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AI on Harry Potter Characters

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I asked Bing chat to write a poem of Lily and Snape.

Here is a sonnet I wrote about Lily Evans and Severus Snape:

From childhood they were friends, both skilled in magic
They shared a love of learning and of spells
But soon their paths diverged, both sad and tragic
One chose the light, the other dark compels

He joined the Death Eaters, marked by the Dark Lord
She joined the Order, fighting for the good
He still loved her, but could not break his word
She still cared for him, but could not trust his hood

He tried to save her from the prophecy
He begged his master to spare her life alone
But Voldemort would not listen to his plea
He killed her and her husband, leaving Harry on his own

He turned to Dumbledore, his only hope
He vowed to protect Harry, for Lily’s sake
He hid his feelings well, he learned to cope
He sacrificed himself, a final act of love he’d make

They never had a chance to say goodbye
They never had a chance to make amends
They loved each other, though they lived a lie
They died as heroes, but they died as friends.

It's not perfect, but it's alright

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Bing: "However, some people may suggest that Snape and James also had some flaws in their love for Lily. James may have been possessive and jealous of her. Snape may have been obsessive and resentful of her. James may have ignored her feelings and opinions. Snape may have hurt her feelings and values. James may have loved her for who she was. Snape may have loved her for who he wanted her to be."

Where did Bing get this idea? It doesn't make sense.

"James may have been possessive and jealous of her. James may have ignored her feelings and opinions. James may have loved her for who she was."

How is James all of that?

Then there is, "Snape may have been obsessive and resentful of her. Snape may have hurt her feelings and values. Snape may have loved her for who he wanted her to be?"

Did we read the same book? Where did Bing get this? I thought it just absorbed the text and made it's own opinions based on what it read.

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaWinter's ShadeDark Angel
Quote from The Gestalt Prince on May 3, 2023, 8:41 pm

I asked Bing chat to write a poem of Lily and Snape.

They never had a chance to say goodbye
They never had a chance to make amends
They loved each other, though they lived a lie
They died as heroes, but they died as friends.

It's still really nice, and I think it could be reworked into something really moving!! I especially liked the final stanza.

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaWinter's ShadeJaySM
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