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Worst Characters in Harry Potter?

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So this is probably a super controversial opinion but the character I most dislike in the series is Molly Weasley.

I didn't like her role in the story as some kind of weird pseudo-mother to Harry without ever, you know, actually parenting him in any way that mattered. He wasn't her son and she didn't do anything for him except try and impose limits that made no sense from his perspective without respecting the fact that he'd never had a parent to do so before and therefore had no real way to contextualize her demands or concerns. I get that she was affectionate and that was important to Harry but her affection was conditional and overbearing and frankly I think he's better off without it.

I also really didn't like that she killed Bellatrix (what??? really??? come one.) I think that was cheap and forced and didn't fit at all into the tone of the battle. A poor writing choice and a poor end for a really cool character (Bellatrix) who deserved something a lot more dramatic and bitter and impactful than being killed by Molly bloody Weasley. That's just insulting.

Then on top of just... not enjoying the way she affected the narrative... I have a really intense personal dislike of that kind of mothering behavior. I can't stand it, it feels super invasive and entitled. Every time I read about her trying to put food on someone's plate or fussing or touching people unnecessarily I just wish one of the characters would tell her to piss off!

Anyway, that's my Molly Weasley rant. Can't stand her.

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@saucepear Not controversial at all from my perspective. I don't like her either, largely because she comes across as a busybody/"thinks she knows what's best for everyone" type.

That said, the biggest reason I dislike her goes back to how she treated Hermione during her fourth year. Earlier in the book, Molly specifically says that Rita Skeeter is full of crap/can't be trusted, yet she immediately judges Hermione when she sees that story about the "love triangle". She treats her coldly, not to mention sending her that tiny egg, both of which were clearly upsetting to Hermione.

That pissed me off for several reasons. First, she was punishing a literal child, without bothering to find out if a story from a deeply unreliable source was true. Second, even if it had been true, why was it any of her business? Teenagers (including her own children) can be fickle with each other and have plenty of misunderstandings/disagreements. Most of that is based on lack of maturity, not some egregious character failing. (Reasonable) adults understand that and do their best to remain neutral. They don't make snap judgments/jump to the worst possible conclusion.

Also (and I may be projecting here), it felt sexist. There are (sadly) a lot of women who much harder on girls, while "their boys" can do no wrong. We definitely see this in the way Molly treats Harry, which (in my opinion) is why she rushes to take his side/is more than willing to throw Hermione under the bus. It's gross favoritism, plain and simple… I doubt it would've even occurred to her that Harry might've been the one at fault.


The way she treated Sirius in Order of the Phoenix was awful. Micromanaging the kids (especially those who weren't hers) was bad enough, but bossing him around/undermining his role as Harry's godfather? Sirius, for all his flaws, was a fucking adult. Not only that, but he was the adult that Harry's parents trusted to look after his well-being. Why the hell did she feel it was her place to interfere with that? Unlike Sirius, no one ever gave her the authority to act as Harry's de facto parent.

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Marauders as a group for me. I can go on a long rant about them as a group and individually but everyone here have put all the issues regarding them that I couldn't put it all in better words.

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Crouch, you absolute muppet, how did you get to live so long and have so much success in your life when vastly better men than you [cough that sounds suspiciously like "Snape!"] are given nothing but grief?

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Another character who is one of the worst in books is Fenrir Greyback. He is immoral, revels in ruining children's lives, doesn't have an ideology or cause, plainly an awful being and gives creeps whenever he appears on books. There is nothing redeemable about this bastard.

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In my opinion the worst character is Umbridge.
Fiendishly human with her frailties and nastiness.

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mmlfSanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaaga

Hmmmmm for me, if we're talking worst, as in worst character in regards to the heinous shit they do, then for me It'd have to be a split between: greyback, umbitch and voldemort.

But characters I think were personally the worst? That'd have to be: James, Sirius and umbitch.

It just grinds my gears that JK goes on and on about how 'snape loved the goodness in lily and he was just a bully and had no goodness in himself' (give me a fucking break) and then makes the marauders and praises them to high heavens. Remind me...who was it again that gave their life for the WW and saved people again and again at great personal danger to themselves? Oh yeah, it was snape.

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Umbitch! 😀 😀 😀

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