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What is your favourite Fanon Snape patronus?

In fanfics, Snape sometimes gets a different Patronus due to character development. State which one is your favourite and why? Or do you prefer his doe patronus and why?

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and Dark Angel have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalDark Angel

I'll copy my answer from the headcanons thread, and then I'll elaborate below. Bear with me, this won't be a simple answer because I've put a lot of thought into this lol, and a lot of it is influenced by my AU.

I headcanon Severus to have a raven as a patronus -

A raven is symbolic of quests, prophecies, and connections to the spiritual world. I think of Lily in this instance.

In urban legends, Ravens are portrayed as prophetic beings and guides. They symbolize wisdom, protection, healing, and death. They symbolize change, transformation, guidance, and reflection. They are guardians and the keeper of secrets. They are silent observers of the environment and help one to understand deeper truths. They are cunning, adaptable, and intelligent creatures.

If that doesn't suit Severus, I don't know what else would.

So, in my post-war arc, I've had Severus' patronus eventually change to a raven. You might think it is a strange timeline for him to adopt the raven after everything, but hear me out -

Ravens are a symbol of quests and guidance. In this case, I like to think of the raven as a fulfillment of that quest and is the true symbol of what Severus stood for, and the life he led. The raven is a testament and honor of that, and many of those qualities still ring true for him.

Canonically, he is guiding Harry and because this animal is a connection to the spiritual world, Lily becomes the one who connects them.

(And even in my AU - severitus - I like to think that because of Lily, they were both able to reconnect and make amends. The raven is also a representation of change, transformation, guidance, and reflection, which I think is perfect for the fact that Severus completed his mission.)

(Also in this AU, it also changed to a raven because his romantic partner holds a wolf patronus - the raven actually has a mutual symbiotic relationship -)

If you didn’t know already, ravens and wolves have a very unique kind of relationship in the wild. They share a symbiotic relationship, which means they both benefit from what they do for each other.

Ravens will adopt wolves, playing with them as they grow. They will even follow the “adopted” wolf if it decides to leave the pack.

Ravens will also lead wolf packs to carcasses that they find and share the meal. Interestingly, the majority of birds have learned to listen to and follow the howling of wolves to possibly get a free meal. Since ravens are so much bigger than any of the other bird species, they allow the wolves to hunt and eat in relative peace while the ravens act as their personal security system.,find%20and%20share%20the%20meal.

And their spiritual meaning is the most interesting because it is an absolute testament to my pairing and the type of bond they share -

The spiritual meaning of a raven and wolf symbolizes intelligence and protection. Ravens often represent the darkness and cleansing of the soul, while wolves are associated with family and strong connections.

Both animals act as spiritual messengers and adventurers, leading the way to enlightenment and new beginnings.

Key points about Raven and Wolf spiritual meaning:

Ravens often serve as spiritual guides that lead one deeper into their own subconscious, cleansing out old-held beliefs and allowing for insight and intuition.
Wolves symbolize family and security, often appearing to lead one toward finding their true path and destiny.
Ravens and wolves often reflect mysterious and protective energies, providing strength and guidance throughout life’s trials and tribulations.
Both animals draw attention to a deep and spiritual connection to the natural world and the energy within it.
The raven here is a perfect representation of Severus, even canonically and without the wolf connection. For what the raven stands for, and the omen of death that is heavily misinterpreted, the raven - like Severus - is a complicated spiritual animal holding so many meanings and truths.
As for the doe, I like to think it was always the doe (hehe). Lily was the first magical friend he made - the doe would have been a culmination of their friendship before things went sour. He would have fueled it with happy memories of when he was with her, in more innocent times before their respective houses put a wedge between them.
For him to adopt a new patronus, he would have had to let go of Lily's memory, and it would have been impossible for him to do so canonically whilst the mission was still active. So in an AU post-war scenario, character growth would enable him to adopt a new one, giving him a new, fulfilled identity not branded by war and his greatest mistakes.
Therefore, I settle with the raven.
The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaWinter's ShadeDark AngelGiorgia

@sanctuaryangel, I like this explanation so much. I also like that you went beyond matching patronus or complementing patronus for both of them in a way which represent the qualities of both the characters and also show synergy in the symbolism with interconnection between Raven and Wolf.

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalWinter's ShadeDark Angel
Quote from Naaga on June 8, 2023, 12:57 am

@sanctuaryangel, I like this explanation so much. I also like that you went beyond matching patronus or complementing patronus for both of them in a way which represent the qualities of both the characters and also show synergy in the symbolism with interconnection between Raven and Wolf.

Thank you!

I know it was a bit of a convoluted post, but because of my story, it's hard to see Severus have anything else LOL

I wanted his connection with the raven (and the wolf) to be more than just obvious. Spiritual meanings and connections are powerful when it comes to animals and how they relate to people and the world around them. I was very diligent in choosing an animal pair that was not identical, and that complimented each other well, and symbiotic relationships are perfect for that.

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaWinter's ShadeDark Angel

These two also explained Raven quite well and how it fits Snape in a previous poll.

Quote from Krystal on February 14, 2023, 12:24 am

My vote is for a Raven because it fits him by his nature.

A raven patronus is given to those who find solace at night and are always curious about the world and everything in it. Ravens aren’t as social as crows and are typically alone inventing clever and cunning ways to get what they want. A person with a raven patronus is most likely someone who enjoys their alone time and love to learn. They most likely are closed off with their emotions and elusive at times.

But I also agree with @thegestaltprince that Snape with his traumatic childhood and limited source of happiness had doe patronus because if a patronus is manifestation of a person's joy, it was Lily for Snape and thus her doe was as much a representation of happiness as much as his love for her. I think in a better world where Snape either had a good childhood or moves on from his traumas, his patronus could be a Raven.

Quote from mmlf on February 14, 2023, 9:05 am


It's black. Like Severus' robes. That's my reason.

Actually, I have just looked up ravens in my bird encyclopedia, and I see that they 'do not usually associate in large flocks' (Alderton, D., 2021). They can also cover long distances effortlessly when searching for food, which suggests a high level of stamina. (I've just now scrolled up and read the description posted by Krystal, which follows this.)

I like him having a Raven patronus for the reasons explained by these two and @SanctuaryAngel. It is also my personal preference because I like Snape's happiness coming from inside rather than being dependent on other for his happiness and Raven is perfect manifestation of his internal soul.

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalWinter's ShadeDark Angel

I've always liked Raven patronus especially when Severus' partner's patronus changes to it. They find their happiness from each other and get patronus of their partner.

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaWinter's ShadeDark Angel

Prior to VWI (Voldy War One, I can't remember if I made the abbreviation up, or if I've read it somewhere) or if Severus wasn't ardently ensnared to protect the boy of the people he hated and loved the most, I would think the patronus would be a Thestral. Described as "dead clever" by Hagrid, a temperament of loyalty, a macabre reputation, & Thestrals have a symbolic connection to the Elder Wand / Death.

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaDark Angel

Yeah, Thestrals are good fit for his Patronus and I had once read a fic with that as his patronus (forgot the title).

Voldy/Vol War I (VWI), First War, First Wizarding War etc are all fine for calling that war because books didn't specifically gave a term for it.

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalDark Angel

I think flamethrower used Thestrals in "Swung by Serafim" but that fic changed Snape's patronus multiple times.

I personally love it when it turns into anything but that doe, proving that Snape has finally moved on. In "Certain Dark Things", Harriet practically destroys Snape's doe patronus when she tells him about what she hears when the dementors get close to her. For quite a while, he isn't even able to conjure a corporal patronus but then when he's in dire need he manages a Phoenix like Dumbledore. In this fic, Snape was already somewhat forgiven by Lily as she had made him make an unbreakable vow to protect her daughter and although he couldn't prevent Lily's death, Snape had been faithfully fulfilling the vow for three years and that's another reason why he could move on. The phoenix is not only symbolic of his loyalties but it is a creature that repeatedly rises from its ashes, and matter how often this Snape hits rock bottom, he always gets back up again.


The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and Naaga have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaaga