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NaNoWriMo 2023: The Official Thread

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I reached the 50k mark a couple days ago.
By the third week I was burnt out on writing and took a week off. I picked back up again when my writing assignments were due for college/university. I just included my essays in the word count. 😅

I hope that’s not cheating.

Heatherlly, mmlf and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaDark AngelSalvyus

First of all, very well done!

Secondly, it's not cheating to include the word counts from essays. When you create a project on the NaNo site, you get the option to select nonfiction. Up until 2020, I used NaNoWriMo for essays and articles.

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaDark AngelSalvyus

Traditionally, you were supposed to work on a single project that you started from scratch, as the goal was to produce the first draft of a novel. Some people still do it that way, though there are many others who work on multiple projects, both fiction and nonfiction.

Personally, I don't think it's cheating as long as you write the words yourself. We all have different needs and goals as writers... NaNoWriMo (in my opinion) is all about what works best for you. 💚

mmlf, The Gestalt Prince and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaDark AngelSalvyus
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