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Regarding Kurt Cobain... I saw Nirvana live when I was 16. They played in my hometown (Tallahassee) about 4 months before Kurt's passing.

Also, I credit myself with getting you into LotR 😉. So glad you're enjoying the books!

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mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaaga
Quote from Heatherlly on September 14, 2024, 8:29 am

Regarding Kurt Cobain... I saw Nirvana live when I was 16. They played in my hometown (Tallahassee) about 4 months before Kurt's passing.

Ah, lucky! I have to content myself with obsessively rewatching their legendary MTV Unplugged performances.

Also, I credit myself with getting you into LotR 😉. So glad you're enjoying the books!

OH YES! Yes, thank you for that! 😀

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HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaaga

I'm following two manga series right now. (Well, three. But Made in Abyss is released so irregularly, it doesn't really count as now.)

First there's Gannibal, a really wonderful, suspenseful story about a cop moving into rural Japan with his family and encountering, well, cannibals, and then there is Witch Hat Atelier.

Apart from the absolutely stunning art that WHA has and the pretty awesome characters, I can't help but imagine Severus in that setting. I think he'd be pretty good with that type of magic (=magic circles), because it lends itself to plenty of improvisation. In fact, it relies on it more often than not. (That said, he'd most likely be the type of wizard who'd want to master magic as well as healing, which is a big no-no in the world of WHA)

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HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaaga

I rarely touch fiction and it’s kind of in that jist nowadays also for me (besides rereading parts of the books involving Snape for the sake of having some food for thought and hyperfixations) but I have recently gotten into more random topics I’ve been circling around for a while…

That includes, history, namely the poetry of the Polish interwar and post-war period and coming from it specific, very interesting context and impact of incredibly tough times on literature and other forms of art. I think I always had some appreciation for it as many my favorite authors were impacted with this sort of burden. It’s also very often a very fascinating balance of either non-fiction put poetically or some fictional setting but it’s very obvious it’s only a symbol for something else.

And on a bit off basket I haven’t put my hand fully into before… it’s all the nuance (and nuisance) around reading of hermit crab care. I don’t ever seriously consider getting a pet hermit crab nor ever did, but it’s simply fascinating. The hermits sold at mass pet stores are very often caught wild (as it’s very rare and complicated to get them to breed in captivity) as well as despite their name, they are often mistakenly taken as solitary animals even though their natural needs include complex social dynamics (antisocial social club pretty much) and colonies consisting of at least 3-4 individuals. Most of species also require to have in their enclosure both fresh and saltwater atop of just the land part (which needs to be deep enough to dig into). I can’t help but feel bad for them not getting that need met as often. I asked my friend even on the topic and they turned out to have those guys when they were 5… lol. They also weren’t afraid of them at all and were unbothered walking around their hands, which also is apparently uncommon for a crab to tolerate or enjoy handling.

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