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Mend Me (Severus Snape/OC *M)

Story Cover


I just finished writing part one of my series. I never thought I'd be here, and I'm so unbelievably thankful for every single view and comment I receive.

My story follows an OC named Danu Black who is a young Ravenclaw student with a love of Herbology and a dream of working at St. Mungo's. In order to achieve this, she must intern under Snape for her final two years of Hogwarts.

This is a duel POV story featuring both Danu and Severus' thoughts/experiences. OC is three years ahead of the Golden Trio, so they aren't mentioned in the storyline outside of Sev's dialogue when he must help/deal with them.

Please be advised that this story is NSFW and includes trigger warnings. The warnings are listed on AO3, and the darker chapters do have a warning note before the chapter with further trigger warnings, so you aren't caught by surprise.

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