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Weekly Discussion: Favoritism

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Quote from Naaga on June 25, 2023, 2:41 am

Today's discussion: Do you think Severus Snape was friends with Regulus Black in his Hogwarts days?

Hmmm, my headcanon says yes, but realistically, I think it was more out of obligation to the Pureblood DE-s-to-be within his dorm. I think they interacted a few times, but given his relations with Sirius, I think he kept him at a reasonable distance because of that disdain.

I wish we knew more about Regulus, really. Given their 'futures,' they would have developed a lot in common.

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Quote from Naaga on June 25, 2023, 2:41 am

Today's discussion: Do you think Severus Snape was friends with Regulus Black in his Hogwarts days?

I don't think that they were friends during their Hogwarts days and also after them.

In my opinion the real reason for them not being friends is Sirius. After all he has done to Severus... I mean we know what impact Harry's similarities to his father had on Sev.

But I could also be completely wrong. Somehow I often get a feeling that there might be a lot of similarities between Regulus and Severus, and building on these they could have also developed a friendship, even if just to spite Sirius.

Now you got me thinking 😀

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Although we don't have any canon evidence of Severus and Regulus being friends, personally I think they were.

They ran in the same social circles of Death Eaters and must have become friends with each other, as they had a lot in common.

I feel Severus would have known how to differentiate between Regulus and Sirius. Harry had so many similarities to James that's why Severus hated him, but seeing both Regulus and Sirius would have allowed him to see their differences.

Regulus's relationship with Sirius would have soured after Sirius ran away. I feel Snape befriended him in his sixth year because he was alone and they bonded through their similarities and losing something precious to them.

There is so much unexplored in the Marauder Era and different interpretations and characterizations make it more interesting to me than Harry's era.

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9. Today's discussion: Who do you think Snape disliked the most among the Hogwarts staff? You can only choose among regular staff and they must not be DADA Professor.

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The Gestalt PrinceKrystalGiorgia
Quote from Naaga on June 26, 2023, 12:42 am

Today's discussion: Who do you think Snape disliked the most among the Hogwarts staff? You can only choose among regular staff and they must not be DADA Professor.

Sibyll Trelawney.
I think for two reasons, the first because he has always hated Divination as a subject finding it useless and superficial even when he was a student. The second reason is because she reminds him of his infamous prophecy and, consequently, Lily's death along with his feelings of guilt.

Whenever he sees Professor Trelawney these memories come back to him like a slap in the face. He avoids meeting her and talks to her as little as possible.

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I headcanon this too @giosnape and completely agree with you. I think Severus must have resented Trelawney and she would've been one of the reasons why he disliked subjects like Divination as an adult.

Still, he didn't treat her horribly and went to see what had happened when he heard her scream during the Occlumency lesson. Severus understood that the prophecy was unintentional on her part and he blamed others (like himself, James, Sirius, and Voldemort) more than Trelawney for the whole "prophecy" business.

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The Gestalt PrinceNaagaWinter's ShadeGiorgia
Quote from Naaga on June 26, 2023, 12:42 am

Today's discussion: Who do you think Snape disliked the most among the Hogwarts staff? You can only choose among regular staff and they must not be DADA Professor.

My first thought to this question was that I do completely agree with @giosnape and @kris ... But I did some thinking before writing this and came up with another option.

I don't know if you count the Headmaster to regular staff or as a special position but somehow Dumbledore came to my mind while thinking about this question for a bit longer.
Some may say "That makes no sense at all" and I understand why, after all Sev was his loyal spy that also tried to save his life.

But I still think we shouldn't forget that Dumbledore obviously wasn't always fair and without prejudice in Sev's time as student. He could have protected Sev and put an end to the bullying, what in turn might have caused Sev to follow a different path in life and never even have the fallout with Lily as he felt no need to join the Death Eaters.
But Dumbledore didn't, instead he forced him to keep Lupin's condition and what happened that night a secret, and I'm sure there was a lot more that he simply had accepted as just a little "prank".

So yeah, Sev turned to him in hope that he could protect Lily, but not even that Dumbledore got done...

I think there are enough points for why Sev might have disliked Dumbledore even though he respected him.

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10. Today's discussion: If he wanted to, could Snape have defeated the professors who drove him out of Hogwarts?

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Quote from Naaga on June 27, 2023, 12:12 am

Today's discussion: If he wanted to, could Snape have defeated the professors who drove him out of Hogwarts?

If he wanted to - assuming that would mean he would be completely against the Order - then yes, I believe he definitely would.

Most of the spells he was casting were defensive rather than offensive. And that was against three professors who attacked with the intention to hurt or kill, especially Minerva who was hellbent on that.

Now, if he could defend himself against them and come out unscathed, could you imagine the damage he could do if he actually intended to hurt them? I'd say you would have ended up with at least one dead professor, and that person would not be Severus. I mean, defeat doesn't necessarily mean killing or hurting, but I think with Severus' crafty intellect, I think he would have disarmed them without too much effort. Because after all, he fooled them for years - to them, he was unpredictable.

Severus spent most of his youth creating spells, one of which would be classified as dark magic - Sectumsempra. We've seen the true extent of this with Draco, and even George. Without that crucial counter-curse, there would be no hope for them as they bled out. Several other additional spells were more on the offensive - ones that could render an attacker useless. Muffliato (to create a buzz so that someone could not be overheard) and Langlock (to lock one's tongue at the roof of their mouth so they do not speak - perfect for those using non-verbal spells).

Aside from that, Severus spent a lot of time around DEs and therefore needed to blend in with them even after he turned. So he must have picked up several additional spells that they may have used in missions, so I suspect there was a plethora of spells in his arsenal that we were not privy to know. And I suspect some of those were rather gruesome, not even counting the Unforgivables.

Severus was cunning, swift, and calculating. His expertise in the dark arts would have most definitely won him against the professors intending to kill him.

And if he was truly their enemy, he would not have held back. They were lucky he was on their side.

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The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaYampamWinter's ShadeBitterBrit
Quote from Naaga on June 27, 2023, 12:12 am

Today's discussion: If he wanted to, could Snape have defeated the professors who drove him out of Hogwarts?

Severus was a very skilled and powerful wizard and as @sanctuaryangel recalls he even spent his youth creating spells.
It is yet more proof that until the end he tried to protect and not hurt the very people who never understood him 🥺🥺🥺🥺


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