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Weekly Discussion: Favoritism

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This thread is for discussion about any Snape related stuff.

1.When do you think Snape learned to cast patronus? Also whether it's form was always a doe or some other form before eventually changing to a doe?

2.Do you think Voldemort and Snape had a close relationship? (Not romantic)

3. What do you think about Snape's relationship with Albus Dumbledore?

4. What do you think about Snape's relationship with other Hogwarts staff members?

5. Do you think Snape's parents, either both or one of them were alive by the time of Snape's death?

6. What you think about Snape's interest in Dark arts?

7. Which subject do you think Snape liked more - DADA or Potions?

8. Do you think Severus Snape was friends with Regulus Black in his Hogwarts days?

9. Who do you think Snape disliked the most among the Hogwarts staff? You can only choose among regular staff and they must not be DADA Professor.

10. If he wanted to, could Snape have defeated the professors who drove him out of Hogwarts?

11.  If Snape was a student in Harry's year, which student would he be friends with?

12. What is one thing you would change about Snape's storyline?

13. What do you think teaching Gilderoy Lockhart was like for Snape?

14. What is your opinion of Snape in his 1st war days?

15. Which one is your least favorite Snape scene in the books?

16. Which is your favourite Snape lesson?

17. Most terrifying Snape moment.

18. "Biggest on-page character fail" for Snape excluding the flashbacks.

19. Do you think Severus Snape was a virgin before his death

20. "What do you think was dynamic between Snape and Draco"?

21. "Lupin mentions of Sectumsempra being Snape's signature spell - how do you think Lupin came to recognise it?"

22. What is your headcanon on Eileen's backstory? How did she come to marry Tobias?

23. What if Snape had a normal family with loving parents? How he would've turned out?

24. Do you think Severus Snape was a bully? Why or why not?

25. 25. Does Severus Snape have BDE (Big Dick Energy)? Why or why not?

26. How would Snape's treatment of Harry been different, had he been a girl with Lily's features?

27. What is Snape's weirdest choice as a character, something that either doesn't make sense, or something that would make sense for another character?

28. What are Severus Snape's Best and Worst Traits?

29. Was Snape rich in his Professor years?

30. Why did Snape preferably wanted to teach DADA despite having an affinity for both Dark Arts and Potions?

31. Do you think Severus Snape actually hated Harry Potter?

32. Do you think Snape knew Harry would survive?

33. Do you think Dumbledore favored Snape?

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalDark AngelUla

1. Today's discussion: When do you think Snape learned to cast patronus? Also whether it's form was always a doe or some other form before eventually changing to a doe?

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalYampamDark Angel
Quote from Naaga on June 18, 2023, 9:50 am

Today's discussion: When do you think Snape learned to cast patronus? Also whether it's form was always a doe or some other form before eventually changing to a doe?

Very interesting question!
I think he started practicing when he became a spy for Dumbledore at 21/22 and for obvious reasons he was always a doe 😭😭

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaDark Angel

Given that Lily's patronus is also a doe and that they had discussed dementors as children, they probably decided to learn the charm together. Lily is supposed to have been talented in charms, it was probably her idea and she helped Severus learn as well.

Lily seems to be the only good thing about Snape's life and all his happy memories must be related to her, therefore I'll go for the doe being his first and last patronus.

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaYampamGiorgia

I believe his patronus form was always a doe because it was derived from his memories of happiness belonging with Lily.

As for timeline, I think he learnt it after 1st war.

He couldn't have learnt it in school, just imagine marauders mocking him for a feminine patronus.

Going by canon reasoning, he was a Dark Wizard in 1st war so he couldn't have conjured it during that time.

I believe he learnt it after Lily's death. He was grieving and searching for a happy thought to ground himself to his vow and conjured his patronus through that conviction. He self taught himself because Dumbledore was shocked after seeing it's form and it is canon that both Snape and Lupin had hidden their patronus form and Lupin preferred casting a non-corporeal version.

SanctuaryAngel, The Gestalt Prince and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
SanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalYampamDark AngelGiorgia

I think his Patronus was a raven, which he learned to cast in his seventh year. After Lily's death, it changed to a doe, in remembrance of her memories and mourning. This change took place after the events of WVI.

The Gestalt Prince, Naaga and Dark Angel have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceNaagaDark Angel

2. Today's discussion: Do you think Voldemort and Snape had a close relationship? (Not romantic)

Heatherlly, SanctuaryAngel and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllySanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalDark AngelGiorgia

As close as that of a puppeteer and his puppet or a chess player and his pieces.

I see Tom Riddle or Voldemort as a sociopath, he does not have genuine feelings for people but uses them as tools. He is charismatic and knows it, he manipulates others into following his lead. He may be frustrated to lose a particularly useful follower but unless we are talking about horcruxes, he does not value or care for anyone else.

As for Severus, he must have admired Voldemort's power and all the doors this man could open for someone like him. As a young man he probably even believed Voldemort's lies and promises. As they're not equals, I doubt Snape had ever had any feelings other than loyalty or gratitude for him and even that vanished after he became a threat to the only person Severus ever considered a real friend.

Heatherlly, SanctuaryAngel and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllySanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaWinter's ShadeGiorgia

I think Severus and Voldemort had a complicated relationship. There is a meta on this site where Young!Severus is compared to Harry in the similarity of both being hungry for a father figure and Voldemort seeming like an ideal father figure to them.

Both had disappointing Muggle fathers, both had a scorned Pure-blood mother, and both hated Muggles. I think Tom Riddle saw something of his younger self in Severus and manipulated him, just as Barty Crouch Jr did, due to their shared hatred of their fathers and Muggles.

Then, Voldemort did something that no good father would do; he stood a threat to the only friend Severus had, and Severus didn't trust Voldemort to keep his word about sparing Lily. That's why he turned to Dumbledore to protect her.

Voldemort did hold Severus in high esteem; I mean he actually tried to spare Lily, at least gave her more chances than most. Voldemort also forgave Severus after the graveyard resurrection, where he voiced his intent to punish Severus.

He also taught Severus unaided flight, which he had never taught anyone else before. He also said he regretted killing Severus after having Nagini kill him.

So I conclude that Severus initially saw Voldemort as a father figure until he posed a risk to Lily's life. Voldemort, though, held Severus in high regard; being a narcissistic sociopath, he preferred instant possession of the Elder Wand over finding loopholes to spare his "loyal servant." Ultimately, Voldemort cared for no one but himself, but he still cared for Snape more than any of his other followers, with the exception of Bellatrix.

Heatherlly, SanctuaryAngel and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllySanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaWinter's ShadeDark AngelGiorgia
Quote from Naaga on June 19, 2023, 3:47 am

Today's discussion: Do you think Voldemort and Snape had a close relationship? (Not romantic)

I believe that during the First Magical War he considered Severus to be a capable and intelligent young wizard, but nothing more.
He certainly exploited him to spy on conversations in the Order, given his ability to be a good spy and to listen and pick up chatter.
During the Second Magical War, in my view, the subject changes. Severus is now a man and has become more confident in himself and his abilities, and now that he teaches at Hogwarts on behalf of Voldemort he is a valuable asset.
After Dumbledore's death he officially becomes his right-hand man and trusted advisor (as we have seen he carefully awaits Severus' arrival at meetings), now as a valuable ally he confides in him his deepest doubts and concerns.
Obviously Voldemort considers him only a valuable pawn to be maneuvered and managed at will, nothing more.

As for Severus, I believe that during the First Wizarding War he looked upon him with extreme admiration and reverence, but the situation absolutely changes after Lily's death.
Severus changed not only because of Lily, but he became aware, thanks to his intelligence and sensitivity, of the whole terrible trail of blood that Voldemort and the Death Eaters were spreading. In the Second Wizarding War he simply feels revulsion and anger manages to occlude his mind (as we well know) to the point that he appears from the outside to be the exact opposite.
I dare say that when he sees Voldemort he has a great sense of nausea....

Heatherlly, SanctuaryAngel and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllySanctuaryAngelThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaWinter's ShadeDark Angel
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