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"The Bat, the Weasel and the Know-It-All" (Severus/Hermione/Ron) E

"The Bat, the Weasel and the Know-It-All"

Summary: A series of connected smutty oneshots about Hermione, Ron and Severus building a relationship with each other.
Characters/Parings: Hermione Granger/Ron Weasley/Severus Snape
Rating: E
Warnings: Smut/kinks in various forms, please check the tags for each individual part.

Since I mentioned my newly discovered love for Severus/Ron and Severus/Ron/Hermione the other day, I thought I'd go and link that one next. ^^

It's a project that grew much bigger than intended - especially considering that my intention was two ficlets for Kinktober 2023. 😂 I wrote part 2 of the series first, then I wrote part 1 and found that I could connect them, let them happen in the same universe. And then my brain began thinking about Ron and Severus and how difficult it would be for them to come to terms with each other - and how beneficial it could be if they managed. And then I wrote three more parts that are much more plot-heavy than the first two and delve deeper into the relationship between the three.

I have three more parts loosely planned but I don't know when I will come around to writing them. But I will write them someday, I'm too excited about Severus and Ron to not do it. ^^
I've been a fan of Ron for a long time, mainly because he gets mistreated so much in Snamione fics. The more bad Ron characterisations I read, the more I began defending and loving him. 😂 It probably was only a matter of time until I'd just throw him into the Snamione relationship headfirst to see what happens...

So, if you're in the mood to try something new, maybe give the series a try. It is more on the light-hearted side (given that I'm writing this, that is), Ron's just a funny character; although there is some angst about him coming to terms with the fact that he is bisexual and develops an attraction to Severus of all people. Plus all of them have their issues that turn up every now and then, but post-war and with this constellation that should be a given. That's about as angsty as it gets, though - so far. With me, you never know... ^^

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