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It's nice to be here!

Hi, my online/pen name is MorbidReads, but you can call me Zay(:


I'm a life long HP fan, and long time lover of Snape. I'm 29 years old, from the east coast of the United States. I just discovered this site recently from a Reddit post and I'm glad I joined!


I'm still learning and discovering the ins and outs of this site, so if anyone has any tips, tricks, or recommendations, let me know!

I'm an avid fic reader, and first time fic writer. I'm pretty shy in real life, so it took me awhile to work up the courage to post my late night ramblings for the world to see and judge, but I'm glad I did! You're welcome to check it out, if you wish. I do have to warn you, chapters 19-21 are NSFW and can be triggering to some individuals. Other than that, there is light cursing sporadically throughout the other chapters. If you do check it out and have any recommendations for me regarding it, I would love some constructive criticism!

I look forward to discussing all things Snape with you guys<3

Heatherlly, mmlf and 7 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfSanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaWinter's ShadeDark AngelSlaySalvyus

Welcome into the fold @morbidreads. We are pleased to have you among us and I'm sure you'd enjoy your time here.

Please be sure to check out this awesome New Member Welcome Guide which contains all the useful information and links for our new members. You'd mentioned you have your own story, I'm not familiar with it and would love to take a look and I'm sure everyone else feel the same, You're welcome to share your fanfiction in our story archive. Just please read the guidelines before posting.

You can try your hands at our Weekly Writing Challenges to get more used to writing and we have plenty helpful and experienced writers who would be delighted to help you.

Again, welcome to Always Snape and we'd love your participation in the community. Anything you wanna ask pertaining to the website and other stuff, you can ask by PM our Professors and Headmistress or by making a post on this thread itself, we'd love to help you out.

Heatherlly, SanctuaryAngel and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllySanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceDark AngelSalvyusMorbidReads

Welcome to the site! ❤️

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaDark AngelSalvyusMorbidReads

Welcome to Always Snape fellow Snape lover!

I'm looking forward to reading your story and since you're an avid reader as well, why not share your favorite recommendations with us as well? I'm sure you'll have something we can add to our TBR list.

We'd love to know more about you, why not share your Wand and Patronus with us as well?

I hope you enjoy your time here!

Heatherlly, SanctuaryAngel and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllySanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaSalvyusMorbidReads

My two fave fics right now are Watchtower by SnapeSimperius, and Together Through Time by The_Calm_Before_The_Storm; both on AO3!

My and is 10"holly with unicorn hair core. My Patronus is a dun mare. I'm basing this off of what I was given by Pottermore years ago(:

Heatherlly, mmlf and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfSanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaDark AngelSalvyus
Quote from MorbidReads on August 13, 2023, 3:03 pm

My two fave fics right now are Watchtower by SnapeSimperius, and Together Through Time by The_Calm_Before_The_Storm; both on AO3!

My and is 10"holly with unicorn hair core. My Patronus is a dun mare. I'm basing this off of what I was given by Pottermore years ago(:

Welcome! Be sure to add this info in the following designated threads, as I am sure other members would love to discuss this further!

We have a thread where you can post your favourite Snape fics

Wand type


Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaDark AngelSalvyus

Hello and welcome to the site! We're really happy to have you. 🙂

mmlf, The Gestalt Prince and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaDark AngelSalvyusMorbidReads