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Draven casts his corporeal Patronus for the first time.

In the heart of a moonlit glade, Draven stood with a sense of purpose, his wand held aloft. The air crackled with anticipation as he delved into his memories, seeking the one that held the key to conjuring his corporeal Patronus. With a deep breath, he closed his eyes, allowing the tapestry of recollections to unfurl before him.

A memory emerged, vivid and poignant. It was a moment from his childhood, a time when Severus Snape had imparted a lesson that went beyond spells and potions. The memory enveloped him, and he could feel the weight of his father's presence, the echo of his voice carrying words of guidance and love.

They stood by the shores of a tranquil lake, the moon's reflection shimmering on the water's surface. "Strength, Draven, lies not only in power but in the depth of one's emotions," Severus had said, his eyes reflecting a rare warmth. "Channel your emotions, embrace them, and you will find the path to conjuring a Patronus."

Draven's heart swelled with the resonance of that memory. He could almost feel the gentle touch of his father's hand on his shoulder, a gesture of unwavering support. With that memory as his anchor, he channeled his emotions, his wand tracing intricate patterns in the air.

"Expecto Patronum!" Draven's voice echoed through the glade, a declaration of his connection to Severus Snape and his unyielding love. A burst of silver light erupted from his wand, coalescing into the form of a majestic raven. It soared through the night air, its wings brushing against his cheek, a living embodiment of his emotions and his bond with his father.

As the raven circled him, its presence a testament to his mastery over his emotions, Draven's heart swelled with a mixture of pride and nostalgia. The memory of that lakeside lesson had not only shaped his abilities but had become the foundation of his Patronus, a guardian born from his connection to Severus Snape, his beloved father.

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Conversation between Draven and Victor about his quest of vengeance.😸

The moonlight painted the room in a silvery glow as I sat alone, my thoughts heavy with the weight of my vengeance. The door creaked open, and Viktor Nightshade's shadowy figure entered, his presence a reminder of the alliances I had forged. He regarded me with a contemplative expression, his voice laced with a mixture of caution and concern.

"Draven," Viktor's voice was a velvety murmur, "are you certain that pursuing this path, acting against those your father once protected, is the right course of action?"

I met his gaze, my eyes ablaze with the burning fire of determination. "Viktor," I said, my voice low and steady, "they sacrificed my father. The man who protected them, the man who gave everything for them. Do you honestly think they should be spared from the reckoning?"

Viktor's eyes held a hint of skepticism, a reflection of the doubts that lingered in the shadows of my own mind. "I don't doubt your commitment, Draven," he replied carefully, "but revenge can be a treacherous path. You risk becoming consumed by it, losing sight of the very ideals you seek to avenge."

I leaned forward, the darkness of the room dancing in my eyes. "If you think I'm just a foolish kid ruled by his emotions, that's fine," I retorted, my voice tinged with a bitter edge. "Following my father's path would be childish, the whispering of fools who don't know hatred. If anyone else tries to ridicule the way I live, I'll slaughter everyone they ever cared about. And then maybe they'll understand what it's like to taste... a little of my hatred."

Viktor's expression shifted, a mixture of understanding and resignation. "Your resolve is undeniable," he acknowledged. "But remember, Draven, that vengeance can lead to a cycle of suffering that never truly ends."

I clenched my fists, the memory of my father's sacrifices and the anguish of his absence fueling the fires within me. "Their suffering will be a fraction of what they've inflicted upon us," I declared, my voice dripping with the venom of my resolve.

Viktor's gaze held mine for a moment longer before he nodded, his acceptance evident. "Very well, Draven. We shall stand together in this pursuit. But I implore you to be cautious, for in your quest for vengeance, you may unleash forces you cannot control."

As he left the room, his words lingered in the air like a warning, a reminder of the delicate balance between my burning hatred and the potential consequences of my actions. But as the moonlight continued to weave patterns of light and shadow, I knew that my resolve was unshakable, that I would see this path through to its end, consequences be damned.

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The Gestalt PrinceKrystalWinter's ShadeDark AngelSalvyusSam

A sneak peak of Draven's trip to a forest in Africa when he was wondering the world and gaining the power for vengeance.

The African forest was alive with the symphony of nature, the rustling leaves and distant calls of creatures forming an intricate melody. I stood in the heart of the wilderness, my senses attuned to the primal energy that pulsed through the earth beneath my feet. This training trip had been about more than refining spells; it was about forging a connection to the world around me, to the raw power that flowed through every living thing.

As the moon began its ascent, casting an ethereal glow upon the forest, an ominous change rippled through the air. A chorus of distant howls pierced the silence, their haunting cries cutting through the night. My heart quickened as I realized the full moon was calling forth a pack of feral werewolves, creatures of primal instinct and untamed fury.

Fear gripped me, a primal response to the danger that now surrounded me. But even in the face of my fear, another truth resounded within me. I couldn't afford to die, not yet. My parents' memory, their unfulfilled dreams, fueled a fire within me that burned brighter than any fear.

With a steadying breath, I focused on my magic, drawing from the depths of my power. I summoned the incantation for the Fiendfyre spell, a dark and dangerous magic that consumed all in its path. My voice echoed through the forest, the words carrying a weight that resonated with the fury of my vengeance.

And then, with a surge of magic that reverberated through my veins, I unleashed the Fiendfyre spell. The air around me crackled with intensity as the flames ignited, a swirling inferno that defied the very laws of nature. The fire took shape, morphing and growing with a voracity that mirrored my own anger.

The werewolves emerged from the shadows, their eyes gleaming with a primal hunger. But as they lunged toward me, I raised my wand high, directing the Fiendfyre's destructive force. The flames surged forward, a torrent of fiery serpents that coiled and twisted, their heat radiating across my skin.

The forest became a battlefield of elements, the werewolves' frenzied howls clashing with the roar of the Fiendfyre. My heart pounded in my chest, a drumbeat that mirrored the chaos around me. But within that chaos, there was a moment of clarity. I held the power to control this destructive force, to bend it to my will.

With a surge of determination, I channeled my magic, shaping the Fiendfyre into a new form. The flames transformed, stretching and contorting until they took on the shape of a mighty dragon. Its fiery scales gleamed with a fierce brilliance, its eyes burning like molten gold.

The dragon of Fiendfyre roared to life, its wings unfurling with a force that sent shockwaves through the air. It lunged toward the pack of werewolves, a manifestation of my fury and power. The flames engulfed them, their howls silenced by the all-consuming inferno.

As the last echoes of the battle faded, I stood amidst the aftermath, my chest heaving with exertion. The dragon of Fiendfyre dissipated, the flames fading into the night like a phoenix reborn. The forest was now a charred battlefield, a testament to the power I had wielded.

I looked around, a mixture of awe and realization settling within me. The Fiendfyre had been a manifestation of my rage, my desire for vengeance, but also a glimpse of the power I had harnessed. It was a reminder that in my pursuit of vengeance, I was becoming a force to be reckoned with.

With a sense of purpose burning within me, I turned away from the charred forest, my path clear. My parents' memory, the weight of their sacrifice, spurred me forward. I couldn't die, not yet. There were debts to be paid, a legacy to uphold, and a destiny to forge amidst the flames of my own power.

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalWinter's ShadeDark AngelSalvyusSam

Another scene, Harry Potter comes with a team of aurors to apprehend Draven Snape and comes across a nasty surprise 🫢


Harry Potter's heart pounded as he led a team of elite Aurors into a shadowy alley, the air heavy with anticipation. This was it; they had finally cornered Draven Snape, a formidable dark wizard. Determination and apprehension surged through Harry and his team.

Draven leaned casually against a crumbling brick wall, his piercing eyes locked onto Harry with a malicious glint. A sardonic smile curled his lips as he taunted, "Potter, have you found a cure for your legendary incompetence, or are you here to embarrass yourself once more?"

Harry clenched his jaw, his resolve unwavering. "Draven Snape, you're under arrest for dark magic and conspiracy against the Ministry."

Draven's laughter sliced through the tense atmosphere. "Arrest me, Potter? How naive."

Before Harry could react, Draven raised his wand, invoking a spell that sent shivers down Harry's spine: "Sectumsempra Locus!"

In an instant, invisible blades materialized, forming a deadly whirlwind around Draven. The Aurors cried out in agony as the unseen blades sliced through them, painting the alley with their blood.

Draven reveled in their torment, his laughter echoing with sadistic pleasure. "Oh, Potter, you and your feeble attempts. Magic has secrets beyond your comprehension. These blades thirst for life, and tonight, they drink deeply from your comrades."

Harry's fury surged, but he knew he couldn't face this monstrous power alone. Draven had unleashed a darkness unlike anything they had seen.

With a mocking glance, Draven triggered another hidden spell, ascending into the night sky, his malevolent laughter taunting Harry from above.

"Until next time, Potter," he called down, his voice dripping with scorn, before vanishing into the abyss.

Harry knelt among the wounded, a pervasive sense of defeat washing over him. Draven Snape had escaped, his venomous taunts lingering in the night air. Their next encounter loomed ominously, a battle Harry knew would be even deadlier.

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The Gestalt PrinceKrystalDark AngelSalvyusSam

Can't wait for more. Keep it up Naaga 🙂

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The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaSalvyus

A scene where Draven reminisces about a childhood memory with his father.

Draven's eyes closed, and he allowed himself to be carried away by the vivid tapestry of his childhood memory. The sun hung high in the cloudless sky, casting a warm, golden hue over the bustling amusement park. His small hand clutched his father's strong, calloused one, their fingers interlocked as they weaved through the crowds. Draven, a boy of tender years with disheveled ebony locks reminiscent of his father's, couldn't help but radiate pure excitement as he relived that extraordinary day.

"Dad," he had enthused, his voice bubbling with youthful enthusiasm, "look at that! Can we go on the carousel?"

Severus Snape, dressed in muggle attire instead of his customary robes, regarded his son with a raised eyebrow, but the sparkle in Draven's eyes was impossible to resist. "Of course, Draven," he had replied, his voice softer than usual.

As they queued for their turn, Draven's heart raced with anticipation. When they reached the front, he chose a magnificent white horse adorned with a gleaming golden mane. He clambered onto it with all the grace of a knight embarking on a grand adventure. His laughter filled the air as the carousel began its enchanting spin, and to his surprise, Severus, in a rare display of emotion, joined him on another horse. A subtle smile graced his lips, mirroring his son's joy.

Afterward, they shared cotton candy, their faces smeared with spun sugar. Draven had giggled wholeheartedly at his father's attempts to eat the fluffy confection gracefully. Severus, a man of few words, simply remarked, "It seems that sugar is not my strong suit."

The distant screams of thrill-seekers echoed through the park as towering roller coasters soared into the sky, but Draven felt entirely safe in his father's presence. They ventured onto the Ferris wheel together, his small form pressed snugly against Severus, the world shrinking to just the two of them against the vast expanse of the sky.

As they descended from the Ferris wheel, Draven gazed up at his father, his eyes shimmering with unfiltered joy. "Dad, this is the best day ever!"

Severus, dressed in muggle clothing and not his usual robes, ruffled his son's hair gently. "Indeed, it is," he murmured, and for just a moment, his lips curled into a rare, heartfelt smile.

This memory, now rendered even more vivid by the details of muggle clothes and the warmth of that fleeting smile, remained a cherished treasure in the gallery of Draven's mind. Amid the darkness of his current path and his relentless quest for vengeance, it served as a poignant reminder of the love and happiness that had once illuminated his world.

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalDark AngelSalvyusSam

Draven marches towards Hogwarts and intents to fulfill one of his goals.

In the hushed shadows of a summer night, Draven Snape stood at the forefront of the Obsidian Order, a group he had gathered with a singular, dark purpose in mind. Dressed in dark robes that billowed like a shroud of vengeance, his eyes were locked on the imposing silhouette of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. The moonlight painted the ancient castle's turrets and spires with an eerie glow, but there was no room for awe or nostalgia in Draven's heart tonight.

For him, this was a confrontation, a battle against the symbol of his father's oppression, a dark legacy he had inherited. His resolve was unwavering; he had vowed not to harm innocent children within those walls, and he intended to keep that promise.

As the Obsidian Order marched in silence, the tension in the air was palpable. Draven's footsteps echoed in the courtyard, each one a reminder of the path he had chosen. His father's sacrifices, the persecution of Slytherins, and the darkness that had always clung to the castle's stone walls fueled his determination.

Upon reaching the heart of the school, Draven halted. His voice, low and filled with anger, cut through the night's stillness. "This ends tonight," he declared, his words hanging heavy in the air.

With a wave of his wand, Draven summoned the darkest magic he had ever dared to wield - Fiendfyre. It erupted from the tip of his wand in a maelstrom of fiery chaos. The inferno roared to life, taking the shape of a colossal dragon, its scales blacker than night, and its eyes aflame with malevolence.

Draven's heart was a battleground of emotions as he locked eyes with the dragon of Fiendfyre, a manifestation of his own willpower, his fury, and his desire for vengeance. "Let's see," he murmured, a grim determination in his voice, "who wins this battle - my willpower or the consciousness of Hogwarts."

With a final, resolute gesture, he released the dragon, sending it hurtling toward the castle, flames licking at the ancient stones. The battle between his relentless determination and the indomitable spirit of Hogwarts had begun, and in that moment, the outcome remained uncertain, hanging in the balance like the darkest of storms.

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The Gestalt PrinceKrystalSalvyusSam

A lesson from father to son, another flashback. 😸

In his final year at Hogwarts, Draven Snape found himself in a somber conversation with his father, Severus. They sat in Severus's office, the air heavy with the weight of the recent loss of Charity Burbage, Draven's mother, and a respected professor at the school.

Severus, typically reserved and stern, had taken on a more gentle demeanor, knowing that his son was grappling with grief. "Draven," he began, his voice carrying a rare tenderness, "I understand that you're mourning your mother, and I share your sorrow."

Draven, his face bearing the signs of a sadness that weighed heavily on his young shoulders, nodded. "I miss her, Dad. I miss her so much."

Severus placed a comforting hand on Draven's shoulder, offering solace. "I know, my boy. Losing someone you love is never easy, but it's during times like these that we must remember what truly matters."

Draven's eyes met his father's, searching for guidance. "What matters, Dad?"

Severus leaned forward, his black eyes filled with a solemn wisdom that only a lifetime of battles, regrets, and, yes, bravery could bring. "Bravery," he said, "is not recklessness, as some might think. True bravery is about making choices, even when you're afraid. It's the willingness to face your fears, not out of recklessness, but out of necessity and conviction."

Draven listened intently, absorbing his father's words. "But what does that mean, Dad?"

Severus sighed, reflecting on his own experiences and the lessons he had learned the hard way. "Bravery, Draven, is not charging into danger without thought. It's about doing what's right, even when you're scared. It's about standing up for what you believe in, even in the face of adversity."

Draven nodded, a newfound understanding dawning in his eyes. "So, being brave means standing up for what you believe in, even when it's difficult?"

Severus smiled, a rare expression of pride and love. "Exactly, my son. It means being true to yourself and your convictions, no matter the circumstances."

As they sat there, the father and son shared a moment of connection, their understanding of bravery and their shared loss drawing them closer. Severus had managed to comfort his son in a way he never thought possible, teaching him a lesson that would resonate throughout Draven's life - that true bravery was not the absence of fear, but the willingness to act despite it, even in the face of the greatest adversities.

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalDark AngelSalvyusSam

Another Draven special, here we go! 😸

Amidst the ruins of Hogwarts, Draven Snape lay sprawled, the charred remnants of the once-majestic castle looming over him like a testament to chaos and destruction. His laughter, echoing through the devastated courtyard, was a chilling symphony of triumph and despair.

The air was thick with ash and the acrid scent of scorched stone, a testament to the relentless battle that had unfolded. Draven's robes were tattered, his face smeared with dirt and soot, and his eyes gleamed with a manic intensity that told the tale of a young man driven to the brink of madness by his pursuit of vengeance.

"They started this, Dad," he whispered to the ruins around him, his voice a haunting refrain in the aftermath of the battle. "And I won't rest until I finish all of them off."

The memory of the battle was a chaotic whirlwind in Draven's mind. Spells had clashed in a cacophony of brilliance and devastation, as Draven unleashed his wrath upon the school that had once been his home. He remembered the fierce determination of his adversaries, the cries of his enemies, and the twisted satisfaction that surged through him with each act of destruction.

As he lay there, a twisted smile played upon Draven's lips. He was lost in the moment, a tempest of emotions that ranged from despair to exhilaration. His laughter echoed through the ruins, a discordant melody of vengeance.

The scene was a tableau of chaos. Broken statues, shattered windows, and smoldering rubble surrounded him. But in Draven's mind, it was a canvas upon which his desire for retribution was painted with every destructive act.

He could almost hear his father's voice in his mind, urging him to continue, to never relent in his pursuit of justice for the wrongs that had been done. It was a dark inheritance, the legacy of Severus Snape's sacrifices and suffering, passed down to his son like a torch of vengeance.

And so, Draven lay in the ruins of Hogwarts, a symbol of both destruction and determination. His laughter mingled with the wreckage, a haunting reminder of the path he had chosen, the legacy he had embraced, and the darkness that now dwelled within him.

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The Gestalt PrinceKrystalDark AngelSam

This event takes place before my previous post, enjoy! 😸

Draven stood amidst the smoldering wreckage of Hogwarts, his breath ragged and his eyes ablaze with determination. He had unleashed the Fiendfyre, a dragon of fire and chaos, upon the ancient castle, and though Hogwarts had withstood the onslaught, it was not unscathed. The magical wards and enchantments that protected the school had been pushed to their limits, sapped of their power by the relentless assault.

With a deep breath, Draven extended his hands towards the darkened sky, feeling the remnants of the Fiendfyre's inferno still coursing through his veins. He knew that the time had come for the final strike, the culmination of his quest for vengeance. His father's legacy, the weight of his mother's sacrifice, and the injustice he had endured had all led to this moment.

Draven's voice was steady and unwavering as he intoned the incantation for the spell he had created, Fulgor Draconis Irae. "Fulgor Draconis Irae," he spoke, the words resonating with power and purpose.

He held his wand high, a symbol of his resolve, and slashed it downward in a swift, diagonal motion. It was a movement that resembled the shape of a lightning bolt, a testament to the sheer force he sought to invoke. As the wand completed its descent, he snapped it back into a vertical position with a flick of his wrist.

The sky above crackled with energy, dark clouds swirling as the magic gathered. Draven's eyes remained fixed on the heavens, his vision unyielding. He felt the power coursing through him, an amalgamation of his own magic, the remnants of the Fiendfyre, and the natural forces he had harnessed.

And then, it began. A bolt of lightning, impossibly thick and vibrant, erupted from the sky. It coiled and writhed like a living serpent, but it was no ordinary lightning. It was a dragon of pure energy, a manifestation of wrath and retribution.

Hogwarts, weakened and unable to withstand the onslaught, shuddered as the bolt descended upon it. The impact was cataclysmic, a maelstrom of raw power that rent the very foundations of the castle. Draven's heart surged with a mixture of triumph and anguish as he witnessed the destruction he had wrought.

The thunderous roar of the lightning dragon reverberated through the air, drowning out any other sound. The force of the blast shattered windows, sent debris hurtling into the sky, and engulfed the castle in a blinding display of light and fury.

The remnants of Hogwarts crumbled, stone by stone, under the relentless assault of Fulgor Draconis Irae. It was a spell of unparalleled destruction, an embodiment of Draven's unyielding will.

As the lightning dragon continued its onslaught, Draven felt a profound release, a culmination of years of pain, anger, and loss. He had exacted his vengeance, but it had come at a cost. The symbol of his father's oppression was reduced to ruins, but it was a bittersweet victory.

Draven's breath was labored, and his eyes were haunted as he watched the remnants of the lightning dragon dissipate into the ether. The once-proud castle was now a smoldering ruin, a testament to the depths of his wrath.

In the aftermath, as the smoke cleared and the echoes of the spell faded, Draven's gaze shifted to the horizon. He knew that his journey was far from over, that there were still battles to be fought and injustices to be righted.

But for now, in this moment of desolation and triumph, he allowed himself a moment of respite. He had torn down the symbol of his father's oppression, and in doing so, he had unleashed a power within himself that was both exhilarating and terrifying.

With a heavy heart, Draven turned away from the ruins of Hogwarts, his path uncertain but his resolve unwavering. He would continue his quest for vengeance, a relentless force of nature, much like the storm that had just ravaged the castle. His legacy, born of fire and lightning, would leave an indelible mark on the wizarding world.

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