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"Light of Mine" (Severus Snape/OC) MA

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Pretty good artwork. I think AI art is nothing to be ashamed of. Not everyone is an artist so it helps a lot for regular folks. And commissioning someone can be fairly expensive depending on the artist. Though one problem with AI is that it sometimes makes the characters a bit uncanny and have severe deformities.

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaDark AngelSalvyus

@fictionlover96lol Oh absolutely - especially hands/fingers 😂 Can be rather amusing, but some of styles are just gorgeous.

Commissions can be very expensive, unfortunately.

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
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Yep. Hopefully, one day AI art gets even better and you can make it offline and on budget hardware.

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The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaDark AngelSalvyus

Fancast: Laura Smet

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and Salvyus have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaSalvyus

Another beautiful new art commission by @thetalesofprince on Tumblr ❤️A tender moment to themselves.

"I wasn’t the most pleasant of men when we first crossed paths, that of which I can not deny. Returning to Hogwarts as if nothing had changed was a difficult thing for me to face. Because everything had changed. People now knew of my task and what I sacrificed to see it through. I didn’t want to be seen in that way, least of all by the people I had no choice but to betray. It hurt to return. It was…agony. I felt you knew that already, and you were patient, even when everyone else demanded something of me. And you…you were the only one who didn’t. Coming back to Hogwarts was something I never intended to do, and yet much reflection had me reiterating a new goal. Why Hogwarts? Of all places to condemn myself back to? Eventually, I knew running away from the damage I caused would not help matters, so instead I chose to face them. Even despite the mistrustfulness still upon me, and the snide remarks thrown my way. 

My time away in hiding made me realise how much I was hurting myself, and it took Harry bloody Potter to help me realise that I had a chance to fix things. I had a chance to be…better. To do better. 

Despite my struggles in my return, you remained patient with me, despite my forked tongue and harshness against your attempts to talk. You were someone I didn’t realise I needed at the time. A listening ear. No judgement. Someone to pull me away from that self-destruct again. Someone to show me how to….live…How to love.

How could an ex-Death Eater develop a closeness with an Auror? Both fighting in death on opposite sides. I know it had been years before the Second War when I relinquished my loyalty to the Dark Lord. The one known as Riddle. A fool, I was, to follow so blindly for a cause that gave me nothing but pain. Nightmares whispering their torment on nights I only wished to shut the world away, begging for my end as I succumbed to the darkness that I once considered my shield.

But it left me empty; devoured of a new purpose.

Instead, Hogwarts became that purpose. And it was Hogwarts where we found solace in the other. I found solace in you, Dawn. It is agony to me to think what would have happened if I never took this leap of faith. I would have drowned myself in pity, and sever the morsels of life I tried to salvage. In knowing you, you’ve opened up a future I didn’t think I’d ever live to see. And with you, now…I have a reason to live."

~ Severus Snape


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Liked the latest comission, @thetalesofprince is really awesome artist and @sanctuaryangel, your Snape's thoughts are well articulated and complements the art well, great stuff. 😸

SanctuaryAngel and Salvyus have reacted to this post.

Thank you so much, @Naaga!

I do a lot of these POV thoughts (from Severus and Dawn) on Tumblr, and I was thinking about slowly transferring them here, too. I love writing them because they feel like little letters that they don't always articulate to each other, which gives the style of relationship and connection they have, including insight into Dawn's character and Severus' character development.

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Sure, bring in POV thoughts from Tumblr, they are so good.

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Happy Valentines Day, my dearest

You passed each other in the corridors on the first Valentine’s Day, heading over to your respective classes, never knowing how the future would play out. You said not a word, as you knew he still held a fair bit of resentment for you. You offered a smile anyway, left him to his day, and gave him the space he needed to deal with his new commitment to Hogwarts.

From the second Valentine’s Day, you had since become friends. There were moment’s littered within that year where you grew close, and a trust began to form. You knew that year had been a difficult one, and yet you could sense him finally understanding your compassion and kindness for such a man - something he had finally come to believe as true and genuine. You still gave him the space he needed, but also knew when to guide him in the times you knew he looked lost within himself. There were days he even approached you regarding Hogwarts matters, but something within those once-lost eyes glimmered a small light you’d never seen before.

The third Valentine’s Day although spent working, had given light to a close forming friendship. You had been Severus’ voice of reason and his rock, and in turn, he offered his assistance on the investigation that had since rocked you to your core. You could see that dedication – that incredible drive – within him. A passion to complete what was once started, and to end what should have ended years ago. This year brought you much closer, and Severus began to trust you so much more, that he began to confide in you his deepest fears and darkness. He became your level head, and you became his guiding light.

You had been officially together for a few months already on the fourth Valentine’s Day, but no one within the school knew of your relationship. At first, you were happy keeping this sacred secret and revelling in the almost forbidden nature it held. But you knew that took its toll. You could see Severus’ longing for something more – as did you – but it didn’t feel like the right time. He left you white and red peonies in the day you were away on Auror matters, in the hopes to cheer you up on what had been a difficult day. You spent the night together in the bliss of the other, losing yourselves and leaving stressful matters behind for a night of passion and deep intimacy.

The fifth Valentine’s Day was peculiar – the school had since been made aware of such a union, and despite the relief of never having to tiptoe around nosey students in secret, it had since become a public affair. Severus has been rather dismal with this fact when multiple students had left flowers and kind words in letters at his door, and even your own. You knew the students were supportive of it, taking bets and spreading rumors in the lead-up, and yet having since come to trust in their Head of Slytherin House once again.

You celebrate every day with him as a testament to your love, being filled with so much joy once the sixth Valentine’s Day arrived. But as you would soon learn of the beautiful new life growing within you, you could not be any happier with the life you have shared with a man who meant absolutely everything to you. A child, one whose life was stolen from you all those years ago, to be blessed with another chance to try again.

Because in the end, it was just a mere day. Every day was a celebration of your greatest love, and you both knew you were in the best place in your lives. A smile of contentment and such bliss was no longer a rare feat from the man, but every moment together brought you the love you had both been forever searching for.

Your love. Your dearest. Your always.

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