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Characters we like in canon and hate in fanon

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It's Draco for me. In canon, Draco is interesting because he is flawed. He is arrogant, entitled, privileged, a bully, and a blood purist, all of which are due to his spoiled upbringing by his parents. Later, he gradually begins to change his beliefs as his worldview starts to shift. Voldemort and the Death Eaters weren't the grand saviors he assumed; his father was imprisoned, he was given an impossible task, and he had to protect his family. All the actions Draco takes throughout DH show his ideological conflicts and his desire to protect his family. He later grows up to raise Scorpius far better than he himself was raised.

Fanon Draco is given a free pass on his worst behaviour because Tom Felton is hot. He and Sirius often get what is known as 'leather pants' treatment, meaning that looking good means they are good and can get away with anything. I like Dramione, but Draco is often whitewashed in those fics. Like Lucius was abusive to him, Draco secretly fancied Hermione, and Draco was the one who told her about the basilisk because he was shown tearing a page out of a book in the store and Draco stans assume it was information about the basilisk which he gave to Hermione.

My favorite Dramione moment is after the series when Draco and Hermione do their seventh year as Head Students, grow closer, and Draco actually reforming into a good character for the ship.

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Sirius Black.

He's a character with good and bad traits. He's good in sense that he's brave, loyal, protective and tries to fulfill his responsibility as a Godfather. He's bad in being reckless, hypocrite, bully, hypertoxic masculine and spiteful.

Fanon Sirius is someone I definitely loathe. He's made a playboy, skirt chasing cassanova and a jocking character who's enjoying pranks 24/7. And let's not talk about androgynous Sirius of Wolfstar who dresses up like girls, smaller than Lupin in height (canon Sirius is one of the tallest characters), feminist and so on.

Fanon Sirius doesn't have the depth and complexity of the canon Sirius and thus, I far more prefer canon Sirius.

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HeatherllyThe Gestalt Prince

Alphard Black and Marius Black. In canon, they don't have a set setting other than being a squib and a relative of Sirius, but in Korean fanfiction, they take on all kinds of roles, including deus ex machina and cheats. That doesn't mean I don't particularly like it, but... they've come up so many times that now, when they appear, all I can say is, "Well, I get it... I get it." Every time those two appear or are explained. I'm really sick of it.

Whether it's finding the hidden reincarnation magic in the Black family's forbidden book or playing the role of Daddy-Long-Legs to younger characters... he's truly an all-rounder...

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and Naaga have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaaga

Draco is one of mine as well, for the same reasons @kris noted.

Another one is Ron. As a Snamione shipper, it is not uncommon to stumble over a badly characterised Ron in an all-around good story. Sometimes he's the clingy ex who cannot let go in an annoying way, sometimes in an abusive way, sometimes even in an outright criminal way. Sometimes he's an abuser even before, throwing around vile language or even raping Hermione. It's ridiculous. I'm always relieved when he's just portrayed as uninterested in her work or cheating on her with Lavender because Hermione's frigid or whatever.

Really, it isn't that hard to make them split up in a sensible way and just let them stay friends afterwards...

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and Naaga have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaaga

Characters I like, hmm, it should be character singular since I don't like others. Obviously, Severus, the canon version of course (yes, there are parts that I dislike). The fanon one becomes quite absurd in my honest opinion.

Other characters are those that I dislike both in canon as well as fanon so take that as you will.

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