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"Prodigy" (Severus Snape/OC) M

Title: Prodigy

Characters/Pairings: Severus Snape/Female American OC, Professors of Hogwarts, Lucius Malfoy, Male Villian OC, Ancient One, Wong

Rating: Mature/Explicit

Summary: Daciana (pronounced: da CHEE ana) Graves is an American half-breed witch/sorceress of the Mystic Arts who attends Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry after moving to London where her mother, Asena, and father, Silas, accept high positions at the Ministry of Magic and St. Mungo’s respectively; however, there is more to Daciana than meets the eye. In the seven years before Harry Potter becomes a student at Hogwarts, Daciana learns who she is, comes face to face with her past, makes long lasting friendships, and falls in love with someone most, if not all, people find unlovable. We also follow Daciana’s journey post Hogwarts through the HP years.

Themes: platonic student/teacher relationship, mental health, childhood trauma, attempted suicide, eventual smut (OC will be an adult), LGBTQ, fluff, angst, attempted sexual assault

This is a WIP. It's going to be quite a journey for Daciana and Snape.

Fic can be read on AO3 or Wattpad.

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