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"The Gestaltation of Severus Snape" (Severus Snape/Lily Evans) M/E

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I'm sorry to hear about your laptop! What kind of difficulties are you having?

Due to time constraints, I'll probably take a while to catch up, so I don't mind a delay in updates. That said, I hope it doesn't take too long to get it fixed… trying to do everything on mobile can be frustrating, to say the least.

Anyway, on to my next review! I've decided to post them here and on AO3 – feel free to respond wherever you prefer.

2. ACT I: AWAKEN | Chapter 2: Securing a Meeting

Excellent pacing in this chapter. It has a really good flow, seamlessly moving from one scene to the next without ever getting bogged down. Dialogue/direct character interactions are definitely one of your strengths – everything feels natural, and once again, your characterizations are strong. Not just the characterizations, but relationships, too. For example, I was able to understand a great deal about Lily and Remus, their history and how they interact from just a few lines of dialogue.

Also, I love your portrayal of Remus in general. It feels true to the character without overemphasizing his negative qualities. Your version of Regulus is even better, and perhaps my favorite thing about the story (so far). Quite a few other stories I've read tend to whitewash him completely and cast him in a hero role. I like that you've already made him more complex/difficult to read… leaning into his pureblood supremacy in a more dignified/subtle way is a particularly nice touch.

I'll get to the next chapter as soon as I can (probably this weekend). Really loving the story so far!

The Gestalt Prince has reacted to this post.
The Gestalt Prince

It’s an old laptop, about 8 years. They’ll be able to get it functional, but I’ve bought a new one to transfer everything over.

Funnily enough, writing on publishing onto ffn isn’t too hard on mobile; it’s when I copy and paste the ffn version to ao3. On computer, the format stays almost exactly the same, but mobile undoes all of it.

I’ll go ahead and leave my response on ao3.

Heatherlly has reacted to this post.

Are you set to HTML mode on AO3 mobile? If so, it won't retain any of the formatting.

The Gestalt Prince has reacted to this post.
The Gestalt Prince

I always put it to rich text when I copy over, but it’s almost perfect when I copy from ffn. I don’t use the original document because I do final touches on the ffn version

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Update: I can copy from the mobile version of the website, but not the app, and the format works! Will be uploading to ao3 to catch up!

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I just now realize after reading a comment that I uploaded the birthday chapter on Lily's birthday... that was a complete accident

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Welp, just finished uploading the second part of Act II, and I gotta say, I've been waiting since the start of the first part to write and post Chapter 13. This was a scene that had many different iterations, the earliest of which went completely differently to the final product.

When writing the main action piece of this chapter, I had one particular song in mind called "King for a Day" by Pierce the Veil. The lyrics, emotion, and tempo are nearly perfect for the scene.

Heatherlly and Naaga have reacted to this post.

Just finished Chapter 3 and left you another review. 🙂

Also, funny coincidence about Lily's birthday. I posted the final chapter of Obscura Nox Animae on January 30, 2017.

The Gestalt Prince has reacted to this post.
The Gestalt Prince

I fucking love this story. That is all.

The Gestalt Prince has reacted to this post.
The Gestalt Prince

Just finished the first chapter of Act II. Too sleepy to leave a proper review, but I loved it. ❤

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The Gestalt Prince
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