Ahh, the thought of Professor Snape just having returned from an intimate Christmas party in the staff room, sitting in front of the fireplace in his quarters swallowed up by a soft, threadbare armchair, a blanket over his lap, drinking mulled wine while reading some trashy muggle horror novel and falling asleep like that...
The thought of him waking up to a rather peaceful Hogwarts Castle with just a handful of students remaining, and finding a couple of presents delivered overnight — chocolate, cauldron cakes and potion supplies gifted to him by his fellow house heads, a fancy new dress robes from Lucius, a pair of black kidskin gloves lined by silver lace from Narcissa...
The thought of him having the Yuletide to relax and unwind in his own private way....
It's what he deserves.
The gently-turning seasons, the quiet times of warmth. <3
Ahh, the thought of Professor Snape just having returned from an intimate Christmas party in the staff room, sitting in front of the fireplace in his quarters swallowed up by a soft, threadbare armchair, a blanket over his lap, drinking mulled wine while reading some trashy muggle horror novel and falling asleep like that...
The thought of him waking up to a rather peaceful Hogwarts Castle with just a handful of students remaining, and finding a couple of presents delivered overnight — chocolate, cauldron cakes and potion supplies gifted to him by his fellow house heads, a fancy new dress robes from Lucius, a pair of black kidskin gloves lined by silver lace from Narcissa...
The thought of him having the Yuletide to relax and unwind in his own private way....
It's what he deserves.
The gently-turning seasons, the quiet times of warmth. <3
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