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Do you think Severus would be able to love again after Lily?

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The comment about "dude with the glasses" was meant to be tongue in cheek. As for the word "simp"... I could write a whole rant about that, but I'll spare us both and leave it alone.

Eh. Don't let me stop you. I love rants, perhaps it's the soul of a boomer in me. Though, it would be counterproductive on your end because he would always remain a simp to me 😛

As for taking things personally, some people are offended way too easily. I get offended too, but usually for much more serious things. But then I realize that I can't really do much about it, else the whole world would be nothing but ashes. Rather fortunate for everyone and quite unfortunate for me. (sigh)

Of course, everything is subjective, though everyone else is wrong, and I am right. As always!

Point is, neither of us are right or wrong. There's no "good Lily" or "bad Lily", something that can objectively be proven through examples and analysis. We only have our own version, one that each of us prefers for whatever reason. I might think that yours is rather harsh/unforgiving, but that doesn't make it less valid.

Please refer to the previous response above blockquote. 😉

Personally, I would have preferred an actually evil Severus, who burned the whole wizarding world to the ground instead of being what he was. But that must be my evil side showing.

I am listening to this while responding. It helps to channel my slightly edgier or megalomaniac side. It's not good to repress those things, as a shrink would say, probably.

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and Naaga have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaaga
Quote from Sam on March 16, 2024, 11:53 am

Though, it would be counterproductive on your end because he would always remain a simp to me 😛

Oh no, I wasn't referring to Severus being a simp. I was talking about the word itself, which I find gross for a multitude of reasons. As mentioned, I'm not going to rant about it. Just wanted to clear up any confusion. 😉

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The Gestalt PrinceNaagaBitterBritSam

In the scenario where he lives, he absolutely would be able to move on from Lily and his past, because there is something here that would happen that he would have never had the chance to in the duration of the books - a chance to move on and make a life for himself.

And a chance to heal. Severus respected Lily in the life she lived and what her death stood for, and that propelled him to give his life for the cause. But there was no way he was in any position to love anyone else while he was playing both sides in the dangerous game, because it was far too risky for the other person.

I wrote his journey post-war because I wanted him to face his past, and work through his guilt, his mistakes, his fears, and his will to live. I needed him to confront that past, so that he could realise that a lot was out of his control, and he could not life the life he wanted because he bound himself to this cause.

Severus had long since left behind any hope of friendship because the moment she rejected his apology, and after their seventh year, most likely didn't see her alive again.

He had respect for women since Lily - Minerva, Charity, Narcissa. He was more than capable of finding love but chose not to because of the position he was in.

But post-war? Absolutely! And he deserves someone genuinely kind, considerate, empathetic, compassionate, patient, open-minded, and respectful. Someone who is genuinely his equal, and has an intellect that matches his own creativeness, and drive to see beyond the knowledge written.

So pretty much an OC 😊🫢🥰

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Oh no, I wasn't referring to Severus being a simp. I was talking about the word itself, which I find gross for a multitude of reasons. As mentioned, I'm not going to rant about it. Just wanted to clear up any confusion. 😉

I guess, we both have different definitions of the word itself. To my understanding, it refers to someone being absolutely pathetic and being devoted to someone who doesn't even thinks about them. For example, losers paying for someone's "lewd content" and having a parasocial relationship with them. I mean, it's not an apt comparison but close enough, well you get the point, hopefully. And no, I am not trying to devolve this conversation to sex work, or anything related to that.

On a sidenote, did the word simp came from simpleton? I am not that well versed with the everchanging English language, especially on the internet.

Anyways, do rant about it. It could be interesting to see your viewpoint regarding the word. Perhaps, create an off-topic thread or something, if it doesn't exist already?

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