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Severus Snape Is the Type of Person Who’d…

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Severus Snape is the type of person who'd love riding motorbikes (in his youth). I love to imagine him riding on his own put together motorcycle (with Lily, and sharing this hobby with her).

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaBitterBritRobaku90Salvyus

Severus Snape is the type of person who would've liked to wear black leather clothing as a teenager whenever he didn't have to wear robes.

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaBitterBritRobaku90Salvyus

Severus Snape is the type of person who'd be into the Goth scene and, as a teenager, would wear black makeup and paint his nails black. I like to imagine he would've shared this hobby with Lily.

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaBitterBritRobaku90Salvyus

Severus Snape is the type of person who'd practice either boxing or gymnastics, had he ever been into sports. I once read a fic where, when fighting for the Death Eaters, he was appreciated for being able to combine his spellcasting with physical force due to him having practiced boxing/hand-to-hand combat when he was young (when having to fight muggle bullies as a child). I also like to think Severus could've enjoyed and been good at gymnastics, due to his form being described as one of an athlete in multiple fics I've read.

I also like to think about Sev teaching Lily boxing and in case of  gymnastics, that they would've liked to practice that together as well, but more as a team.

I sometimes like to think our man was a fit boi under that big cloak. :p

mmlf, The Gestalt Prince and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaBitterBritRobaku90Salvyus

Reminds me of Sherlock Holmes, who was lean, but a keen boxer with underestimated strength.

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90SalvyusZombiePotter04
Cytat z ZombiePotter04 w dniu 3 czerwca 2024, 19:43

Severus Snape jest typem osoby, która ćwiczyła boksowanie lub gimnastykę, gdyby kiedykolwiek uprawiała sport. Kiedyś przeczytałem fic, w którym, gdy walczył o śmierciożerców, był ceniony za to, że był w stanie połączyć swoje pisanie z siłą fizyczną, ponieważ ćwiczył boks / walkę z ręką, gdy był młody (kiedy musiał walczyć z mugolskimi łobuzami jako dziecko). Lubię również myśleć, że Severus mógł się cieszyć i być dobry w gimnastyce, ponieważ jego forma została opisana jako jeden z sportowca w wielu ficesach, które przeczytałem.

Lubię również myśleć o tym, że Sev uczy Lily boksu i w przypadku gimnastyki, że chcieliby ćwiczyć to również razem, ale bardziej jako zespół.

Czasami lubię myśleć, że nasz człowiek był fit boikiem pod tym wielkim płaszczem. :p


I know of one Snily where Severus is secretly boxing. Maybe you want to read? He's one of my favorites, although it takes him a long time to win Lily's heart. ;P
The Gestalt Prince, Salvyus and ZombiePotter04 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceSalvyusZombiePotter04
Quote from mmlf on June 6, 2024, 9:19 am

Reminds me of Sherlock Holmes, who was lean, but a keen boxer with underestimated strength.


Oh yes! And he's just as intelligent! The comparison to this character is very fitting!
The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaSalvyusZombiePotter04
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on June 2, 2024, 11:29 am
Quote from Robaku90 on June 2, 2024, 10:31 am
Quote from Dust Collector on June 2, 2024, 12:53 am

Severus Snape is the type of person who'd be able to make a perfect soufflé on his first try.

(And let me tell you, that is not easy. The amount of arrowroot or other starch has to be just right, the egg whites have to be whipped to soft peaks, and the ramekins have to be carefully buttered and coated with sugar. Only then can the soufflé rise up to two inches above the ramekin.)

I suspect he cooks all kinds of dishes wonderfully!
I once read a fanfic where he baked Lily a chocolate cake. It was so cute! <3

OMGGG! Please share that fic with me! I NEED to see our two lovelies bake that chocolate cake ASAP aahhhhhhh <33333


You probably already know this story because it was written by mermaid886. I'm linking it though because it's such a sweet story. :3 <3

And they didn't bake the cake together, Severus made it for Lily, who at that moment had, hmmm, interesting flavor combinations. ;P
The cake was actually chocolate and lemon, I had to look for that part. ;P :

The Gestalt Prince, Salvyus and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceSalvyusDust CollectorZombiePotter04
Cytat z ZombiePotter04 2 czerwca 2024, 11:32
Cytat z Robaku90 w dniu 10 marca 2024, 1:54
Cytat z Naagi 5 listopada 2023, 10:48

Severus Snape jest typem osoby, która zdobyła Nobla Price w nauce, gdyby był naukowcem mugolskim.

Snape jest wystarczająco genialny, aby poprawić przestarzałe przepisy na mieszu i wymyślić nowe zaklęcia. Widzę taką osobę genialną w nauce, szczególnie specjalizującą się w biochemii, aby stworzyć przełomowe odkrycie.


Zgadzam się!

To, co zawsze najbardziej mi się w nim podobało, to jego mądrość i opanowanie.

Kochamy mądrego KING! ✨😭

(ALSO właśnie wymyśliłem, jak uzyskać ACTUAL Emoji na moim komputerze! W przypadku systemu Windows 10 (i może 11), wystarczy nacisnąć klawisz "Windows" i klawisz "". jednocześnie!)


Oh man, I have to try this! :) You teach me so many new things while being on this forum. :)

The Gestalt Prince, Salvyus and ZombiePotter04 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceSalvyusZombiePotter04
Cytat z ZombiePotter04 w dniu 3 czerwca 2024, 19:30

Severus Snape jest typem osoby, która grała na gitarze wiolonczelowej / fortepianu w młodszych latach (prawdopodobnie w połączeniu z Lily grającą na innym instrumencie i robi okładką swoich ulubionych piosenek dla zabawy).


I have a fanfiction for this too. ;P Do you want it?
Except he's an adult now.
Lily plays the violin.
The Gestalt Prince, Salvyus and ZombiePotter04 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceSalvyusZombiePotter04
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