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Favorite Harry Potter Characters Other Than Snape?

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… that is one of the best takes on Voldemort I've ever read. Awesome!

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The Gestalt PrinceGlacierValleyKrystalNaagaSam

Voldemort was pretty good at giving speeches too.

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Let us know newbies! 😸

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HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceRobaku90Sam

I don’t think I ever commented on this post, but I’d say my other favorite characters besides our dear Professor are Lily Evans (of course), Luna and Neville. ❤️

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90

That is going to be a hot take but mine are Dumbledore , Neville ,Luna , Sirius and James .

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HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaaga
Quote from mmlf on September 3, 2022, 8:06 am

First of all, Hermione Granger. I have a lot in common with her: insecurity, swottishness, and on occasions, a short fuse. Like Hermione, I love books, and I tend to rely on those even when better resources are available. The answer is always in the library!

Hermione is incredibly loyal, even when she has nothing to gain from it. And obviously, without her assistance, The Chosen One would have been The Dead One. If my memory is correct, we see far fewer arguments between Harry and Hermione than between Harry and Ron or, of course, Ron and Hermione. I think Harry always had this level of gratitude and respect for her that made them stick close together throughout most of the challenges they faced.

So yes, Hermione is great.

Naturally, I love Harry Potter. He has such a fundamental sense of decency that when confronted with the shortcomings of his father, he feels shame on behalf of a professor who has made his life a misery since day one. That is very difficult for a child to do: accept the faults of their parents, especially dead parents. I also love Harry because he has qualities that I would like to have: confronting a challenge without overthinking and overplanning it. Being brave enough to let go and just think up ideas on the spot, to learn as you go. Harry is brilliant at this, hence the O in Defence Against the Dark Arts.

Professor McGonagall, because she represents (almost) everything that I respect about a good teacher. I like how strict she is, but there's a hint of affection for Harry and his friends underneath her stern attitude. And I think she was one of the few professors that Snape respected.

I also really like Viktor Krum. I have no real explanation for it (but as a Slavophile, I love anything to do with Slavic countries).

Słowianofilka! <3 :*

I was afraid of Durmstrang, just like I'm afraid of the Russians. :( It may not be the same, but Krum, despite his manners, always seemed to be such a dangerous bear. But he is very handsome. <3 Like Jurko Bohun in "With Fire and Sword" by Henryk Sienkiewicz, I recommend every woman to get acquainted with this character. ;)

I would like him to get involved with Hermione. I really regret that Rowling connected her with Ron, and not with Krum or Harry.
The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and ZombiePotter04 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaZombiePotter04
Quote from TimeLadyJamie on March 16, 2024, 3:57 pm

I don’t think I ever commented on this post, but I’d say my other favorite characters besides our dear Professor are Lily Evans (of course), Luna and Neville. ❤️

Me too! <3

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and ZombiePotter04 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaZombiePotter04
Quote from TimeLadyJamie on March 16, 2024, 3:57 pm

I don’t think I ever commented on this post, but I’d say my other favorite characters besides our dear Professor are Lily Evans (of course), Luna and Neville. ❤️

However, Lily disappointed me greatly. I mean Seva, but also to me by the way. :(
The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and ZombiePotter04 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaZombiePotter04

My favourite characters are Luna, Snape(obviously) Dumbledore, tom riddle.

Newt Scamander , lily Evans and regulus black are the characters I find impressive but don't like them though I used to like regulus and newt intriguers me and he is very likeable as he is a lot like me. Both him and Luna.

I think the first four characters I choose are the characters who question the society norms and are more complicated then readers are comfortable with. Snape for example makes us face harsh truths that we don't want to face.

Dumbledore is just as complicated with his impressive philosophy yet tragic past. I like brilliant characters with brilliant minds who don't fit the stereotypes.

Luna is bright, creative and someone who is a nonconformist in everyway.

These character go with my temperament.

They represent there is something much more in the society and good and bad are terms that exist on spectrum.

Tom riddle character arc fascinates me. His mind. The way he was born and how it affected him throughout his life.

His ambition and it's interesting to compare a character who is absolutely amoral to above mentioned characters who are his extreme opposites despite their shortcomings.

There is interesting power balance between him Snape and dumbledore.



The Gestalt Prince and Naaga have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaaga

I have a couple.

Lucius Malfoy. Born a privileged pureblood, he was supposed to disdain the likes of Severus and only care about his peers. But not only did he not do that, he even seemed friendly to the poor half-blood without any connections. Considering how pureblood Slytherins are usually portrayed, his magnanimity is rather unusual.

Remus Lupin.

I find the contrast between his apparent goodness and his desire to please everyone very interesting indeed. He is a multi-faceted person. Fate has been too cruel to him for him to become a truly good person, and yet he tries. He tries, he fails, he’s called out for failing. Sometimes he makes amends. Sometimes he doesn’t realise he is in the wrong. He is poor, scarred and down on his luck, which would make him a fine protagonist in his own book, and yet he is also callous and cowardly.

And lastly, there is one Argus Filch.

A squib, who is also a long-time Hogwarts employee. Someone with no magical abilities, but who is also capable of restoring magical paintings. A petty man twisted by constantly being surrounded by those who often don’t appreciate what he’ll never have. Why is he even staying there? It kind of strikes me as cruel. Maybe if he were to live among muggles, he would’ve become much happier. And though his characterisation sometimes borders on a caricature, he is not without good qualities. He is very devoted to Mrs. Norris and seems to have a good rapport with Severus, who appears oddly unbothered to display his vulnerability to the cranky old man. Which makes me imagine that Filch, perhaps, used to treat his injuries back in the day, when Severus was still just a poor, bullied kid.

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