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Hi! (ZombiePotter04)

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Quote from Robaku90 on May 19, 2024, 7:11 am
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 18, 2024, 7:47 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 15, 2024, 12:10 pm
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 12, 2024, 8:05 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 12, 2024, 10:45 am
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 5, 2024, 8:52 pm


I am ZombiePotter04, (but you can call me Zombie, too 🙂 ) a 20(F) year old and I am from the Netherlands. I have been a long time Snily fan, basically since I discovered our dear Sev had been in love with Lily in Deathly Hallows (I only discovered HP in 2018, though. So, I guess it hasn't been that long, haha).

I love reading Snily fanfics and looking at Snily art (however, I am not a writer or artist myself, as I believe myself to be not that good at such things. :p)

Considering Snily fanfics, though, I am really quite picky (oops). My go-to Snily fics are fics where our dear Sev and Lily are madly in love with each other (which means Lily is as in love with Sev as he is with her). And no outside romances. 🙂 (I meant it when I said I was picky ok)

I also hate James Potter. I love to read fanfics where he is the villain, though (or where he constantly tries to get in between Sev and Lily but fails miserably cuz Lily has 0% interest in him). I also like fanfics where he isn't present/doesn't exist well enough. 🙂

(Snape has suffered in canon, so James gets to suffer in fanon, hehehehe)

The reason I've been mentioning all these preferences is because I have run out of fics to read that fit these categories and have been unable to find any new ones, so if anyone here knows of some good fics, don't hesitate to recommend/self-promo! 🙂

Aside from the fanfic stuff, I would love to get to know you all and see how you keep Sev's (and sometimes Lily's) legacies alive on this site (so happy that a place like this exists omggggg) so yay!



Due to the fact that I have similar tastes: I love Snily, especially the ones where Lily is not mean to Sev and rejects him like in the canon, and I hate James (may the fires of hell consume him 🔥), I warmly welcome you! 😃 I will look for new stories with you. Why don't you check out my list on Ao3 and Wattpad? Maybe there's something you'll like?

Hi! Thank you for the warm welcome as well! <3 Also, good to know that you have an AO3 and Wattpad account! Are their names the same as your username on this site? I definitely want to check them out, so thanks! <3


Yes, the name is the same. Only in my profile picture I have a salamander instead of Snily. :) Send you links?


Ahh OK! Then I already found your AO3 one! Cool! If with your question you mean to ask me if you should send me a link to one of your accounts, then maybe a link to your Wattpad account? 🙂 Thanks in advance! <3


I'm glad you found me. :) Here's the link to Wattpad:

I don't write anything, but maybe my reading list will show you something you haven't read before.

Thank you! I will check it out! <3

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90
Quote from Robaku90 on May 19, 2024, 7:16 am
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 18, 2024, 8:08 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 15, 2024, 12:20 pm
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 12, 2024, 8:05 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 12, 2024, 10:49 am



If you are good at using translator, I can give you links to Snily in Polish. This is how I discovered the world of stories in English. 😄

I'd be open to that. Which translator do you use?


I use the name of the sticker Google Translate.

If you use a phone, just take a screenshot (on Wattpad this is probably the only option, you can't copy text there - it's probably a form of protection against pirates. On Ao3 you can copy text normally). Then in the translation window, on the right side, there is an icon that you need to click. Then you just select the photo/screenshot that needs to be translated. And that's it! All that remains is to enjoy the new story. :D I also practiced on one story in Spanish. :D

Sometimes it happens that the text after translation seems a bit "lame" (probably like my translation that you are reading now :D). Then you either have to post it a second time or use your own head and add this and that. Sometimes I read stories more "out of context". But it's still great fun!


Nice! Maybe I could try to translate the Polish stories that way. I know of another way to translate as well, so let me share that one with you in case you want to try that as well.

I am sure you've heard of ChatGPT before, considering the previous hype around it. And, while it has many flaws, I found that it seems to be pretty good at languages. It can sometimes even translate the "feeling" you are trying to translate. Like, instead of translating it "literally" word for word like Google Translate sometimes does, ChatGPT seems to look at the whole text first and then tries to write it like it was originally but in the chosen language to translate to.

I do not know if it knows Polish, but from experience I know it knows Dutch and considering not that many people speak that language, I think it may know Polish as well (but you'll have to test that out yourself).

You can just start typing in your native language in ChatGPT and see if it responds back to you in Polish or not.

I haven't used it with fanfic yet, (except with a French book summary, but that wasn't fanfic, haha) but I experimented with Dutch to English and English to Dutch (considering I know both languages) and I found the results to be quite good and possibly even better than Google Translate!

What I usually do is:
If you want to translate from your native language to, in this case, English, tell ChatGPT this:
In Polish: Translate this text to English for me: "[INPUT POLISH TEXT YOU WANT TO TRANSLATE]"

If you want to translate something back from English to Polish:

Translate this English text to Polish for me: "[INPUT OR PASTE ENGLISH TEXT]"

You basically have to talk to it like it is a human, but with very clear instructions too. You have to find a balance, but when you do, it can probably do a lot for you, haha!

If you decide to try it out, I hope it speaks Polish and is able to translate fanfic for you. I will still try your way too, considering I haven't done it that way before, just to try it out and see if it fits me! 🙂

Hope you got something out of all this info and good luck either way! Also, thank you for the info as well! <3



Thank you very much for this manual! I'll try it! This can give good results! As long as ChatGPT covers the Polish language. :DDDD

On the Facebook forum, the girls paste their conversations from the GPT chat, where they talk to Severus. It's a bit scary for me, I'm almost 34 years old and I don't understand these technical innovations at all. 😀 Artificial intelligence has so much potential... But it's a bit scary!

I will try your idea and let you know the results. Using a translator and sometimes guessing the meaning of a statement exercises your mind. 😀

Haha, yup, A.I. can be a bit scary sometimes, especially when it seems to be really intelligent. However, it luckily still has some mishaps and flaws in the time we currently live in. 😀

I am curious to know what difference translating with ChatGPT will give (if any). I hope it speaks Polish! *fingers crossed*

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90
Quote from Robaku90 on May 19, 2024, 7:18 am
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 18, 2024, 8:13 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 15, 2024, 1:14 pm
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 12, 2024, 8:05 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 12, 2024, 10:49 am



If you are good at using translator, I can give you links to Snily in Polish. This is how I discovered the world of stories in English. 😄

I'd be open to that. Which translator do you use?


With commands in Polish, I'll start with the mirriel forum and the text "Summertime" by labrui:

Severus is quite as Snape here (sad, grumpy etc.), he doesn't have good intentions at the beginning, but then it only gets better and more interesting. 🙂 The author referred to the story here, which itself is also nice, but quite sad: She made a starting point, so to speak.

There isn't much of James in "Summertime", although he does appear in a few places. But luckily Lily quickly sells him a kick in the ass, you'll be glad you did. 😀 Harry Potter is not born here either, yeah!!! 😀

One interesting fact: Lily is like a pathologist here, examining the bodies of Death Eater victims. It's really interesting to read!

You can paste "Summertime" into the translator piece by piece, it will be quite easy. 🙂

Another text worth reading is: "Because of you", written by LittlePrincess0906:

Not everyone likes time travel, but that's what it does here. After Sev's death, he returns to his time at Hogwarts. I really like this story.

Among the spicier stories, I will paste links to Suzzuiiiiiiii's works: (I like these very much ;P) (also cool ;)) (here the action does not take place in the world of magic, it is more of a romance novel, but worth!)

SuzzuiiiiiiiiI's language, even in Polish, is quite, hmmm, lame, there are repetitions, but - that's not the point, right? ;P

The author is not writing new Snily yet, which is a pity. 🙁 Maybe he'll change his mind one day. 😀

However, the best one in my opinion was Snily written in Polish by LadyPrince2001. It is titled "More than a signature": %F0%9D%90%89-%F0%9D%90%8D%F0%9D%90%88%C5%BC-%F0%9D%93%B9%F0%9D%93%B8%F0%9D %93%AD%F0%9D%93%B9%F0%9D%93%B2%F0%9D%93%BC

NOTE: I won't spam, but - for a moment it seems like a Snape x OC pairing. But nothing could be further from the truth!!! At first Lily was getting on my nerves (she attacks and pushes Sev away - I don't like that), but then the action picks up pace. James is angry here. And that's good, I always knew he was an asshole!

This story has many parts (these are my favorites), thanks to which the action moves slowly and the characters are not flat, so to speak, they have time to develop. Lucius turns out to be good here (I like this theme too). And he makes delicious cherry vodka, i.e. liqueur with cherries (one of my favorite parts is when Lily gets drunk on it, it's really worth getting to this point). 😀

There is even a second part of it ("More than Hope"), but unfortunately, despite being flooded with comments, the story has come to a standstill. :(((( I still hope that this will change. Here it is: %F0%9D%90%89-%F0%9D%90%8D%F0%9D%90%88%C5%BC-%F0%9D%93%B7%F0%9D%93%AA%F0%9D %93%AD%F0%9D%94%83%F0%9D%93%B2%F0%9D%93%AE%F0%9D%93%B3%F0%9D%93%AA

LadyPrince2001 also wrote "Obsession", but here, unfortunately, Lily manages to marry Potter. 🙁 Although he later turns out to be a bad character, so it's worth persevering. 🙂 Unfortunately, Lily is sometimes annoying here too, but what can you do... What's important is the ending. 🙂 %93%BC%F0%9D%93%B3%F0%9D%93%AA-%F0%9D%93%A2%F0%9D%93%B7%F0%9D%93%B2%F0%9D% 93%B5%F0%9D%94%82-%F0%9D%93%A2%F0%9D%93%BD%F0%9D%93%B8%F0%9D%93%BB%F0%9D%94 %82

There is also a short story called "Tempus opportunum" by MedeagerSzalona on AO3 and Wattpad: (it's currently being written :)) Here we have time travel again and two Severuses! But Lily lets herself be dissuaded from marrying that bum James, ufff! I recommend it, the story is quite funny. 🙂

If I remember other good texts in Polish, I will paste them as well!

I can help with translation if something is unclear or illegible. 😀 Polish is a language for tough guys. 😀

Aww, thank you so much for all these recommendations! I sure have a lot to check out now. And I love that! <3

Also, about the Polish language being for tough guys, I think I'd have to agree, considering my head almost starts to spin when I look at it, hahaha. 😀


Some people say that the Polish language in speech resembles a broken, crackling radio or the hiss of a snake. There's something going on. The writing and declension of nouns and adjectives is even worse. :DDD

Haha, we have this with Dutch too! Some people say it sounds either like drunken German or like Simlish (The fictional language spoken by the fictional people in "The Sims" video game series.) As an avid "Sims" player myself, I do not really see the resemblance between Simlish and Dutch, but it is a very funny comparison nonetheless, haha! I have also heard that people get weirded out by it because some words apparently sound very much like English, but yet not quite. Like, they can almost understand what is being said, but then some random gibberish is thrown inbetween, hahaha. :p

Languages are such an interesting topic to me. How humans came up with all these different languages with different sounds and writing boggles my mind sometimes! :p

(Also, reading Harry Potter in Dutch is an experience, if I could say so myself, considering Dutch has many words that sound funny even to the Dutch themselves. An example of this is with our dear Severus. In the Dutch version of Harry Potter, he is called "Severus Sneep" I mean, Sneep?! It cracks me up lmao. (And, if I remember correctly, @cypresswand cracked up at this as well in one of their author's notes in their fanfic "Severus Snape and the Art of War"(a must read, btw!) :p ) Also, I just discovered there is even a webpage dedicated to weird Dutch Harry Potter names! It's called "41 names from Harry Potter that are weird in Dutch" lmao. Here is the link if anyone wants to check it out: )

I don't know if you've read any of the Harry Potter books in Polish (I think you mentioned not having read the whole story in the past, but I could be wrong), but if you have, are there any translated Harry Potter names that sound funny to you even as a Polish person? I'd love to know (and I'd love to know from anyone else having read Harry Potter in another language as well)!

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90
Quote from Robaku90 on May 19, 2024, 7:22 am
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 18, 2024, 8:17 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 15, 2024, 1:34 pm
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 12, 2024, 8:08 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 12, 2024, 10:54 am
With the stubbornness of a maniac, I will say that "Obscura nox animae" will suit you very well. A few elements may not stick to our guidelines, but the story itself is WONDERFUL!

Cool! I started with that story in the past, but I was turned away by Lily apparently having loved James before his death and only started loving Sev after the fact. (I have only read a few chapters, though, so I do not know everything) And, you know, Lily/James just irks me, haha. However, if it is really that good (I've heard it being recommended by multiple people (in general)), then I may give it a try! Thanks for the recommendation! <3


Dear! At the beginning, I was also annoyed by the fact that Lily married James, gave birth to Harry, etc., but - it's really worth persevering through these initial chapters to discover a wonderful story (which has so many wonderful chapters, I love long stories). When you get to chapter 34 (I'm just reading it for the thousandth time), your shoes will fall off, not to mention what happens next. :D <3

I don't want to spam, but later it will turn out that it wasn't entirely true in this story that Lily loved James with a great and crazy love. It's quite complex. She talks about it herself later. But you'll have to get there yourself, you'll see. :D

The biggest plus - James is biting the dust here practically from the first chapter, great!!! :D It sounds bad, I know, but I really hate him and I'm not sorry about it! :D

Lily here believes very much in Severus and trusts him. This is what tigers like best.

Read as soon as possible, my dear! You will not be disappointed!


OMGGG Thank you so much for the explanation/summary! You do not know how much I love that! I am a really sensitive person, especially on the romantic front (at least with fiction).  I do not know why, but whenever I read something romantically heartbreaking in fiction, it just hurts me so much, hahaha. Considering my heart has been broken by fanfic in the past when I did not expect it to, I am glad for summaries/reviews like yours! That makes sure I do not miss out on great stories like these! Thank you so much once again! <3


I understand you perfectly. It happened that I was reading some beautiful Snily, and suddenly at the end they returned to the canon. ;((((((((((((((((((( This is so terrible! Severus is rejected, I feel physical heartache. :( That I accept your point of view! But you will like this story, you will see. If only you can be patient with the length of this story.

Ahh, I am happy to see someone understands my feelings regarding this, haha. But, I am sorry for you as well, considering being so sensitive to this type of thing isn't easy! I feel ya, girl! :p

Luckily, I am quite a patient person, if I do say so myself, so that will not be a problem for me! <3

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90
Quote from Robaku90 on May 19, 2024, 7:39 am


Snily is the best pairing in my opinion, so I'm giving you a high five at this point. We're both in love then (I'm not going to change that, though, I only recognize Severitus because they're related to Snily :D). You're just very sensitive to love, that's good. The world today sucks so much in this regard, it's good that there are still people like you! <3

Mermaid886 has the most suitable stories for us, but you probably already know them all :(. However, I remembered another fanfic from someone else, take a look: I liked it. :3

The author also wrote another dark Snily, but it will break your heart, like mine, so I won't give you the title. There, Lily is tormented by her father in the worst possible way and drags Severus into it. It seems to end the way we wanted, but this story blew me away. :( At some point I had to stop reading.
But there are different tastes.
Gionaspe aka. Giorgia, who also has an account here, is her friend, if I'm not mistaken.

Awww, you're too sweet! <3 Glad you understand my viewpoints and nice to hear that someone shares some of my views on this! 😀 Also, thanks for the new recommendation once again! You're the best! <3

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 19, 2024, 5:21 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 19, 2024, 7:16 am
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 18, 2024, 8:08 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 15, 2024, 12:20 pm
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 12, 2024, 8:05 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 12, 2024, 10:49 am



If you are good at using translator, I can give you links to Snily in Polish. This is how I discovered the world of stories in English. 😄

I'd be open to that. Which translator do you use?


I use the name of the sticker Google Translate.

If you use a phone, just take a screenshot (on Wattpad this is probably the only option, you can't copy text there - it's probably a form of protection against pirates. On Ao3 you can copy text normally). Then in the translation window, on the right side, there is an icon that you need to click. Then you just select the photo/screenshot that needs to be translated. And that's it! All that remains is to enjoy the new story. :D I also practiced on one story in Spanish. :D

Sometimes it happens that the text after translation seems a bit "lame" (probably like my translation that you are reading now :D). Then you either have to post it a second time or use your own head and add this and that. Sometimes I read stories more "out of context". But it's still great fun!


Nice! Maybe I could try to translate the Polish stories that way. I know of another way to translate as well, so let me share that one with you in case you want to try that as well.

I am sure you've heard of ChatGPT before, considering the previous hype around it. And, while it has many flaws, I found that it seems to be pretty good at languages. It can sometimes even translate the "feeling" you are trying to translate. Like, instead of translating it "literally" word for word like Google Translate sometimes does, ChatGPT seems to look at the whole text first and then tries to write it like it was originally but in the chosen language to translate to.

I do not know if it knows Polish, but from experience I know it knows Dutch and considering not that many people speak that language, I think it may know Polish as well (but you'll have to test that out yourself).

You can just start typing in your native language in ChatGPT and see if it responds back to you in Polish or not.

I haven't used it with fanfic yet, (except with a French book summary, but that wasn't fanfic, haha) but I experimented with Dutch to English and English to Dutch (considering I know both languages) and I found the results to be quite good and possibly even better than Google Translate!

What I usually do is:
If you want to translate from your native language to, in this case, English, tell ChatGPT this:
In Polish: Translate this text to English for me: "[INPUT POLISH TEXT YOU WANT TO TRANSLATE]"

If you want to translate something back from English to Polish:

Translate this English text to Polish for me: "[INPUT OR PASTE ENGLISH TEXT]"

You basically have to talk to it like it is a human, but with very clear instructions too. You have to find a balance, but when you do, it can probably do a lot for you, haha!

If you decide to try it out, I hope it speaks Polish and is able to translate fanfic for you. I will still try your way too, considering I haven't done it that way before, just to try it out and see if it fits me! 🙂

Hope you got something out of all this info and good luck either way! Also, thank you for the info as well! <3



Thank you very much for this manual! I'll try it! This can give good results! As long as ChatGPT covers the Polish language. :DDDD

On the Facebook forum, the girls paste their conversations from the GPT chat, where they talk to Severus. It's a bit scary for me, I'm almost 34 years old and I don't understand these technical innovations at all. 😀 Artificial intelligence has so much potential... But it's a bit scary!

I will try your idea and let you know the results. Using a translator and sometimes guessing the meaning of a statement exercises your mind. 😀

Haha, yup, A.I. can be a bit scary sometimes, especially when it seems to be really intelligent. However, it luckily still has some mishaps and flaws in the time we currently live in. 😀

I am curious to know what difference translating with ChatGPT will give (if any). I hope it speaks Polish! *fingers crossed*


For now, the mistakes of artificial intelligence seem funny and allow us to figure out that it is A.I. (e.g. in illustrations, characters often have 6 fingers :D). Let's hope it doesn't end just like in the "Matrix" or "Terminator" movie. 😀 Ha ha!

I must try your method!

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and ZombiePotter04 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaZombiePotter04
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 19, 2024, 5:39 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 19, 2024, 7:18 am
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 18, 2024, 8:13 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 15, 2024, 1:14 pm
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 12, 2024, 8:05 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 12, 2024, 10:49 am



If you are good at using translator, I can give you links to Snily in Polish. This is how I discovered the world of stories in English. 😄

I'd be open to that. Which translator do you use?


With commands in Polish, I'll start with the mirriel forum and the text "Summertime" by labrui:

Severus is quite as Snape here (sad, grumpy etc.), he doesn't have good intentions at the beginning, but then it only gets better and more interesting. 🙂 The author referred to the story here, which itself is also nice, but quite sad: She made a starting point, so to speak.

There isn't much of James in "Summertime", although he does appear in a few places. But luckily Lily quickly sells him a kick in the ass, you'll be glad you did. 😀 Harry Potter is not born here either, yeah!!! 😀

One interesting fact: Lily is like a pathologist here, examining the bodies of Death Eater victims. It's really interesting to read!

You can paste "Summertime" into the translator piece by piece, it will be quite easy. 🙂

Another text worth reading is: "Because of you", written by LittlePrincess0906:

Not everyone likes time travel, but that's what it does here. After Sev's death, he returns to his time at Hogwarts. I really like this story.

Among the spicier stories, I will paste links to Suzzuiiiiiiii's works: (I like these very much ;P) (also cool ;)) (here the action does not take place in the world of magic, it is more of a romance novel, but worth!)

SuzzuiiiiiiiiI's language, even in Polish, is quite, hmmm, lame, there are repetitions, but - that's not the point, right? ;P

The author is not writing new Snily yet, which is a pity. 🙁 Maybe he'll change his mind one day. 😀

However, the best one in my opinion was Snily written in Polish by LadyPrince2001. It is titled "More than a signature": %F0%9D%90%89-%F0%9D%90%8D%F0%9D%90%88%C5%BC-%F0%9D%93%B9%F0%9D%93%B8%F0%9D %93%AD%F0%9D%93%B9%F0%9D%93%B2%F0%9D%93%BC

NOTE: I won't spam, but - for a moment it seems like a Snape x OC pairing. But nothing could be further from the truth!!! At first Lily was getting on my nerves (she attacks and pushes Sev away - I don't like that), but then the action picks up pace. James is angry here. And that's good, I always knew he was an asshole!

This story has many parts (these are my favorites), thanks to which the action moves slowly and the characters are not flat, so to speak, they have time to develop. Lucius turns out to be good here (I like this theme too). And he makes delicious cherry vodka, i.e. liqueur with cherries (one of my favorite parts is when Lily gets drunk on it, it's really worth getting to this point). 😀

There is even a second part of it ("More than Hope"), but unfortunately, despite being flooded with comments, the story has come to a standstill. :(((( I still hope that this will change. Here it is: %F0%9D%90%89-%F0%9D%90%8D%F0%9D%90%88%C5%BC-%F0%9D%93%B7%F0%9D%93%AA%F0%9D %93%AD%F0%9D%94%83%F0%9D%93%B2%F0%9D%93%AE%F0%9D%93%B3%F0%9D%93%AA

LadyPrince2001 also wrote "Obsession", but here, unfortunately, Lily manages to marry Potter. 🙁 Although he later turns out to be a bad character, so it's worth persevering. 🙂 Unfortunately, Lily is sometimes annoying here too, but what can you do... What's important is the ending. 🙂 %93%BC%F0%9D%93%B3%F0%9D%93%AA-%F0%9D%93%A2%F0%9D%93%B7%F0%9D%93%B2%F0%9D% 93%B5%F0%9D%94%82-%F0%9D%93%A2%F0%9D%93%BD%F0%9D%93%B8%F0%9D%93%BB%F0%9D%94 %82

There is also a short story called "Tempus opportunum" by MedeagerSzalona on AO3 and Wattpad: (it's currently being written :)) Here we have time travel again and two Severuses! But Lily lets herself be dissuaded from marrying that bum James, ufff! I recommend it, the story is quite funny. 🙂

If I remember other good texts in Polish, I will paste them as well!

I can help with translation if something is unclear or illegible. 😀 Polish is a language for tough guys. 😀

Aww, thank you so much for all these recommendations! I sure have a lot to check out now. And I love that! <3

Also, about the Polish language being for tough guys, I think I'd have to agree, considering my head almost starts to spin when I look at it, hahaha. 😀


Some people say that the Polish language in speech resembles a broken, crackling radio or the hiss of a snake. There's something going on. The writing and declension of nouns and adjectives is even worse. :DDD

Haha, we have this with Dutch too! Some people say it sounds either like drunken German or like Simlish (The fictional language spoken by the fictional people in "The Sims" video game series.) As an avid "Sims" player myself, I do not really see the resemblance between Simlish and Dutch, but it is a very funny comparison nonetheless, haha! I have also heard that people get weirded out by it because some words apparently sound very much like English, but yet not quite. Like, they can almost understand what is being said, but then some random gibberish is thrown inbetween, hahaha. :p

Languages are such an interesting topic to me. How humans came up with all these different languages with different sounds and writing boggles my mind sometimes! :p

(Also, reading Harry Potter in Dutch is an experience, if I could say so myself, considering Dutch has many words that sound funny even to the Dutch themselves. An example of this is with our dear Severus. In the Dutch version of Harry Potter, he is called "Severus Sneep" I mean, Sneep?! It cracks me up lmao. (And, if I remember correctly, @zombiepotter04 cracked up at this as well in one of their author's notes in their fanfic "Severus Snape and the Art of War"(a must read, btw!) :p ) Also, I just discovered there is even a webpage dedicated to weird Dutch Harry Potter names! It's called "41 names from Harry Potter that are weird in Dutch" lmao. Here is the link if anyone wants to check it out: )

I don't know if you've read any of the Harry Potter books in Polish (I think you mentioned not having read the whole story in the past, but I could be wrong), but if you have, are there any translated Harry Potter names that sound funny to you even as a Polish person? I'd love to know (and I'd love to know from anyone else having read Harry Potter in another language as well)!


I studied German for many years at school (but I didn't learn it :D), so I have nothing against Dutch. 😀 Many Poles come to work with you. Even my manager's daughter at work works in the Netherlands. The world is so small!

I loved "The Sims" when I was younger! :DDD What an interesting comparison to your native language. It's "sul, sul" and "yammy". 🙂 I guess all Germanic languages ​​have this. English is also not like human speech. :DDDDD No, I'm joking. My teacher once said that English is easiest to learn for people who have a lisp. There is something about it.

English and Dutch are Germanic languages, so it's no surprise that they are similar in places, even if there is some gibberish there. 😀 It's like in Poland we laugh at the Czech language, which seems to us to be a diminutive of everything. Czechs laugh at Poles and we are even. 😀

Another similarity between us, ha, ha! 😀

Well, how did people invent languages? The Tower of Babel and an angry God, ha, ha! 😀 Plus he added dialects, it's actually quite a combo! 😀

I agree with you. The study of language is a very interesting branch of knowledge! Searching for similarities and dependencies. After all, in the beginning there was one Proto-Indo-European language, then stairs appeared. 😀

I hope the translator does a good job and conveys all my thoughts in the way I mean. 😀

Your considerations about names in Harry Potter reminded me of one question that has been bothering me for years: why is Snape "Piton" in French? Wonderful...

I understand that in Dutch Sneep has an additional meaning? For example, in our country, "Snivellus" is translated as "Smarkerus" (from snot, i.e. discharge from the nose, or from a small child, a brat whose nose is constantly running). I still haven't guessed what Rowling's original idea was. But these considerations are very interesting!

I will try to read the text you posted the link to. I wonder if I'll understand anything. 😀

As a child, I probably read 3 or 4 Potter books, but back then I didn't pick up such linguistic tidbits. The names were left in their original form, and since we are also based on Greek and Latin culture, names such as Albus, Severus or Minevra do not arouse laughter. There is even a male name, Seweryn, in Polish! One boy in our school has this name! It means a man who is strict, stern and serious. In Poland, no one would laugh at his name when he was a student :(. We also have a female name Lilianna. Contrary to appearances, we have some equivalents here. 😀

I'm posting a link to what Severus sounds like in Polish (but I prefer Alan Rickman's voice <3): %C3%B3%C5%82 blood+po+polsku#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a05403fe,vid:iJoWf3au6E0,st:0 It's a pity that it's drowned out by some wild music. 🙁 Severus' voice seems so old here, and he was only 38 years old, damn it! Here's a comparison in different languages. Polish is at 1:21: Interesting the fact that in most languages ​​a prince is a "prince", but in ours? Książę 😀 We always have to stand out 😀

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and ZombiePotter04 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaZombiePotter04
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 19, 2024, 5:46 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 19, 2024, 7:22 am
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 18, 2024, 8:17 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 15, 2024, 1:34 pm
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 12, 2024, 8:08 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 12, 2024, 10:54 am
With the stubbornness of a maniac, I will say that "Obscura nox animae" will suit you very well. A few elements may not stick to our guidelines, but the story itself is WONDERFUL!

Cool! I started with that story in the past, but I was turned away by Lily apparently having loved James before his death and only started loving Sev after the fact. (I have only read a few chapters, though, so I do not know everything) And, you know, Lily/James just irks me, haha. However, if it is really that good (I've heard it being recommended by multiple people (in general)), then I may give it a try! Thanks for the recommendation! <3


Dear! At the beginning, I was also annoyed by the fact that Lily married James, gave birth to Harry, etc., but - it's really worth persevering through these initial chapters to discover a wonderful story (which has so many wonderful chapters, I love long stories). When you get to chapter 34 (I'm just reading it for the thousandth time), your shoes will fall off, not to mention what happens next. :D <3

I don't want to spam, but later it will turn out that it wasn't entirely true in this story that Lily loved James with a great and crazy love. It's quite complex. She talks about it herself later. But you'll have to get there yourself, you'll see. :D

The biggest plus - James is biting the dust here practically from the first chapter, great!!! :D It sounds bad, I know, but I really hate him and I'm not sorry about it! :D

Lily here believes very much in Severus and trusts him. This is what tigers like best.

Read as soon as possible, my dear! You will not be disappointed!


OMGGG Thank you so much for the explanation/summary! You do not know how much I love that! I am a really sensitive person, especially on the romantic front (at least with fiction).  I do not know why, but whenever I read something romantically heartbreaking in fiction, it just hurts me so much, hahaha. Considering my heart has been broken by fanfic in the past when I did not expect it to, I am glad for summaries/reviews like yours! That makes sure I do not miss out on great stories like these! Thank you so much once again! <3


I understand you perfectly. It happened that I was reading some beautiful Snily, and suddenly at the end they returned to the canon. ;((((((((((((((((((( This is so terrible! Severus is rejected, I feel physical heartache. :( That I accept your point of view! But you will like this story, you will see. If only you can be patient with the length of this story.

Ahh, I am happy to see someone understands my feelings regarding this, haha. But, I am sorry for you as well, considering being so sensitive to this type of thing isn't easy! I feel ya, girl! :p

Luckily, I am quite a patient person, if I do say so myself, so that will not be a problem for me! <3


Well, you calmed me down. :D
The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and ZombiePotter04 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaZombiePotter04
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 19, 2024, 5:54 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 19, 2024, 7:39 am


Snily is the best pairing in my opinion, so I'm giving you a high five at this point. We're both in love then (I'm not going to change that, though, I only recognize Severitus because they're related to Snily :D). You're just very sensitive to love, that's good. The world today sucks so much in this regard, it's good that there are still people like you! <3

Mermaid886 has the most suitable stories for us, but you probably already know them all :(. However, I remembered another fanfic from someone else, take a look: I liked it. :3

The author also wrote another dark Snily, but it will break your heart, like mine, so I won't give you the title. There, Lily is tormented by her father in the worst possible way and drags Severus into it. It seems to end the way we wanted, but this story blew me away. :( At some point I had to stop reading.
But there are different tastes.
Gionaspe aka. Giorgia, who also has an account here, is her friend, if I'm not mistaken.

Awww, you're too sweet! <3 Glad you understand my viewpoints and nice to hear that someone shares some of my views on this! 😀 Also, thanks for the new recommendation once again! You're the best! <3


As soon as I find something new, I will write immediately! I also count on the same from you! :D

*blushes at the praise* :D
The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and ZombiePotter04 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaZombiePotter04
Quote from Robaku90 on May 20, 2024, 1:48 pm
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 19, 2024, 5:39 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 19, 2024, 7:18 am
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 18, 2024, 8:13 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 15, 2024, 1:14 pm
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 12, 2024, 8:05 pm
Quote from Robaku90 on May 12, 2024, 10:49 am



If you are good at using translator, I can give you links to Snily in Polish. This is how I discovered the world of stories in English. 😄

I'd be open to that. Which translator do you use?


With commands in Polish, I'll start with the mirriel forum and the text "Summertime" by labrui:

Severus is quite as Snape here (sad, grumpy etc.), he doesn't have good intentions at the beginning, but then it only gets better and more interesting. 🙂 The author referred to the story here, which itself is also nice, but quite sad: She made a starting point, so to speak.

There isn't much of James in "Summertime", although he does appear in a few places. But luckily Lily quickly sells him a kick in the ass, you'll be glad you did. 😀 Harry Potter is not born here either, yeah!!! 😀

One interesting fact: Lily is like a pathologist here, examining the bodies of Death Eater victims. It's really interesting to read!

You can paste "Summertime" into the translator piece by piece, it will be quite easy. 🙂

Another text worth reading is: "Because of you", written by LittlePrincess0906:

Not everyone likes time travel, but that's what it does here. After Sev's death, he returns to his time at Hogwarts. I really like this story.

Among the spicier stories, I will paste links to Suzzuiiiiiiii's works: (I like these very much ;P) (also cool ;)) (here the action does not take place in the world of magic, it is more of a romance novel, but worth!)

SuzzuiiiiiiiiI's language, even in Polish, is quite, hmmm, lame, there are repetitions, but - that's not the point, right? ;P

The author is not writing new Snily yet, which is a pity. 🙁 Maybe he'll change his mind one day. 😀

However, the best one in my opinion was Snily written in Polish by LadyPrince2001. It is titled "More than a signature": %F0%9D%90%89-%F0%9D%90%8D%F0%9D%90%88%C5%BC-%F0%9D%93%B9%F0%9D%93%B8%F0%9D %93%AD%F0%9D%93%B9%F0%9D%93%B2%F0%9D%93%BC

NOTE: I won't spam, but - for a moment it seems like a Snape x OC pairing. But nothing could be further from the truth!!! At first Lily was getting on my nerves (she attacks and pushes Sev away - I don't like that), but then the action picks up pace. James is angry here. And that's good, I always knew he was an asshole!

This story has many parts (these are my favorites), thanks to which the action moves slowly and the characters are not flat, so to speak, they have time to develop. Lucius turns out to be good here (I like this theme too). And he makes delicious cherry vodka, i.e. liqueur with cherries (one of my favorite parts is when Lily gets drunk on it, it's really worth getting to this point). 😀

There is even a second part of it ("More than Hope"), but unfortunately, despite being flooded with comments, the story has come to a standstill. :(((( I still hope that this will change. Here it is: %F0%9D%90%89-%F0%9D%90%8D%F0%9D%90%88%C5%BC-%F0%9D%93%B7%F0%9D%93%AA%F0%9D %93%AD%F0%9D%94%83%F0%9D%93%B2%F0%9D%93%AE%F0%9D%93%B3%F0%9D%93%AA

LadyPrince2001 also wrote "Obsession", but here, unfortunately, Lily manages to marry Potter. 🙁 Although he later turns out to be a bad character, so it's worth persevering. 🙂 Unfortunately, Lily is sometimes annoying here too, but what can you do... What's important is the ending. 🙂 %93%BC%F0%9D%93%B3%F0%9D%93%AA-%F0%9D%93%A2%F0%9D%93%B7%F0%9D%93%B2%F0%9D% 93%B5%F0%9D%94%82-%F0%9D%93%A2%F0%9D%93%BD%F0%9D%93%B8%F0%9D%93%BB%F0%9D%94 %82

There is also a short story called "Tempus opportunum" by MedeagerSzalona on AO3 and Wattpad: (it's currently being written :)) Here we have time travel again and two Severuses! But Lily lets herself be dissuaded from marrying that bum James, ufff! I recommend it, the story is quite funny. 🙂

If I remember other good texts in Polish, I will paste them as well!

I can help with translation if something is unclear or illegible. 😀 Polish is a language for tough guys. 😀

Aww, thank you so much for all these recommendations! I sure have a lot to check out now. And I love that! <3

Also, about the Polish language being for tough guys, I think I'd have to agree, considering my head almost starts to spin when I look at it, hahaha. 😀


Some people say that the Polish language in speech resembles a broken, crackling radio or the hiss of a snake. There's something going on. The writing and declension of nouns and adjectives is even worse. :DDD

Haha, we have this with Dutch too! Some people say it sounds either like drunken German or like Simlish (The fictional language spoken by the fictional people in "The Sims" video game series.) As an avid "Sims" player myself, I do not really see the resemblance between Simlish and Dutch, but it is a very funny comparison nonetheless, haha! I have also heard that people get weirded out by it because some words apparently sound very much like English, but yet not quite. Like, they can almost understand what is being said, but then some random gibberish is thrown inbetween, hahaha. :p

Languages are such an interesting topic to me. How humans came up with all these different languages with different sounds and writing boggles my mind sometimes! :p

(Also, reading Harry Potter in Dutch is an experience, if I could say so myself, considering Dutch has many words that sound funny even to the Dutch themselves. An example of this is with our dear Severus. In the Dutch version of Harry Potter, he is called "Severus Sneep" I mean, Sneep?! It cracks me up lmao. (And, if I remember correctly, @zombiepotter04 cracked up at this as well in one of their author's notes in their fanfic "Severus Snape and the Art of War"(a must read, btw!) :p ) Also, I just discovered there is even a webpage dedicated to weird Dutch Harry Potter names! It's called "41 names from Harry Potter that are weird in Dutch" lmao. Here is the link if anyone wants to check it out: )

I don't know if you've read any of the Harry Potter books in Polish (I think you mentioned not having read the whole story in the past, but I could be wrong), but if you have, are there any translated Harry Potter names that sound funny to you even as a Polish person? I'd love to know (and I'd love to know from anyone else having read Harry Potter in another language as well)!


I studied German for many years at school (but I didn't learn it :D), so I have nothing against Dutch. 😀 Many Poles come to work with you. Even my manager's daughter at work works in the Netherlands. The world is so small!

I loved "The Sims" when I was younger! :DDD What an interesting comparison to your native language. It's "sul, sul" and "yammy". 🙂 I guess all Germanic languages ​​have this. English is also not like human speech. :DDDDD No, I'm joking. My teacher once said that English is easiest to learn for people who have a lisp. There is something about it.

English and Dutch are Germanic languages, so it's no surprise that they are similar in places, even if there is some gibberish there. 😀 It's like in Poland we laugh at the Czech language, which seems to us to be a diminutive of everything. Czechs laugh at Poles and we are even. 😀

Another similarity between us, ha, ha! 😀

Well, how did people invent languages? The Tower of Babel and an angry God, ha, ha! 😀 Plus he added dialects, it's actually quite a combo! 😀

I agree with you. The study of language is a very interesting branch of knowledge! Searching for similarities and dependencies. After all, in the beginning there was one Proto-Indo-European language, then stairs appeared. 😀

I hope the translator does a good job and conveys all my thoughts in the way I mean. 😀

Your considerations about names in Harry Potter reminded me of one question that has been bothering me for years: why is Snape "Piton" in French? Wonderful...

I understand that in Dutch Sneep has an additional meaning? For example, in our country, "Snivellus" is translated as "Smarkerus" (from snot, i.e. discharge from the nose, or from a small child, a brat whose nose is constantly running). I still haven't guessed what Rowling's original idea was. But these considerations are very interesting!

I will try to read the text you posted the link to. I wonder if I'll understand anything. 😀

As a child, I probably read 3 or 4 Potter books, but back then I didn't pick up such linguistic tidbits. The names were left in their original form, and since we are also based on Greek and Latin culture, names such as Albus, Severus or Minevra do not arouse laughter. There is even a male name, Seweryn, in Polish! One boy in our school has this name! It means a man who is strict, stern and serious. In Poland, no one would laugh at his name when he was a student :(. We also have a female name Lilianna. Contrary to appearances, we have some equivalents here. 😀

I'm posting a link to what Severus sounds like in Polish (but I prefer Alan Rickman's voice <3): %C3%B3%C5%82 blood+po+polsku#fpstate=ive&vld=cid:a05403fe,vid:iJoWf3au6E0,st:0 It's a pity that it's drowned out by some wild music. 🙁 Severus' voice seems so old here, and he was only 38 years old, damn it! Here's a comparison in different languages. Polish is at 1:21: Interesting the fact that in most languages ​​a prince is a "prince", but in ours? Książę 😀 We always have to stand out 😀

Well, at least you tried learning a new language, considering some people don't even attempt to. So, kudos!

There are indeed many Polish people who come to work here in the Netherlands. Where I live, it is not uncommon to see cars with a Polish license plate. Funny that you know someone who works here, though, that makes the world feel a lot smaller, indeed! 😀

Yay! Another "The Sims" lover! Haha, I loved it so much when I was younger, that I still play it to this day. :p

Interesting observation with the languages, btw. What I know is that English is a bit of an outsider when it comes to Germanic languages. They are officially considered Germanic, but it is very unique in that regard. (I could be wrong on this, though) Meaning that it doesn't really sound like a Germanic language, even though it is. Some also say that English is "easier" to learn, considering they don't use many of the rules other languages do that make them difficult to learn for many people (like gendered words, etc.).

Even though I just said English was kind of unique when it came to Germanic languages, it does share quite some similarities with Dutch. However, I have heard that the words that are similar are usually lent by the English from the Dutch, instead of the other way around like I'd thought. An example is the English word "landscape", which is apparently derived from the Dutch word "landschap". I always thought this was the other way around, considering English is the way more popular language! :p

Funny to hear that Polish and Czech people also laugh at each other's languages, lmao.

Oh, no, not the dialects! Hahaha, they can be quite the nightmare. You think you know a language and then you come across someone with a thick accent and immediately begin questioning your knowledge on said language, lmao. Aside from that, though, dialects are a beautiful thing. <3

Your translator is doing a very good job at conveying your thoughts so far, I think! I barely have a problem understanding you, so that is good! Considering your translator is Google Translate, it is actually doing a better job than I expected, considering I used it a few years ago and it was absolute garbage with translating full sentences. Apparently they've improved since then! Nice job, Google! 😀

I looked it up and Severus' surname is "Piton" in both Italian and Hungarian, according to the Wiki ( In French it is "Rogue". Also according to the Wiki, "Piton" is in both languages derived from the word "python", which is a type of snake. So, I think "Severus Piton" would literally translate to "Severus Snake" in English. :p

There is no explanation on the Wiki for the surname of "Rogue" that the French Severus has, but I did find one from a French reader on another site (, they say the word "rogue" describes someone who is gloomy, arrogant and stiff. Gloomy and stiff, yes. But arrogant? I think that fits James better. :p

In Dutch, the surname "Sneep" does not have any additional meaning, at least to my knowledge. I think the reason they changed it from "Snape" to "Sneep" in the Dutch version is because in Dutch "Sneep" is pronounced as "Snape". Had it been left written as "Snape", Dutch people who aren't too familiar with the English language would probably pronounce it as "Snap". 😛

Interesting that the Polish version of "Snivellus" has an actual, clear meaning behind it. "Snivellus", the English version of the mocking nickname, may come from the word "snivel", which means to "cry and sniff in a feeble or fretful way". Basically to cry in a very "weak" way, like a small child. Which is the exact opposite of what Severus would do. Especially when attacked by the Marauders. You wouldn't catch our dear Sev sniveling even if he was on the brink of death. This explanation of the English version of  the nickname is all speculation however. If this is the actual "meaning" behind "Snivellus", however, the Marauders may have chosen it to anger or belittle Severus. Basically calling him weak in front of everyone. And, as we know from the sixth "Harry Potter" book, "Harry Potter & the Halfblood Prince", Severus does not like being called a coward/weak, so maybe the Marauders knew this and chose it to try and get a rise out of him.

Side note: I also remember reading somewhere that "Snivellus" meant something along the lines of being a "snitch", which, considering Severus' mastery at keeping things secret, would not fit him either. :p However, I could not find anything related to this anymore, so I could be remembering wrong.

As for the Dutch version of the mocking nickname, he is called "Secretus". I don't think it has any meaning in Dutch, besides sounding very ugly to the reader. However, it could possibly come from the English word of "secret". But, that is just my speculation.

Cool that you read some of the books when you were young, but I can get behind you not really "grasping" it. I started reading the books for the first time when I was fourteen, so I was already a teenager. Do you ever plan on revisiting the books (or films)?

Also, the original "English" names of the "Harry Potter" characters do not arouse laughter in the Dutch either. I personally think they are beautiful. I find the Dutch translation of them to be silly. Albus Dumbledore is called "Albus Perkamentus" in Dutch. For a Dutch person, the word "Perkamentus" could sound very childlike, like it came out of a children's fairytale. I think this is partly the reason why I could never convince my parents to read the "Harry Potter" books as well when I first discovered them, the Dutch names of the characters possibly sound too silly for them to take the story seriously. This is why I wished they had released a Dutch version of the book but with the original names, like they did with the Polish version.

Seweryn seems like a beautiful name! Nice to know that that is thus not an uncommon name in Poland. Considering its meaning, I wonder why they didn't use it as a Polish replacement for the name Severus in Harry Potter, considering it would fit quite well!

Seweryn and Lilianna. Wow! What a coincidence! They sound like the Polish versions of Severus and Lily. <3

Ohhh, thanks for the links! I will take a listen! Also, what does "Książę" stand for, if not for "Prince"? 😀

Apologies for the long text, but I wanted to answer all your questions! <3


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