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Severus Snape and the Joys of Single Fatherhood (Severus/Lily, OCs) M

Characters/Pairings: Severus/Lily
Ratings/Warnings: Mature
Summary: Severus Snape didn't think he could lose Lily's friendship, until he did. Severus Snape didn't think he could defeat Lord Voldemort, until he did. And Severus Snape didn't think he would ever be a father... until he was.

WIP, new chapters will be posted here first before being posted to FFN and AO3. Eventual Snily.

Table of Contents for "Severus Snape and the Joys of Single Fatherhood"

Prologue | Chapter 1: The Reorganization of a Household

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Chapter 1: The Reorganization of a Household

Albus I

Friday, 9 April 1982

Living in a world without the threat of Lord Voldemort was something Albus never believed he would have the privilege of experiencing firsthand; at most, he thought his portrait would. On the 31st of October 1981, the evening of Voldemort's demise, word spread across the wizarding world, and all of wizardkind was found dancing in the streets, startling the Muggle population with their behavior and resulting in a few cases where Obliviators and Muggle Liaison Officers had to be deployed. The only place where this wasn't the case was Cokeworth, in the West Midlands, statistically the least magical town of any settlement ever settled in Britain and Ireland; its sole magical inhabitant was very intimately aware that his former 'master' was dead, and had known longer than anyone else (including Albus).

For the most part, Severus Snape had stayed secluded from the rest of wizardkind apart from working for Slug & Jiggers, but Albus knew that the young wizard worked in the back and barely interacted with customers. The two had kept in regular contact since Severus's graduation, mostly to do with the war effort against the Death Eaters, but since Voldemort's death, Albus found that he was spending more time with Regulus Black, from whom he learned more about Severus's life (more specifically, the lack of a life the former Slytherin lived). It was during these meetings, at least immediately after Voldemort's death, that the two made an effort to keep Severus's involvement in the Dark Lord's demise a secret, something which made little sense to either of them.

As far as the world knew, it was Regulus Black, heir of the Ancient and Most Noble House of Black, who had vanquished the Dark Lord through methods kept secret from the public. This had put a strain on Regulus's relationships with Lucius and Narcissa Malfoy, as well as the other former Death Eaters; Regulus, despite being hated by his former comrades, did what he could to vouch for them and limit their sentences. Albus didn't agree with Regulus's choices or motivations, but he admired Regulus for the love he had for his friends and family. And it was on this point, on friends and family, that Albus and Regulus were united in their concern for Severus's well-being, as the latter had neither (not from a lack of effort on Albus's and Regulus's part).

At least, that's what both assumed until Albus was summoned involving an Obscurial.

Albus entered the orphanage, following Muggle Liaison Officer Philip Greymoor as he was told the details involving the incident. Truthfully, Albus had no other reason to be here other than the news that the attack had occurred in Birmingham, just bordering the Black Country where Cokeworth was centered. It couldn't have been a coincidence that such an attack had occurred so close to Severus's home, despite learning that the Obscurial was little more than three years old.

"Isla Glenn," Greymoor said as they waited for someone at the orphanage to find the girl. "Born on the 18th of January 1979. Daughter of Catherine Glenn, one of the victims."

"And I believe you mentioned others," Albus said. "A brother and uncle."

"Martin Glenn is the uncle," Greymoor explained. "Or was the uncle. He was another victim."

"And the brother?"

"Miles, born not four days ago. Hospitalized. Unknown father, like Isla, but from what we can tell, the fathers are different."

"That poor boy," Albus murmured.

"We thought he wouldn't live," Greymoor admitted. "By all rights, he should be dead, but according to the healers, he'll make a full recovery."

"That's some relief." Albus was disturbed enough by the situation, and the last thing he needed was for a newborn to die. "What's the official story?"

"An explosion caused by a gas leak," Greymoor explained. "Isla has no memory of it."

"Mr. Greymoor? Mr. Dumbledore?" A woman approached them, holding the hand of a small girl with a downcast face.

"Ah," Greymoor said with a smile. "And this must be Isla, then?"

"How about you say 'hello', as we practiced?" the woman said to the girl.

Isla looked up at Greymoor with sad eyes, removed her hand from the woman, and hid behind her skirt.

Albus took in the appearance of the little girl. She had pitch-black hair with equally black eyes, her skin pale from a lack of sunlight. There was the shadow of a bruise underneath her shirt sleeve, which Albus could tell was made by an adult's hand firmly grabbing her.

"Oh, sweetheart, it's alright," the woman said, kneeling and rubbing Isla's shoulder gently. "These men were asking about you."

Isla looked at the woman, then back to Greymoor, before turning her attention to Albus. In the brief moment before the young girl blinked, Albus gleaned the surface of her mind, finding himself staring into, and nearly stepping back from, abusive memories at the forefront of the girl's thoughts. How anyone could treat their daughter or niece in such a way only reminded Albus of Ariana, of how their father had thrown his life away by seeking vengeance for less.

"This is Mr. Philip Greymoor," the woman was saying to the girl. "And this is... oh, I'm terribly sorry, I can't remember."

"Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore," Albus replied, smiling at the girl.

Isla furrowed her brow apprehensively.

And, somehow, it was that simple furrowing of the brow that told Albus exactly who her biological father was.

Lily I

Monday, 12 April 1982

"I can't believe you!" Lily shouted at James as she packed her trunk in a frenzy, her eyes stinging with the tears she'd just shed.

"Lils, come on, let's-"

"Don't you dare 'Lils' me!" Lily pushed past him, which she knew he only allowed because she was both armed and pregnant. She grabbed more hangers off the rack in the wardrobe and waved her wand, having each article of clothing fold on its own as she continued barraging her soon-to-be ex-husband. "You don't get to trick me and expect me to accept that you did it 'out of love'!"

"Prongs?!" a voice called from the corridor outside the master bedroom. Sirius walked with Harry in his arms. "Lily, listen-"

"Tell me it isn't true," Lily dared Sirius, waiting for an answer.


"If you have any kind of respect for me, Sirius Black, you'll tell me the truth!"

"... it's true," Sirius admitted.

"Sirius!" James exclaimed.

"Lily, James did stop most of it-"

"But not with Snape," Lily cut in. "Did Remus know?"

"Lily," James said in his soft, gentle tone, "this is just the hormones talking."

"... James Potter, I know you didn't just say that to me!"

At that moment, Harry started crying, to which Sirius responded by hushing the toddler and carrying him out of the room.

"Look what you did!" James said, gesturing to Harry. "You're upsetting Harry!"

"You tricked me into marrying you!"

"Watch it." James's voice went quiet, but his eyes were burning with anger.

"I'm not staying here!"

"You're not leaving this house," James continued. "And we're not getting a divorce."

"Watch me!" Lily shut her trunk and picked it up, only for James to get in her way.

"I've been providing for us from the beginning," James said. "I was there when your parents died, when your sister started distancing herself from you-"

"Because of you!" Lily shot back. "Petunia and I were making things work until you had to ruin it!"

"You're unpacking your trunk, and we're going to forget any of this happened."

"Go to hell!" Lily hissed as she pushed past once more, but she felt James grab her wrist. "Let go of me, James!"

"You're not taking my daughter away from me!"

"And I'm not living with a liar! Now LET GO!"

"Oi!" Sirius rushed to Lily and James, but Lily was surprised to see that the other man was trying to free her. "James, stop!"

"Stay out of this!" James spat back.

While James was distracted, Lily managed to wrench herself free, hurrying down the spiral staircase and toward the living room fireplace. She set the trunk down, grabbed a handful of Floo powder, stepped in, and shouted "McKinnon residence!" before throwing it down. She found herself stepping out to be met by the McKinnon family, who seemed to be having a post-Easter dinner.

"Christ, Lily!" Marlene exclaimed, only for her mother to smack the back of her head.

"Don't use the Lord's name in vain, Marlene!" Mrs. McKinnon said sternly.

Marlene, ignoring her mother's correction, hurried out of her seat and rushed to Lily. "Lily, what happened?!"

"Shut the grate," Lily said quickly, pointing to the fireplace.


"Marley, please, shut the grate!"

Marlene drew her wand and waved it, the grates of the fireplace shutting to prevent anyone from coming through. "Come sit down!"

Lily let Marlene lead her to the dinner table, taking Marlene's seat.

"What's happened, dear?" Mrs. McKinnon asked, rubbing Lily's back. "You shouldn't be moving around this much while you're pregnant."

The concern in Mrs. McKinnon's voice, something she hadn't heard from her own mother in too long, broke Lily for the second time that night. And everything she'd learned about James, about the lies he'd convinced her of, came out.

Severus I

Friday, 16 April 1982

Severus had only just returned home with groceries after a long day of brewing for Slug & Jiggers and going to Gringotts to convert his salary into Muggle money. The bank had grown busier with the coming of the new year, meaning the lines had grown longer, meaning he had less time to prepare dinner for himself once he returned home. There was some temptation for him to simply get Chinese takeaway, but that could involve standing in another line, and the fewer people he had to stand around, the better. Now, fortunately, he was home, unpacking his groceries while checking for anything expired in his pantry; he knew he'd checked yesterday, and the day before, but he could never be too careful about these sorts of things.

Severus was busy opening a can of baked beans when there was a knock at the door. He wasn't expecting anyone to visit at this time, which meant it was an impromptu visit from either Dumbledore or Black the Younger, and Black the Younger would be too busy with his wife and sons (and probably his brother) on a Friday evening. He set the can and can opener down and walked to the front door, unlocking it before opening it to greet the knocker.

Dumbledore's presence didn't surprise Severus, but the two accompanying the former did. The man Severus recognized as Philip Greymoor, a Muggle Liaison Officer stationed in the West Midlands region on account of his family living in Birmingham. The girl whose hand Greymoor was holding was a complete stranger, and there was no way she could be older than two (at least as far as her size went).

"Severus," Dumbledore began, "may we enter?"

Severus held back a sigh and opened the door fully for Dumbledore and the other two to enter, shutting it behind them and re-locking up. He followed them into the sitting room to find they'd already sat down. "How may I help you?" he asked blankly, glancing back at the can of beans.

"To confirm," Mr. Greymoor began, "you are Severus Snape?"

"... Mr. Greymoor, you know who I am," Severus said.

"This is a formal occasion."

"Yes," Severus answered tiredly. "I'm Severus Snape."

"Son of Tobias Snape and Eileen Prince?"


"Born on the 9th of January in the year of our Lord 1960?"



"For how long do we have to go through this? I haven't eaten since breakfast."

"Severus," Dumbledore said sternly, "this is an important matter."

"Instead of listing off questions we all know the answers to, why not just get to the point?!"

Dumbledore gave Severus a cold stare before gesturing to Mr. Greymoor. "Perhaps, we could expedite this?"

"Do you know a woman by the name of Catherine Glenn?" Mr. Greymoor asked.

"Catherine-" Severus hadn't expected a question like that. "She was my neighbor."

"Was?" Dumbledore asked.

"She and her brother moved away."

"And you haven't seen her since?"

"Not that I'm aware of." Severus had no idea what was going on anymore, nor did he have any clue as to how either man visiting him knew that name to begin with. "Why do you ask?"

"Sir," Mr. Greymoor said, turning now to Dumbledore, "perhaps Isla would like to look around?"

"Oh, of course," Dumbledore said with that annoying smile on his face, taking the little girl's hand. "Come along, Isla; I've heard there's a river nearby."

Severus watched dumbfoundedly as Dumbledore led the girl back down the corridor they'd just come from, and he heard the unlocking, opening, and shutting of the front door.

"Mr. Snape," Mr. Greymoor explained, "Catherine Glenn and her family were killed ten days ago."

"... what?"

"The only survivors were her children, but the son was relocated to live with his great-uncle."

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because her daughter," Mr. Greymoor said, gesturing back to where Dumbledore and the girl had left, "is being sent to live with her father. You."

... Severus fully understood each individual word that came out of Mr. Greymoor's mouth, but putting them together into one sentence, in that specific order, didn't register in his brain. "I'm... I need you to repeat that."

"You are Isla's biological father," Mr. Greymoor said more clearly. "... did you not know?"

"That's ridiculous!" Severus exclaimed. "How is that even possible?!"

"You're saying that you knew Catherine, but you didn't know you'd spent the night with her?"

"I've never been with anyone, let alone Catherine! The only-" Severus paled. "Fuck!"

"Mr. Snape?"

"... during my spring holiday three years ago..." Severus wasn't sure if Muggle law crossed over to wizarding law.

"I have been made very aware of the line of work Catherine took part in," Mr. Greymoor replied. "Would it help you if I said Isla's birthday is the 18th of January?"

"What year?"


... the date lined up perfectly with the night Severus had lost his virginity in Birmingham. "Fuck," he muttered.

"You didn't recognize her?"

"She must've dyed her hair," Severus admitted. He looked in the direction of the corridor leading to the front door. "If her brother is being sent to another relative..."

"You're not his father," Mr. Greymoor explained. "They were half-siblings. If not for the circumstances surrounding the deaths, Isla would be joining him."

"What do you mean?"

"Isla is an Obscurial, which the headmaster believes is from abuse at the hands of her mother and uncle."

"You want-" Severus was flabbergasted. "You want me to take care of an Obscurial?"

"You are her only next of kin within the wizarding community. Therefore, she is your legal responsibility."

"I-" Severus was interrupted by the sound of the front door opening and closing, along with the return of Dumbledore and the girl.

"We've returned," Dumbledore announced. The girl was sitting atop his shoulders. "I smelled rain in the air and thought it best to return before it started; I forgot to pack my umbrella."

"Dumbledore," Severus objected, "you have to explain that- I can't raise a child!"

"I'm sure you'd do a marvelous job," Dumbledore said with a smile as he patted the girl's knee before setting her down on the couch.

"I barely make enough money as it is; I can't afford to take care of someone else!"

"Which is why I'm offering you the Defense Against the Dark Arts post at Hogwarts."

"I-" Severus processed what Dumbledore had just said. "Hogwarts?!"

"Whatever salary you make, I can double it. You would start in September and be permitted to bring Isla to live at the castle."

"And what about when I'm teaching?" Severus realized he wasn't even arguing against the idea anymore, even though teaching at Hogwarts was among the last things he wanted to do.

"I find that house-elves make excellent nannies," Dumbledore said in his annoyingly assuring manner. "I've already selected one for you."

"You can't just show up at my doorstep and expect me to go along with all this!" Severus objected.

"Not even for your own flesh and blood?"

"Where's your evidence?" Severus pointed at Mr. Greymoor. "You need evidence that I'm her father! With what Catherine Glenn was doing, anyone could be the father!"

"I thought as much," Dumbledore said cooly. "Which is why we went to Gringotts earlier today to have her hair cataloged by the goblins."

Severus paled.

"And we saw her family tree," Dumbledore continued. "That is how we concluded you were the father."

"You-" Severus couldn't think of any way to respond. If the goblins had confirmed her lineage (and Severus had seen it firsthand), then that meant... "... I'm a father...?"

Dumbledore nodded.

"... headmaster," Severus said, this time without his previous outrage or denial, "I really can't... I can take care of her, but I can't teach at Hogwarts. I don't have the credentials for it."

"You scored top of your class in the subject," Dumbledore reminded Severus. "And in Potions. As well as in Arithmancy, History of Magic, Care for Magical Creatures-"

"Yes, I know!" Severus said in frustration. "I-"

"Severus," Dumbledore said, cutting him off, "we both know you're more than qualified to teach."

The appraisal would've sounded like a compliment had it come from any other person, but Severus knew, by stitching together the various tells he'd noticed on Dumbledore, that this wasn't a compliment. The two had agreed, nearly three years ago, that Dumbledore would conceal Severus's involvement against Voldemort and the Death Eaters, which had continued even after the death of the Dark Lord. Originally, Severus desired to keep everything hidden from Lily, but during his partnership with Dumbledore and Black the Younger, Severus had started considering the other ramifications of people finding out about his contributions, such as hiring potential; anyone who knew what he'd done would want to hire him without even seeing if he was qualified for the job. Even worse than that, he would become famous for something so Gryffindor.

And now, the Sword of Damocles was hanging over his head, the thin string holding it up with Dumbledore all but threatening to cut it.

Severus glowered at Dumbledore as he said, "... when do I start again?"

"September," Dumbledore said with a smile. "And I'll give you an advance payment to help care for Isla until you start, so you'll have time to hand your resignation in at Slug & Jiggers. Now, shall we get the paperwork sorted out?"

Severus watched in dismay, although he knew it had to be done, as Mr. Greymoor pulled out a folder from underneath his coat.

Lily II

Saturday, 17 April 1982

Lily knew that getting back in touch with Petunia probably wasn't the best idea, but she didn't feel comfortable staying with Marlene and her family for too long, especially not during the Easter holiday. It had taken her some time to remember Petunia's address (she'd written it down once but lost it not too long after the wedding) as well as some encouragement from Marlene, which had led up to the two witches sitting with Petunia and Vernon while Dudley was taking a nap upstairs. It took Lily longer than she'd wanted to explain everything to Petunia (not from lack of trying, she'd been very thorough about how her marriage had been), but Marlene was there to help guide her back to the main points. She wasn't sure if she should've been surprised by how supportive the Dursleys were being, but as the conversation went on, she soon found out it had more to do with criticizing James (and Lily wasn't opposed to that one bit).

"Have you signed anything yet?" Petunia asked, pouring Lily another cup of tea.

"Not yet," Lily replied. "Marley and Mary agreed to come with me to the Ministry for the paperwork."

"Oh, they do their own marriages, do they?" Vernon asked as he took another biscuit. "Christian or pagan?"

"Depends on the witch or wizard," Marlene answered. "It tends to be mostly Christian. My family's Catholic."

Vernon mumbled and nodded as he all but swallowed the biscuit whole.

"Anyway," Marlene continued, "I've been in contact with Remus; he's agreed to mediate between Lily and James until the divorce is finalized."

"One of James's friends?" Petunia asked. "Is he that brute with the motorbike?"

"No, that's Sirius," Lily explained. "You haven't met Remus yet."

"Will it be simple?" Vernon asked.

"Well, I heard Sybill Trelawney was allowed to divorce her husband because she didn't like his surname. If that's a valid reason, I don't see what isn't."


"A witch we went to school with," Marlene explained. "Bit of a nutter, really."

"Odd name," Vernon commented. "Well... I suppose Petunia and I could let you stay for a bit."

"I promise, I won't take advantage," Lily said quickly.

"I should hope not," Petunia said primly. "It'll be difficult enough to keep the neighbors from gossiping."

Lily didn't want to think about whatever neighbors Petunia had if she of all people was complaining about their gossiping. "I could go to London in the morning and start looking."


"Do you remember when Mum and Dad took me to get my supplies for school?"

"... right..."

"I could find a job there, maybe at an apothecary-"

"Lily, you can't risk the baby!" Marlene objected.

"-at the counter," Lily finished her sentence. "Honestly, Marley, you have no faith in me."

They all heard the sounds of a baby crying, and Petunia stood. "Dudley's woken up," she said.

"Could I see him?" Lily asked. She hadn't had the chance to see her nephew in-person, only though the photographs Petunia had sent last Christmas (which were still at James's house).

"Give me a moment."

As Petunia left, Lily, Marlene, and Vernon sat silently, save for the sipping of tea and the stifling of a cough; it really seemed like, without Petunia present, there wasn't much Lily could think of to discuss with Vernon. He was about as boring as one could expect, even by Muggle standards (not that Muggles were less interesting than wizardkind, especially not when compared to Professor Binns). They were spared any extra time waiting as Petunia returned with the round, blond-haired baby boy, whose chubby arms were wrapped around his mother's neck.

"Here, Diddykins," Petunia cooed to Dudley. "How about we say hello to Aunt Lily?"

Dudley, having been sat down beside Lily, looked up at her with his watery eyes, his thumb stuck in his mouth for a bit before crawling over to sit on her lap. He was heavier than one might expect, being perhaps twice the size of Harry... Lily felt her throat tighten as she thought about her son, about how it had been five days since she'd held him. She felt someone put their arm around her shoulder and hold up a napkin, which Lily took and dabbed away the tears she now only registered. In the heat of the argument, divorcing James seemed so simple, but not if it meant losing Harry...

Dudley made a burbling noise with his mouth as he stretched out a hand to grab Lily's hair, which was the only thing that could bring a smile to her face, as well as give her a new sense of determination. Harry was going to grow up with his sister and cousin if it was the last thing Lily could do.

Severus II

In the five days that Isla Glenn (now Isla Snape) had lived at Number 13 Spinner's End, Severus found he had no point of reference for when children were supposed to learn basic knowledge; he'd barely managed to find something suitable for her to eat on her first night. And, after that, he discovered she wasn't even potty-trained, nor did she know how to take a bath or brush her teeth, which resulted in him having to assist (much to the detriment of his stomach and sense of smell). He'd then given her his old bedroom after having cleared out some of his old things, some of which he'd kept locked away in his wardrobe. It seemed it would take the girl some time to get used to the room, since he'd awoken the next morning to find her sleeping at the foot of his bed.

On that first morning, Severus had discovered (after serving fried eggs on toast) that Isla didn't know what an egg was (not that she said very much), which resulted in him explaining that it had come from a chicken... which would have been perfectly fine if not for the fact the girl didn't know what a chicken was. And so, he had to explain (using a book he'd had to purchase from one the few bookstores in Birmingham he hadn't been banned from) what chickens were, as well as birds in general. And all of this was before finding out the next morning that she didn't know what bacon was.

And so, it was on the fifth evening that Severus found himself helping Isla brush her teeth, going over the motions of how to properly use baking soda as a tooth powder. She was a relatively quick learner, but her motor skills were lacking. Then again, he had no idea when he'd been taught how to brush his teeth, and based on his upbringing, he was half-convinced he'd been forced to teach himself.

"Spit," Severus commanded.

Isla spat into the sink and took the hand towel Severus held out for her, drying her mouth before folding it and handing it back.

"I thought we could visit the playground tomorrow," Severus suggested. "They have a swing set."

"... okay," Isla replied in the smallest voice Severus had ever heard come from a living creature. She looked neither happy nor unhappy about the idea.

Severus led Isla to her bed and drew back the covers, helping her up and onto the mattress before tucking her in. "Sleep well."

Isla nodded and pulled the covers up, hiding her mouth.

Severus nodded and left the room, going to his own and preparing for bed before picking up the book on his bedside table. He'd selected something on early childhood education, something he was sure he'd have to take part in during his future office hours; he hoped the time between now and the 31st of August would be enough to teach Isla the basics, such as reading and maths... which only reminded him that he couldn't remember a time when his mother had taught him. Was three too early an age for someone to learn? Mozart had been around that age when he'd started performing.

Severus spent the next hour or so reading under the low light of the lamp when he heard the doorknob turn slowly. He glanced over, watching as it creaked open, and a tiny hand gripped the wood before its owner peered into the room, only to quickly recede upon realizing Severus was still awake.

"Come in," Severus called out.

The figure paused before slowly pushing the door open, and Isla stepped in, looking away from Severus and focusing on her hands.

"You should be asleep."

Isla nodded quietly, her tiny lip quivering.

"Is the room not good enough?" Severus realized how the question sounded as it left his mouth, and he thought of a way to correct himself.

Or, he would have, if Isla hadn't started to cry.

Severus had never heard Isla cry before; she'd always had a sad expression on her face, but it had never gone past that. The little girl's sobs were as quiet and small as her voice usually was, and she soon crouched down onto the ground and tucked her head into her knees.

"Isla," Severus said, quickly getting out of bed, but not quick enough to stop the girl from balling one of her fists and hitting the top of her head. His blood ran ice-cold at the sight. "Isla, enough of that!" He grabbed her small wrist, only for the girl to fight back.

"No, no!" Isla cried, her face wet as she struggled. "Bad!" Each time the girl tried wrenching her hand free, something dark rippled across the surface of her skin, and the furniture within the room began to shake.

Severus didn't know what form an Obscurial took, but he recognized the signs. "Isla, stop hitting yourself!"

"If I don't, Mama will!"

Severus felt something break inside. He had felt similar pains when his mother died, and when Lily had ended their friendship (albeit for justifiable reasons). Neither of those moments was remotely close to this, even with the threat of an Obscurial. He felt his body lose its strength as he looked down at the head of the tiny, black-haired girl, recognizing the same shape of a young boy who'd grown up within these very walls. In the moment his grip loosened, he was snapped back to the present as he heard the balled fist hit the top of the girl's head.

"Isla!" Severus wrapped his arms around the girl as he shielded her head with his, feeling her small fist strike against his cheek and temple.

The hitting soon stopped, the furniture in the room now stilling so that only the sound of the girl's weeping could be heard.

"No one will hit you again," Severus whispered into Isla's hair, feeling something well up in his eyes. "Never hit yourself."

"... sorry," Isla whined, her voice muffled.

Severus kissed the top of her head. "It's alright. You're safe." He rubbed her back the way he'd seen other children's mothers rub theirs. "You can stay with me tonight."

Isla gave the smallest nod as she sniffled.

Severus picked Isla up and took her to the other side of his bed, letting her settle in as he went and opened his wardrobe to find what he'd removed from the one in his old room. It was a dirty old pillowcase where he kept his most valuable possessions, or at least the pieces of what had once been before Tobias ripped them all apart. He say down beside Isla and picked up his wand as he pulled the first item out: a ruined copy of The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, a book he'd stolen from a library when he was younger.

Severus had never bothered repairing the torn spine or withering pages; it couldn't be any more ruined than it already was. Even after Tobias's death, Severus kept it as was, as he didn't have much reason to have it other than something to touch when he needed to calm down. But now, he had at least one reason to restore it. "Reparo," he chanted softly, touching the cover and watching as the book slowly stitched itself back together, the frayed pages turning crisp once more before their eyes. He turned to Isla, the little girl's eyes wide with disbelief... and he now realized he'd never used magic in front of her until now.

"... how?" Isla asked.

"Magic," Severus answered.

Isla looked up at him. "Magic?" she whispered.

Severus nodded. "My mother was a witch. I'm a wizard. And, when you're old enough, you'll be a witch as well."

The awe on Isla's face turned to concern, and she pulled the covers over her mouth. "But," she asked, now afraid, "what about the shadows?"

Severus handed Isla the book, which she hid under the covers with her, as he held out his wand, drawing on memories long past. "Expecto Petronum!" Lily's doe sprang from the tip of the wand, the silver shape dancing around the room. Isla quickly sat up, eyes still wide but lacking any fear, as a broad smile spread across her face. The doe finally slowed to a trot, hopping up onto the bed and lying down where Isla's feet were.

"What's that?!" Isla asked.

"A doe. A female deer?"

"What's her name?"

Severus felt a smirk on his face. "I haven't got one for her?"

Isla looked up at him. "Can I name her?"

"If you'd like."

Isla looked back at the silver doe. "'Silver'."

"Silver's a good name," Severus said. He drew out the second item in the pillowcase, this time the remnants of what had once been a stuffed toy fox. He repaired the animal wordlessly, allowing it to retake its original form.

"And what's that?!" Isla asked.

"My old toy fox."

"A fox?"

"It's related to dogs."

"Oh." Isla didn't reach out to it.

"I used to call him 'Basil'," Severus explained.

"'Basil'?" Isla moved a tiny hand to touch the fox's paw.

"He's yours now," Severus said, encouraging her to take it.

Isla pulled the fox to her, tucking it in under the covers. "Thank you, sir," Isla said quietly.

Sir? "Isla," Severus said, "you don't have to call me 'sir'."


"I'm your father. You could call me 'father', or 'dad'." Severus thought of the other ways in which he'd heard children refer to their fathers. "Or perhaps 'daddy', or 'papa'."

"Oh." Isla looked down at the book and stuffed fox, then to the patronus resting at her feet, and then back to Severus. "Thank you, Papa."

Severus's lips tightened to fight back the surge of emotion, and he gestured to the book the girl... his daughter was holding. "Shall we read one chapter?"


"It's a part of a book."

"Oh. Yes, please."

Severus laid the book out for the two of them to read, ignoring the time.

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