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Quote from mmlf on July 8, 2024, 9:57 am

That sounds good, Dust Collector. I am a total film and television score fanatic. I got hooked on a Danish film called Barbara, immediately looked up the score, then tracked down the book, bought it and read it. All worth it.

Have you heard the film score from Last of the Mohicans (1992)? Quite possibly my favorite film score of all time.

Personal favorite:

Full soundtrack:


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mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90Dust Collector
Quote from Heatherlly on July 9, 2024, 12:21 am
Quote from mmlf on July 8, 2024, 9:57 am

That sounds good, Dust Collector. I am a total film and television score fanatic. I got hooked on a Danish film called Barbara, immediately looked up the score, then tracked down the book, bought it and read it. All worth it.

Have you heard the film score from Last of the Mohicans (1992)? Quite possibly my favorite film score of all time.

Personal favorite:

Full soundtrack:


Oh yes. I remember that the film made a huge impression on me as a child. I still remember the scene in which the main character's sister chose to die rather than follow someone she didn't love. :(

Ekstra film!
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HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaDust Collector
Quote from Heatherlly on July 9, 2024, 12:21 am
Quote from mmlf on July 8, 2024, 9:57 am

That sounds good, Dust Collector. I am a total film and television score fanatic. I got hooked on a Danish film called Barbara, immediately looked up the score, then tracked down the book, bought it and read it. All worth it.

Have you heard the film score from Last of the Mohicans (1992)? Quite possibly my favorite film score of all time.

Personal favorite:

Full soundtrack:


No, I haven't heard these, but the soundtrack is definitely the style I like! Thanks for the recommendation!

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HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90Dust Collector

OK, it has finally happened. After at least two failed attempts to get through Tolkien's Fellowship of the Ring, I am finally almost at the end of Chapter 1 via the audiobook on Spotify. I have been leery of audiobooks for ages, because I couldn't concentrate during them. But I listened to Hamlet via audiobook and reading (too many brilliant lines just to listen to!), and it worked very well, because I did it again two more times. I am also reread Mansfield Park via audiobook while reading the novel. I don't know about anyone else, but I am an obsessive annotator and underliner in books. As for Tolkien, I listened to some of the prologue, but skipped the rest for the story. I think I had to be a little patient, which I wasn't beforehand.

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Tolkien, for all his brilliance, isn't easy to read. Dude will spend like, 50 pages describing a mountain. 😂

I have read all of his work, though this is one of those few instances where I prefer films to the books. The LotR trilogy is an absolute masterpiece… I will never get tired of those movies.

As far as audiobooks go, hit me up if you want recommendations. I listen to them constantly and have collected more than 1000, so yeah… I'm a bit of a connoisseur in that department.

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mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaBitterBritDweller Of Dreams
Quote from Naaga on July 5, 2024, 12:08 pm

Currently reading this book and really liking it a lot, Sapiens. I really like the way author narrates the history of mankind.

Finished the book today. Took more time than I thought due to IRL things but glad to have read it.

Really interesting and captivating, author has written really well. His insights about Money, Empires and Religion were very interesting. From "An Animal of No Significance" to "The Animal that Became a God", very fascinating journey. From Cognitive Revolution to Scientific Revolution, mankind has came a long way. No everything was sunshine and rainbows and author has rightfully criticised Sapiens in many aspects yet it can't be denied how modern world came to be from all of it.

Gonna read the next book of the series. 😸

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HeatherllyThe Gestalt Prince
Quote from Heatherlly on July 27, 2024, 12:37 pm

Tolkien, for all his brilliance, isn't easy to read. Dude will spend like, 50 pages describing a mountain. 😂

Nothing wrong with that.

A few years ago, I've read Thoreau's The Maine Woods and enjoyed it immensely. (More than Walden, actually.)

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HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaaga

That said, speaking of nature, primeval forests and fantasy stories set within them, as far as I'm concerned, the undisputed master of this genre is one Robert Holdstock. Novels belonging to his Ryhope Wood series (=Mythago Wood, Lavondyss, The Bone Forest, The Hollowing...) are an absolute joy to read. So imaginative and evocative... his writing really transports you into his stories, and it doesn't let you go.

I've read those novels over and over again.

A big recommendation there.

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HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaaga
Quote from Naaga on August 5, 2024, 9:33 am
Quote from Naaga on July 5, 2024, 12:08 pm

Currently reading this book and really liking it a lot, Sapiens. I really like the way author narrates the history of mankind.

Finished the book today. Took more time than I thought due to IRL things but glad to have read it.

Really interesting and captivating, author has written really well. His insights about Money, Empires and Religion were very interesting. From "An Animal of No Significance" to "The Animal that Became a God", very fascinating journey. From Cognitive Revolution to Scientific Revolution, mankind has came a long way. No everything was sunshine and rainbows and author has rightfully criticised Sapiens in many aspects yet it can't be denied how modern world came to be from all of it.

Gonna read the next book of the series. 😸

Finally, completed this book, had a very slow progress in last month, and managed to read rest of 50% in this month.

Very interesting read, most of the book was speculative of the humanity's future, that humanity's next great projects are obtaining Immortality, Bliss and Divinity, and why, based on the humanity's trends. Has done a great job in predicting the impacts of AI, both present and the future. Interesting discussion on religions, elaborating on upcoming religions taking birth in Silicon Valley, like techo-humanism and dataism.

Overall a good read, more digestible and rational in predicting future than the Hollywood science fictions. 😸

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mmlfThe Gestalt Prince

Currently reading Serving the Servant: Remembering Kurt CobainA History of Japan; The History of Jazz, and Disraeli or Two Lives. 

Started rewatching A Series of Unfortunate Events on Netflix yesterday. After Harry Potter, that is my favourite series.

I've also now got the physical copy of The Fellowship of the Ring, so I need to transfer all my annotations from the ebook copy thus far to that, as well as continuing the audiobook. This book just gets better and better, and I only curse myself for not having approached it earlier.

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