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Round Robin Selection #1

Please read the description below before selecting your answer.
The Lioness and the Cub (M, Severus/Lily, McGonagall)
Emerald Vengeance (MA)
The Bond (T?, Severus/Lily)
Entrenched Devil & the Deep Blue (T/M, Severus, Lily, Various)
Severus Snape, Minister for Magic (M)

This will be an experimental vote to see which RR will be done next. I have five items below, which any interested participants will vote on; however, you will only have ONE vote. Side note: if your suggestion is here, please avoid voting for your own. This poll will be closed after one week has passed, so the 7th of January, 2024.

TitleThe Lioness and the Cub
Rating: M (to be safe)
Characters: Minerva McGonagall, Severus Snape, Poppy Pomfrey, Albus Dumbledore, Lily Evans
Future maybe: Marauders, Eileen and Tobias, Slytherins, Professors
Pairings: Severus/Lily
Premise: Minerva wants to get Severus out of his abusive home, in the future chapters we would see the battle for guardianship and how Severus and Minerva do develop. What kind of influence does Minerva have on him? How does it change his life at Hogwarts?

Title: Emerald Vengeance
Rating: MA
Characters: Severus Snape, Harriet Potter, Tom Riddle
Premise: When Voldemort tries to aim his Killing Curse at Harriet, Hagrid intercepts it with his umbrella in a desperate attempt to save the The-Girl-Who-Lived but fails, Harriet is struck by the green light and falls to the ground, seemingly dead but it is not so. Snape's memories had shown her that she needed to die to destroy the Horcrux but here she was, alive and well. Voldemort is defeated with her help and that of her friends and the wizarding world is saved at last.

Snape wakes up after spending months in a coma. Shortly after regaining consciousness, he is put on trial for his Death Eater-related activities. He is sentenced to a life sentence in Azkaban, but alternative measures are taken as the fortress currently lacks a reliable security system. Severus is stripped of his magic and finds himself bound into servitude again, this time to the savior of the Wizarding World.

Title: The Bond
Rating: T?
Characters: Severus/Lily
Premise: Severus and Lily make a vow as children, unbeknownst to them it creates an unbreakable bond.

Title: Entrenched Devil & the Deep Blue
Rating: T to M
Characters: Severus, Lily, Various
Premise: Sev stumbles across a Knights of Walpurgis meeting wherein many allied with the Dark Lord plan an attack on Cokeworth during the hols, on Lily's street. How will Sev save the life of his best friend (currently strained relationship), & and his hometown whilst avoiding the horrors of his home life in conjunction with the dangers of the Wizarding World?

Title: Severus Snape, Minister for Magic
Rating: M
Characters: Severus, Various
Premise: Severus Snape is Minister for Magic, and he's bringing his Professor Snapeness with him

  • crackfic, includes taking points and dishing out detentions to Ministry employees.
Heatherlly, Naaga and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyNaagaDark AngelJaySMSalvyusSam

@thegestaltprince do kindly remove Emerald Vengeance. I won't be available tomorrow onwards and I think as the person who posted the prompt, I would have to participate?

If that's not a necessity leave it as is. Though, I would remove Lily from the characters. I orginally posted two versions  for this prompt: one with Lily and one with Harriet (fem Harry), since the prompt contains only the version with Harriet, Lily shouldn't really be there.

Naaga, Salvyus and Sam have reacted to this post.

It would be interesting to see how it goes. Only three of them are something I have mild interest in.

Naaga and Dark Angel have reacted to this post.
NaagaDark Angel
Quote from Dark Angel on December 31, 2023, 3:47 am

@thegestaltprince do kindly remove Emerald Vengeance. I won't be available tomorrow onwards and I think as the person who posted the prompt, I would have to participate?

If that's not a necessity leave it as is. Though, I would remove Lily from the characters. I orginally posted two versions  for this prompt: one with Lily and one with Harriet (fem Harry), since the prompt contains only the version with Harriet, Lily shouldn't really be there.

It's not necessary for you to participate, but I can still remove it if you want; I'll edit Lily out of the description.

Naaga, Dark Angel and Salvyus have reacted to this post.
NaagaDark AngelSalvyus

Reminder that the poll will close in 24 hours, and then official sign-ups for the selection prompt will begin.

Naaga and Salvyus have reacted to this post.

Alright, looks like "Severus Snape: Minister For Magic" is our winner, so I'll be closing this thread. The sign-up period will begin soon.

Naaga and Salvyus have reacted to this post.