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Favorite Harry Potter Characters Other Than Snape?

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Quote from Dust Collector on May 19, 2024, 9:29 pm

I have a couple.

Lucius Malfoy. Born a privileged pureblood, he was supposed to disdain the likes of Severus and only care about his peers. But not only did he not do that, he even seemed friendly to the poor half-blood without any connections. Considering how pureblood Slytherins are usually portrayed, his magnanimity is rather unusual.

Remus Lupin.

I find the contrast between his apparent goodness and his desire to please everyone very interesting indeed. He is a multi-faceted person. Fate has been too cruel to him for him to become a truly good person, and yet he tries. He tries, he fails, he’s called out for failing. Sometimes he makes amends. Sometimes he doesn’t realise he is in the wrong. He is poor, scarred and down on his luck, which would make him a fine protagonist in his own book, and yet he is also callous and cowardly.

And lastly, there is one Argus Filch.

A squib, who is also a long-time Hogwarts employee. Someone with no magical abilities, but who is also capable of restoring magical paintings. A petty man twisted by constantly being surrounded by those who often don’t appreciate what he’ll never have. Why is he even staying there? It kind of strikes me as cruel. Maybe if he were to live among muggles, he would’ve become much happier. And though his characterisation sometimes borders on a caricature, he is not without good qualities. He is very devoted to Mrs. Norris and seems to have a good rapport with Severus, who appears oddly unbothered to display his vulnerability to the cranky old man. Which makes me imagine that Filch, perhaps, used to treat his injuries back in the day, when Severus was still just a poor, bullied kid.

I once read a fanfic where Flich was one of the less important characters, but he had an affair with Mrs. Pince. I think if this was in canon, he would benefit greatly from it. Reciprocated love can work miracles.
The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
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After Snape, my favourite characters are Dumbledore, Lupin, Slughorn and Voldemort.

I also think Kreacher and, surprisingly, Lockhart, are interesting characters.

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mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90
Quote from Dweller Of Dreams on May 25, 2024, 7:30 am

After Snape, my favourite characters are Dumbledore, Lupin, Slughorn and Voldemort.

I also think Kreacher and, surprisingly, Lockhart, are interesting characters.


Slughorn seemed like such a prideful asshole to me. A careerist for whom the only important thing was students, thanks to whom he had something. :( I only liked his story with Lily's magic fish. :( Postmariannizm she even wrote a short story about it, I recommend it to everyone!

PS You have a wonderful illustration as your profile picture. <3
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mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaDweller Of Dreams
Quote from Robaku90 on May 25, 2024, 12:36 pm
Slughorn seemed like such a prideful asshole to me. A careerist for whom the only important thing was students, thanks to whom he had something. :( I only liked his story with Lily's magic fish. :( Postmariannizm she even wrote a short story about it, I recommend it to everyone!

You are quite right that Slughorn is prideful. He is also lazy, self-serving and, although he doesn't think so himself, slightly prejudiced. However, he is also an inspirational teacher and most of the students he "collects" seem to benefit from his connections. During the Battle of Hogwarts, he showed both strategic thinking and a surprising amount of bravery when he gathered reinforcements that helped turn the tide in the second part of the battle and later dueled Voldemort along with McGonagall and Kingsley. Further, I find his relationship with Voldemort to be quite fascinating, especially how he goes from hiding from the Death Eaters and being so ashamed of speaking with Tom Riddle about Horcruxes that he tampers with the memory he gives Dumbledore, to fighting Voldemort head-on. In the end, he does the right thing, but he's still very flawed. Personally, I think he's an interesting and entertaining character, but I understand your perspective too!

PS You have a wonderful illustration as your profile picture. <3

Aw, thanks! It's one of my favourite depictions of Snape, and probably the closest to how I imagine him!

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mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaYampamRobaku90

That sounds wonderful.

So many characters in the HP universe could benefit from just a smidgeon of kindness and understanding.

It's really sad (but in an inspiring way).

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mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90Dweller Of Dreams

I found Professor Slughorn to be hilarious precisely because of his habit of collecting gifted pupils. I also liked it when his cowardice was exposed regarding Tom Riddle and the Horcruxes.

Great description of him here:

'  'Horace,' said Dumbledore, relieving Harry of the responsibility to say any of this, 'likes his comfort. He also likes the company of the famous, the successful and the powerful. He enjoys the feeling that he influences these people. He has never wanted to occupy the throne himself; he prefers the back seat-- more room to spread out, you see. He used to handpick favourites at Hogwarts, sometimes for their ambition or their brains, sometimes for their charm or their talent, and he had an uncanny knack for choosing those who would go on to become outstanding in their various fields. Horace formed a kind of club of his favourites with himself at the centre, making introductions, forging useful contacts between members, and always reaping some kind of beneift in return, whether a free box of his favourite crystallised pineapple or the chance to recommend the next junior member of the Goblin Liaison Office.'

Harry had a sudden and vivid mental image of a gret swollen spider, spinning a web around him, twitching a thread here and there to bring its large and juicy flies a little closer.

Harry Potter VI, Chapter 4, pp 62-63

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