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Greetings! (orfeeus)

Hi, I'm Nat (or orfeeus, same as my main tumblr) and I found my way back to the harry potter fandom during this summer from a on-off pause of about 6 years. I think I was scrolling my pinterest for inspiration and came across insanely beautiful severitus fanart, which made me look up the tag on ao3 -- which, in turn, made me crazy about Severus Snape. Joining this community felt like the next natural step.

My Hogwarts house is Gryffindor, but with a lot of Rawenclaw traits -- I'm working within academia back home in northern Europe. My wand is Beech wood with a unicorn core 13 ¾".

I first read the potter books back in the 00's and went fully crazy about the franchise, but found fanfiction and these kinds of communities in other fandoms as late as during the pandemic in 2020 when everything got locked up. My strengths within the fandom lies definetly in admiring beautiful artwork and reading fanfiction -- I've written some myself as well, but more in other fandoms (star wars, mainly). English is my third landguage, but I don't want that to stop be from contributing to fandom!

I find myself enjoying especially the severitus fanfics (and Snape's encounters with the golden trio) and fics examining Snape's years as a student in Hogwarts. I enjoy talking about the Marauders as well, however I must admit that I don't have any knowledge whatsoever about the Cursed Child era.

So cool to be here, hope you have a nice day!

Heatherlly, mmlf and 6 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90Dweller Of DreamsDust CollectorArrexu

Welcome into the fold @orfeeus. We are pleased to have you among us and I'm sure you'll enjoy your time here.

Please be sure to check out this awesome New Member Welcome Guide which contains all the useful information and links for our new members.

If you haven't done so already, kindly do take the time and read through the rules.

We also have a section dedicated entirely to Snape, as well as one for general Potter stuff.

Anything you wanna ask pertaining to the website and other stuff, you can ask by PM our Professors and Headmistress or by making a post on this thread itself, we'd love to help you out.

Heatherlly, mmlf and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt Princeorfeeus

Welcome to the site! You know, I still have never seen the Star Wars movies. But I have seen books published within that franchise. Yes, you can definitely contribute to the fandom with English as a third language! That's impressive. If you have any good fanfiction recommendations, feel free to add to or creat ea thread for them here.

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and orfeeus have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaorfeeus
Quote from orfeeus on December 28, 2024, 3:55 am

Hi, I'm Nat (or orfeeus, same as my main tumblr) and I found my way back to the harry potter fandom during this summer from a on-off pause of about 6 years. I think I was scrolling my pinterest for inspiration and came across insanely beautiful severitus fanart, which made me look up the tag on ao3 -- which, in turn, made me crazy about Severus Snape. Joining this community felt like the next natural step.

My Hogwarts house is Gryffindor, but with a lot of Rawenclaw traits -- I'm working within academia back home in northern Europe. My wand is Beech wood with a unicorn core 13 ¾".

I first read the potter books back in the 00's and went fully crazy about the franchise, but found fanfiction and these kinds of communities in other fandoms as late as during the pandemic in 2020 when everything got locked up. My strengths within the fandom lies definetly in admiring beautiful artwork and reading fanfiction -- I've written some myself as well, but more in other fandoms (star wars, mainly). English is my third landguage, but I don't want that to stop be from contributing to fandom!

I find myself enjoying especially the severitus fanfics (and Snape's encounters with the golden trio) and fics examining Snape's years as a student in Hogwarts. I enjoy talking about the Marauders as well, however I must admit that I don't have any knowledge whatsoever about the Cursed Child era.

So cool to be here, hope you have a nice day!

Hi, nice to see you here! :) I hope you feel good here and found a lot of inspiration, also about severitus. :) Have fun!
The Gestalt Prince and Naaga have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaaga

I was also inspired by the illustration, so I understand you perfectly. 🙂

The Gestalt Prince and Naaga have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaaga