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Snape and Lily: Same patronuses, or mirror patronuses?

The point is nature is complicated and one needs to think and reflect before writing.

Snape and lily were best friends and had the mirror patronuses which are doe.

Both Snape and lily desired similar desires ironically despite choosing different sides.

They desired protection.

Doe are known for desire for protection, validation from others and gentle natures.

In their own way both Snape and lily possessed die traits but of different self expressions.

Liliy possessed traditional doe traits but Snape possessed unconventional traits of doe.

Liliy possessed desire for protection, emotional depth, caring nature, protective instincts, gentlessness, dislike for violence and submissiveness and imagination.

Snape possessed creativity , gentlessness, protective instincts, emotional depth, dislike for violence, imagination and desire for protection but unlike her he is not submissive.

Afterall liliy early marriage to James was likely due to self protection afterall it seems unlikely she would have married him if she didn't lose her friendship with Snape as all memories of lily show a highly submissive person not someone who can be of any practical use.

She tried to stop Snape bullying but is impractical showing a submissive stance by being only verbally active but not practically.

She demands from James to take the spell of but doesn't bring her wand out until she is forced to showing a hesitant even fearful nature unlike Snape more productive active one.

Liliy doesn't seem to like violence as her stances are emotional not physical even in her death we see submissiveness highlighting doe nature.

Liliy wanted stability so she married James likely drawn to his stag like dominance and protective instincts while Snape was more unconventional yet someone whose emotional depth liliy was drawn to it, intensity in other words.

Snape tried to be active even when he faced bullying as seen in his attack on James while liliy was the vocal critic.

In many ways I believe Snape joined because he wanted protection and for self exploration not due to desire for affection of lord Voldemort.

Afterall he is the only one who has nothing to gain by lord Voldemort at least unlike others family backgrounds.

He doesn't need his affection or protection for his family or even materialistic power it's likely knowledge that drew him as Snape never really took revenge from his bullies I doubth he would have likely due to his self control.

He cared about his soul.

Snape was an unpleasant man in many ways not a bad man no one is holistically bad.

His doe patronus shows remarkable character depth.

Snape disliked violence as seen in spinner end chapter.

His focus on words not physical aggression and then his friendship with liliy and emotional femine woman and even narcissa who he respected deeply shows someone who is gentle at heart as woman are delicate in feelings.

And it takes a lot of courage to be best friends with a woman like liliy who was emotionally reactive.

The friendship lasted because of Snape own maturity too not just liliy.

Consudering it's interesting how many patronuses reveal about them if sees especially in Snape worst memory.

James stag shoes arrogance pride and king of jungle while snape shows vulnerability, emotional depth and liliy shows emprionalism, vulnerability and submissiveness.