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Brainstorming, Plot Ideas, and Story Help

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Quote from Namesakesnake on August 18, 2023, 1:55 pm

Now I've actually got to settle on first names for them lol.


I use online name generator for getting names for the characters. 😹😹

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mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceDark AngelJaySMSalvyus

I do the alliteration route


mmlf, Naaga and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
mmlfNaagaDark AngelJaySMSalvyus

Hey! I hope everyone is well?
Well, I'm here with a new idea that somehow developed over the last few hours.

I would be very happy to hear the opinion of you all to the idea, even though I do know that it is crazy. Under the quote with the idea is also a question for you all 😉

As I don't want to waste your time, here is the idea:

Eileen Prince was one of the most promising Potion-Students that Hogwarts had seen for decade.
Her talent combined with her family made her a “must have” member for the Slug Club.
Even though Eileen didn’t like the Slug Club she had to admit that it was helpful when she looked for a potions master that would accept her as apprentice.
The apprenticeship was going very well, she enjoyed her time at work and liked her boss...
Well, maybe she liked her boss a bit too much.

Eileen started a love affair with her boss towards the end of her first year as apprentice.
It was all great and Eileen had hopes that things would get more serious, especially when she found out she is pregnant.

When she wanted to tell the man the happy news he informed her that his wife had gotten pregnant after years of trying and that he couldn’t leave her now.

Eileen was heartbroken and ashamed of herself for falling for that man. She had considered going back home to her parents, but she didn’t want to bring such disgrace over them.

And so she did run away, meeting Tobias Snape in the muggle world and marrying within a few days.

When Severus was born she was happy that he looked more like her then his father, that made it easier to change the few things that needed changes.

During a duel with the Marauders in his sixth year Severus is badly wounded. Even though Madam Pomfrey tries everything she isn’t able to stop the bleeding and her blood replenishing potions are nearly empty, Slughorn isn’t able to brew a new stock that quickly. That is when Pomfrey remembers that the muggles also gave blood transfusion from one muggle to another, they only needed matching blood.

That was the next issue, Severus blood group was very rare even in the magical world and could only be passed down through a parent having it.

Poppy had no big hopes to find anyone but then one student popped up with the exactly same blood group.
A student called James Fleamont Potter.

And that was the big issue, James Potter wasn't ready to be a blood donor for "Snivelus". Cause why should a greasy git that will surely become a Death Eater be saved? And who would guarantee him that he couldn't get any disease.

While Minerva and Poppy were trying to talk the young man into it, Albus Dumbledore contacted the Potters. Euphemia was the one that answered his floo call and agreed to step through when Albus explained that it is urgend, a matter of life and death.

When Euphemia entered the Hospital Wing she was shocked to see a bed that was red as blood while a boy lay on it that was as white as the bed should have been. Albus told her that the student had a special blood group, the same as James, and that they needed someone to donate blood while Poppy would try to find a solution with some senior healers of St. Mungus.

That is when Euphemia informed him that only Fleamont has the same blood group as James.
Albus know that the search for Fleamont might take to long, but Euphemia tells him that they have a way to contact each other in emergency cases and rips her necklace down.

As apparating to the inside of Hogwarts isn't possible Fleamont arrives at the gate where Hagrid is already waiting and escorts him to the infirmary.

Fleamont does donate his blood without any complains and it was just in time to save Severus, while James is still stubborn as an arrogant little prat.

The people in the infirmary, besides James, understand the meaning of the things that happened and even though they barely saved Severus and everyone is exhausted the mediwitch doesn't let them leave (besides James, who is lucky as that saved him for the moment from his fathers wrath).
Instead she does use the chance to confront Albus and Fleamont about the state that Severus was in every time he came back to Hogwarts, how it had gotten worse from year to year.

The worst point is when they come to his arrival to 6th year, where Poppy does inform them that besides the whip marks and broken bones there had been internal injuries that she had been barely able to heal.

Fleamont can't believe that, can't believe that Eileen would let something like this happen to their son... But that is when Albus informs him about the passing of Eileen Snape. The woman had commited suicide shortly before the O.W.L.s

Euphemia does demand that they take the boy in, not even allowing the thought of the boy returning to the monster that must have done this to him.

Even though Euphemia does her best around Sev and comes easily to like him and accept him as part of her family, the affair had brought a crisis between her and Fleamont that does need time to be settled and for the wound to heal. Still she is sure that they will also get through that.

James will be informed about the news by his parents, at first he thinks it is a joke but after a few minutes he understands that they do mean it. He is sorry that he didn't help Severus and "kinda" made his life at Hogwarts "a bit" harder. But he is also mad at his father whom he had seen as role model.

When Sev is back in classes it get's hard for James, he doesn't want to lose his face in front of his friends but at the same time he doesn't want to hurt his half-brother, after all "Snivelus" is now family and his father and mother would probably give him house arrest until he is a hundred if they find out.

James defending Severus in turn makes Sirius suspicious and not happy.

During the Holidays Sev and James return to the Potters and get to know each other a bit better. They find some interests they share and also what they can learn from each other. It is a slow and gentle bounding process, but both Fleamont and Euphemia are proud.

James wants to be a good brother and so he does try to include Sev in the Marauders, it is easy with Moony and Wormtail also isn't completely against it but Sirius is a different matter.

With Sirius it will get even worse when he comes home for the easter Holidays with them and kinda bullies Sev. It is then that Fleamont has a talk with the boy.

Slowly Severus does also build a relationship with his real father, understanding he shouldn't blame him for his mother not telling the man.

They have the school year and then the break before seventh year to grow together, Severus changed a lot and turned away from the Death Eaters, supporting Slytherins that also want nothing to do with them.

Close to the end of the summer break Albus does visit, they have tea and then he informs James that he was chosen as head boy while Lily Evans is head girl. James is silent for a moment, knowing that would be his chance to get close to Lily.

But then he does decline, telling Albus that if someone does deserve it and is fit to be a head boy then it is Severus as he hands back the badge.

Albus is a bit surprised but slowly nods as he looked at Severus, for a moment he says nothing until he offers the badge and informs Severus that he does agree with James.

So the seventh year of the Marauders is actually about helping Sev winning back Lily while the others do find their love interests too.

During the Christmas break Sev then gets offered to take the Potter name, it means more to him as the offer comes from Euphemia - a woman that he had build a tight bound with and actually started calling her mom accidentally.
Another surprise is from James who arranged for the Evans to come to Potter Manor for Christmas.

What do you think would Lily make of Severus suddenly being James brother?

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaDark AngelSalvyus

I like this idea, it's definitely something I would read. I just have a couple of things I found unconvincing.

And so she did run away, meeting Tobias Snape in the muggle world and marrying within a few days.

Sounds a bit rushed to me, and I don't see why it can't be a few months, or even a year or two. And if you want them to get together sooner, you should at least give them some pre-existing relationship, platonic or not.

Severus blood group was very rare even in the magical world and could only be passed down through a parent having it.

(I was never any good at Biology, so someone correct me if I'm wrong)

There's no blood type that requires a parent to have the same one. That said, some types are considerably rarer than others, and those are usually AB+, AB- and B- (which is the case for the UK). But even if Severus is AB-, he should still be able to receive O-, which is a fairly common blood type in the UK, and is usually kept in hospitals for emergencies.

My point is, you should probably come up with something else for the catalyst. Maybe he needs a specific potion only Fleamont Potter brews? I can't think of anything better right now, but perhaps you or someone else will 😂

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and Dark Angel have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaDark Angel
Quote from Salvyus on August 21, 2023, 10:18 am

I like this idea, it's definitely something I would read. I just have a couple of things I found unconvincing.

Hi 🙂 I'm happy that you do like the idea!

Let me now get to the points you find unconvincing:

Sounds a bit rushed to me, and I don't see why it can't be a few months, or even a year or two. And if you want them to get together sooner, you should at least give them some pre-existing relationship, platonic or not.

Well, Eileen is pregnant and I think Tobias isn't a man that would raise a child from another man.
But what I could do is let them have a One Night Stand, maybe even stay in contact and after a few months she tells him she is pregnant and they marry.
She could tell him Sev came a bit early to ease his mind.

There's no blood type that requires a parent to have the same one.

You're coming here from our biological point of view and I do completely agree with that in the matter of Muggles.
But it is known that Wizards sometimes also married magical beings (Veelas as example) and I can imagine that surely would also show in the blood of the children, I could imagine through that the blood groups would also be changed and sometimes become very rare.

I hope my explanations made sense and helped 🙂

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaDark AngelSalvyus

Alright, this makes more sense now that you've expanded on it. I still think the marriage should take place at least a month after Eileen tells Tobias she's pregnant, but that's up to you. I liked your explanation with the magical creatures. Would love to know which species the Potters... ehem... got their blood mixed with

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaDark AngelBol_Stark

I love the premise of Snape and James being half-brothers! I bet the last thing Snape would want is to be a bloody Potter

Heatherlly, Naaga and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyNaagaDark AngelBol_StarkSalvyus
Quote from The Gestalt Prince on August 21, 2023, 11:58 am

I love the premise of Snape and James being half-brothers! I bet the last thing Snape would want is to be a bloody Potter

At the beginning he at least doesn’t want it and does blame Fleamont for abandoning them, he even accuses him of just using his mother to his own pleasures.

But with time that will change.

Actually, I would love to hear your opinion about how Lily would react to them being brothers.
Don’t get me wrong, but you’re probably one of the writers with the deepest understanding of Lily, at least going from your Lily thread here.

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaDark AngelSalvyus

On the Potters:

Snape would hate being a Potter for a single reason: James. When he finds out what the arrangement is going to be, he's going to do everything in his power to avoid it, and I don't see him getting along with James. He'd learn to be polite in front of Fleamont and Euphemia after some trial and error, but I don't think they would develop as much of a bond as Fleamont would hope for. Anything James does to try to rectify this (if he's planning on doing this) is going to be rejected at first, simply because Snape hates him.

If anything, I see Snape snapping and telling Fleamont and Euphemia everything James and his friends did to him, for the sole purpose of hurting them as much as possible.


On Lily:

Based on OWLs and the events of seventh-year, Lily at this point would have gone off Snape completely and somewhat warmed to James; however, this relies on her not knowing about what James is doing. If she found out about Snape's injury (let's face it, something that big would absolutely be talked about around the school), she'd be put off by James, but not necessarily be Snape's friend again; her feelings for Snape and James are divorced from one another at this point, and she currently believes Snape wants to join the Death Eaters and kill people like her.

The only way Lily would care for Snape again (to any degree) is if she believes he's not joining the Death Eaters, and that his views on blood purity have changed. That said, I think James suggesting for Snape to be Head Boy would be a major stepping stone in restoring the relationship.

Naaga, Dark Angel and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
NaagaDark AngelBol_StarkSalvyus

I completely agree with Snape's reaction to James and he'd absolutely anything to hurt James, including tattling about his abuse at the hands of James @thegestaltprince.

The Gestalt Prince, Dark Angel and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceDark AngelBol_StarkSalvyus
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