lily looked down at Marley, taking her mind off James as she stroked the newborn's tufts of red hair. The baby's eyes opened, and Lily smiled as she looked into her almond-shaped eyes, just as green as her grandmother's.
"Good morning, sweetheart," Lily whispered. "Hi."
Marley yawned quietly before sticking her chubby hands out of the swaddling cloth the nurse had wrapped around her, reaching up to touch Lily's face.
Lily leaned down and let the thick fingers brush her cheek. "Are you saying hi to Mama?" she asked, letting the baby grab her thumb.
Marley's hand tightened around the thumb as she burbled, almost exactly like Harry had when he was born.
Lily looked up from Marley to see Marlene and Mary standing beside her, Harry balancing on his feet while holding each of their hands.
"How's Mini-Me?" Marlene asked.
"Grabby," Lily answered with a laugh.
"How about we see your sister, Harry?" Mary asked.
Harry looked between Marlene and Mary and smiled, tugging on both their hands until both witches pulled him off the ground and onto the bed with Lily and Marley. Harry sat down beside his mother and stared at the bundle in her arms. He leaned over to look Marley in the face before smiling and looking back up at Lily.
"Her name's Marlene," Lily explained. "But we'll call her Marley."
"... Mum!"
Lily's smile flattened in shock, her heart racing. "Harry?"
"Mum!" Harry repeated, this time louder.
Lily let out a breath as she covered her mouth.
"Harry, was that your first word?!" Mary asked, crouching down beside the bed and holding his hand.
"Mum!" Harry repeated with a wide smile on his face, now turning to Mary and pointing at Lily.
"Looks like he's talking again!" Any warmth in Lily's chest vanished as James walked into the room, ignoring Remus and Marlene as they tried stopping him.
"James," Remus was saying, "hold on-"
"We went over this!" Marlene objected. "Sirius, please!"
"I'm just going to see my children," James said with a smile. He stopped beside the bed and ruffled Harry's head. "Like your sister?"
"Dad!" Harry said happily, reaching up for James to pick him up.
Lily's heart sank.
James lifted Harry off the bed and held him once more as he knelt down to look at Marley. Lily felt her blood boil as her ex-husband disregarded the boundaries she'd set, looking away from him.
"Well, aren't you giving her over?"
Lily's mind went blank. "... what?" she asked, turning back to James's uncomfortable stare.
"It's Saturday, isn't it? I get them on the weekends."
Before Lily could answer, Marlene stepped up to James. "Now, look here!" the other witch objected. "You can't just take her away; it's only been a few hours!"
"I wasn't the one who decided who gets the kids on what days," James replied, looking back to Lily without saying a single word, just blinklessly looking her in the eye. "Besides, I checked with the doctor; Marley's free to come home."
That couldn't possibly be right! Lily barely felt Sirius scoop Marley out of her arms, but she was brought back to what was going on when Remus exclaimed, "Sirius, be reasonable here!"
"It's really not up to me, Moony," Sirius said. Lily could see some regret on his face, but not enough to stop him. "It's one of James's days. They'll both be with Lily tomorrow evening."
"Sirius-" Lily quickly said.
"Tomorrow," James cut in with a quiet voice. He was staring at Lily with unbroken, uncomfortable eye contact once more. "Unless the Ministry has to be involved."
Only when Lily looked away from discomfort did James leave the room with Harry, Sirius following him with Marley in his arms. And only then, after the four had left, did reality set in for Lily. The reality that, even on one of the most meaningful days of her life, James found a way to ruin it.
Severus I
Tuesday, 27 July 1982
"No, it's pronounced 'insects'," Severus explained to Isla as they looked at the sign on the wall beside the exhibit. A few other zoo-goers were looking at the two of them in shock before guiding their children away. "Like the letter 'k'," he continued, focusing his attention on Isla.
"But that's a 'c'," Isla argued, her tiny brow furrowing as she pointed at the word.
"And what did we discuss?"
"'C' can sound like 's' or 'k'," Isla repeated in a sing-songy way.
"Very good."
"But why?
"Why is it a 'k' and not an 's'?"
Severus didn't pretend to know how the English language developed, only that it had Germanic roots and borrowed from every other European language in one way or another. Fortunately, his time at Hogwarts had helped him study Latin. "It's from the Latin insectus," Severus explained.
"What's Latin?"
"A language once spoken by the Romans."
"Who's that?"
... Severus realized he'd have to buy a few history books for Isla, although he'd have to censor some of the events. "How about we stop by the bookstore after we leave?"
Isla nodded with a small smile as she once more took hold of Severus's collar, something she was in the habit of when she needed comfort. "How many ince- how many insects are there?"
"Population or species?"
"... what?"
"The number of insects in the world, or the number of types of insects?"
"You know how the ice cream shop has different flavors?"
"Oh! Okay, types!"
"More than one million."
"How much?"
"One-" Severus stopped himself. He'd have to buy a math book while they were at the bookstore. "Many."
Severus smirked. "Would you like to see any more?"
"Are spiders insects?"
"No, they're arachnids."
"What's that?"
"I'll show you." Severus walked over so that they were in front of one of the spider exhibits. "We could read the plaque together."
Isla looked at the tarantula inside and immediately let out a shriek, tucking herself into Severus's chest.
"What's wrong, dear?"
"Scary!" Isla's voice was muffled.
"How about we see the reptiles?"
"... okay," Isla said with a nod.
As Severus took her elsewhere, he asked, "Do you like the zoo so far?"
Isla nodded again. "I like the birds."
"What's your favorite?"
"What do you like the most?"
"Oh... a raven."
Severus remembered the ravens they'd seen flying overheard. "Not the ones in the exhibit?"
"No," Isla explained. "Ravens look like you."
"Like me?"
"You wear black all the time, and you've got a big nose."
Severus raised an eyebrow and was about to respond, but Isla's next words stopped him.
"That's why they're my favorite."
Severus felt his chest tighten as he adjusted how he held Isla, taking her to where the reptiles were. Clearing his throat, he said, "We've arrived at the reptiles."
Isla peeked out from where she'd been hiding her face, pointing at the exhibit in front of her. "Baby snakes!"
Lily II
Saturday, 31 July 1982
Lily was keeping herself busy by helping Petunia in the garden (Vernon and Dudley had gone out for ice cream against Lily's advice, she didn't think the two-year-old ought to have ice cream before dinner), wondering how Harry's birthday was going. James hadn't invited her or even brought up the idea of her stopping by to deliver presents to their son; instead, he'd sent Remus as a middleman to deliver them on her behalf. The conversation between her and Remus hadn't been too pleasant, although most of the hostility had admittedly been on Lily's part, while Remus (as usual) tried to be diplomatic.
"You have to understand," Remus had said slowly, "that James isn't taking any of this very well."
"This is our son's second birthday!" Lily had objected.
"He thinks that, since you have the children five days out of the week, he's allowed to spend more time with them without you being there."
"And what about when he showed up on my days this past week?!"
"I want to say that I don't agree with his reasoning, but-"
"But you won't even try," Lily had said, cutting him off.
"- but I'm not Harry's or Marley's father," Remus had finished. "And before you say anything, Sirius and I have spoken to James about this."
"Oh, is that so?"
"It didn't really do much, to be honest."
"Oh, I bet it didn't."
"Lily," Remus had said, exasperated, "I'm not as close with James as you think."
"I noticed that, funnily enough," Lily had said dryly. "Missed our wedding, missed our Hallowe'en parties, missed Easter, missed Harry's birth-"
"You and I both know Dumbledore had me spying on Greyback."
"You volunteered!"
Remus had gone silent with that comment, which prompted Lily to turn their conversation back to Harry's party by handing him the presents she'd picked out for him: a stuffed owl and a scarf. He'd left not long after, barely saying a word to Petunia, Marlene, and Mary, who'd all come back from a shopping trip to find Lily crying, which now led to Lily and Petunia gardening together while Marlene and Mary offered to prep ingredients for dinner.
Gardening took Lily back to when Mum was still alive; she and Petunia would often help her with the weeding and watering (honestly, Petunia had done most of the work, while Lily watched and pointed). It was, perhaps, the only time when the Evans sisters didn't argue very much, something which had even survived into Lily attending Hogwarts and learning more about magic. Of course, that had ended when Petunia moved out, and Lily had believed she'd never do this again after Vernon and James had that argument on their first (and last) double-date.
Given how everything had gone, Lily didn't think she'd be going on another double-date any time soon. And after James, she wasn't sure she even wanted to.
Severus II
Monday, 30 August 1982
Severus felt Isla grip his hand as they passed through the entrance to Platform 9 3/4 for the first time together, feeling the girl hug his leg tightly after passing through and out where the other witches and wizards were. When the platform wasn't flooded with students on their way to and from Hogwarts, it was relatively less crowded save for today. Fortunately, Severus had a ticket reserved for Hogwarts members of staff, although he would be sitting alone given that most staff members could simply Apparate to and from Hogsmeade, or make use of the Floo network.
Severus rolled their luggage up to the train and straight to the Hogwarts staff carriage, showing his and Isla's ticket to the ticketmaster before boarding. There was a seat near the window, which he decided would be Isla's, and he set their luggage up in the overhanging compartment before sitting beside her. "The ride will take some time," Severus said to her.
"May I have Basil, please?"
Severus got back up and retrieved Basil from the smaller light-blue trunk, giving it to Isla before sitting once more.
"Thank you," Isla mumbled as she hugged the stuffed fox. "This is a train?"
"It is. We'll be riding along the track."
"Two metal bars along the ground that the wheels are attached to. It'll take us all the way up to the Scottish Highlands."
"Yes, dear?"
"You said we live next to Birmingham," Isla began, pointing to an invisible map on the table with her tiny finger. "That's in the middle of England."
"Britain, but yes."
"Britain," Isla repeated. "And we went to London for the train." She traced her finger down.
"And it's south of Birmingham." Isla then pointed back at the original spot where her finger had been.
"And we go all the way up north?" Isla asked as she traced her finger upward.
"... Papa, why go south when we have to go north?"
"Because there's no train station in Birmingham that can take us there."
"Because-" Severus stopped. The logic didn't surprise him; he'd had similar thoughts when it came to public transportation. His mother had only ever delivered him to King's Cross once, afterwhich he'd had to save up money to commute to and from London on his own. What did surprise him was that this logic was coming out of the mouth of a three-year-old. "- because," he answered, "there isn't a large wizarding community in Birmingham."
"Why not?"
"... I've no idea," Severus admitted.
"You don't know?" Isla sounded shocked.
"Why don't you know?"
"I-" Severus felt relief as he heard the train whistle blow, which grabbed Isla's attention. "The train's departing."
"It is?!" Isla planted her face against the window, smushing her tiny forehead. She started to smile as the train slowly chugged forward, the platform disappearing behind them within a few minutes. "Papa, we're going!"
"We are," Severus said with a smile, watching as his daughter's smile grew wider.
"Do trains always do this?" Isla asked.
"Only if they're built properly."
"Can trains fly?"
"You're magic, and people can fly with magic, can't they?"
"Not without a broom."
"How do brooms fly?"
"They're enchanted with magic."
"Could a train fly if it was enchanted too?"
"... I suppose it could."
Severus sat quietly while Isla continued to stare out at the scenery, her mouth opening and closing depending on if something interesting passed by. He could only imagine how she'd react when she found out this would be their method of transportation to and from Hogwarts every year from now on.
Albus I
Albus hadn't seen Isla or her father since delivering her to Number 13 Spinner's End, but he hadn't heard the end of members of staff talking among themselves about Severus having a daughter. The loudest and most excited of the voices was Horace, which Albus had suspected would be the case, which just so happened to be the sound he was greeted with as he stepped into the staff office.
"It's been too long," Horace was saying to Minerva. "I still remember- oh, you remember Eileen Prince, don't you?"
"I recall," Minerva replied. Albus could see his deputy headmistress was on edge; this hadn't been the first time Horace had asked the question. She turned to see Albus approaching. "Good evening, Albus."
"Minerva," Albus said with a smile. "I take it everyone has been notified of Professor Snape's arrival?"
"You won't find a portrait in the castle that doesn't know," Minerva answered. "Rubeus is waiting at the station as we speak."
"Very good. I think we ought to give Severus a warm welcome, don't you?"
"Of course." Minerva had an uncertain look on her face.
"Is something the matter?"
"Minerva's feeling a bit off is all," Horace said. "Oh, I ought to go and greet Severus in person!"
"By all means," Albus said, allowing Horace to leave the room. He turned back to Minerva. "Whatever is the matter?"
"Are you certain this is wise?" Minerva asked, and Albus knew exactly what she was about to say; she'd made similar remarks ever since Albus had announced Severus's employment. "Professor Snape might be suitable for the position, but to take care of a small child at the same time-"
"I've already discussed that matter," Albus replied. "And young Isla will have a house-elf caring for her while Severus is occupied."
"Yes, but Snarky?!"
"Snarky's a rather attentive elf, I should think."
"Forgive me, Albus, but he doesn't exactly inspire much sense of comfort or security."
"Comfort? Perhaps you're right. Security? Isla couldn't be safer. And between you and me, she would find comfort in security, don't you think?"
"Well..." Minerva paused. "... and what about Snape? Working at Slug & Jiggers is no basis for the Defense post!"
"I believe I've told you once before that Severus's academic and practical performances have guaranteed him the post." That was partly true, but Severus had proven himself far more between graduation and Voldemort's downfall. "There is no candidate more suited for the job."
"Not even me?" Minerva asked defensively.
"Minerva, there's no one I know more capable in the field of Transfiguration. If there was, you would have gotten the Defense post already."
Minerva shifted in discomfort.
"... is there a personal reason for why you doubt Severus?"
"... it's not that I doubt him," Minerva admitted. This was a new development, at least as far as Minerva divulging this information.
"Is it to do with his 'associates' when he was a student?"
"Partly. I think he may hold a grudge against me for how James Potter and Sirius Black behaved. And don't even get me started on the incident with Remus Lupin!"
"Personally, I would've thought the incident by the lake would be more damning," Albus commented.
"Well, that certainly didn't help." Minerva crossed her arms.
"But you don't bear any ill will toward Severus, do you?"
"Not unless he does toward me first," Minerva answered.
"I suppose that'll do," Albus said, forcing a smile as he heard a commotion outside the staff room. "That must be them."
Albus and Minerva turned as Argus entered the room, Horace and Rubeus following close behind, and finally Severus and Isla behind them. The girl had fallen asleep with a stuffed fox pressed between her and her father's chest, leaving Severus to carry her while handling both trunks, at least until Rubeus had taken the larger of the two for convenience's sake.
"Ah, so good to see you, Severus," Albus greeted. "I see you're earlier than expected-"
Severus shot his hand up to put a finger to his lips, gesturing to the sleeping Isla.
"Apologies," Albus whispered. "Perhaps, you'd prefer to retire for the evening and meet the staff in the morning?"
Severus nodded, only for concern to grow on his face as Isla stirred, her eyes opening as she let out a whimper, which soon turned into a sob. "Are you awake?" Severus asked Isla as he turned his head to her.
Isla sniffled and nodded, clearly exhausted as she buried her head into his shoulder. "'M tired, Papa," the girl whimpered.
"We'll go to bed, then, yes?"
"... okay," Isla mumbled, the tiny girl grabbing her father's collar before peering out, making eye contact with Albus. "Alby?"
"Good evening, Isla," Albus said with a smile. He was happy she remembered him from the orphanage. "Did you have a good trip?"
Isla nodded, drying her eyes with Severus's shirt.
"We have a wonderfully comfortable bed for you."
Albus nodded. "Your father's as well."
"Thank you," Isla said politely.
"Argus, if you would?"
Argus nodded and looked up at Rubeus before turning to Severus. "Follow me, professor," the caretaker said, passing them by as he led Rubeus, Severus and Isla out and up to the new professor's quarters.
"Rather well-spoken, isn't she?" Horace wondered with a laugh. "I wager she's got her father's intelligence, yes?"
"Oh, I'd think so," Albus replied. "Thoughts, Minerva?"
Minerva's lips were pursed, but she inclined her head. "... rather polite."
Severus III
Wednesday, 1 September 1982
The Great Hall was as crowded as Severus remembered it being whenever he'd sat at the Slytherin table, but he wasn't accustomed to sitting from the perspective of a professor. The first-year students, having just been Sorted, were now sitting with their new housemates as Dumbledore made the pre-feast announcements.
"Now as some of you are aware," Dumbledore said, "our previous professor for Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Smith, suffered an incident involving a wardrobe and rocking chair, and will therefore not be teaching this year."
Severus noticed as some of the students whispered to themselves before going silent once more to listen. He adjusted his footing to prepare to stand, as he'd seen with every other new professor he'd seen introduced when he was a student.
"This year," Dumbledore continued, "we would like to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Please welcome Professor Severus Snape!"
Severus stood, scooting his chair out and careful not to accidentally bump into Isla, who was sitting at a small table behind him. He gave a stiff bow as he heard applause, nothing out of the ordinary, before sitting once more.
"And now," Dumbledore concluded, "Let the feast begin!"
Food appeared on every plate and platter in the Great Hall, and Severus turned as he heard Isla gasp, her plate hosting sliced chicken accompanied by peas, carrots, broccoli, and mashed potato. The girl gingerly took her fork and poked a slice of carrot, eating it and chewing with her mouth closed (precisely as they had practiced). Severus turned back to his plate and began to eat. He managed to eat one forkful and take a single sip before he felt a tiny hand tug on his shirt. He looked down, Isla staring back up at him; in his periphery, he knew McGonagall, sitting right beside Severus, was looking at the two of them; it wasn't new, and it was getting old.
"Yes, dear?"
"Papa, I have a question," Isla said politely.
"Of course."
"No, but..." Isla leaned in. "I have to sit on your lap."
"Is it that serious?"
Isla nodded.
Severus felt his face heat up, not daring to look up and accidentally at McGonagall or the students. He took a slow breath before relenting, picking his daughter up and resting her on his knee, upon which he heard the chattering of the students grow quieter and turn to whispering. "Yes?" he asked Isla, keeping his focus on her.
Isla leaned in and whispered, "Why'd Alby call you 'Severus'?"
Severus blinked. "That's my first name."
"My mother named me that."
"Because it's the name of a Roman emperor."
"You mean the Latin people?"
Severus nodded.
Isla's eyes widened. "... you're a Roman?!"
"I thought they all died!" Isla exclaimed.
"No, they- we'll go over our Roman history later."
"Okay." Isla looked around before tucking her head into Severus's chest, afterwhich Severus heard a few of the female students (more than a few, actually) making some sort of affectionate sound in his general direction.
"What's the matter, dear?"
"Everyone's looking at me," Isla said, sounding afraid.
Severus felt a pressure in his forehead as he looked up at the students, most of which were looking at him, and glared. Very quickly, the students turned away and back to their food. "Not anymore," Severus whispered to her, patting her back. "How about you go and eat?"
"Do I have to eat the green stuff?" Isla asked.
"Vegetables help your mind grow," Severus said. "You'll be as smart as me."
"I guarantee it."
"... okay." Isla slipped down from Severus's lap and returned to her meal at the small table.
Severus sat up straight once more, returning to his meal, as he ignored whatever look McGonagall was giving him. It didn't take very long for the ghosts of Hogwarts to come out and greet the students, most of the first-years shrieking in surprise while their older housemates laughed. He recalled a young Lily's face when Sir Nicholas had greeted her for the first time, and it would've been enough to make him spit out his pumpkin juice if they'd been sitting together as he'd once hoped they would. He'd been naive to think she could've been Sorted into Slytherin-
"Hi," Isla said, snapping Severus out of his memories and back to the present as he turned to find her talking to Sir Nicholas, of all ghosts.
"Hello there, Miss Isla," Sir Nicholas greeted, floating down so he was eye-level as he bowed. "Are you enjoying dinner?"
"Mm-hmm," Isla answered, eating some of her broccoli with a smile.
Severus felt the corner of his mouth curl. She was brave for her age.
Chapter 2: The Remainder of Summer
Lily I
Saturday, 24 July 1982
Roughly three months had passed since Lily got the job at Slug & Jiggers. Apart from working the counter, it was also her job to take inventory at the end of the day, both things which she'd expected when she applied. What surprised her was the additional responsibility of brewing potions to sell after the doors were shut for customers, although that had more to do with the previous potioneer abruptly resigning for undisclosed reasons; when Lily disclosed she was expecting, however, the owner instead offered to do all the brewing if Lily could compensate by looking over the morning inventory as well. The pay was as decent as she could expect from a job like this (14 Galleons a week), but the conversion to Muggle currency would take some getting used to if she was to stay with her sister.
Roughly three weeks had passed since Lily finalized her divorce from James. Petunia and Marlene had both been outraged when Lily refused to take what she was entitled to, but neither of them seemed to understand no matter how many times Lily tried to explain. If she took what she was entitled to, it was an admission to James and herself that she needed his money, and Lily didn't want one bloody knut from the toerag apart from what the children needed; she'd even gone as far as to return to him every article of clothing and piece of jewelry he'd ever bought for her, slowly replacing her wardrobe with what she'd bought with her own wages. Instead of additional financial assistance, she'd asked to have the children on weekdays (receiving them on Sunday evening), while James could have them on weekends (receiving them on Friday evening); that way, she could make sure they were schooled until they started attending Hogwarts, as she was sure James wouldn't do the same.
Six days had passed since Sirius started delivering Harry to the agreed-upon spot: the Leaky Cauldron. Remus had been the one to suggest it, and he acted as a mediator between Sirius and Marlene (the latter offering to go in Lily's stead whenever picking up or dropping off Harry). Lily didn't hate Sirius as much as she hated James, but she wasn't ready to speak with him in person any time soon, not after the number of times he could've told Lily the truth but chose not to.
And three hours had passed since Lily gave birth to a rather plump Marlene Evans (Marley, for short), during which time Marlene McKinnon had cried nearly non-stop after finding out she was both the namesake and godmother; in fact, Lily was fairly sure Marlene had Disapparated at one point to return to her parents' house, which would explain the arrival of Mary MacDonald and the remainder of the McKinnon family. Of course, being in a Muggle hospital had drawn some odd looks from members of staff, but Lily soon realized it had less to do with the McKinnons' choice of clothing (only for the older members) and more to do with them being Irish. The biggest objector to the presence of the Irish was, unsurprisingly, Vernon, resulting in him and Petunia (and Dudley) leaving the delivery room to wait outside. If only Marley had been born one day later; he might've been too busy with golf to show up.
Lily wasn't very fond of Vernon, but he was more welcome company than the man who stood just outside the threshold of the room. James (holding Harry) was waiting with Sirius and Remus, with Marlene having gone out to them to explain how they would visit so that Lily didn't have to tolerate James's presence; Marley would be handed off to Marlene, who would hand her to Remus, who would hand her to Sirius, who would hand her to James, and then the inverse when returning her to Lily. But of course, before that, Harry would be allowed to see his sister.
Lily looked down at Marley, taking her mind off James as she stroked the newborn's tufts of red hair. The baby's eyes opened, and Lily smiled as she looked into her almond-shaped eyes, just as green as her grandmother's.
"Good morning, sweetheart," Lily whispered. "Hi."
Marley yawned quietly before sticking her chubby hands out of the swaddling cloth the nurse had wrapped around her, reaching up to touch Lily's face.
Lily leaned down and let the thick fingers brush her cheek. "Are you saying hi to Mama?" she asked, letting the baby grab her thumb.
Marley's hand tightened around the thumb as she burbled, almost exactly like Harry had when he was born.
Lily looked up from Marley to see Marlene and Mary standing beside her, Harry balancing on his feet while holding each of their hands.
"How's Mini-Me?" Marlene asked.
"Grabby," Lily answered with a laugh.
"How about we see your sister, Harry?" Mary asked.
Harry looked between Marlene and Mary and smiled, tugging on both their hands until both witches pulled him off the ground and onto the bed with Lily and Marley. Harry sat down beside his mother and stared at the bundle in her arms. He leaned over to look Marley in the face before smiling and looking back up at Lily.
"Her name's Marlene," Lily explained. "But we'll call her Marley."
"... Mum!"
Lily's smile flattened in shock, her heart racing. "Harry?"
"Mum!" Harry repeated, this time louder.
Lily let out a breath as she covered her mouth.
"Harry, was that your first word?!" Mary asked, crouching down beside the bed and holding his hand.
"Mum!" Harry repeated with a wide smile on his face, now turning to Mary and pointing at Lily.
"Looks like he's talking again!" Any warmth in Lily's chest vanished as James walked into the room, ignoring Remus and Marlene as they tried stopping him.
"James," Remus was saying, "hold on-"
"We went over this!" Marlene objected. "Sirius, please!"
"I'm just going to see my children," James said with a smile. He stopped beside the bed and ruffled Harry's head. "Like your sister?"
"Dad!" Harry said happily, reaching up for James to pick him up.
Lily's heart sank.
James lifted Harry off the bed and held him once more as he knelt down to look at Marley. Lily felt her blood boil as her ex-husband disregarded the boundaries she'd set, looking away from him.
"Well, aren't you giving her over?"
Lily's mind went blank. "... what?" she asked, turning back to James's uncomfortable stare.
"It's Saturday, isn't it? I get them on the weekends."
Before Lily could answer, Marlene stepped up to James. "Now, look here!" the other witch objected. "You can't just take her away; it's only been a few hours!"
"I wasn't the one who decided who gets the kids on what days," James replied, looking back to Lily without saying a single word, just blinklessly looking her in the eye. "Besides, I checked with the doctor; Marley's free to come home."
That couldn't possibly be right! Lily barely felt Sirius scoop Marley out of her arms, but she was brought back to what was going on when Remus exclaimed, "Sirius, be reasonable here!"
"It's really not up to me, Moony," Sirius said. Lily could see some regret on his face, but not enough to stop him. "It's one of James's days. They'll both be with Lily tomorrow evening."
"Sirius-" Lily quickly said.
"Tomorrow," James cut in with a quiet voice. He was staring at Lily with unbroken, uncomfortable eye contact once more. "Unless the Ministry has to be involved."
Only when Lily looked away from discomfort did James leave the room with Harry, Sirius following him with Marley in his arms. And only then, after the four had left, did reality set in for Lily. The reality that, even on one of the most meaningful days of her life, James found a way to ruin it.
Severus I
Tuesday, 27 July 1982
"No, it's pronounced 'insects'," Severus explained to Isla as they looked at the sign on the wall beside the exhibit. A few other zoo-goers were looking at the two of them in shock before guiding their children away. "Like the letter 'k'," he continued, focusing his attention on Isla.
"But that's a 'c'," Isla argued, her tiny brow furrowing as she pointed at the word.
"And what did we discuss?"
"'C' can sound like 's' or 'k'," Isla repeated in a sing-songy way.
"Very good."
"But why?
"Why is it a 'k' and not an 's'?"
Severus didn't pretend to know how the English language developed, only that it had Germanic roots and borrowed from every other European language in one way or another. Fortunately, his time at Hogwarts had helped him study Latin. "It's from the Latin insectus," Severus explained.
"What's Latin?"
"A language once spoken by the Romans."
"Who's that?"
... Severus realized he'd have to buy a few history books for Isla, although he'd have to censor some of the events. "How about we stop by the bookstore after we leave?"
Isla nodded with a small smile as she once more took hold of Severus's collar, something she was in the habit of when she needed comfort. "How many ince- how many insects are there?"
"Population or species?"
"... what?"
"The number of insects in the world, or the number of types of insects?"
"You know how the ice cream shop has different flavors?"
"Oh! Okay, types!"
"More than one million."
"How much?"
"One-" Severus stopped himself. He'd have to buy a math book while they were at the bookstore. "Many."
Severus smirked. "Would you like to see any more?"
"Are spiders insects?"
"No, they're arachnids."
"What's that?"
"I'll show you." Severus walked over so that they were in front of one of the spider exhibits. "We could read the plaque together."
Isla looked at the tarantula inside and immediately let out a shriek, tucking herself into Severus's chest.
"What's wrong, dear?"
"Scary!" Isla's voice was muffled.
"How about we see the reptiles?"
"... okay," Isla said with a nod.
As Severus took her elsewhere, he asked, "Do you like the zoo so far?"
Isla nodded again. "I like the birds."
"What's your favorite?"
"What do you like the most?"
"Oh... a raven."
Severus remembered the ravens they'd seen flying overheard. "Not the ones in the exhibit?"
"No," Isla explained. "Ravens look like you."
"Like me?"
"You wear black all the time, and you've got a big nose."
Severus raised an eyebrow and was about to respond, but Isla's next words stopped him.
"That's why they're my favorite."
Severus felt his chest tighten as he adjusted how he held Isla, taking her to where the reptiles were. Clearing his throat, he said, "We've arrived at the reptiles."
Isla peeked out from where she'd been hiding her face, pointing at the exhibit in front of her. "Baby snakes!"
Lily II
Saturday, 31 July 1982
Lily was keeping herself busy by helping Petunia in the garden (Vernon and Dudley had gone out for ice cream against Lily's advice, she didn't think the two-year-old ought to have ice cream before dinner), wondering how Harry's birthday was going. James hadn't invited her or even brought up the idea of her stopping by to deliver presents to their son; instead, he'd sent Remus as a middleman to deliver them on her behalf. The conversation between her and Remus hadn't been too pleasant, although most of the hostility had admittedly been on Lily's part, while Remus (as usual) tried to be diplomatic.
"You have to understand," Remus had said slowly, "that James isn't taking any of this very well."
"This is our son's second birthday!" Lily had objected.
"He thinks that, since you have the children five days out of the week, he's allowed to spend more time with them without you being there."
"And what about when he showed up on my days this past week?!"
"I want to say that I don't agree with his reasoning, but-"
"But you won't even try," Lily had said, cutting him off.
"- but I'm not Harry's or Marley's father," Remus had finished. "And before you say anything, Sirius and I have spoken to James about this."
"Oh, is that so?"
"It didn't really do much, to be honest."
"Oh, I bet it didn't."
"Lily," Remus had said, exasperated, "I'm not as close with James as you think."
"I noticed that, funnily enough," Lily had said dryly. "Missed our wedding, missed our Hallowe'en parties, missed Easter, missed Harry's birth-"
"You and I both know Dumbledore had me spying on Greyback."
"You volunteered!"
Remus had gone silent with that comment, which prompted Lily to turn their conversation back to Harry's party by handing him the presents she'd picked out for him: a stuffed owl and a scarf. He'd left not long after, barely saying a word to Petunia, Marlene, and Mary, who'd all come back from a shopping trip to find Lily crying, which now led to Lily and Petunia gardening together while Marlene and Mary offered to prep ingredients for dinner.
Gardening took Lily back to when Mum was still alive; she and Petunia would often help her with the weeding and watering (honestly, Petunia had done most of the work, while Lily watched and pointed). It was, perhaps, the only time when the Evans sisters didn't argue very much, something which had even survived into Lily attending Hogwarts and learning more about magic. Of course, that had ended when Petunia moved out, and Lily had believed she'd never do this again after Vernon and James had that argument on their first (and last) double-date.
Given how everything had gone, Lily didn't think she'd be going on another double-date any time soon. And after James, she wasn't sure she even wanted to.
Severus II
Monday, 30 August 1982
Severus felt Isla grip his hand as they passed through the entrance to Platform 9 3/4 for the first time together, feeling the girl hug his leg tightly after passing through and out where the other witches and wizards were. When the platform wasn't flooded with students on their way to and from Hogwarts, it was relatively less crowded save for today. Fortunately, Severus had a ticket reserved for Hogwarts members of staff, although he would be sitting alone given that most staff members could simply Apparate to and from Hogsmeade, or make use of the Floo network.
Severus rolled their luggage up to the train and straight to the Hogwarts staff carriage, showing his and Isla's ticket to the ticketmaster before boarding. There was a seat near the window, which he decided would be Isla's, and he set their luggage up in the overhanging compartment before sitting beside her. "The ride will take some time," Severus said to her.
"May I have Basil, please?"
Severus got back up and retrieved Basil from the smaller light-blue trunk, giving it to Isla before sitting once more.
"Thank you," Isla mumbled as she hugged the stuffed fox. "This is a train?"
"It is. We'll be riding along the track."
"Two metal bars along the ground that the wheels are attached to. It'll take us all the way up to the Scottish Highlands."
"Yes, dear?"
"You said we live next to Birmingham," Isla began, pointing to an invisible map on the table with her tiny finger. "That's in the middle of England."
"Britain, but yes."
"Britain," Isla repeated. "And we went to London for the train." She traced her finger down.
"And it's south of Birmingham." Isla then pointed back at the original spot where her finger had been.
"And we go all the way up north?" Isla asked as she traced her finger upward.
"... Papa, why go south when we have to go north?"
"Because there's no train station in Birmingham that can take us there."
"Because-" Severus stopped. The logic didn't surprise him; he'd had similar thoughts when it came to public transportation. His mother had only ever delivered him to King's Cross once, afterwhich he'd had to save up money to commute to and from London on his own. What did surprise him was that this logic was coming out of the mouth of a three-year-old. "- because," he answered, "there isn't a large wizarding community in Birmingham."
"Why not?"
"... I've no idea," Severus admitted.
"You don't know?" Isla sounded shocked.
"Why don't you know?"
"I-" Severus felt relief as he heard the train whistle blow, which grabbed Isla's attention. "The train's departing."
"It is?!" Isla planted her face against the window, smushing her tiny forehead. She started to smile as the train slowly chugged forward, the platform disappearing behind them within a few minutes. "Papa, we're going!"
"We are," Severus said with a smile, watching as his daughter's smile grew wider.
"Do trains always do this?" Isla asked.
"Only if they're built properly."
"Can trains fly?"
"You're magic, and people can fly with magic, can't they?"
"Not without a broom."
"How do brooms fly?"
"They're enchanted with magic."
"Could a train fly if it was enchanted too?"
"... I suppose it could."
Severus sat quietly while Isla continued to stare out at the scenery, her mouth opening and closing depending on if something interesting passed by. He could only imagine how she'd react when she found out this would be their method of transportation to and from Hogwarts every year from now on.
Albus I
Albus hadn't seen Isla or her father since delivering her to Number 13 Spinner's End, but he hadn't heard the end of members of staff talking among themselves about Severus having a daughter. The loudest and most excited of the voices was Horace, which Albus had suspected would be the case, which just so happened to be the sound he was greeted with as he stepped into the staff office.
"It's been too long," Horace was saying to Minerva. "I still remember- oh, you remember Eileen Prince, don't you?"
"I recall," Minerva replied. Albus could see his deputy headmistress was on edge; this hadn't been the first time Horace had asked the question. She turned to see Albus approaching. "Good evening, Albus."
"Minerva," Albus said with a smile. "I take it everyone has been notified of Professor Snape's arrival?"
"You won't find a portrait in the castle that doesn't know," Minerva answered. "Rubeus is waiting at the station as we speak."
"Very good. I think we ought to give Severus a warm welcome, don't you?"
"Of course." Minerva had an uncertain look on her face.
"Is something the matter?"
"Minerva's feeling a bit off is all," Horace said. "Oh, I ought to go and greet Severus in person!"
"By all means," Albus said, allowing Horace to leave the room. He turned back to Minerva. "Whatever is the matter?"
"Are you certain this is wise?" Minerva asked, and Albus knew exactly what she was about to say; she'd made similar remarks ever since Albus had announced Severus's employment. "Professor Snape might be suitable for the position, but to take care of a small child at the same time-"
"I've already discussed that matter," Albus replied. "And young Isla will have a house-elf caring for her while Severus is occupied."
"Yes, but Snarky?!"
"Snarky's a rather attentive elf, I should think."
"Forgive me, Albus, but he doesn't exactly inspire much sense of comfort or security."
"Comfort? Perhaps you're right. Security? Isla couldn't be safer. And between you and me, she would find comfort in security, don't you think?"
"Well..." Minerva paused. "... and what about Snape? Working at Slug & Jiggers is no basis for the Defense post!"
"I believe I've told you once before that Severus's academic and practical performances have guaranteed him the post." That was partly true, but Severus had proven himself far more between graduation and Voldemort's downfall. "There is no candidate more suited for the job."
"Not even me?" Minerva asked defensively.
"Minerva, there's no one I know more capable in the field of Transfiguration. If there was, you would have gotten the Defense post already."
Minerva shifted in discomfort.
"... is there a personal reason for why you doubt Severus?"
"... it's not that I doubt him," Minerva admitted. This was a new development, at least as far as Minerva divulging this information.
"Is it to do with his 'associates' when he was a student?"
"Partly. I think he may hold a grudge against me for how James Potter and Sirius Black behaved. And don't even get me started on the incident with Remus Lupin!"
"Personally, I would've thought the incident by the lake would be more damning," Albus commented.
"Well, that certainly didn't help." Minerva crossed her arms.
"But you don't bear any ill will toward Severus, do you?"
"Not unless he does toward me first," Minerva answered.
"I suppose that'll do," Albus said, forcing a smile as he heard a commotion outside the staff room. "That must be them."
Albus and Minerva turned as Argus entered the room, Horace and Rubeus following close behind, and finally Severus and Isla behind them. The girl had fallen asleep with a stuffed fox pressed between her and her father's chest, leaving Severus to carry her while handling both trunks, at least until Rubeus had taken the larger of the two for convenience's sake.
"Ah, so good to see you, Severus," Albus greeted. "I see you're earlier than expected-"
Severus shot his hand up to put a finger to his lips, gesturing to the sleeping Isla.
"Apologies," Albus whispered. "Perhaps, you'd prefer to retire for the evening and meet the staff in the morning?"
Severus nodded, only for concern to grow on his face as Isla stirred, her eyes opening as she let out a whimper, which soon turned into a sob. "Are you awake?" Severus asked Isla as he turned his head to her.
Isla sniffled and nodded, clearly exhausted as she buried her head into his shoulder. "'M tired, Papa," the girl whimpered.
"We'll go to bed, then, yes?"
"... okay," Isla mumbled, the tiny girl grabbing her father's collar before peering out, making eye contact with Albus. "Alby?"
"Good evening, Isla," Albus said with a smile. He was happy she remembered him from the orphanage. "Did you have a good trip?"
Isla nodded, drying her eyes with Severus's shirt.
"We have a wonderfully comfortable bed for you."
Albus nodded. "Your father's as well."
"Thank you," Isla said politely.
"Argus, if you would?"
Argus nodded and looked up at Rubeus before turning to Severus. "Follow me, professor," the caretaker said, passing them by as he led Rubeus, Severus and Isla out and up to the new professor's quarters.
"Rather well-spoken, isn't she?" Horace wondered with a laugh. "I wager she's got her father's intelligence, yes?"
"Oh, I'd think so," Albus replied. "Thoughts, Minerva?"
Minerva's lips were pursed, but she inclined her head. "... rather polite."
Severus III
Wednesday, 1 September 1982
The Great Hall was as crowded as Severus remembered it being whenever he'd sat at the Slytherin table, but he wasn't accustomed to sitting from the perspective of a professor. The first-year students, having just been Sorted, were now sitting with their new housemates as Dumbledore made the pre-feast announcements.
"Now as some of you are aware," Dumbledore said, "our previous professor for Defense Against the Dark Arts, Professor Smith, suffered an incident involving a wardrobe and rocking chair, and will therefore not be teaching this year."
Severus noticed as some of the students whispered to themselves before going silent once more to listen. He adjusted his footing to prepare to stand, as he'd seen with every other new professor he'd seen introduced when he was a student.
"This year," Dumbledore continued, "we would like to introduce our new Defense Against the Dark Arts professor. Please welcome Professor Severus Snape!"
Severus stood, scooting his chair out and careful not to accidentally bump into Isla, who was sitting at a small table behind him. He gave a stiff bow as he heard applause, nothing out of the ordinary, before sitting once more.
"And now," Dumbledore concluded, "Let the feast begin!"
Food appeared on every plate and platter in the Great Hall, and Severus turned as he heard Isla gasp, her plate hosting sliced chicken accompanied by peas, carrots, broccoli, and mashed potato. The girl gingerly took her fork and poked a slice of carrot, eating it and chewing with her mouth closed (precisely as they had practiced). Severus turned back to his plate and began to eat. He managed to eat one forkful and take a single sip before he felt a tiny hand tug on his shirt. He looked down, Isla staring back up at him; in his periphery, he knew McGonagall, sitting right beside Severus, was looking at the two of them; it wasn't new, and it was getting old.
"Yes, dear?"
"Papa, I have a question," Isla said politely.
"Of course."
"No, but..." Isla leaned in. "I have to sit on your lap."
"Is it that serious?"
Isla nodded.
Severus felt his face heat up, not daring to look up and accidentally at McGonagall or the students. He took a slow breath before relenting, picking his daughter up and resting her on his knee, upon which he heard the chattering of the students grow quieter and turn to whispering. "Yes?" he asked Isla, keeping his focus on her.
Isla leaned in and whispered, "Why'd Alby call you 'Severus'?"
Severus blinked. "That's my first name."
"My mother named me that."
"Because it's the name of a Roman emperor."
"You mean the Latin people?"
Severus nodded.
Isla's eyes widened. "... you're a Roman?!"
"I thought they all died!" Isla exclaimed.
"No, they- we'll go over our Roman history later."
"Okay." Isla looked around before tucking her head into Severus's chest, afterwhich Severus heard a few of the female students (more than a few, actually) making some sort of affectionate sound in his general direction.
"What's the matter, dear?"
"Everyone's looking at me," Isla said, sounding afraid.
Severus felt a pressure in his forehead as he looked up at the students, most of which were looking at him, and glared. Very quickly, the students turned away and back to their food. "Not anymore," Severus whispered to her, patting her back. "How about you go and eat?"
"Do I have to eat the green stuff?" Isla asked.
"Vegetables help your mind grow," Severus said. "You'll be as smart as me."
"I guarantee it."
"... okay." Isla slipped down from Severus's lap and returned to her meal at the small table.
Severus sat up straight once more, returning to his meal, as he ignored whatever look McGonagall was giving him. It didn't take very long for the ghosts of Hogwarts to come out and greet the students, most of the first-years shrieking in surprise while their older housemates laughed. He recalled a young Lily's face when Sir Nicholas had greeted her for the first time, and it would've been enough to make him spit out his pumpkin juice if they'd been sitting together as he'd once hoped they would. He'd been naive to think she could've been Sorted into Slytherin-
"Hi," Isla said, snapping Severus out of his memories and back to the present as he turned to find her talking to Sir Nicholas, of all ghosts.
"Hello there, Miss Isla," Sir Nicholas greeted, floating down so he was eye-level as he bowed. "Are you enjoying dinner?"
"Mm-hmm," Isla answered, eating some of her broccoli with a smile.
Severus felt the corner of his mouth curl. She was brave for her age.

Quote from The Gestalt Prince on November 3, 2024, 4:28 amChapter 3: Many Firsts
Severus I
Thursday, 2 September 1982
Severus wasn't in any mood to be cordial with anyone; Isla had had a night terror that nearly destroyed the bedroom, and he'd had to clean up the mess she'd made into dawn, afterwhich he'd had to calm her down until she fell asleep again. Right now, Snarky the house-elf was watching over her, waiting for her to wake up before serving her breakfast; he would dress her properly once he had time. He wasn't sure what to make of Snarky, other than Isla seemed to take to him rather well (faster than she'd taken to the ghosts and portraits).
Severus strode into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, slamming the door behind him loud enough to silence the second-years who were chattering away. "Can any of you tell me the three classifications of Dark Charms?" he asked, calling out to the students as he finally reached the front of the class, turning to face them all.
The students looked around, all of them annoyingly silent. It was bad enough that Severus had to work here at all, but the least his predecessor could've done was teach them adequately; skipping breakfast hadn't helped his mood, either.
"... no one?" Severus asked. "It would seem you've forgotten basic first-year material." He drew his wand and pulled the blackboard over so he could write on it, picking up the chalk and writing down three words. "Jinxes. Hexes. And curses. Raise your hand if any of you are mindful enough to have remembered the words, at least."
One student raised his hand.
"Yes?" Severus asked, not bothering to learn his name.
"Curses are the ones that send you to Azkaban," the boy said.
... Severus felt his mind shut down. "... you'll find many things can get you sent to Azkaban," he replied. "If only 'dunderheaded answers' was among them."
The boy shrunk back into his seat.
"Did any of you bother reviewing from last year?" Severus asked. "Or should I combine this class with the first-years so you're all on the same level? It would do wonders for my schedule." He turned back to the blackboard and started writing. "The definitions of 'jinx', 'hex', and 'curse' are based on the severity of the charm's effect, with 'jinx' being the lesser of the three and 'curse' being the greater. However, most charms are limited in their classification based on the effects they produce and the implications. For example-"
Severus heard the door to the classroom slowly open and looked to see who it was, only to be stunned in silence. All heads turned as Isla, still in her pajamas, scampered to the front of the class and hugged Severus's leg.
"Papa," Isla whimpered.
"... I see you've woken up," Severus said calmly as he knelt and picked her up. He could hear the students whispering. "How did you find me?"
"Picture people."
"Ah." Clever.
"Can we have breakfast?" Isla asked.
"I'd hoped you would eat with Snarky."
"I missed you."
Severus tightened his jaw as Isla tucked her head into his chest, feeling the stares from his second-years and glaring them back into submission. Patting Isla's back, he said, "How about you sit in class, and you can eat while I teach?"
"And I can learn too?"
"If you wish. As long as you stay quiet."
"... thank you," Isla said politely. She called out, "Snarky?"
The house-elf popped into existence with a breakfast tray. "Miss Isla calls?"
"Papa said we can eat here."
"Off to the side, if you would," Severus said to Snarky, setting Isla down.
Isla and Snarky went to the side, and Snarky popped away and then back with Isla's small table and chairs so they could sit and eat.
Severus turned back to the blackboard and waved his wand, shifting the words lower so there was space at the top. He grabbed the chalk and wrote in large letters:
Setting the chalk down and turning back to the students, who were glancing at Isla before quickly back to the front, Severus cleared his throat and said, "For example: the Body-Binding Curse is designated as such..."
Lily I
Sunday, 31 October 1982
"OH, DIDDYKINS!" Petunia squealed as she came out of the bedroom with Dudley, who'd been dressed as a pumpkin. "Don't you look so precious?!"
"You've outdone yourself, Mum," Lily teased as she took Dudley's pudgy hand. She cooed, "That suits you very well, Dudley!"
Dudley giggled in response.
"Oh, if only Vernon could be here to see him!"
"We could take a few pictures- no wait, we should wait until Harry and Marley arrive!"
"On the couch?"
"I was thinking in the garden."
Petunia gasped and handed Dudley over to Lily. "I'll go set up the chairs!" she said as she hurried off down the steps.
Lily followed behind, more slowly so as not to trip and tumble down; Petunia would never forgive her if anything happened to Dudley. "How about we wait for your cousins in the sitting room?"
"Yeah!" Dudley said, clapping his hands.
Lily sat Dudley down and straightened out her dress as the doorbell rang. Seeing that it was still too early for it to be trick-or-treaters, and Vernon had no reason to ring the bell to his own house, that only left with one other option. Harry and Marley.
Lily walked briskly to the front door, a smile on her face... only to find Sirius in his biker jacket, his motorbike parked on the curb, without Harry or Marley. "... I thought we had an arrangement," Lily said stiffly, her smile vanishing.
"I'd have told Remus," Sirius explained, "but it's that time of the month tomorrow. And Marlene and I..."
"Where are my children?"
"That's the reason I came," Sirius said. "James is having a Hallowe'en party tonight, and he thought the kids would prefer-"
"Sirius Black, it is Sunday evening!"
"He went to the Ministry a few days ago." Sirius dug into his pocket and took out a folded-over document. "It's a copy."
Lily snatched it and unfolded it, reading the contents inside.
"An amendment was made," Sirius explained. "Now, each parent is allowed to keep the children for an extended period during holidays."
"Why wasn't I involved?!"
"It only requires one parent and one guardian."
"... it's Marley's first Hallowe'en," Lily said weakly, her arms dropping to her side.
"They'll be here tomorrow morning," Sirius continued.
"I can't do anything about it." Sirius stuck his hands in his pockets. "I'm sorry, Lily."
"No, you're not!" Lily said bitterly, slamming the door in his face before she let out a choke. Her chest was tightening as she thought about the route she'd picked out for Petunia to take the children, about how she wouldn't be opening the door for them once they'd returned with their candies (at which point, Lily would take care to sort it out and make sure Harry didn't get anything too unhealthy, and there was no reason for Marley to be eating any of it). At best, she'd hear about how much fun they'd had with James and Sirius at their party, and the number of people who'd attend.
And as Lily walked into the kitchen and flipped through the calendar, she saw it wouldn't be the last time.
Severus II
Today was the first anniversary of Lord Voldemort's death, and Severus was walking hand-in-hand with Isla as they made their way to Sir Nicholas's Deathday party, to which Isla had been personally invited. Severus hadn't expected Isla to be invited to an event such as this at this age, but he wasn't complaining; the last thing he needed was to attend the Hallowe'en feast with Dumbledore's eye on him (or the eyes of the other students whenever Isla wanted to sit on his lap).
The two Snapes passed through the corridors, students passing them by and wishing the two of them a happy Hallowe'en; Isla had responded quite politely to each and every one of them, which would've filled Severus with some pride if not for the knowledge that the students would start to like him more. The thought made him more irritated than he ought to be, and the only reason he put up with it was for Isla's sake.
They arrived outside the shut door to the party, which Severus opened; he was immediately met by the smell of mildew and decaying food, which made him grateful he'd skipped lunch and dinner.
"Well, good evening, Miss Isla!" Sir Nicholas glided up to greet the both of them. "Good evening, Professor Snape."
"Good evening," Severus replied, gently squeezing Isla's hand to prompt her.
"Happy Deathday, Sir Nicholas," Isla said politely, grabbing the hem of her skirt and curtsying.
"Oh, that's rather well done, my dear!" Sir Nicholas exclaimed with an annoying smile and laugh. "Come, let's mingle!"
Severus was led by Isla as they followed Sir Nicholas to float beside the Fat Friar, the two resuming their conversation from before.
"I'm sure next year will be different," the Fat Friar said reassuringly.
"I should certainly hope so!" Sir Nicholas replied.
"What different?" Isla asked.
"My request to join the Headless Hunt has, for the umpteenth time, been denied," Sir Nicholas explained. He sounded rather upset. "It's rather terrible."
"Headless?" Isla asked. "But you still have a head."
Sir Nicholas went to tilt his head to the side, but Severus made eye contact with him, which was enough for the ghost to change his mind. "You see," Sir Nicholas continued, "when I died, my head didn't come off completely."
Isla gasped. "Oh no!"
"Indeed," Sir Nicholas said with a huff. "And because of that one inch of skin, I've been denied membership for the premiere organization of headless ghosts."
"... the Baron has a sword," Isla suggested. "You could ask him to help."
"Well, I-" Sir Nicholas stopped, and Severus almost thought he'd been frozen. "... would you excuse me for one moment?" Sir Nicholas glided away to where the Bloody Baron was moping, and Severus watched as only a few seconds passed before Sir Nicholas tilted his head (Severus made sure to block Isla's line of sight) and the Bloody Baron swung his sword. Fortunately, the sword did nothing but pass through Sir Nicholas's inch of skin, afterwhich both ghosts floated over.
"No luck?" the Fat Friar asked.
"Nothing," Sir Nicholas replied sullenly. "Thank you for the advice anyway, Miss Isla."
"You're welcome."
"You ought to try this roast," the Fat Friar told the Bloody Baron. "It's rather savory compared to last year's."
Severus let the ghosts talk, and he felt Isla's hand tighten around his, prompting him to look down at his daughter. He knelt down and asked quietly, "What is it, dear?"
"... I didn't help," Isla mumbled, her head hanging low.
"That was rather kind of you to try," Severus replied. "I wouldn't have thought of that."
"You're too smart to think of something stupid."
"Isla." Severus turned Isla to face him. "You are anything but stupid."
Isla smiled. "Thank you, Papa."
Severus smiled back. "Of course, dear."
Lily II
Saturday, 25 December 1982
Lily helped Dudley unwrap his second present, keeping her mind off James. Marlene had stopped by the previous night to tell her that the children would be staying over for Christmas Eve so they could wake up and get their presents early... only for Remus to arrive this morning to tell her that Harry wanted to stay for Christmas dinner. Lily could tolerate James bending the rules or adding new ones to keep the children as long as possible, but to hear that Harry wanted to stay... Lily would have nearly broken down then and there if not for Dudley rushing to the Christmas tree for his presents from 'Father Christmas'.
Dudley picked up the toy train and showed it to Lily. "Train!"
"Oh, Father Christmas was rather good this year, wasn't he?" Lily asked excitedly, looking over to Vernon and winking.
Vernon walked over and patted Dudley on the back. "How about we get that working together later on?"
"Now!" Dudley demanded.
Lily would've asked Dudley to behave, but he wasn't her son... Lily kept herself composed.
Petunia said, "Mummy and Auntie Lily have made a lovely Christmas breakfast, haven't we, Lily?"
"It's absolutely delicious," Lily emphasized, hoping the prospect of food would convince Dudley to wait.
Lily helped Dudley into his seat as Vernon sat down, and she went to help Petunia put everything on the plates. "I can get the bacon."
"There's a plate-" Petunia stopped as her eyes widened, looking at Lily. She took out a small handkerchief and dabbed under Lily's eyes. "How about you sit down? I can get it."
"It's nothing, really-"
"Oh, hush," Petunia whispered, gently squeezing Lily's arm. "I'll bring it over. You can help with dinner."
Lily smiled and tried to respond, but found her throat had tightened. She nodded quietly and sat at the table, focusing on keeping her emotions in check in front of Dudley and Vernon.
Severus III
"It's mine?" Isla asked, fidgeting with the present Severus had bought her.
"It's Christmas," Severus explained, sitting beside her on the bed. "Of course, I bought something for you."
"But why?"
"That's what people tend to do, either because they love them or because they feel obligated to do so under threat of ostracization from the rest of the family."
"... what's ostriches got to do with it?"
Severus nearly bit his tongue; obviously, a three-year-old wouldn't know what that word meant. "I'll explain it later."
"I promise."
Isla gave a small smile before untying the ribbon and carefully peeling away the tape, revealing a blue and green scarf. "What's this?"
"A scarf."
"For what?"
"You wear it around your neck when it's cold."
"If you don't, you could get sick."
Isla looked down at the scarf, unfolded it, and got onto her knees, turning so that she was facing Severus as she wrapped it around his neck.
"What are you doing?"
"You could get sick," Isla explained. "You don't have a scarf."
... Severus cleared his throat. "Well, I have one in my wardrobe," he lied; he'd have to rectify that. "This one is for you."
Isla stopped and unwrapped it from around Severus's neck before wrapping it around her own. "Why's it blue and green?"
"Well, blue's your favorite color."
"And green?"
"Green's my favorite color."
"Do we share it?"
"We both can't wear it at the same time, Papa."
"No, it's for you," Severus explained.
Isla adjusted the scarf before leaning in to hug Severus. "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"Happy Christmas, Papa."
"... Happy Christmas, Isla."
Albus I
Friday, 31 December 1982
Albus found himself stroking Fawkes's feathers as he glanced up at the clock (one of the clocks, at least) on the wall. His hand was in his pocket, his fingers touching a small stone within. It would be a few hours before the new year, which was why Albus found himself surprised by the knock on his door. "Enter," he called out.
The door opened, and Minerva stepped through. "Good evening, Albus."
"Ah, Minerva. I thought you'd gone home to be with Elphinstone for the new year?"
"I came back to retrieve something," Minerva explained, "and I thought I'd come by to wish you a happy new year."
"And so, I'll wish you and your husband one as well," Albus said, bowing his head. "Oh, how was the sherry?"
"Phin loved it."
"Not you?"
"I did, but it has a bit of a tang to it."
"I'll make adjustments for next year, then." Albus finished stroking Fawkes's feathers as he sensed Minerva had other things on her mind. "Is there something else, perhaps?"
"Well... Professor Snape, let's say."
Minerva, Albus noticed, didn't seem to like the suggestion. "What about him?" she asked.
"I've noticed that in the months he's been teaching, you've been more apprehensive. If this has anything to do with his time as a student, I'd have to ask you not to let you cloud your judgment."
"It's not his history that I'm concerned about," Minerva responded, almost outraged. "It's his future!"
"I don't follow-"
"You don't follow?! Albus, no Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher has lasted a year here, and you've promised him and his daughter financial security!"
"I see."
"Do you not recall Professor Smith's incident with the wardrobe?!"
"He ought to have known not to lean back in the direction of a cursed artifact."
"And what about Professor Hubbard going mad after that ritual?"
"He chose to break International Wizarding Law regarding-"
"What about Professor Jones?"
"... I'll admit, that one surprised me."
"And every single time," Minerva continued, "they either lost something important to them or got exposed for something! The post is cursed!"
"And as I've told you before," Albus reminded her, "that curse was lifted."
"How can you be sure?!"
"Because Severus was the one who helped me lift it."
Minerva was stunned into silence.
"I told you he was qualified for the job," Albus continued. "His assistance guaranteed him the spot."
"... I see," Minerva replied, now quieter. "I apologize for raising my voice, headmaster."
"Oh, not at all, Minerva," Albus said, waving his hand. "I find I'm rather touched that you show that much concern for Severus and Isla's wellbeing."
"... she's rather gifted for her age."
"Smart one, isn't she?"
"And rather... stable."
Albus nodded. "Her father's love has helped her with that."
Minerva nodded uncomfortably. "Albus, if I may...?"
"By all means."
"Obscurials aren't known to survive for very long..."
Albus had hoped Minerva wouldn't bring such a subject up; it only brought back memories of another girl who'd suffered the same condition. "I genuinely hope Isla lives a happy life," he said quietly.
"... as do I," Minerva said before bowing her head. "Have a happy new year, Albus."
"And you." Albus waited for Minerva to leave the office before he sat down in his chair and took a sip of his cooling tea, digging into his pocket to find comfort by touching the stone within.
Severus IV
Tuesday, 18 January 1983
Severus had set Isla's table up to the side of the classroom, setting her birthday present right in front of her place. He'd been advised by McGonagall, of all people, to include some sort of balloon, so he'd bought four blue ones down in Hogsmeade... or he would have, if not for McGonagall doing it for him. He didn't know what to make of the woman.
Up on the blackboard, Severus had written out an amendment underneath the warning he'd given his students so that it now read:
Fortunately, his seventh-years had been courteous enough not to overwhelm Isla, and near the start of class, they'd each come up in small groups to wish Isla a happy birthday. What surprised Severus even more was when McGonagall came in during the middle of the double period... not because of her presence, but because of Isla's reaction.
"Happy birthday, Miss Snape," McGonagall said as she approached Isla's table.
"Minnie!" Isla hopped out of her chair and wrapped her arms around McGonagall's legs, which garnered the attention of the entire class until Severus glared them back into practicing their Patronus charms.
The Transfiguration professor seemed caught off-guard before picking Isla up and holding her. "And how old are you today?"
Isla counted with her fingers. "Four," she answered confidently.
"Have you opened any presents?"
"I'm saving that one to open with Papa," Isla said, pointing back to the present on the table.
"Well, how about I give you mine right now so we can open it?" McGonagall pulled a small box out from her sleeve and handed it to Isla.
Severus watched as Isla opened it, revealing a single Galleon piece.
"For me?" Isla asked wide-eyed.
"Of course, it's for you," McGonagall replied.
"What is it?"
"It's a Galleon."
"Oh," Isla said. "Papa and I read a book on boats and ships, and there's a ship called a galleon too."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah. They're Spanish or Portageese."
"'Portuguese'," Severus corrected.
"Yeah," Isla added. "'Portuguese'."
"I never knew that," McGonagall said, very clearly lying.
"Can you stay and sit with me?" Isla asked.
"Well, I think I would distract you from your class."
"It's the Patronus charm," Isla said. "I already know what a Patronus is."
"How advanced!" McGonagall looked to Severus. "Professor, if it wouldn't be a problem...?"
"You may borrow my chair," Severus replied, holding back his irritation. "If it's not comfortable, I suppose you could simply conjure one out of thin air."
"Oh, do that!" Isla said excitedly.
McGonagall drew her wand and traced it through the air wordlessly, a chair conjuring itself into existence beside Isla's table.
Isla gasped. "Whoa."
Severus, seeing that Isla and McGonagall were settling in, turned his attention back to the students who were once again staring at the two of them, to which he cleared his throat and glared them back into paying attention.
Lily III
Sunday, 3 April 1983
Lily was preparing Easter baskets for Harry and Marley while Petunia helped Dudley find Easter eggs in the back garden. She knew she'd be at work tomorrow anyway when they arrived (Marlene had told her James was keeping them for the day, again), but Petunia could always go out with them if she wasn't busy; if Lily knew her sister, there was a good chance that there would be a second Easter egg hunt.
Lily remembered Harry's first Easter, how James and Sirius had spread Easter eggs all across the Potters' garden (including inside the small hedge maze) so that she and Harry could go out together and collect them all; they'd needed five separate baskets. Harry had been ecstatic by the end of it, whereas Lily had almost been too exhausted to prepare dinner.
The second Easter... Lily had enjoyed the second Easter, but the memory had been tainted by the following day, when Lily'd overheard James and Sirius laughing about 'Snivellus', which resulted in the argument that sent Lily packing. She didn't even care about Snape at this point in time (their friendship had been soured by a series of arguments and ideological disagreements), but the idea that James had tricked her into thinking he'd stopped bullying people more than bothered her; it infuriated her, not just for what James had done, but for the thoughts it had given her. She'd played with ideas in her head of how life would've been if she'd never agreed to date or marry James and how it would be better for her; what sobered her out of those thoughts was the reminder that Harry and Marley would never exist without James.
Lily soon found the baskets were ready for tomorrow, and she found some relief in distracting herself from the holiday by preparing lunch.
Severus V
Isla, sitting on Severus's knee in the staff room, opened up the plastic egg from the basket McGonagall had given her. Severus had been very clear that he didn't want his daughter to eat any candies; too much sugar at such a young age wouldn't do her any favors in the future. Inside was a small silver pin in the shape of a bird.
"Is that a raven?!" Isla asked.
"Well spotted," McGonagall replied.
"It's like Ravenclaw!"
"No, Ravenclaw's sigil is an eagle."
Isla furrowed her brow as she stared at McGonagall. "Minnie, it has the word 'raven' in it."
"That has to do with the color of the talons," Severus explained.
"'Raven' isn't a color, Papa."
"What color is a raven?"
"And what color are an eagle's talons?" McGonagall asked.
"... oh," Isla said with a nod, her brow relaxed before refurrowing. "But eagles don't have claws; they have talons."
"We can look through a thesaurus later," Severus assured her.
"Papa, birds aren't dinosaurs," Isla objected.
"... when we're back in Cokeworth, we're buying a book on theropods."
Albus II
Friday, 18 June 1982
Another school year had passed, with students and members of staff returning home for the summer holiday, save for those who either lived in Hogsmeade or on school grounds. Albus found himself sitting alone at the counter in the Hog's Head, Aberforth cleaning one of the mugs.
"Brandy?" Aberforth asked gruffly.
"If there's any," Albus replied.
Aberforth grabbed a bottle and set it in front of Albus, along with a glass. "What's happened?"
"Why should something have happened?"
"You don't come here without a reason."
Albus smiled sadly. "No, I suppose not."
"Why're you here?"
"... putting your education to good use, I see."
"I gather you've heard about Isla Snape?"
Aberforth paused. "Rubeus mentioned her."
"How much did he mention?"
"She's four now, isn't she?"
"Is that all?"
Aberforth nodded. "What about her?"
Albus knew there was a strong chance that Aberforth would break his nose again if he mentioned Ariana's name. "She's an Obscurial."
Aberforth froze, his back turned to Albus.
"... she's well-loved," Albus continued. "Intelligent as well, for her age."
Aberforth's grip on the mug in his hand tightened, his knuckles turning white.
"I don't know who else to go to," Albus explained.
"And what do you expect me to do about any of this?" Aberforth growled.
"I just need an ear to listen." Albus poured a tall glass of brandy and took a large sip. "And," he said, "I hope Isla lives a long life."
"Making up for past sins, are we?"
The comment stung, but Albus knew Aberforth was right. He answered with silence.
"Shame you didn't have a heart back then," Aberforth jabbed even further, this time turning to face Albus. "Ariana could've used it."
Albus slowly put his hand in his pocket and touched his fingers to the small object within, something he'd acquired in his hunt for the Horcruxes (and something that had almost cost him his life if not for Severus's quick actions). He pulled it out, revealing a black stone with a familiar engraving upon it.
Aberforth eyed the stone. "What's that?"
"Do you remember the Tale of the Three Brothers?"
Aberforth locked eyes with Albus before looking back at the stone. "... that's not..."
"It works," Albus said. "I've used it."
"Disturbed our sister to get some closure, more like."
"... it was me," Albus admitted, looking down at the brandy. "It was my curse that..." Albus took another big sip before sliding the stone closer to Aberforth.
"Where did you get that?"
"It was a family heirloom belonging to the Gaunts. I found it in Little Hangleton."
Aberforth didn't move. "What do you want me to do with it?"
"Whatever you will."
Aberforth slowly reached for the stone, pinched it between his fingers, and slid it back. "I'll not suffer your demons, Albus," he said.
Albus nodded, reclaiming the stone and returning it to its place in his pocket. Silently, he took another sip, allowing Aberforth to get back to work.
Lily IV
Sunday, 24 July 1983
Lily was in a hurry to prepare everything for when Harry and Marley arrived. Marlene had told her that James had to attend a meeting sometime in the afternoon (Lily didn't even realize he had a job), which meant the children would arrive earlier than usual. Petunia and Dudley were out to pick up Marley's 'birthday cake' (which was really just six cupcakes), so Lily had enough time on her own to take care of birthday decorations. A single pink balloon was tied to Marley's highchair, and upon the tray was a pink napkin and a single paper plate.
The highchair was set up to be exactly across from Vernon, with Petunia and Dudley on either side of the Dursley patriarch, while Lily sat in between Marley and Petunia and Harry sat between Marley and Dudley, each place at the table color-coded (Vernon and Dudley wouldn't want pink, and Harry preferred red). She'd wanted to add a few animated decorations to run around the table, but magic was strictly off-limits (unless it had something to do with fixing a pipe or bit of wall, or pretty much anything that would normally require Vernon to call someone).
Lily heard the doorbell ring, the sound reminding her of... Lily felt her body go cold. Tomorrow was the full moon, which meant Remus was indisposed and couldn't pass on the message to Marlene, which meant that... Lily walked to the front door and opened, revealing Sirius in his biker leathers. Once more, a motorbike with no children.
"... what is it?" Lily asked. Any anger she would've directed at the man was drained from her.
"James moved the meeting time," Sirius explained. "It won't be until later."
Lily scoffed. "Like that man's ever worked a day in his life."
"He's been investing, actually. This time, though, he's been working with the Department of Magical Games and Sports."
Lily crossed her arms and waited for Sirius to explain once again why her children weren't here.
"... Harry wanted to go with him," Sirius said.
"My son is not attending a meeting with the Department of Magical Games and Sports," Lily said, choosing not to believe him.
"Marley can't be anywhere without Harry," Sirius continued. "Even when he's off in the next room, she calls after him."
"... what?" Lily thought she'd misheard.
"He..." Sirius's voice trailed off. "... right... Marley started saying 'Harry'."
Lily felt her legs nearly give way.
"C-can you leave?" Lily asked quietly.
"Please," Lily begged. "Please leave."
Sirius looked like he wanted to say something, but he stopped himself and went back to his motorbike, pulling away from the curbside and away from the house.
Only then, when Sirius was out of sight, when Vernon was out golfing, when Petunia and Dudley were out buying cupcakes for the party, and when the front door was closed, did Lily allow herself to break.
Chapter 3: Many Firsts
Severus I
Thursday, 2 September 1982
Severus wasn't in any mood to be cordial with anyone; Isla had had a night terror that nearly destroyed the bedroom, and he'd had to clean up the mess she'd made into dawn, afterwhich he'd had to calm her down until she fell asleep again. Right now, Snarky the house-elf was watching over her, waiting for her to wake up before serving her breakfast; he would dress her properly once he had time. He wasn't sure what to make of Snarky, other than Isla seemed to take to him rather well (faster than she'd taken to the ghosts and portraits).
Severus strode into the Defense Against the Dark Arts classroom, slamming the door behind him loud enough to silence the second-years who were chattering away. "Can any of you tell me the three classifications of Dark Charms?" he asked, calling out to the students as he finally reached the front of the class, turning to face them all.
The students looked around, all of them annoyingly silent. It was bad enough that Severus had to work here at all, but the least his predecessor could've done was teach them adequately; skipping breakfast hadn't helped his mood, either.
"... no one?" Severus asked. "It would seem you've forgotten basic first-year material." He drew his wand and pulled the blackboard over so he could write on it, picking up the chalk and writing down three words. "Jinxes. Hexes. And curses. Raise your hand if any of you are mindful enough to have remembered the words, at least."
One student raised his hand.
"Yes?" Severus asked, not bothering to learn his name.
"Curses are the ones that send you to Azkaban," the boy said.
... Severus felt his mind shut down. "... you'll find many things can get you sent to Azkaban," he replied. "If only 'dunderheaded answers' was among them."
The boy shrunk back into his seat.
"Did any of you bother reviewing from last year?" Severus asked. "Or should I combine this class with the first-years so you're all on the same level? It would do wonders for my schedule." He turned back to the blackboard and started writing. "The definitions of 'jinx', 'hex', and 'curse' are based on the severity of the charm's effect, with 'jinx' being the lesser of the three and 'curse' being the greater. However, most charms are limited in their classification based on the effects they produce and the implications. For example-"
Severus heard the door to the classroom slowly open and looked to see who it was, only to be stunned in silence. All heads turned as Isla, still in her pajamas, scampered to the front of the class and hugged Severus's leg.
"Papa," Isla whimpered.
"... I see you've woken up," Severus said calmly as he knelt and picked her up. He could hear the students whispering. "How did you find me?"
"Picture people."
"Ah." Clever.
"Can we have breakfast?" Isla asked.
"I'd hoped you would eat with Snarky."
"I missed you."
Severus tightened his jaw as Isla tucked her head into his chest, feeling the stares from his second-years and glaring them back into submission. Patting Isla's back, he said, "How about you sit in class, and you can eat while I teach?"
"And I can learn too?"
"If you wish. As long as you stay quiet."
"... thank you," Isla said politely. She called out, "Snarky?"
The house-elf popped into existence with a breakfast tray. "Miss Isla calls?"
"Papa said we can eat here."
"Off to the side, if you would," Severus said to Snarky, setting Isla down.
Isla and Snarky went to the side, and Snarky popped away and then back with Isla's small table and chairs so they could sit and eat.
Severus turned back to the blackboard and waved his wand, shifting the words lower so there was space at the top. He grabbed the chalk and wrote in large letters:
Setting the chalk down and turning back to the students, who were glancing at Isla before quickly back to the front, Severus cleared his throat and said, "For example: the Body-Binding Curse is designated as such..."
Lily I
Sunday, 31 October 1982
"OH, DIDDYKINS!" Petunia squealed as she came out of the bedroom with Dudley, who'd been dressed as a pumpkin. "Don't you look so precious?!"
"You've outdone yourself, Mum," Lily teased as she took Dudley's pudgy hand. She cooed, "That suits you very well, Dudley!"
Dudley giggled in response.
"Oh, if only Vernon could be here to see him!"
"We could take a few pictures- no wait, we should wait until Harry and Marley arrive!"
"On the couch?"
"I was thinking in the garden."
Petunia gasped and handed Dudley over to Lily. "I'll go set up the chairs!" she said as she hurried off down the steps.
Lily followed behind, more slowly so as not to trip and tumble down; Petunia would never forgive her if anything happened to Dudley. "How about we wait for your cousins in the sitting room?"
"Yeah!" Dudley said, clapping his hands.
Lily sat Dudley down and straightened out her dress as the doorbell rang. Seeing that it was still too early for it to be trick-or-treaters, and Vernon had no reason to ring the bell to his own house, that only left with one other option. Harry and Marley.
Lily walked briskly to the front door, a smile on her face... only to find Sirius in his biker jacket, his motorbike parked on the curb, without Harry or Marley. "... I thought we had an arrangement," Lily said stiffly, her smile vanishing.
"I'd have told Remus," Sirius explained, "but it's that time of the month tomorrow. And Marlene and I..."
"Where are my children?"
"That's the reason I came," Sirius said. "James is having a Hallowe'en party tonight, and he thought the kids would prefer-"
"Sirius Black, it is Sunday evening!"
"He went to the Ministry a few days ago." Sirius dug into his pocket and took out a folded-over document. "It's a copy."
Lily snatched it and unfolded it, reading the contents inside.
"An amendment was made," Sirius explained. "Now, each parent is allowed to keep the children for an extended period during holidays."
"Why wasn't I involved?!"
"It only requires one parent and one guardian."
"... it's Marley's first Hallowe'en," Lily said weakly, her arms dropping to her side.
"They'll be here tomorrow morning," Sirius continued.
"I can't do anything about it." Sirius stuck his hands in his pockets. "I'm sorry, Lily."
"No, you're not!" Lily said bitterly, slamming the door in his face before she let out a choke. Her chest was tightening as she thought about the route she'd picked out for Petunia to take the children, about how she wouldn't be opening the door for them once they'd returned with their candies (at which point, Lily would take care to sort it out and make sure Harry didn't get anything too unhealthy, and there was no reason for Marley to be eating any of it). At best, she'd hear about how much fun they'd had with James and Sirius at their party, and the number of people who'd attend.
And as Lily walked into the kitchen and flipped through the calendar, she saw it wouldn't be the last time.
Severus II
Today was the first anniversary of Lord Voldemort's death, and Severus was walking hand-in-hand with Isla as they made their way to Sir Nicholas's Deathday party, to which Isla had been personally invited. Severus hadn't expected Isla to be invited to an event such as this at this age, but he wasn't complaining; the last thing he needed was to attend the Hallowe'en feast with Dumbledore's eye on him (or the eyes of the other students whenever Isla wanted to sit on his lap).
The two Snapes passed through the corridors, students passing them by and wishing the two of them a happy Hallowe'en; Isla had responded quite politely to each and every one of them, which would've filled Severus with some pride if not for the knowledge that the students would start to like him more. The thought made him more irritated than he ought to be, and the only reason he put up with it was for Isla's sake.
They arrived outside the shut door to the party, which Severus opened; he was immediately met by the smell of mildew and decaying food, which made him grateful he'd skipped lunch and dinner.
"Well, good evening, Miss Isla!" Sir Nicholas glided up to greet the both of them. "Good evening, Professor Snape."
"Good evening," Severus replied, gently squeezing Isla's hand to prompt her.
"Happy Deathday, Sir Nicholas," Isla said politely, grabbing the hem of her skirt and curtsying.
"Oh, that's rather well done, my dear!" Sir Nicholas exclaimed with an annoying smile and laugh. "Come, let's mingle!"
Severus was led by Isla as they followed Sir Nicholas to float beside the Fat Friar, the two resuming their conversation from before.
"I'm sure next year will be different," the Fat Friar said reassuringly.
"I should certainly hope so!" Sir Nicholas replied.
"What different?" Isla asked.
"My request to join the Headless Hunt has, for the umpteenth time, been denied," Sir Nicholas explained. He sounded rather upset. "It's rather terrible."
"Headless?" Isla asked. "But you still have a head."
Sir Nicholas went to tilt his head to the side, but Severus made eye contact with him, which was enough for the ghost to change his mind. "You see," Sir Nicholas continued, "when I died, my head didn't come off completely."
Isla gasped. "Oh no!"
"Indeed," Sir Nicholas said with a huff. "And because of that one inch of skin, I've been denied membership for the premiere organization of headless ghosts."
"... the Baron has a sword," Isla suggested. "You could ask him to help."
"Well, I-" Sir Nicholas stopped, and Severus almost thought he'd been frozen. "... would you excuse me for one moment?" Sir Nicholas glided away to where the Bloody Baron was moping, and Severus watched as only a few seconds passed before Sir Nicholas tilted his head (Severus made sure to block Isla's line of sight) and the Bloody Baron swung his sword. Fortunately, the sword did nothing but pass through Sir Nicholas's inch of skin, afterwhich both ghosts floated over.
"No luck?" the Fat Friar asked.
"Nothing," Sir Nicholas replied sullenly. "Thank you for the advice anyway, Miss Isla."
"You're welcome."
"You ought to try this roast," the Fat Friar told the Bloody Baron. "It's rather savory compared to last year's."
Severus let the ghosts talk, and he felt Isla's hand tighten around his, prompting him to look down at his daughter. He knelt down and asked quietly, "What is it, dear?"
"... I didn't help," Isla mumbled, her head hanging low.
"That was rather kind of you to try," Severus replied. "I wouldn't have thought of that."
"You're too smart to think of something stupid."
"Isla." Severus turned Isla to face him. "You are anything but stupid."
Isla smiled. "Thank you, Papa."
Severus smiled back. "Of course, dear."
Lily II
Saturday, 25 December 1982
Lily helped Dudley unwrap his second present, keeping her mind off James. Marlene had stopped by the previous night to tell her that the children would be staying over for Christmas Eve so they could wake up and get their presents early... only for Remus to arrive this morning to tell her that Harry wanted to stay for Christmas dinner. Lily could tolerate James bending the rules or adding new ones to keep the children as long as possible, but to hear that Harry wanted to stay... Lily would have nearly broken down then and there if not for Dudley rushing to the Christmas tree for his presents from 'Father Christmas'.
Dudley picked up the toy train and showed it to Lily. "Train!"
"Oh, Father Christmas was rather good this year, wasn't he?" Lily asked excitedly, looking over to Vernon and winking.
Vernon walked over and patted Dudley on the back. "How about we get that working together later on?"
"Now!" Dudley demanded.
Lily would've asked Dudley to behave, but he wasn't her son... Lily kept herself composed.
Petunia said, "Mummy and Auntie Lily have made a lovely Christmas breakfast, haven't we, Lily?"
"It's absolutely delicious," Lily emphasized, hoping the prospect of food would convince Dudley to wait.
Lily helped Dudley into his seat as Vernon sat down, and she went to help Petunia put everything on the plates. "I can get the bacon."
"There's a plate-" Petunia stopped as her eyes widened, looking at Lily. She took out a small handkerchief and dabbed under Lily's eyes. "How about you sit down? I can get it."
"It's nothing, really-"
"Oh, hush," Petunia whispered, gently squeezing Lily's arm. "I'll bring it over. You can help with dinner."
Lily smiled and tried to respond, but found her throat had tightened. She nodded quietly and sat at the table, focusing on keeping her emotions in check in front of Dudley and Vernon.
Severus III
"It's mine?" Isla asked, fidgeting with the present Severus had bought her.
"It's Christmas," Severus explained, sitting beside her on the bed. "Of course, I bought something for you."
"But why?"
"That's what people tend to do, either because they love them or because they feel obligated to do so under threat of ostracization from the rest of the family."
"... what's ostriches got to do with it?"
Severus nearly bit his tongue; obviously, a three-year-old wouldn't know what that word meant. "I'll explain it later."
"I promise."
Isla gave a small smile before untying the ribbon and carefully peeling away the tape, revealing a blue and green scarf. "What's this?"
"A scarf."
"For what?"
"You wear it around your neck when it's cold."
"If you don't, you could get sick."
Isla looked down at the scarf, unfolded it, and got onto her knees, turning so that she was facing Severus as she wrapped it around his neck.
"What are you doing?"
"You could get sick," Isla explained. "You don't have a scarf."
... Severus cleared his throat. "Well, I have one in my wardrobe," he lied; he'd have to rectify that. "This one is for you."
Isla stopped and unwrapped it from around Severus's neck before wrapping it around her own. "Why's it blue and green?"
"Well, blue's your favorite color."
"And green?"
"Green's my favorite color."
"Do we share it?"
"We both can't wear it at the same time, Papa."
"No, it's for you," Severus explained.
Isla adjusted the scarf before leaning in to hug Severus. "Thank you."
"You're welcome."
"Happy Christmas, Papa."
"... Happy Christmas, Isla."
Albus I
Friday, 31 December 1982
Albus found himself stroking Fawkes's feathers as he glanced up at the clock (one of the clocks, at least) on the wall. His hand was in his pocket, his fingers touching a small stone within. It would be a few hours before the new year, which was why Albus found himself surprised by the knock on his door. "Enter," he called out.
The door opened, and Minerva stepped through. "Good evening, Albus."
"Ah, Minerva. I thought you'd gone home to be with Elphinstone for the new year?"
"I came back to retrieve something," Minerva explained, "and I thought I'd come by to wish you a happy new year."
"And so, I'll wish you and your husband one as well," Albus said, bowing his head. "Oh, how was the sherry?"
"Phin loved it."
"Not you?"
"I did, but it has a bit of a tang to it."
"I'll make adjustments for next year, then." Albus finished stroking Fawkes's feathers as he sensed Minerva had other things on her mind. "Is there something else, perhaps?"
"Well... Professor Snape, let's say."
Minerva, Albus noticed, didn't seem to like the suggestion. "What about him?" she asked.
"I've noticed that in the months he's been teaching, you've been more apprehensive. If this has anything to do with his time as a student, I'd have to ask you not to let you cloud your judgment."
"It's not his history that I'm concerned about," Minerva responded, almost outraged. "It's his future!"
"I don't follow-"
"You don't follow?! Albus, no Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher has lasted a year here, and you've promised him and his daughter financial security!"
"I see."
"Do you not recall Professor Smith's incident with the wardrobe?!"
"He ought to have known not to lean back in the direction of a cursed artifact."
"And what about Professor Hubbard going mad after that ritual?"
"He chose to break International Wizarding Law regarding-"
"What about Professor Jones?"
"... I'll admit, that one surprised me."
"And every single time," Minerva continued, "they either lost something important to them or got exposed for something! The post is cursed!"
"And as I've told you before," Albus reminded her, "that curse was lifted."
"How can you be sure?!"
"Because Severus was the one who helped me lift it."
Minerva was stunned into silence.
"I told you he was qualified for the job," Albus continued. "His assistance guaranteed him the spot."
"... I see," Minerva replied, now quieter. "I apologize for raising my voice, headmaster."
"Oh, not at all, Minerva," Albus said, waving his hand. "I find I'm rather touched that you show that much concern for Severus and Isla's wellbeing."
"... she's rather gifted for her age."
"Smart one, isn't she?"
"And rather... stable."
Albus nodded. "Her father's love has helped her with that."
Minerva nodded uncomfortably. "Albus, if I may...?"
"By all means."
"Obscurials aren't known to survive for very long..."
Albus had hoped Minerva wouldn't bring such a subject up; it only brought back memories of another girl who'd suffered the same condition. "I genuinely hope Isla lives a happy life," he said quietly.
"... as do I," Minerva said before bowing her head. "Have a happy new year, Albus."
"And you." Albus waited for Minerva to leave the office before he sat down in his chair and took a sip of his cooling tea, digging into his pocket to find comfort by touching the stone within.
Severus IV
Tuesday, 18 January 1983
Severus had set Isla's table up to the side of the classroom, setting her birthday present right in front of her place. He'd been advised by McGonagall, of all people, to include some sort of balloon, so he'd bought four blue ones down in Hogsmeade... or he would have, if not for McGonagall doing it for him. He didn't know what to make of the woman.
Up on the blackboard, Severus had written out an amendment underneath the warning he'd given his students so that it now read:
Fortunately, his seventh-years had been courteous enough not to overwhelm Isla, and near the start of class, they'd each come up in small groups to wish Isla a happy birthday. What surprised Severus even more was when McGonagall came in during the middle of the double period... not because of her presence, but because of Isla's reaction.
"Happy birthday, Miss Snape," McGonagall said as she approached Isla's table.
"Minnie!" Isla hopped out of her chair and wrapped her arms around McGonagall's legs, which garnered the attention of the entire class until Severus glared them back into practicing their Patronus charms.
The Transfiguration professor seemed caught off-guard before picking Isla up and holding her. "And how old are you today?"
Isla counted with her fingers. "Four," she answered confidently.
"Have you opened any presents?"
"I'm saving that one to open with Papa," Isla said, pointing back to the present on the table.
"Well, how about I give you mine right now so we can open it?" McGonagall pulled a small box out from her sleeve and handed it to Isla.
Severus watched as Isla opened it, revealing a single Galleon piece.
"For me?" Isla asked wide-eyed.
"Of course, it's for you," McGonagall replied.
"What is it?"
"It's a Galleon."
"Oh," Isla said. "Papa and I read a book on boats and ships, and there's a ship called a galleon too."
"Is that so?"
"Yeah. They're Spanish or Portageese."
"'Portuguese'," Severus corrected.
"Yeah," Isla added. "'Portuguese'."
"I never knew that," McGonagall said, very clearly lying.
"Can you stay and sit with me?" Isla asked.
"Well, I think I would distract you from your class."
"It's the Patronus charm," Isla said. "I already know what a Patronus is."
"How advanced!" McGonagall looked to Severus. "Professor, if it wouldn't be a problem...?"
"You may borrow my chair," Severus replied, holding back his irritation. "If it's not comfortable, I suppose you could simply conjure one out of thin air."
"Oh, do that!" Isla said excitedly.
McGonagall drew her wand and traced it through the air wordlessly, a chair conjuring itself into existence beside Isla's table.
Isla gasped. "Whoa."
Severus, seeing that Isla and McGonagall were settling in, turned his attention back to the students who were once again staring at the two of them, to which he cleared his throat and glared them back into paying attention.
Lily III
Sunday, 3 April 1983
Lily was preparing Easter baskets for Harry and Marley while Petunia helped Dudley find Easter eggs in the back garden. She knew she'd be at work tomorrow anyway when they arrived (Marlene had told her James was keeping them for the day, again), but Petunia could always go out with them if she wasn't busy; if Lily knew her sister, there was a good chance that there would be a second Easter egg hunt.
Lily remembered Harry's first Easter, how James and Sirius had spread Easter eggs all across the Potters' garden (including inside the small hedge maze) so that she and Harry could go out together and collect them all; they'd needed five separate baskets. Harry had been ecstatic by the end of it, whereas Lily had almost been too exhausted to prepare dinner.
The second Easter... Lily had enjoyed the second Easter, but the memory had been tainted by the following day, when Lily'd overheard James and Sirius laughing about 'Snivellus', which resulted in the argument that sent Lily packing. She didn't even care about Snape at this point in time (their friendship had been soured by a series of arguments and ideological disagreements), but the idea that James had tricked her into thinking he'd stopped bullying people more than bothered her; it infuriated her, not just for what James had done, but for the thoughts it had given her. She'd played with ideas in her head of how life would've been if she'd never agreed to date or marry James and how it would be better for her; what sobered her out of those thoughts was the reminder that Harry and Marley would never exist without James.
Lily soon found the baskets were ready for tomorrow, and she found some relief in distracting herself from the holiday by preparing lunch.
Severus V
Isla, sitting on Severus's knee in the staff room, opened up the plastic egg from the basket McGonagall had given her. Severus had been very clear that he didn't want his daughter to eat any candies; too much sugar at such a young age wouldn't do her any favors in the future. Inside was a small silver pin in the shape of a bird.
"Is that a raven?!" Isla asked.
"Well spotted," McGonagall replied.
"It's like Ravenclaw!"
"No, Ravenclaw's sigil is an eagle."
Isla furrowed her brow as she stared at McGonagall. "Minnie, it has the word 'raven' in it."
"That has to do with the color of the talons," Severus explained.
"'Raven' isn't a color, Papa."
"What color is a raven?"
"And what color are an eagle's talons?" McGonagall asked.
"... oh," Isla said with a nod, her brow relaxed before refurrowing. "But eagles don't have claws; they have talons."
"We can look through a thesaurus later," Severus assured her.
"Papa, birds aren't dinosaurs," Isla objected.
"... when we're back in Cokeworth, we're buying a book on theropods."
Albus II
Friday, 18 June 1982
Another school year had passed, with students and members of staff returning home for the summer holiday, save for those who either lived in Hogsmeade or on school grounds. Albus found himself sitting alone at the counter in the Hog's Head, Aberforth cleaning one of the mugs.
"Brandy?" Aberforth asked gruffly.
"If there's any," Albus replied.
Aberforth grabbed a bottle and set it in front of Albus, along with a glass. "What's happened?"
"Why should something have happened?"
"You don't come here without a reason."
Albus smiled sadly. "No, I suppose not."
"Why're you here?"
"... putting your education to good use, I see."
"I gather you've heard about Isla Snape?"
Aberforth paused. "Rubeus mentioned her."
"How much did he mention?"
"She's four now, isn't she?"
"Is that all?"
Aberforth nodded. "What about her?"
Albus knew there was a strong chance that Aberforth would break his nose again if he mentioned Ariana's name. "She's an Obscurial."
Aberforth froze, his back turned to Albus.
"... she's well-loved," Albus continued. "Intelligent as well, for her age."
Aberforth's grip on the mug in his hand tightened, his knuckles turning white.
"I don't know who else to go to," Albus explained.
"And what do you expect me to do about any of this?" Aberforth growled.
"I just need an ear to listen." Albus poured a tall glass of brandy and took a large sip. "And," he said, "I hope Isla lives a long life."
"Making up for past sins, are we?"
The comment stung, but Albus knew Aberforth was right. He answered with silence.
"Shame you didn't have a heart back then," Aberforth jabbed even further, this time turning to face Albus. "Ariana could've used it."
Albus slowly put his hand in his pocket and touched his fingers to the small object within, something he'd acquired in his hunt for the Horcruxes (and something that had almost cost him his life if not for Severus's quick actions). He pulled it out, revealing a black stone with a familiar engraving upon it.
Aberforth eyed the stone. "What's that?"
"Do you remember the Tale of the Three Brothers?"
Aberforth locked eyes with Albus before looking back at the stone. "... that's not..."
"It works," Albus said. "I've used it."
"Disturbed our sister to get some closure, more like."
"... it was me," Albus admitted, looking down at the brandy. "It was my curse that..." Albus took another big sip before sliding the stone closer to Aberforth.
"Where did you get that?"
"It was a family heirloom belonging to the Gaunts. I found it in Little Hangleton."
Aberforth didn't move. "What do you want me to do with it?"
"Whatever you will."
Aberforth slowly reached for the stone, pinched it between his fingers, and slid it back. "I'll not suffer your demons, Albus," he said.
Albus nodded, reclaiming the stone and returning it to its place in his pocket. Silently, he took another sip, allowing Aberforth to get back to work.
Lily IV
Sunday, 24 July 1983
Lily was in a hurry to prepare everything for when Harry and Marley arrived. Marlene had told her that James had to attend a meeting sometime in the afternoon (Lily didn't even realize he had a job), which meant the children would arrive earlier than usual. Petunia and Dudley were out to pick up Marley's 'birthday cake' (which was really just six cupcakes), so Lily had enough time on her own to take care of birthday decorations. A single pink balloon was tied to Marley's highchair, and upon the tray was a pink napkin and a single paper plate.
The highchair was set up to be exactly across from Vernon, with Petunia and Dudley on either side of the Dursley patriarch, while Lily sat in between Marley and Petunia and Harry sat between Marley and Dudley, each place at the table color-coded (Vernon and Dudley wouldn't want pink, and Harry preferred red). She'd wanted to add a few animated decorations to run around the table, but magic was strictly off-limits (unless it had something to do with fixing a pipe or bit of wall, or pretty much anything that would normally require Vernon to call someone).
Lily heard the doorbell ring, the sound reminding her of... Lily felt her body go cold. Tomorrow was the full moon, which meant Remus was indisposed and couldn't pass on the message to Marlene, which meant that... Lily walked to the front door and opened, revealing Sirius in his biker leathers. Once more, a motorbike with no children.
"... what is it?" Lily asked. Any anger she would've directed at the man was drained from her.
"James moved the meeting time," Sirius explained. "It won't be until later."
Lily scoffed. "Like that man's ever worked a day in his life."
"He's been investing, actually. This time, though, he's been working with the Department of Magical Games and Sports."
Lily crossed her arms and waited for Sirius to explain once again why her children weren't here.
"... Harry wanted to go with him," Sirius said.
"My son is not attending a meeting with the Department of Magical Games and Sports," Lily said, choosing not to believe him.
"Marley can't be anywhere without Harry," Sirius continued. "Even when he's off in the next room, she calls after him."
"... what?" Lily thought she'd misheard.
"He..." Sirius's voice trailed off. "... right... Marley started saying 'Harry'."
Lily felt her legs nearly give way.
"C-can you leave?" Lily asked quietly.
"Please," Lily begged. "Please leave."
Sirius looked like he wanted to say something, but he stopped himself and went back to his motorbike, pulling away from the curbside and away from the house.
Only then, when Sirius was out of sight, when Vernon was out golfing, when Petunia and Dudley were out buying cupcakes for the party, and when the front door was closed, did Lily allow herself to break.
Quote from Robaku90 on November 3, 2024, 11:19 amQuote from The Gestalt Prince on October 24, 2024, 7:50 pmCharacters/Pairings: Severus/Lily
Ratings/Warnings: Mature
Summary: Severus Snape didn't think he could lose Lily's friendship, until he did. Severus Snape didn't think he could defeat Lord Voldemort, until he did. And Severus Snape didn't think he would ever be a father... until he was.
WIP, new chapters will be posted here first before being posted to FFN and AO3. Eventual Snily.
Table of Contents for "Severus Snape and the Joys of Single Fatherhood"
If it ends up being Snily, I'll crouch here.
Quote from The Gestalt Prince on October 24, 2024, 7:50 pmCharacters/Pairings: Severus/Lily
Ratings/Warnings: Mature
Summary: Severus Snape didn't think he could lose Lily's friendship, until he did. Severus Snape didn't think he could defeat Lord Voldemort, until he did. And Severus Snape didn't think he would ever be a father... until he was.
WIP, new chapters will be posted here first before being posted to FFN and AO3. Eventual Snily.
Table of Contents for "Severus Snape and the Joys of Single Fatherhood"
If it ends up being Snily, I'll crouch here.

Quote from The Gestalt Prince on November 15, 2024, 5:52 pmACT I: ENEMIES
Chapter 1: Isla Snape, Witch-in-Training
Isla I
Wednesday, 1 August 1990
Isla was quick to dress, throwing on the first dress she could find before she rushed out of her room and carefully opened the door to Papa's. Papa was still asleep despite the time (they were supposed to leave the house at 8:00, and it was already 7:45, for goodness sake), so Isla walked up to the side of the bed and sat down, poking her father's arm.
"Papa," Isla whispered, putting slightly more force into each successive poke. "Papa, it's almost 8:00."
Papa stirred, one of his eyes prying itself open. "What?"
"It's almost 8:00!"
Papa groaned as he sat up, his eyes still shut as he rubbed his face to wake up. "Have you brushed your teeth?"
"Combed your hair?"
Papa opened his eyes fully and glanced at Isla's hair. "Very good," he said. "We ought to have breakfast."
"We could eat at the Leaky Cauldron," Isla suggested excitedly.
"You've been thinking this through, haven't you?"
Isla nodded with a grin.
Papa smirked. "Give me a few minutes."
Isla hurried out of Papa's room and downstairs to the fireplace, sitting on the couch to wait patiently... or as patiently as she could manage. It wasn't every day that a young witch went to Diagon Alley for her first wand, after all. Fidgeting with her fingers, she thought about what type of wand she would get, or if it would be the same as Papa's (pine with unicorn hair), or if she would see a wand she liked but ended up getting one that didn't look as nice. Then again, Papa had always told her that a wand was its substance, not its appearance.
Footsteps sounded from the stairway, and Isla turned to see Papa had come down, dressed in his usual clothes: a white dress shirt hidden under a dark blue surcoat, paired with black slacks and dress shoes. He wasn't wearing his outer robe given the weather.
"Ready to go?" Isla asked.
Papa nodded as he took her hand and led her to step with him into the fireplace, grabbing some Floo powder. "The Leaky Cauldron!" Papa called out as he threw it down at their feet.
Isla felt the green flames engulf them, only to vanish and reveal the room where the Leaky Cauldron's Floo chimney was located. Papa stepped out, and Isla hurried after him, clutching his arm as they entered the dining area. Other witches and wizards were sitting around, but they all seemed to have just woken up. Papa sat isla sat down at one of the smaller tables before he said, "I'll be back in one moment."
Isla watched as Papa walked up to speak with Tom the bartender (she didn't know his last name), and she started fidgeting with her fingers once more as she looked around. A woman and two children, a boy wearing glasses and a girl with wild red hair, entered through the main entrance.
"Could we have some ice cream too?" the girl asked.
"We haven't even had breakfast," the woman said.
"Oh, but you see, Aunt Marley," the girl said, putting a strange emphasis on every word, "we could wait for Mummy to get off her shift, and we could get it together!"
Aunt Marley scoffed and shook her head. "You know I'm going to say 'yes', don't you?"
"Yup!" the girl replied with a toothy grin.
Aunt Marley laughed and turned to look at Tom the barman, and her amusement suddenly vanished. "How about," she suggested quickly, "we go visit her first, and then we can look around?"
"No breakfast?" the boy asked.
"We'll find some vendor food," Aunt Marley said.
"C'mon, Harry!" the girl squealed as she grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him to a door in the back, Aunt Marley following after them.
Just as they had left, Papa returned with a cup of tea for himself and two glasses of pumpkin juice and water for Isla. "Food should be ready in a bit," he said.
"Papa," Isla asked slowly, "do you think we could have some ice cream later?"
"I haven't bought any."
"No, I mean... here." Isla continued fidgeting with her fingers. "I heard those two other children talking about it."
"Fortescue's?" Papa asked; he'd never been one for sweets. "In the morning?"
"... we don't have to."
"No, it's fine."
Isla's eyes widened. "Really?"
Papa nodded. "It's a special day, isn't it? We can go after we buy your things."
Isla smiled and got out of her chair to hug Papa. "Thank you!"
Papa kissed the top of her head. "I'll even let you have two scoops."
Lily I
Lily hadn't slept very well last night, at least not until she'd taken a small dose of her Dreamless Sleep, but that had almost made her late for work. Harry and Marley were staying with their father for three weeks (which had started last night), which had taken some weight off Petunia's and Vernon's shoulders. Dudley was excited that he had the boys' room all to himself, but Lily missed sharing a room with Marley; she was the only one of the three children who still wanted to read with Lily before bed, now that Dudley had taken to video games and television and Harry preferred reading that Japanese comic Dragon Ball (something which Sirius had gotten him for his birthday).
But right now, Lily didn't have the time to think about the children; Slug & Jiggers was about to open, and she had to sort out the counter before the first customers arrived. The owners, Messrs. Slug and Jiggers, were still on vacation, leaving Lily to run everything apart from getting the occasional letter explaining what needed to be done. It'd taken her more nights than she cared to admit how to order inventory from the suppliers and organize everything on the shelves based on product and delivery time.
Lily heard a knock on the door to the shop and let out a sigh; it surprised her how many people couldn't read a "closed" sign. She turned, and her annoyance immediately vanished as she saw Marley's face squished up against the window; Marlene and Harry were standing by her, and the latter waved. Lily hurried out from behind the counter and opened the door. "Hi!" she said excitedly.
Marley lunged at Lily and hugged her tightly. "Morning," she said, her voice muffled by being buried into Lily.
"I wasn't expecting you to come," Lily smiled as she kissed Harry on the cheek.
"They wanted to come visit," Marlene explained. "James had an early meeting."
Lily's jaw tightened.
Marlene mouthed "sorry" before patting Marley on the back. "Also, Marley was wondering-"
"After we look around, and you're off your shift, could we get ice cream together?" Marley asked without stopping for a breath.
"Noon?" Lily asked. "I'll have twenty minutes before I have to get back."
"Aunt Marley said we could check out the new brooms," Harry added.
"Harry," Lily chided, "you have two already."
"Yeah, but they're not from Nimbus."
Lily sighed. "How much would it cost?"
"Oh, don't worry; Dad said he'd pay for it."
... Lily's chest went cold, a pressure building in her head. "Well," she said calmly, "let's hope you find something you like."
"So, noon works?" Marlene asked.
Lily nodded. "That's fine with me."
"We could buy it for you before you come!" Marley suggested.
"I'll have a scoop of strawberry, then," Lily replied.
Marley's face twisted in revulsion. "You still like strawberry?"
"What's wrong with that?" Marlene asked with a laugh.
"The flavor's not right."
"It's Fortescue," Harry argued. "Everything they make tastes good."
"Oh, Mummy?" Marley asked. "Could I sit in the shop with you until we're ready for ice cream?"
"You need breakfast first," Lily replied.
"After breakfast?"
"Why not go look around with Harry?"
"I'm not really that interested in brooms."
Harry shrugged. "Yeah, that's fine."
"Alright," Lily said as she looked back at Marlene. "I'll see you later."
"I'll be back in thirty minutes!" Marley called back as the three of them left.
"Oh, it takes longer than that for them to make breakfast, sweetheart," Marlene told her.
Lily smirked as the door shut behind them, only for it to slowly slide off her face the further the three of them walked away.
Severus I
The bell above the door rang as Severus opened it, allowing Isla to enter Ollivander's first; it felt like it was only yesterday when he'd stepped in and gotten his own wand with what little his mother had saved up for him. Each shelf behind the front desk was packed and chaotically organized, but someone like Garrick Ollivander had no trouble finding the exact wand for the individual. Coincidentally, while Severus was thinking about the old wandmaker, the latter appeared from behind one of the shelves.
"Good day, Professor Snape," Ollivander greeted with a soft voice.
"Mr. Ollivander," Severus returned.
Isla tugged on Severus's sleeve. "You know each other?"
"I sold the professor his wand when he first entered my shop," Ollivander answered. "Pine with unicorn hair, 10", pliable."
"It still works well," Severus replied.
"Now, for your measurements," Ollivander said, turning his attention to Isla. "Wand arm, please."
Severus guided Isla over to Ollivander, and the wandmaker pulled out a tape measurer for Isla's arm and height. Isla's pulse was high, at least according to Severus's finger on her wrist as he held her hand, and her eyes were focused on the floor.
"Now then," Ollivander finally said, "Let's see what we have." He walked back to the shelves and started picking out boxes, setting each of them back as he found a new one. "No, not that one... Definitely not that one... Oh, but this isn't the season for that wood... Ah!" The wandmaker hurried back and brought out a box, setting it down on the counter and opening it for Isla to see. "Hawthorn with unicorn hair, 13", unyielding."
Severus glanced at Isla, still holding her hand, and saw that his daughter's eyes were now locked onto the wand. She gently took it out of the box, letting go of her father's hand.
"Give it a little wave," Ollivander suggested.
Isla raised her wand and waved it in a pattern. "Expecto Patronum!"
No light came out from the wand, not yet at least, but a gentle breeze passed through the room, rustling any loose pages on the counter or sticking out of some of the books present. The flames of the lit candles flickered but remained lit, and red sparks shot out of the wand's tip soon after.
"A rather bold first attempt," Ollivander commented. "I think this wand likes you very much."
"What?" Isla asked.
"The wand chooses the witch."
Ollivander smiled. "Each wand has a will of its own, mostly based on what it's made from."
"Oh, Papa mentioned that too."
"Some wands only pick a witch or wizard who's destined to grow. In your case, hawthorn wands choose those battling themselves."
Isla looked up at Severus. "Can I have this one?"
"The wand chose you," Severus answered. "Of course, you can."
Isla smiled, her eyes moistening as she looked down at the wand again.
"Oh dear," Ollivander took out a handkerchief and handed it to Isla, who dried her eyes.
"I'm a witch now," Isla whispered, sniffling as she hugged Severus.
"Just be careful not to misuse it," Severus cautioned. "We'll practice a few charms at home."
Isla nodded, still hugging him.
Severus drew 7 Galleons from his pocket and handed them to Ollivander, who in turn handed him the box for the wand. "We have to buy the rest of your things," he said to Isla.
"Could I go and buy some of it by myself?" Isla asked.
"That would depend on where you're going."
"I need a cauldron."
"I can buy that for you."
"... I just wanted to look around a bit."
Severus took a moment to consider it. "You're allowed to look around any shops that are immediately next to whatever shop I'm in."
"Yes, Papa."
"And never down Knockturn Alley."
"Yes, Papa."
"And be careful about giving people your name."
"Yes, Papa."
"... very well," Severus said with a nod. He said to Ollivander, "Have a good day, Mr. Ollivander."
"And you, professor," Ollivander replied as Severus led Isla out. "Have a good year!"
Marley I
Marley was told, mainly by Daddy, that sitting in Slug & Jiggers with Mummy would be boring, and Uncle Sirius had told her that Mummy would be too busy to spend time with her and Aunt Marley and Harry, but it turned out that neither one of those things was true, because Marley loved watching customers come in and buy things from the shelves. There were all sorts of people that had all sorts of things to buy, although Marley didn't really get why people would bother buying ingredients instead of buying the potions that they were buying the ingredients for. She'd asked Mummy early on in the work shift, and Mummy had explained that some people preferred brewing their own potions, which meant that she didn't have to brew so much for the next day.
Among the people who'd come in to buy something were students going back to Hogwarts. Both Marley and Mummy knew one of the families coming in, Mrs. Weasley and her sons Charlie, Percy, Fred, and George; it was Charlie's final year, while it was Percy's fourth and Fred's and George's second. Marley watched as Mummy and Mrs. Weasley talked each other's ears out, while Charlie took care of helping his brothers get their supplies.
"Oh, she looks exactly like you!" Mrs. Weasley said as her attention turned to Marley.
"Petunia thinks so, too," Mummy replied with a laugh. "Although I think she likes her more than she likes me."
"Well, siblings tend to get into all sorts of disagreements," Mrs. Weasley said, waving her hand as she gestured to her sons. "I could think of a few stories from home."
"We've got everything, Mum," Charlie said as he led the other boys to the counter.
Marley peered into one of the cauldrons, which they'd have bought from next door, as Mummy took money from Mrs. Weasley and bid them farewell. "Mummy," Marley asked, "do you think I'd be any good at potions?"
"That depends on how good of a cook you are."
"... I'm eight, I don't cook."
"Well, you've helped me and Aunt Tuney in the kitchen."
"I mean, Harry did most of the helping."
"He's older," Mummy laughed. "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it once he's off at Hogwarts."
Marley nodded, but she didn't like how Mummy said it. She didn't want to think about living with either Mummy or Daddy without Harry there, and fortunately, she was pulled out of those thoughts as the bell rang above the door, and a girl walked in. The girl was around Marley's height, but thinner and with black hair and eyes.
"How can I help you, dear?" Mummy asked.
The girl eyed the shelves and then looked back at Mummy. "May I look around?" the girl asked. "My father's buying my school supplies next door."
"School?" Mummy sounded surprised. "Aren't you a bit young?"
"I'm eleven," the girl replied, pulling a wand out from the inside of her jacket to show them. "We bought my wand earlier."
"Oh, I'm so sorry! I just... you're the same height as my daughter." Mummy gestured to Marley. "Marley, how about you introduce yourself?"
"I'm Marley Evans!" Marley said to the girl, stepping forward and holding out her hand. "You can call me Marley."
The girl looked down at Marley's hand, her brow furrowing as she fidgeted with her fingers. Finally, she took Marley's hand and shook it. "Isla."
"My father said to be careful talking to strangers."
"That's very responsible," Mummy replied. "He sounds very nice."
"He is," Isla said nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders.
"Are you looking forward to Hogwarts?" Marley asked.
Isla nodded with a small smile. "I can't wait to see my friends again."
"My brother's going next year," Marley said, "but he's got a different last name than me, so you won't recognize him."
"I..." Isla's brow furrowed even more. "How can you have two different last names?"
"Mummy and Daddy divorced before I-"
Marley turned in shock as Mummy raised her voice; she didn't look angry, but she now looked even paler than usual. "Sorry."
"... no, it's alright," Mummy said gently. "It's just not something you go around telling people."
Marley nodded before addressing Isla again. "Anyway," she said more carefully, "his name's Harry Potter."
Isla nodded before looking at the clock on the wall. "Oh, I ought to go," Isla said. She looked at both of them before saying, "Thank you for having me," curtsying, and quickly leaving the shop.
"... odd girl," Mummy said. "Sweet, though, don't you think?"
"I can't believe she's eleven!" Marley exclaimed.
"Marley," Mummy asked, "is it alright if we have lunch before ice cream?"
"Did you skip breakfast again?"
"No, of course not," Mummy answered, but Marley knew when her mother was lying.
Marley walked over and hugged Mummy. "We can have breakfast for lunch."
Mummy hugged her back. "Haven't you already had breakfast?"
"It can be second breakfast."
Marley felt Mummy laugh. "Second breakfast sounds lovely."
Severus II
Severus had bought himself a single scoop of vanilla ice cream in a cup, while Isla had wanted one scoop of French vanilla and one scoop of strawberry on a cone, giving very specific instructions for the French vanilla scoop to be under the strawberry, but not too deep into the cone. Currently, she was taking small scoops out from both the vanilla and strawberry with a small spoon she'd taken for herself and allowing it to melt in her mouth like when the two of them were back home. She was smiling to herself about something, no doubt about the lessons Severus had promised her for later.
"How do you like the ice cream?" Severus asked.
"I like it," Isla answered, dabbing her lip with her napkin before neatly placing it back on the table.
"Better than what we buy at home?"
"Mm-hmm," Isla nodded.
Severus took a bit of his own ice cream and ate, masking his dislike for the sweet taste. "Have you thought about what House you'd like to be Sorted into?"
"Well..." Isla didn't finish her sentence, her eyes instead locking onto her ice cream cone as her fingers fidgeted.
Severus recognized it as a sign of stress; he'd noticed that, whenever he mentioned the Sorting Ceremony, Isla became more quiet. "Any House would be proud to have you."
"Even Gryffindor?"
Severus stiffened. He hadn't made his dislike for Gryffindors much of a secret, although he thought he'd managed to show an equal amount toward every House. "... being Sorted into a House doesn't define you," he said. "I don't hate all Gryffindors."
"Which ones do you like?"
Severus opened his mouth, then shut it again as he visualized the mental list he kept of people in his life whom he genuinely liked (and not just whom he could tolerate); the only people on it were Isla and Mr. Filch. He saw that Isla's distress was slowly growing, the girl having set her spoon down, and it forced him to think of anyone. "... when I went to Hogwarts," Severus admitted for the first time in his life, "my best friend was a Gryffindor."
Isla's eyes widened. "... really?"
"Was," Severus clarified. "It ended poorly."
"Is that why you don't like Gryffindor?"
"There were other factors, but those factors were all from Gryffindor." Severus took another spoonful of ice cream. "And Slytherin."
Isla didn't say anything, but she picked up her spoon and continued eating.
"It was mostly my fault," Severus explained, "but I didn't realize it until it was too late. And when I tried apologizing, she didn't want to listen."
Severus paled. "Yes."
"... did you... were you two together?"
"No," Severus said quickly. "No, we weren't."
"Because of Mama?"
Severus's heart nearly stopped. Isla had long forgotten what had happened to her mother and her mother's family, and whatever abuse she'd endured. "That... no, that wasn't a factor."
"Oh." Isla ate more of her ice cream. "I don't really want to be in Gryffindor, though. I'd rather be in Ravenclaw."
"Is that so?"
"Helena and Myrtle were in Ravenclaw, so they'll fly by my table if I get Sorted into their House."
Severus smiled. "I'm sure they'd love the company."
"Me too," Isla said, her nervous demeanor having returned to being at ease.
Severus stopped eating momentarily to watch Isla enjoy her treat, the latter not even noticing. With the way she held herself up properly, even with something as simple as eating ice cream, he had no doubt she would do well wherever she was Sorted. And even if she was Sorted into Gryffindor (even though it didn't sound like she wanted to be), Gryffindor would become more tolerable with her in it.
Lily II
Lily had gotten off work for lunch later than she'd hoped, Marley being quite vocal about the whole thing until they finally met up with Marlene, Harry, and now Mary Cattermole (formerly MacDonald) and her daughters, Maisie and Ellie. Fortunately, no one asked why Lily had ordered breakfast for lunch, as Marley had explained that it was her idea to have a second breakfast; the last thing Lily needed was an intervention when all she wanted to do was spend time with Harry and the girls.
Marlene had looked troubled when Lily had met up with them at Fortescue's to explain her lunch plans, only to hear that Marlene had spotted someone who looked like Snape ordering something; she'd left and taken the children elsewhere, at least long enough before returning to find he was gone. Lily wasn't sure why she would even mention Snape in the first place, seeing that she hadn't seen or heard from him for over a decade, and it was to her fortune that the children had been too distracted to hear Snape's name and ask what it meant.
Marley had asked to hold Ellie and was now balancing the toddler on her lap as she tried eating her double scoop of French vanilla. Harry had ordered treacle tart ice cream (Lily didn't even know that was even a flavor there), Marlene ordering the same, while Mary was sharing mint chip with Maisie and Ellie. Lily licked her single scoop of strawberry and listened to Marley describe her day to Marlene and Mary; Harry didn't care too much, as he was entertaining Maisie.
Lily was tempted to interrupt what Marley was doing to talk to her, but the latter turned and smiled at her, a bit of vanilla ice cream on her lip. Lily took a napkin and wiped her daughter's face, only for her to stick her tongue out with a cheeky grin. And that was enough for Lily to know she didn't even need to share a single word with her, or even with Harry; it was enough to take James off her mind, even though she knew that, eventually, both children would go back to their father for three weeks.
Lily just hoped James would have meetings more often.
Isla II
Saturday, 1 September 1990
Isla couldn't look anyone in the eye as she stood with the other first-years before the Sorting Hat, not even Papa. Looking around the Great Hall as a student differed greatly from looking out from the head table; there wasn't a single person sitting down that didn't already recognize her from the years she'd spent living in the castle, save for those newly-Sorted. One of them was Cho Chang, a girl Isla had befriended on the Hogwarts Express, who now sat at the Ravenclaw table along with Marietta Edgecombe, her other friend. Cho and Marietta had helped Isla feel comfortable during the train ride, as it was the first time she'd ridden away from Papa.
"Snape, Isla!" Aunt Minerva called out.
Isla felt her blood run cold as all eyes were on her, but she remained composed; Papa was always composed, even when he was uncomfortable. Keeping her chin high, she approached the Sorting Hat and briefly made eye contact with Minerva, who gave her a small smile. Isla kept her lips tight and gave a small nod before sitting down on the stool and allowing the Sorting Hat to be placed on her head, her heart racing.
Hmm... Isla Snape, is it?
It's good to see you sitting up here after all these years.
How can you see me if you don't have eyes?
... I see you're feeling rather nervous, but you've resolved yourself not to show fear... very courageous, indeed... but there's also a desire to prove yourself to your father... and there's no shortage of hard work... and yet, you don't quite fit inside those boxes... no, you quite outside the box, inquisitive, thirsty for knowledge-
I also want to be with Helena and Myrtle, and Cho and Marietta.
Your new friends. Loyalty, rather admirable for a... "RAVENCLAW!" the Sorting Hat bellowed.
The entirety of Ravenclaw's table erupted in applause, Cho and Marietta standing and waving Isla to sit with them. Isla got up as the Hat was removed from her head, and she turned back to face Papa. His face was unexpressive, save for the corner of his lip curling upward and giving her a small nod. Isla nodded in return before turning on her heel and striding stoically to the Ravenclaw table, sitting on Cho's other side.
"You've got to show us around the castle over the weekend!" Cho said excitedly.
"I'll have to check my schedule," Isla said properly, carefully draping her napkin over her lap.
"Our schedule," Marietta corrected.
"Is it really true?" a boy across from them, Marcus Belby, whispered as the Sorting continued. "You live in the castle?"
"Only during the school year," Isla whispered back, glancing over at Papa as he folded his hands on the table. "Papa- my father teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts."
Cho and Marietta looked over at the table. "Which one is he?"
"The one in black."
"... wow," Marietta whispered.
Isla held back a sigh; this wasn't the first time a student started crushing over Papa, but she wished it would be the last. "He's very strict," Isla said, choosing not to tell off her new friend.
"Uh-huh," Marietta mumbled.
"Mari," Cho whispered, nudging Marietta, "stop that."
"Sorry," Marietta said quickly, clearing her throat as the Sorting Ceremony ended and Uncle Albus stood.
"I wish to say a few words to all our new and returning students before we commence our feast," Albus called out. "Let the feast commence!" He clapped his hands, and food and drink appeared across the entirety of Ravenclaw table.
As the Ravenclaws started putting food on their plate, Belby said, "I don't get it."
"Don't get what?" Marietta asked.
"He said he'd say a few words before the feast."
"He did," Isla explained as she carefully and precisely spooned roast potatoes on the side of her plate. "'Let the feast commence'."
It took Belby a moment, but he soon laughed out loud and buried his face in his hands as his cheeks went red.
"Are you sure they didn't Sort you into the wrong House?" Marietta asked teasingly.
Isla looked back up to where Papa was sitting, seeing that he was now looking at her. He raised his goblet in her direction, toasting her. Isla responded in kind, finally letting herself smile.
Chapter 1: Isla Snape, Witch-in-Training
Isla I
Wednesday, 1 August 1990
Isla was quick to dress, throwing on the first dress she could find before she rushed out of her room and carefully opened the door to Papa's. Papa was still asleep despite the time (they were supposed to leave the house at 8:00, and it was already 7:45, for goodness sake), so Isla walked up to the side of the bed and sat down, poking her father's arm.
"Papa," Isla whispered, putting slightly more force into each successive poke. "Papa, it's almost 8:00."
Papa stirred, one of his eyes prying itself open. "What?"
"It's almost 8:00!"
Papa groaned as he sat up, his eyes still shut as he rubbed his face to wake up. "Have you brushed your teeth?"
"Combed your hair?"
Papa opened his eyes fully and glanced at Isla's hair. "Very good," he said. "We ought to have breakfast."
"We could eat at the Leaky Cauldron," Isla suggested excitedly.
"You've been thinking this through, haven't you?"
Isla nodded with a grin.
Papa smirked. "Give me a few minutes."
Isla hurried out of Papa's room and downstairs to the fireplace, sitting on the couch to wait patiently... or as patiently as she could manage. It wasn't every day that a young witch went to Diagon Alley for her first wand, after all. Fidgeting with her fingers, she thought about what type of wand she would get, or if it would be the same as Papa's (pine with unicorn hair), or if she would see a wand she liked but ended up getting one that didn't look as nice. Then again, Papa had always told her that a wand was its substance, not its appearance.
Footsteps sounded from the stairway, and Isla turned to see Papa had come down, dressed in his usual clothes: a white dress shirt hidden under a dark blue surcoat, paired with black slacks and dress shoes. He wasn't wearing his outer robe given the weather.
"Ready to go?" Isla asked.
Papa nodded as he took her hand and led her to step with him into the fireplace, grabbing some Floo powder. "The Leaky Cauldron!" Papa called out as he threw it down at their feet.
Isla felt the green flames engulf them, only to vanish and reveal the room where the Leaky Cauldron's Floo chimney was located. Papa stepped out, and Isla hurried after him, clutching his arm as they entered the dining area. Other witches and wizards were sitting around, but they all seemed to have just woken up. Papa sat isla sat down at one of the smaller tables before he said, "I'll be back in one moment."
Isla watched as Papa walked up to speak with Tom the bartender (she didn't know his last name), and she started fidgeting with her fingers once more as she looked around. A woman and two children, a boy wearing glasses and a girl with wild red hair, entered through the main entrance.
"Could we have some ice cream too?" the girl asked.
"We haven't even had breakfast," the woman said.
"Oh, but you see, Aunt Marley," the girl said, putting a strange emphasis on every word, "we could wait for Mummy to get off her shift, and we could get it together!"
Aunt Marley scoffed and shook her head. "You know I'm going to say 'yes', don't you?"
"Yup!" the girl replied with a toothy grin.
Aunt Marley laughed and turned to look at Tom the barman, and her amusement suddenly vanished. "How about," she suggested quickly, "we go visit her first, and then we can look around?"
"No breakfast?" the boy asked.
"We'll find some vendor food," Aunt Marley said.
"C'mon, Harry!" the girl squealed as she grabbed Harry's hand and dragged him to a door in the back, Aunt Marley following after them.
Just as they had left, Papa returned with a cup of tea for himself and two glasses of pumpkin juice and water for Isla. "Food should be ready in a bit," he said.
"Papa," Isla asked slowly, "do you think we could have some ice cream later?"
"I haven't bought any."
"No, I mean... here." Isla continued fidgeting with her fingers. "I heard those two other children talking about it."
"Fortescue's?" Papa asked; he'd never been one for sweets. "In the morning?"
"... we don't have to."
"No, it's fine."
Isla's eyes widened. "Really?"
Papa nodded. "It's a special day, isn't it? We can go after we buy your things."
Isla smiled and got out of her chair to hug Papa. "Thank you!"
Papa kissed the top of her head. "I'll even let you have two scoops."
Lily I
Lily hadn't slept very well last night, at least not until she'd taken a small dose of her Dreamless Sleep, but that had almost made her late for work. Harry and Marley were staying with their father for three weeks (which had started last night), which had taken some weight off Petunia's and Vernon's shoulders. Dudley was excited that he had the boys' room all to himself, but Lily missed sharing a room with Marley; she was the only one of the three children who still wanted to read with Lily before bed, now that Dudley had taken to video games and television and Harry preferred reading that Japanese comic Dragon Ball (something which Sirius had gotten him for his birthday).
But right now, Lily didn't have the time to think about the children; Slug & Jiggers was about to open, and she had to sort out the counter before the first customers arrived. The owners, Messrs. Slug and Jiggers, were still on vacation, leaving Lily to run everything apart from getting the occasional letter explaining what needed to be done. It'd taken her more nights than she cared to admit how to order inventory from the suppliers and organize everything on the shelves based on product and delivery time.
Lily heard a knock on the door to the shop and let out a sigh; it surprised her how many people couldn't read a "closed" sign. She turned, and her annoyance immediately vanished as she saw Marley's face squished up against the window; Marlene and Harry were standing by her, and the latter waved. Lily hurried out from behind the counter and opened the door. "Hi!" she said excitedly.
Marley lunged at Lily and hugged her tightly. "Morning," she said, her voice muffled by being buried into Lily.
"I wasn't expecting you to come," Lily smiled as she kissed Harry on the cheek.
"They wanted to come visit," Marlene explained. "James had an early meeting."
Lily's jaw tightened.
Marlene mouthed "sorry" before patting Marley on the back. "Also, Marley was wondering-"
"After we look around, and you're off your shift, could we get ice cream together?" Marley asked without stopping for a breath.
"Noon?" Lily asked. "I'll have twenty minutes before I have to get back."
"Aunt Marley said we could check out the new brooms," Harry added.
"Harry," Lily chided, "you have two already."
"Yeah, but they're not from Nimbus."
Lily sighed. "How much would it cost?"
"Oh, don't worry; Dad said he'd pay for it."
... Lily's chest went cold, a pressure building in her head. "Well," she said calmly, "let's hope you find something you like."
"So, noon works?" Marlene asked.
Lily nodded. "That's fine with me."
"We could buy it for you before you come!" Marley suggested.
"I'll have a scoop of strawberry, then," Lily replied.
Marley's face twisted in revulsion. "You still like strawberry?"
"What's wrong with that?" Marlene asked with a laugh.
"The flavor's not right."
"It's Fortescue," Harry argued. "Everything they make tastes good."
"Oh, Mummy?" Marley asked. "Could I sit in the shop with you until we're ready for ice cream?"
"You need breakfast first," Lily replied.
"After breakfast?"
"Why not go look around with Harry?"
"I'm not really that interested in brooms."
Harry shrugged. "Yeah, that's fine."
"Alright," Lily said as she looked back at Marlene. "I'll see you later."
"I'll be back in thirty minutes!" Marley called back as the three of them left.
"Oh, it takes longer than that for them to make breakfast, sweetheart," Marlene told her.
Lily smirked as the door shut behind them, only for it to slowly slide off her face the further the three of them walked away.
Severus I
The bell above the door rang as Severus opened it, allowing Isla to enter Ollivander's first; it felt like it was only yesterday when he'd stepped in and gotten his own wand with what little his mother had saved up for him. Each shelf behind the front desk was packed and chaotically organized, but someone like Garrick Ollivander had no trouble finding the exact wand for the individual. Coincidentally, while Severus was thinking about the old wandmaker, the latter appeared from behind one of the shelves.
"Good day, Professor Snape," Ollivander greeted with a soft voice.
"Mr. Ollivander," Severus returned.
Isla tugged on Severus's sleeve. "You know each other?"
"I sold the professor his wand when he first entered my shop," Ollivander answered. "Pine with unicorn hair, 10", pliable."
"It still works well," Severus replied.
"Now, for your measurements," Ollivander said, turning his attention to Isla. "Wand arm, please."
Severus guided Isla over to Ollivander, and the wandmaker pulled out a tape measurer for Isla's arm and height. Isla's pulse was high, at least according to Severus's finger on her wrist as he held her hand, and her eyes were focused on the floor.
"Now then," Ollivander finally said, "Let's see what we have." He walked back to the shelves and started picking out boxes, setting each of them back as he found a new one. "No, not that one... Definitely not that one... Oh, but this isn't the season for that wood... Ah!" The wandmaker hurried back and brought out a box, setting it down on the counter and opening it for Isla to see. "Hawthorn with unicorn hair, 13", unyielding."
Severus glanced at Isla, still holding her hand, and saw that his daughter's eyes were now locked onto the wand. She gently took it out of the box, letting go of her father's hand.
"Give it a little wave," Ollivander suggested.
Isla raised her wand and waved it in a pattern. "Expecto Patronum!"
No light came out from the wand, not yet at least, but a gentle breeze passed through the room, rustling any loose pages on the counter or sticking out of some of the books present. The flames of the lit candles flickered but remained lit, and red sparks shot out of the wand's tip soon after.
"A rather bold first attempt," Ollivander commented. "I think this wand likes you very much."
"What?" Isla asked.
"The wand chooses the witch."
Ollivander smiled. "Each wand has a will of its own, mostly based on what it's made from."
"Oh, Papa mentioned that too."
"Some wands only pick a witch or wizard who's destined to grow. In your case, hawthorn wands choose those battling themselves."
Isla looked up at Severus. "Can I have this one?"
"The wand chose you," Severus answered. "Of course, you can."
Isla smiled, her eyes moistening as she looked down at the wand again.
"Oh dear," Ollivander took out a handkerchief and handed it to Isla, who dried her eyes.
"I'm a witch now," Isla whispered, sniffling as she hugged Severus.
"Just be careful not to misuse it," Severus cautioned. "We'll practice a few charms at home."
Isla nodded, still hugging him.
Severus drew 7 Galleons from his pocket and handed them to Ollivander, who in turn handed him the box for the wand. "We have to buy the rest of your things," he said to Isla.
"Could I go and buy some of it by myself?" Isla asked.
"That would depend on where you're going."
"I need a cauldron."
"I can buy that for you."
"... I just wanted to look around a bit."
Severus took a moment to consider it. "You're allowed to look around any shops that are immediately next to whatever shop I'm in."
"Yes, Papa."
"And never down Knockturn Alley."
"Yes, Papa."
"And be careful about giving people your name."
"Yes, Papa."
"... very well," Severus said with a nod. He said to Ollivander, "Have a good day, Mr. Ollivander."
"And you, professor," Ollivander replied as Severus led Isla out. "Have a good year!"
Marley I
Marley was told, mainly by Daddy, that sitting in Slug & Jiggers with Mummy would be boring, and Uncle Sirius had told her that Mummy would be too busy to spend time with her and Aunt Marley and Harry, but it turned out that neither one of those things was true, because Marley loved watching customers come in and buy things from the shelves. There were all sorts of people that had all sorts of things to buy, although Marley didn't really get why people would bother buying ingredients instead of buying the potions that they were buying the ingredients for. She'd asked Mummy early on in the work shift, and Mummy had explained that some people preferred brewing their own potions, which meant that she didn't have to brew so much for the next day.
Among the people who'd come in to buy something were students going back to Hogwarts. Both Marley and Mummy knew one of the families coming in, Mrs. Weasley and her sons Charlie, Percy, Fred, and George; it was Charlie's final year, while it was Percy's fourth and Fred's and George's second. Marley watched as Mummy and Mrs. Weasley talked each other's ears out, while Charlie took care of helping his brothers get their supplies.
"Oh, she looks exactly like you!" Mrs. Weasley said as her attention turned to Marley.
"Petunia thinks so, too," Mummy replied with a laugh. "Although I think she likes her more than she likes me."
"Well, siblings tend to get into all sorts of disagreements," Mrs. Weasley said, waving her hand as she gestured to her sons. "I could think of a few stories from home."
"We've got everything, Mum," Charlie said as he led the other boys to the counter.
Marley peered into one of the cauldrons, which they'd have bought from next door, as Mummy took money from Mrs. Weasley and bid them farewell. "Mummy," Marley asked, "do you think I'd be any good at potions?"
"That depends on how good of a cook you are."
"... I'm eight, I don't cook."
"Well, you've helped me and Aunt Tuney in the kitchen."
"I mean, Harry did most of the helping."
"He's older," Mummy laughed. "I'm sure you'll get the hang of it once he's off at Hogwarts."
Marley nodded, but she didn't like how Mummy said it. She didn't want to think about living with either Mummy or Daddy without Harry there, and fortunately, she was pulled out of those thoughts as the bell rang above the door, and a girl walked in. The girl was around Marley's height, but thinner and with black hair and eyes.
"How can I help you, dear?" Mummy asked.
The girl eyed the shelves and then looked back at Mummy. "May I look around?" the girl asked. "My father's buying my school supplies next door."
"School?" Mummy sounded surprised. "Aren't you a bit young?"
"I'm eleven," the girl replied, pulling a wand out from the inside of her jacket to show them. "We bought my wand earlier."
"Oh, I'm so sorry! I just... you're the same height as my daughter." Mummy gestured to Marley. "Marley, how about you introduce yourself?"
"I'm Marley Evans!" Marley said to the girl, stepping forward and holding out her hand. "You can call me Marley."
The girl looked down at Marley's hand, her brow furrowing as she fidgeted with her fingers. Finally, she took Marley's hand and shook it. "Isla."
"My father said to be careful talking to strangers."
"That's very responsible," Mummy replied. "He sounds very nice."
"He is," Isla said nonchalantly, shrugging her shoulders.
"Are you looking forward to Hogwarts?" Marley asked.
Isla nodded with a small smile. "I can't wait to see my friends again."
"My brother's going next year," Marley said, "but he's got a different last name than me, so you won't recognize him."
"I..." Isla's brow furrowed even more. "How can you have two different last names?"
"Mummy and Daddy divorced before I-"
Marley turned in shock as Mummy raised her voice; she didn't look angry, but she now looked even paler than usual. "Sorry."
"... no, it's alright," Mummy said gently. "It's just not something you go around telling people."
Marley nodded before addressing Isla again. "Anyway," she said more carefully, "his name's Harry Potter."
Isla nodded before looking at the clock on the wall. "Oh, I ought to go," Isla said. She looked at both of them before saying, "Thank you for having me," curtsying, and quickly leaving the shop.
"... odd girl," Mummy said. "Sweet, though, don't you think?"
"I can't believe she's eleven!" Marley exclaimed.
"Marley," Mummy asked, "is it alright if we have lunch before ice cream?"
"Did you skip breakfast again?"
"No, of course not," Mummy answered, but Marley knew when her mother was lying.
Marley walked over and hugged Mummy. "We can have breakfast for lunch."
Mummy hugged her back. "Haven't you already had breakfast?"
"It can be second breakfast."
Marley felt Mummy laugh. "Second breakfast sounds lovely."
Severus II
Severus had bought himself a single scoop of vanilla ice cream in a cup, while Isla had wanted one scoop of French vanilla and one scoop of strawberry on a cone, giving very specific instructions for the French vanilla scoop to be under the strawberry, but not too deep into the cone. Currently, she was taking small scoops out from both the vanilla and strawberry with a small spoon she'd taken for herself and allowing it to melt in her mouth like when the two of them were back home. She was smiling to herself about something, no doubt about the lessons Severus had promised her for later.
"How do you like the ice cream?" Severus asked.
"I like it," Isla answered, dabbing her lip with her napkin before neatly placing it back on the table.
"Better than what we buy at home?"
"Mm-hmm," Isla nodded.
Severus took a bit of his own ice cream and ate, masking his dislike for the sweet taste. "Have you thought about what House you'd like to be Sorted into?"
"Well..." Isla didn't finish her sentence, her eyes instead locking onto her ice cream cone as her fingers fidgeted.
Severus recognized it as a sign of stress; he'd noticed that, whenever he mentioned the Sorting Ceremony, Isla became more quiet. "Any House would be proud to have you."
"Even Gryffindor?"
Severus stiffened. He hadn't made his dislike for Gryffindors much of a secret, although he thought he'd managed to show an equal amount toward every House. "... being Sorted into a House doesn't define you," he said. "I don't hate all Gryffindors."
"Which ones do you like?"
Severus opened his mouth, then shut it again as he visualized the mental list he kept of people in his life whom he genuinely liked (and not just whom he could tolerate); the only people on it were Isla and Mr. Filch. He saw that Isla's distress was slowly growing, the girl having set her spoon down, and it forced him to think of anyone. "... when I went to Hogwarts," Severus admitted for the first time in his life, "my best friend was a Gryffindor."
Isla's eyes widened. "... really?"
"Was," Severus clarified. "It ended poorly."
"Is that why you don't like Gryffindor?"
"There were other factors, but those factors were all from Gryffindor." Severus took another spoonful of ice cream. "And Slytherin."
Isla didn't say anything, but she picked up her spoon and continued eating.
"It was mostly my fault," Severus explained, "but I didn't realize it until it was too late. And when I tried apologizing, she didn't want to listen."
Severus paled. "Yes."
"... did you... were you two together?"
"No," Severus said quickly. "No, we weren't."
"Because of Mama?"
Severus's heart nearly stopped. Isla had long forgotten what had happened to her mother and her mother's family, and whatever abuse she'd endured. "That... no, that wasn't a factor."
"Oh." Isla ate more of her ice cream. "I don't really want to be in Gryffindor, though. I'd rather be in Ravenclaw."
"Is that so?"
"Helena and Myrtle were in Ravenclaw, so they'll fly by my table if I get Sorted into their House."
Severus smiled. "I'm sure they'd love the company."
"Me too," Isla said, her nervous demeanor having returned to being at ease.
Severus stopped eating momentarily to watch Isla enjoy her treat, the latter not even noticing. With the way she held herself up properly, even with something as simple as eating ice cream, he had no doubt she would do well wherever she was Sorted. And even if she was Sorted into Gryffindor (even though it didn't sound like she wanted to be), Gryffindor would become more tolerable with her in it.
Lily II
Lily had gotten off work for lunch later than she'd hoped, Marley being quite vocal about the whole thing until they finally met up with Marlene, Harry, and now Mary Cattermole (formerly MacDonald) and her daughters, Maisie and Ellie. Fortunately, no one asked why Lily had ordered breakfast for lunch, as Marley had explained that it was her idea to have a second breakfast; the last thing Lily needed was an intervention when all she wanted to do was spend time with Harry and the girls.
Marlene had looked troubled when Lily had met up with them at Fortescue's to explain her lunch plans, only to hear that Marlene had spotted someone who looked like Snape ordering something; she'd left and taken the children elsewhere, at least long enough before returning to find he was gone. Lily wasn't sure why she would even mention Snape in the first place, seeing that she hadn't seen or heard from him for over a decade, and it was to her fortune that the children had been too distracted to hear Snape's name and ask what it meant.
Marley had asked to hold Ellie and was now balancing the toddler on her lap as she tried eating her double scoop of French vanilla. Harry had ordered treacle tart ice cream (Lily didn't even know that was even a flavor there), Marlene ordering the same, while Mary was sharing mint chip with Maisie and Ellie. Lily licked her single scoop of strawberry and listened to Marley describe her day to Marlene and Mary; Harry didn't care too much, as he was entertaining Maisie.
Lily was tempted to interrupt what Marley was doing to talk to her, but the latter turned and smiled at her, a bit of vanilla ice cream on her lip. Lily took a napkin and wiped her daughter's face, only for her to stick her tongue out with a cheeky grin. And that was enough for Lily to know she didn't even need to share a single word with her, or even with Harry; it was enough to take James off her mind, even though she knew that, eventually, both children would go back to their father for three weeks.
Lily just hoped James would have meetings more often.
Isla II
Saturday, 1 September 1990
Isla couldn't look anyone in the eye as she stood with the other first-years before the Sorting Hat, not even Papa. Looking around the Great Hall as a student differed greatly from looking out from the head table; there wasn't a single person sitting down that didn't already recognize her from the years she'd spent living in the castle, save for those newly-Sorted. One of them was Cho Chang, a girl Isla had befriended on the Hogwarts Express, who now sat at the Ravenclaw table along with Marietta Edgecombe, her other friend. Cho and Marietta had helped Isla feel comfortable during the train ride, as it was the first time she'd ridden away from Papa.
"Snape, Isla!" Aunt Minerva called out.
Isla felt her blood run cold as all eyes were on her, but she remained composed; Papa was always composed, even when he was uncomfortable. Keeping her chin high, she approached the Sorting Hat and briefly made eye contact with Minerva, who gave her a small smile. Isla kept her lips tight and gave a small nod before sitting down on the stool and allowing the Sorting Hat to be placed on her head, her heart racing.
Hmm... Isla Snape, is it?
It's good to see you sitting up here after all these years.
How can you see me if you don't have eyes?
... I see you're feeling rather nervous, but you've resolved yourself not to show fear... very courageous, indeed... but there's also a desire to prove yourself to your father... and there's no shortage of hard work... and yet, you don't quite fit inside those boxes... no, you quite outside the box, inquisitive, thirsty for knowledge-
I also want to be with Helena and Myrtle, and Cho and Marietta.
Your new friends. Loyalty, rather admirable for a... "RAVENCLAW!" the Sorting Hat bellowed.
The entirety of Ravenclaw's table erupted in applause, Cho and Marietta standing and waving Isla to sit with them. Isla got up as the Hat was removed from her head, and she turned back to face Papa. His face was unexpressive, save for the corner of his lip curling upward and giving her a small nod. Isla nodded in return before turning on her heel and striding stoically to the Ravenclaw table, sitting on Cho's other side.
"You've got to show us around the castle over the weekend!" Cho said excitedly.
"I'll have to check my schedule," Isla said properly, carefully draping her napkin over her lap.
"Our schedule," Marietta corrected.
"Is it really true?" a boy across from them, Marcus Belby, whispered as the Sorting continued. "You live in the castle?"
"Only during the school year," Isla whispered back, glancing over at Papa as he folded his hands on the table. "Papa- my father teaches Defense Against the Dark Arts."
Cho and Marietta looked over at the table. "Which one is he?"
"The one in black."
"... wow," Marietta whispered.
Isla held back a sigh; this wasn't the first time a student started crushing over Papa, but she wished it would be the last. "He's very strict," Isla said, choosing not to tell off her new friend.
"Uh-huh," Marietta mumbled.
"Mari," Cho whispered, nudging Marietta, "stop that."
"Sorry," Marietta said quickly, clearing her throat as the Sorting Ceremony ended and Uncle Albus stood.
"I wish to say a few words to all our new and returning students before we commence our feast," Albus called out. "Let the feast commence!" He clapped his hands, and food and drink appeared across the entirety of Ravenclaw table.
As the Ravenclaws started putting food on their plate, Belby said, "I don't get it."
"Don't get what?" Marietta asked.
"He said he'd say a few words before the feast."
"He did," Isla explained as she carefully and precisely spooned roast potatoes on the side of her plate. "'Let the feast commence'."
It took Belby a moment, but he soon laughed out loud and buried his face in his hands as his cheeks went red.
"Are you sure they didn't Sort you into the wrong House?" Marietta asked teasingly.
Isla looked back up to where Papa was sitting, seeing that he was now looking at her. He raised his goblet in her direction, toasting her. Isla responded in kind, finally letting herself smile.
Quote from Robaku90 on November 17, 2024, 2:10 amI can't wait to see Lily and Sev's past become their present. 😍
I can't wait to see Lily and Sev's past become their present. 😍