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Round Robin: The Post-Grad Prince: Part 1 ***COMPLETE***

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"What does he want with me?" Severus asked pointedly.

"Master Aurelius been sending letters to Miss Eileen for some time, sir," Birby answered. "He be wanting to meet you."

"And your master couldn't afford to visit the Black Country to keep in touch?"

"Miss Eileen never responded."

Severus wanted to ask more about that, but there were more important matters. "And how does he know about my plans for after Hogwarts?"

Birby shrank back, averting his eyes as he responded. "Birby been watching over Master Severus since his first year."

Severus ran his hand over his face as he processed everything he'd just learned. He already had enough on his plate, and now he had to deal with newly-discovered relatives. "You can tell him that I have to sort out some things on my end--"

"Master Aurelius be knowing of Master Severus's affairs," Birby interjected, "and he be prepared to help."

"How is he supposed to help me with Lil--" Severus froze as the events of last night came back to him, and his face started burning. The conversation alone had been embarrassing enough, but Lily had kissed him (maybe on the cheek, but still). "Is she still here?"

"Who, sir?"

"Lily Evans. Red hair, green eyes, fiery temper."

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"Shortly after Miss Lily returned to her room, she left it again, but dressed and carrying a bag. Birby had ensured that the Knight Bus arrived before the young miss could attempt to apparate and splinch herself, sir." Birby's ears perked up as the house-elf looked at Severus again. "Master Aurelius wouldn't be happy if Birby allowed the young miss to hurt herself."

Severus couldn't help but raise an eyebrow at that. "But Lily is a Muggleborn?" He asked in a slightly confused tone.

"Birby doesn't understand the question, sir." The house-elf looked at him with wide eyes, probably waiting for an explanation so he could answer.

"My mother always told me that her parents are blood purists, so why would your master care about Lily's health?" His black eyes were fixed on the house-elf, hard and cold as he remembered how often his mother had told him that her parents had abandoned her because they couldn't accept that their daughter had married a Muggle and disgraced their bloodline by giving birth to a half-blood.

"Master and mistress being blood purists?" Severus hadn't thought a house-elf's eyes could get any bigger than they already were, but Birby proved him wrong before beginning to shake his head so violently that his large ears were flapping.

Birby's reaction surprised Severus. "Birby, I'm not your master, but please tell me the truth." He demanded, thinking it worth a try.

"Master Severus is Birby's master, according to Master Aurelius." The house-elf replied, finally stopping to shake his head. "Birby would never lie to his master. The Master's family has been supporting muggle-borns and half-bloods for a long time. Master Aurelius always says that the madness about pure-blood is the reason for the extinction of many old families. He also says that it is the cause of insanity. Mistress Cordelia supports Master Aurelius' views, her best friend is actually a muggle-born."

To say that Severus was surprised by what Birby had just told him would be an understatement. The tiny house-elf standing before him, looking at him with big, honest eyes, had just told him that his mother had been lying to him about his grandparents all along.

"And I'm really your master, Birby?"He asked the house-elf, who nodded directly."So you would take me to Hogwarts right now if I asked you to?" 

"Yes, Master Severus." The house-elf replied, offering his hand.

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Severus leaned away caught off guard by the house elf’s willingness to serve.

Was Birby aware that no one could apparate into Hogwarts or were house elves exempt from that restriction? House elf magic was not well known. It was entirely possible.

“It was meant as a test, one which you passed with flying colors,” Severus finally said.

Birby bowed low, his nose barely scraping the wooden floors.

Severus wasn’t sure he was ready to make a drastic decision to leave yet. He was still cotton-mouth and knew he was due for a shower. He didn’t feel comfortable leaving the house elf with his original orders.

If Birby were truly his house elf-


The house elf snapped upright, not unlike a soldier awaiting command.

“From now on you only obey me,” Severus commanded.

“It is as you say, sir.”

“No more spying on me.” Severus scrutinized him.

Birby appeared sheepish.

“Now, make yourself scarce. I’ll call you when I’m ready.” Severus pointed to the door.

The house elf bowed and disapparated with a loud craack.

Severus waited in silence until he was sure Birby had left.

What a nightmare the past few hours had been.

With no current distractions, Severus’ head throbbed persistently. He got ready for the day and made his way down the stairs in search for a hangover potion. He almost made it to the barman before he heard James Potter’s obnoxious voice sound in alarm.

“Lily? Lily!”

Severus pivoted right to as if to head out the door towards Diagon Ally as Potter made his way down the stairs in a hurry scanning the nearly vacant restaurant. The door to the ally swung open and Severus veered left towards the kegs the pub held outside storage.

“Hello, Sunshine!”

Severus held back a groan. It was Black. It was too early for this.

“Padfoot, have you seen Lily anywhere?”

Severus felt like a coward hiding in plain sight behind the open door as the Marauders filtered in closing his only means of escape behind them.

“I didn’t hear her return last night. I thought she was with you.”

Severus examined the barrel in front of him in faux interest. Even though his back was to them, he could feel someone’s eyes on him by the way his fine hairs stood on end. He resisted turning his head.

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"Maybe she took the bus early?" another, Pettigrew, suggested.

"What?! You think she ran off without telling me?!" Potter sounded outraged by the thought.

"N-no, I just meant that she might've...." Pettigrew's voice trailed off on the last word.

"What happened?" Black asked.

"We had a few butterbeers," Potter explained. "I grabbed us a bottle of firewhiskey before we went up. We drank, snogged, managed a bit more--"

Severus clenched his fists at the thought.

"--and then I told her to go get another bottle. I blacked out after that."

"Maybe she wasn't fond of handling your broom," Black laughed.

A dull thump followed. "This is serious!" Potter exclaimed.

"No, I'm Sirius," Black replied, almost causing Severus to groan. "This has to be some sort of misunderstanding."

"What if she was snatched?" Pettigrew asked.

All three fell silent, and Severus counted out the number of seconds that passed. He managed to reach seventeen when Potter startled him by exclaiming, "Padfoot, motorbike, now!"

Severus listened as the three rushed out the door, pulling it behind them with a slam. He turned around to find the barkeep eyeing him curiously.

"... you alright, lad?" the older man asked. "For a moment, I thought they'd flattened you like a tin."

"The barrels stopped the door," Severus replied.

The barkeep chuckled and said, "Well, you were on your way here anyway. What can I get you?"

"Do you have anything for a hangover?"

"Hangover, eh?" The barkeep knelt down behind the counter, and Severus heard the sound of glass clinking together. After a minute, the man stood back up and held one up. "We're a bit low, but you're in luck. That'll be 1 sickle."

Severus dug into his pocket and felt around before freezing. He didn't have any sickles, nor enough knuts to scrounge together. "... put it on my tab?"

The barkeep nodded and set the bottle down before taking out a wad of paper and an inked quill. "Name?"

"Snape, Severus."

"Tab: 1 sickle."

"I have change." Severus drew out the knuts in his pocket and set them on the counter.

The barkeep looked them over and made a correction as he wrote. "Tab: 1 knut."

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Severus swayed in place, torn between wanting to pay and walking away with the debt left unpaid. It left a bad taste in his mouth.

With great effort, he moved to return to his room, his eyes glued to the floor the entire way there. When he opened the door, he took in the neatly arranged sheets of his bed and his luggage propped at the end of it. The room was bare of even the most basic of necessities and lacked any personal comfort. It didn’t change from when he first checked in but something must have. When he closed the door behind him, it occurred to him he had felt like he had willingly walked into a prison cell.

What changed?

His stay in the Leaky Cauldron was meant to provide the peace he needed to think of a plan for his future. Instead, he squandered the rest of his money on alcohol and a potion.

Was he any better than his father?

He was bothered by the fact that all of his belongings could fit into a battered school trunk and his only robe, thin and frayed, hid how ill-fitted his clothes were underneath. This was not the look of a man who would be confidently paving his own way and Lily expected him to be a leader?

He scoffed.

As if on auto-pilot, Severus crossed the room to open the window. It stuck and fogged as his breathing turned shallow and quick. His eyes wildly traced the frame, his fingers blindly searching for a lock. It was stifling. Beads of cold sweat accumulated on his brow.

Why wasn’t the window opening?

At long last, he found a latch and turned. Gripping the ledge of the sash window, he wrenched it up.

Cool, fresh air washed over his heated face. The room suddenly seemed so much brighter, so much bigger than before. He craned his head out, absorbing the nauseating rainbow of colors from the nearby shops. He inhaled the smell of fresh bread from one of the local cafes, hearing the excited shrieks of children playing nearby. Diagon Ally never looked so vibrant.

He didn’t know how long he stood there observing the world around him but after a time, he decided he had enough. He felt bold enough to throw caution to the wind and was ready for the next step.

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But what would be the next step?

That is the one question Severus has yet to answer for himself. And it may be the most important question he will ever have to answer in his life.

Originally he had asked for a year to sort out his affairs, something that should have been easy and mainly focused on his further education, which in turn would help him to rise faster in the Dark Lord's ranks... But now?

Now he suddenly had other options for his life. His grandfather had offered him a place in the Prince's family, and Birby had admitted that his grandparents had been keeping an eye on him since his first year at Hogwarts. According to the house-elf, his grandfather had tried to contact his mother several times, but she had never replied.

If he really believed what the house-elf had told him, then he also had to believe that his mother had been lying to him since he was born.

It still confused Severus, it wasn't easy to accept, but somehow... Somehow he felt he had nothing to lose by believing it. His mother had stopped caring for him after he returned from his first year at Hogwarts. She didn't interfere anymore when Tobias decided it was time to teach him a lesson.

Then there was Lily, and his grandfather's promise that she would be welcome in the family.

Actually, that was one point where his grandfather seemed more optimistic than Severus himself. After all, Lily had chosen Potter, why would she leave the arrogant Toerag for him now?

But Lily had kissed him on the cheek last night, and the way she spoke... Sometimes it sounded as if there might still be a chance.

And she had left Potter alone in the room shortly after their conversation, Severus had gotten confirmation of that earlier.

"Birby?" Severus whispered.

There was another loud crack and the house-elf appeared before him, bowing deeply. "Master Severus has called Birby, sir?"

"Please inform Aurelius Prince that I wish to meet him. I will expect him at the Three Broomsticks Inn, Hogsmeade, at seven this evening. After that meeting, I will decide whether to accept his invitation to Prince Manor or not."

"I will inform Lord Aurelius directly, Master Severus." 

"Thank you, Birby."

Birby looked at him with wide eyes and something like a smile before disappearing with a loud crack.

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With a meeting now arranged for this evening, a meeting which could serve more than to reconnect with the Prince family, Severus checked the time and saw it was barely past nine in the morning. As his mind wandered back to Lily, he wanted to be sure she was well after last night. Hearing Potter talk about their activities made him think about how much firewhiskey she'd had to drink, and if that had affected her decision-making. For all he knew, she might have started regretting leaving Potter in the middle of the night.

Severus decided to leave his luggage where it was for now and come back for it after checking on Lily; he was tempted to bring it with him to his house, but he remembered that it was his house and decided against the idea. He made his way downstairs and out the door to Diagon Alley, searching for an Apparition point so he could go to Cokeworth.... Lily's parents were both gone.... was she still living in her parents' house? And if not, where...?

Severus went around a corner and whispered quietly, "Birby?"

Birby popped back into existence with an excited look on his face. "Sir?"

"Do you know where Lily Evans is right now? I want to make sure she got home safely."

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“Of course, sir,” the house elf squeaked, “Miss. Lily is with her sister.”

Did he hear that right?

“With her sister?” Severus asked taken aback.

“Yes, sir.”


Birby’s large eyes searched Severus’ face for the right answer. “Birby can check, sir.”

Severus waved the idea off, his ears tinged pink. “No. Forget it.”

The aroma of the bread was stronger now that he was surrounded by the cafes. His stomach grumbled a complaint reminding him that he had yet to eat.

Would Lily be hungry? He didn’t have the funds to take her out right now. All he had left was his complimentary meals provided by the Leaky Cauldron for his stay.

Even though his finances were working against him right now, he still had that overwhelming urge to see Lily. He wanted to talk to her and reassure himself on where they stood.

He needed clarity.

She had kissed him. It played on repeat in his mind if he let it stray. Even now, he could feel his heart elevate at the memory.

“If Birby may offer instead to take Master Severus to Miss. Lily.” The house elf gave him a knowing look.

Was he so transparent?

His cheekbones warmed as they rose.

The refusal was at his lips but he couldn’t get the word out.

No. Just say no and be done with it.

Severus vibrated in place at the effort.

“Fuck!” Severus combed his fingers through his hair, his feet moving of their own accord to the end of the deserted ally and back to the mouth.

Should he just meet with Lily? It’s not like he needed money before to spend time with her.

His heart soared at the pre-approval filling him with excitable energy. In for a penny, in for a pound.

“Fine. Yes,” he beckoned the house elf forward, reaching out his hand. “Let’s just go before I change my mind.”

“Right away, Master!” Birby hopped forward and gripped Severus’ wrist firmly.

They both spun into darkness, disappearing into the unknown.

It was entirely different than apparation. It was unlike anything Severus had ever felt before. It was as if he were being guided through murky waters, fighting against a magical current.

In no time at all, he stood on firm ground again but his body continued forward as if it were still in motion.

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The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaDark AngelBol_Stark

"We are here, Master Severus," Birby said quietly.

Severus looked around and found that they were in some sort of suburb; fortunately, no one was outside. "Where?" he asked, matching the house-elf's volume.

"Little Whinging, Surrey," Birby answered. "Miss Lily being in Number 4 Privet Drive."

Severus nodded. "Stay hidden for now, or leave if you're busy."

"Birby will be hidden." The house-elf suddenly vanished in front of Severus. "Call if Master Severus be needing Birby."

Severus nodded again and cautiously made his way up the street, which he saw was Privet Drive. Looking at the numbers on the various houses, he spotted a lonely 4 on one of the doors. He saw a blonde, horse-faced woman through the window, immediately recognizing her as Petunia. He knew he would hate this, but he needed to be sure.

Severus walked up to the door and knocked before taking a step back and waiting. Although it took a few moments, the door opened, and he came face to face with a wild-eyed Petunia. "Petunia," Severus said, nodding.

"W-what are YOU doing here?!" Petunia all but shrieked.

"... I was wondering if Lily was well," Severus explained, forcing himself to remain calm.

"And why are you here, of all places?!"

"I was told she was staying with you. I found your address."

Petunia's face was white with fury, but before she said any more, she let out a huff and said, "You'll leave, I presume?"


"Wait here." With that, Petunia slammed the door shut.

Severus thought he had enough time to think of something to say to Lily, but before he could form a full sentence in his head, the door suddenly swung open, this time revealing Lily.

"S-Severus?!" Lily's face was red. "How did you find me?!"

"House-elf," Severus answered.


"It's a long story. I just wanted to make sure you were well after last night."

"... oh," Lily said, calming down despite her face reddening even more. "Yeah, I'm fine."

"... how much do you remember?"

"All of it. You?"

"All of it." Severus took a deep breath. "I think I found a third option. Something you were talking about."

"What is it?"

"I don't know the details, but I have a meeting with someone tonight."

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“It’s not Malfoy, is it?”

“No,” Severus let out a nervous chuckle, “it’s not Malfoy. Don’t you trust me?”

Lily looked like a deer caught in headlights.


“It’s not that I don’t trust you.” Lily squirmed in place purposely not meeting his eyes. “It’s the others. You’re so easily swayed.”

Severus frowned.

Lily shyly met his gaze, stammering to correct herself at his look. “You’re a nice guy. People take advantage of that.”

Severus raised a brow.

“You know what,” Lily threw her hands up in the air in frustration. “Nevermind. I’m glad you’re here, I could use the break.”

She leaned back to collect a mustard-yellow jacket from the hatrack to wear. “Tuney has been whinging and whining since I returned late last night.”

Severus noticed how she struggled to line up the teeth of the zipper.

“It’s warm out.” He said, stating the obvious.

“And?” Lily gave him a look. “In case you’ve forgotten, I don’t tan. I burn.”

Severus half expected her to break her zipper as he watched her now fiddle with her jacket. She cursed under her breath.

“I’ll be right back,” she raced back inside and returned minutes later wearing a jumper with a white Tesco bag in hand.

“What’s this?”

“I haven’t eaten yet.” She closed the door behind her and turned him around, pushing him to walk down the small footpath that met the driveway. “C’mon. There’s a park near here.”

It was a long trek to the park and Lily spent the majority of it complaining about Petunia and her husband, Vernon. At some point, when Severus did manage to get a word in, he told her of his Grandfather’s letter and the peculiar little house elf named Birby.

“You think he might help?”

“I think so,” Severus said, his attention turning inward as he recalled the letter. “He implied he only reached out to me because I decided not to join the Death Eaters.”

“I want to come with you.”



Severus could tell there was more to it. “Okay.”

“Yeah?” Lily beamed.

“Potter and his mates are still there though. You sure you still want to go?”

Severus crossed his arms to brace himself, his face devoid of all emotions as he waited for her reaction.

Lily nibbled her lip. “I’ll have a word with him before we meet your grandfather.”

“If you’re sure.”

“I am.”

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