Snape Fan Spotlight: Snapecentric

Quote from Heatherlly on December 1, 2023, 4:42 amFor our first spotlight, we’ll be highlighting Snapecentric, long time Snape fan and creator of the wonderful Snape Chat Podcast. Read on to learn more about Snapecentric, and check out the latest podcast episode for an interview about our own community here at Always Snape!
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m a retired medical technologist living in the Midwestern US. I enjoy reading, volunteering, and spending time with my family. I feel very fortunate to have the free time to spend on the podcast, as well as my Tumblr (re)blog.
How did you discover Snape? What was it that first drew you to him?
I started reading HP to my young son in 2001 ahead of the first movie. I was intrigued by the dichotomy of Snape’s hatred for Harry, while at the same time protecting him.
What is your favorite thing about Snape as a character?
I absolutely love his moral ambiguity! It was tantalizing waiting for the last three books to learn more about him, not knowing for sure whether he was “good’ or “bad”. Grey is so becoming on him!
What do you enjoy most about the Snape fandom?
I’d have to say the people. I’ve met so many intelligent, kind, and aware fans from all over the world. I think that there is a bit of “us” against the world, too, which brings us closer.
Can you tell us more about your podcast? How did you come up with the idea, and what inspires you to put so much time and effort into it?
From 2006-2012 there was a podcast called Snapecast. At that time listening to it was my only interaction with the fandom. Sometime thereafter I found the Snapedom in fanfic and Tumblr, but I found that I really missed Snapecast. Eventually I decided to stop waiting for another Snape podcast and make one myself. After a bit of research I put out Episode 1, where I called on others to join me. I’ve been very fortunate with people in the Snapedom helping to put things together. While I generally do the technical production of the show myself, I couldn’t do it without the many people who share their time, talent, and knowledge!
If you had to recommend three episodes, which ones would you choose?
- Episode 30, Snape and Music is a fun, easy introduction to the podcast
- Episode 19, The Good, The Bad, The Severus. Where we examine our favorite grey character
- Episode 16, Snape and Sex, which is our most popular episode, “obviously”
How can other fans connect with you?
Snapecentric’s (re)blog on Tumblr
Interested in being featured in one of our upcoming spotlights? Click here for more information!
For our first spotlight, we’ll be highlighting Snapecentric, long time Snape fan and creator of the wonderful Snape Chat Podcast. Read on to learn more about Snapecentric, and check out the latest podcast episode for an interview about our own community here at Always Snape!
Can you tell us a little about yourself?
I’m a retired medical technologist living in the Midwestern US. I enjoy reading, volunteering, and spending time with my family. I feel very fortunate to have the free time to spend on the podcast, as well as my Tumblr (re)blog.
How did you discover Snape? What was it that first drew you to him?
I started reading HP to my young son in 2001 ahead of the first movie. I was intrigued by the dichotomy of Snape’s hatred for Harry, while at the same time protecting him.
What is your favorite thing about Snape as a character?
I absolutely love his moral ambiguity! It was tantalizing waiting for the last three books to learn more about him, not knowing for sure whether he was “good’ or “bad”. Grey is so becoming on him!
What do you enjoy most about the Snape fandom?
I’d have to say the people. I’ve met so many intelligent, kind, and aware fans from all over the world. I think that there is a bit of “us” against the world, too, which brings us closer.
Can you tell us more about your podcast? How did you come up with the idea, and what inspires you to put so much time and effort into it?
From 2006-2012 there was a podcast called Snapecast. At that time listening to it was my only interaction with the fandom. Sometime thereafter I found the Snapedom in fanfic and Tumblr, but I found that I really missed Snapecast. Eventually I decided to stop waiting for another Snape podcast and make one myself. After a bit of research I put out Episode 1, where I called on others to join me. I’ve been very fortunate with people in the Snapedom helping to put things together. While I generally do the technical production of the show myself, I couldn’t do it without the many people who share their time, talent, and knowledge!
If you had to recommend three episodes, which ones would you choose?
- Episode 30, Snape and Music is a fun, easy introduction to the podcast
- Episode 19, The Good, The Bad, The Severus. Where we examine our favorite grey character
- Episode 16, Snape and Sex, which is our most popular episode, “obviously”
How can other fans connect with you?
Snapecentric’s (re)blog on Tumblr
Interested in being featured in one of our upcoming spotlights? Click here for more information!

Quote from Heatherlly on December 1, 2023, 4:45 amThis interview has been moved from our blog to the forum. Here are the comments from the original post:
Yaaay! xx
I love this podcast! It’s such a high quality podcast with great guests throughout the episodes. It’s definitely a big highlight to me to listen to it. Recently that music episode blew my mind – I had no idea there was Snape themed music out there!!! Such a unique and informative podcast, I love it!
The Snape chat podcast is awesome and so is Snapecentric who does this wonderful thing for the Snapedom community.
This interview has been moved from our blog to the forum. Here are the comments from the original post:
Thanks for the nod, Heatherlly!
🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 amica mia!
Yaaay! xx
I love this podcast! It’s such a high quality podcast with great guests throughout the episodes. It’s definitely a big highlight to me to listen to it. Recently that music episode blew my mind – I had no idea there was Snape themed music out there!!! Such a unique and informative podcast, I love it!
The Snape chat podcast is awesome and so is Snapecentric who does this wonderful thing for the Snapedom community.
Thanks for the nod, Heatherlly!
🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰 amica mia!