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Snape Fanfic Recommendations (Severus/OC)

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I love to read the Snape/OC pairing and I will gradually share some of my favourite fics and encourage others to share fics in that genre which you like.

Post War by JosieCarioca


1998. Severus Snape has survived the Second Wizarding War.

Presumed dead, still dealing with the traumas of his past, having nowhere to go and no sense of purpose, he returns to Spinner´s End to battle his inner demons. Meanwhile, Dark Lord´s remaining followers begin to regroup and plan revenge with help from foreign allies the British Ministry has never managed to track down and is powerless to fight. The scattered Death Eaters suspect Snape is alive and still has sensitive information that could lead them to a powerful artifact.

To further complicate Snape´s already perilous situation, an Irish historian moves into the abandoned house next door. She brings a heavy baggage of family secrets and previously unknown connections to the magical world, and gradually becomes a fixture of Snape´s life, inadvertently changing it.

Alternative Universe/What if.

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceGlacierValleyKrystalYampamMotanul Negru

Oh, I also like the SnOC pairing and put this one in my 'to read' list for later, seems interesting

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HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceGlacierValleyNaaga

Hi @naaga! Thanks for starting this topic. I admit I haven't enjoyed many Snape/OC fics in the past, but a few have managed to surprise me and I look forward to seeing your recs 🙂

I have recced this fic before on the WTF Did I Just Read? forum, and it is genuinely one of the best OC fics I've found. Admittedly, Snape/OC isn't healthy here (hence the original forum), but gosh is well done.

The story is Bartleby by Quarantime_Blues on AO3.

This takes place when Severus is very young, new to teaching, is still drowning in Lily's death, wants to die but isn't allowed, and is in charge of many messed up adolescents. One of his charges gets attacked. This story gets dark, but never justifies the darkness and gives the reader hope.

This is a story built around a vicious rape, and everybody's responses to this attack are... less than stellar. The author wrote based on personal experience, and it is graphic. Please do not read if this could trigger you. It includes graphic depictions of the rape, gory violence, victim-blaming elements, alcoholic elements, and general-other people-falling-to-pieces messed-upness. It involves teacher/student relations.

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HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaaga

@glaciervalley, while non-con elements are usually not my cup of tea, I will check this one out as some stories with that genre may turn out well in the end.

Now I recommend one of my favourite series.

Vulnera Sanentur by Maria_de_Salinas


Snape's journey from Death Eater to teacher to triple agent will not be an easy one, but an unlikely friendship could change everything.

Part 1 : Vulnera Sanentur


At the age of twenty-one, Severus Snape is about to become one of the youngest professors ever taken on at Hogwarts, a position he takes with some reluctance. When the Wizarding War ends with the death of the Potters, he must somehow manage to teach moronic teenagers all day while dealing with his grief.

A troublemaker and lacklustre student at her primary school in the Isle of Man, Graihagh Corlett starts Hogwarts just as the war ends, determined to make a new start. When she discovers a passion for making potions, she'll use them to help her quiet, troubled friend-and make the acquaintance of a budding Death Eater.

All Snape wanted was to hole up in his office for the next ten years. Now he'll be faced with challenges he never could have expected.

Alternating POV. Fits with canon, but tweaks it. Complete.

Part 2 : The Bollan Cross


Still reeling from the death of Dumbledore, Severus Snape becomes Headmaster of Hogwarts with the aim of protecting as many students as he can. Despised, rejected, worn down by a war that seems unlikely to end well, Snape soldiers on to face his weary task--until he uncovers a dangerous plot that will force him to face the one fate even worse than being alone: working with former student and fellow potioneer Graihagh Corlett--in hiding from the Death Eaters, in need of help, and very good at getting on his nerves.

Sequel to Vulnera Sanentur, but it's not necessary to have read it.

Part 3 : The Alchemist


Severus Snape never expected to survive the war, much less fall in love. Now, an alive and thoroughly baffled Snape finds himself making a new start on the Isle of Man, with the woman who has changed his life in a thousand small ways. But nothing ever comes easy for Snape, and the ghosts of his past, an underground cult of former Death Eaters, and a certain trainee Auror will conspire to throw him off balance.

But all of that will pale in comparison to the biggest challenge of all: learning how not to be alone.

Sequel to The Bollan Cross. It's not necessary to have read it, but it might be easier to follow if you have.

Part 4 : Love is Stored in the Potions Lab


Final installment of Vulnera Sanentur. Snapshots of Graihagh and Snape's life together as told in one-shots and ficlets. Some chapters may be explicit.

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceGlacierValleyKrystal

My favorite tag from that Bartleby fic:

severus snape eats pussy like it's his job


The Gestalt Prince, GlacierValley and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceGlacierValleyKrystalNaagaMotanul Negru

@heatherlly, I won't mind being on the receiving end 😉

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HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceGlacierValleyNaaga

The Gestalt Prince, Krystal and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceKrystalNaagaMotanul Negru

That man could spell Advanced Potion-Making with his tongue.

Heatherlly, GlacierValley and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyGlacierValleyKrystalNaagaMotanul Negru

It would be hilarious if that was literally his technique. Well, either that or potions ingredients with long, complicated names. 😂

The Gestalt Prince, GlacierValley and 3 other users have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceGlacierValleyKrystalNaagaMotanul Negru

I have read the Vulnera Sanentur series @naaga and I second your recommendation, I read it after seeing it in @pet-genius bookmarks in a03 and it was a really good series of fics. The complexity of the Snape is well balanced and there is no character bashing. Graihagh is the second protagonist and she was absolutely amazing in the whole series.

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