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Snape Fanfic Recommendations (Severus/Lily)

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Quote from Redroses694 on March 4, 2024, 2:24 am

Hello! I’m Redroses694. I’m new here. I’m looking for a particular Snily fic that I read in 2021 during the pandemic. I should have bookmarked it, but unfortunately I didn’t. I’m having a hard time finding the fic. It may have been deleted. I have tried searching AO3 with the filters that apply and I haven’t found it so far. I don’t remember the name of the author or the title of the fic. I just remember the ending. The ending was that Lily and Snape returned to the age they were when they first met and they were in heaven/the afterlife. Lily was swinging on a swing by their tree. Sev said they would wait there until it was time for their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren to join them. Lily asked if he would wait with her and he said “always”. That’s all I remember. The ending was so sweet to me that I cried. I would really like to find this fic if possible. If anyone has the link to this fic or knows the name of the author or title of the fic, please let me know! I would really appreciate it.

To help, more information may be needed.

Do you recall the plot of the story?

Did it have any other pairings?

Was it always Snily or were there brief mentions of James/Lily pairing?

Was there anything else that was different from canon that happened ie Severus inheriting money, overpowered characters, bashings, etc?

Was it a one shot or a multichaptered fic?

Was it a Severitus fic?

To verify, did you read it in AO3?

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaSalvyusNikka

This sounds like such a sweet story, and welcome to our community @redroses694! I don't know which fic you're talking about, but I am replying because I would love to read it too, and hoping to spread awareness 😉

The Gestalt Prince, Robaku90 and Salvyus have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceRobaku90Salvyus
Quote from FIQ on January 29, 2024, 6:36 am
Quote from TimeLadyJamie on January 24, 2024, 8:03 pm

I came across this beautiful Snily short fic the other day and just had to share it here because it gave me all the feels and I thought others would enjoy it too. <3

Burning Emerald's by noxjay

Summary: When Lily finds out Severus is staying behind at Hogwarts for Christmas, she decides to stay as well. When he finds out, Severus plans the most romantic Christmas Eve celebration possible, complete with mistletoe!

This fic just made me sad.

Rzeczywiście, smutno się kończy... 😪

Moderator translation:

Indeed, it ends sadly... 😪

The Gestalt Prince and Salvyus have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceSalvyus

Dziękuję Twórczyni bloga oraz każdej dobrej duszy za tłumaczenie moich myśli! ❤ Przepraszam za kłopot. 😔

Czy mogę udostępnić tutaj linki do opowieści Snily w języku polskim? Można je wrzucać w translator, a bardzo je lubiłam, kiedy jeszcze nie natrafiłam na te w języku angielskim. Są miejscami niezgrabne gramatycznie, ale zawsze można to wybaczyć - ważne, że dotyczą Snily. 😍😍😍

Moderator translator:

Thank you Creator of the blog for translating my thoughts! ❤ Sorry for the inconvenience. 😔

Can I share links to Snily's stories here [in polish language]? You can put them in the translator, and I liked them a lot when I didn't come across the ones in English yet. They're grammatically clunky in places, but you can always forgive that - the important thing is that they apply to Snily. 😍😍😍

The Gestalt Prince and Salvyus have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceSalvyus
Quote from Redroses694 on March 4, 2024, 2:24 am

Hello! I’m Redroses694. I’m new here. I’m looking for a particular Snily fic that I read in 2021 during the pandemic. I should have bookmarked it, but unfortunately I didn’t. I’m having a hard time finding the fic. It may have been deleted. I have tried searching AO3 with the filters that apply and I haven’t found it so far. I don’t remember the name of the author or the title of the fic. I just remember the ending. The ending was that Lily and Snape returned to the age they were when they first met and they were in heaven/the afterlife. Lily was swinging on a swing by their tree. Sev said they would wait there until it was time for their children, grandchildren, and great grandchildren to join them. Lily asked if he would wait with her and he said “always”. That’s all I remember. The ending was so sweet to me that I cried. I would really like to find this fic if possible. If anyone has the link to this fic or knows the name of the author or title of the fic, please let me know! I would really appreciate it.

Dzień dobry Wszystkim!

Myślałam pół nocy nad Twoim zagadnieniem i sądzę, że to może być ta historia. Napisana nota bene właśnie przez Mermaid886:

Genialne są jej Snily, ale te starsze.

Czy to o tej opowieści mówiłaś/mówiłeś?

Pozdrawiam serdecznie!

Moderator Translation:

Good morning everyone!

I've been thinking about your question half the night and I think this might be the story. Written, by the way, by Mermaid886:

Her Snily's are great, but the older ones.

Is this the story you were talking about?

Kind regards!

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and Salvyus have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceSalvyus

@redroses694, is that the story you were looking for?

The Gestalt Prince and Salvyus have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceSalvyus

Good morning!

Let me post a few links to the stories of Marianna, who publishes on Ao3 under the pseudonym postmariannizm. People who like strong Lily will especially like it. And it's in English. 😃 - this is my favorite postmariannizm's story. Lily returns to Hogwarts as a teacher. Attention! The topic of abortion is discussed here. This is Marianna's first story and I still don't understand why it has so few comments. Spoiler: Severus will kick James' ass here! ❤❤❤ - forced marriage that saves Severus' life. 😍 - it's not finished, but I hope it will be someday. Harry revives Lily out of gratitude to Severus. ❤ - just in time for Christmas. 😍🎄

And now three dark Snily: - a series of two stories where Voldemort wins.

This is the most twisted thing, with rape in the background. 😭 At your own risk:

Enjoy reading!

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceTimeLadyJamieSalvyus

Thanks for those recommendations, @robaku90!

We have a dedicated thread for darker, more twisted stuff if you want to post recommendations there as well:

WTF Did I Just Read? (a.k.a. Truly Disturbing Fanfiction Recommendations)

The Gestalt Prince and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceRobaku90

That's great, thanks for the tip. I'll post it there too!

Speaking of which, you can also take a look at this Snily:

Attention! Lily is molested there as a child. 😭 It's sad Snily and James is there (😡😡😡), but it ends well, so let me spoil it.

I read it in fragments, but maybe someone likes this kind of atmosphere.

The Gestalt Prince has reacted to this post.
The Gestalt Prince

The girl from "Amor arma ministrat" also wrote "Mine", it is not dark, on the contrary. 😍

I forgot about this story and it's really sweet! Lily has some character here!

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The Gestalt Prince
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