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Snape Requests

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Is there a specific type of story you're trying to find? A type of artwork you'd like to see? Feel free to post all your Snape related requests in this thread and other members will do our best to fulfill them!

mmlf, The Gestalt Prince and 7 other users have reacted to this post.
mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaYampamTimeLadyJamieRobaku90SalvyusEasternHistorianZombiePotter04

I've read a lot of Snily fics where Snape goes back in time to his Hogwarts years. I am looking for any fics where the Marauders don't appear or have very little presence.

The first Snily fic I read was The Apprentice where Snape leaves Hogwarts and becomes a Potions apprentice at an apothecary, so the Marauders hardly make an appearance.

Something similar, where Snape doesn't bother redoing school and leaves to do something else would be great.

Anyone have any recommendations, please let me know. Thanks!

Heatherlly, mmlf and 5 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllymmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaRobaku90SalvyusZombiePotter04

I don't personally know of any stories that fit that criteria, but I'd be interested as well!

mmlf, The Gestalt Prince and 4 other users have reacted to this post.
mmlfThe Gestalt PrinceNaagaSalvyusEasternHistorianZombiePotter04

I would love some more fics where Sev and Lily are madly in-love with each other (Lily loves Sev as much as he loves her) and no outside romances (including James (I hate James)). It's cool if James is either a villain or just an antagonist to them (trying to woo Lily even though she has 0% interest in him). But, I am also OK with James not being present or not existing at all. Also, I am not a fan of super-slow burn, it doesn't have to be the first chapter but please don't let me wait till chapter 53 or something.

One of my recent favourite fics was "A Life Worth Dying For" by Kirin K on ( (definetly recommend). Because, even though Lily was engaged to James in like the first chapter (it is a back in time fic after Sev dies). She is overjoyed that Sev has come back in her life (canonically he would've been with the Death Eaters at that point) and has no problem starting a romance with Sev (in also like the first chapter), because she only planned to marry James because she thought Sev didn't love her (side note, the tree incident in fifth year and Lily's "smile" is explained beautifully in this fic (imo) Basically she was frustrated that Sev hadn't yet admitted he loved her cuz she loved him too and thus decided to try and flirt with James to make Sev jealous but like at the worst possible time, which she deeply regrets). I know it is all a bit cruel to James, but as I already stated, I am not a fan of him (and Sev got to suffer in canon, so James in fanon 😉 (damn, maybe I am kinda cruel :p ))

Basically a fic where Sev and Lily are soulmates and there is no romantic tragedy/angst stuff (other types of tragedy/angst are fine though :p (as long as they love each other and only each other)) and James is either the villain, an annoyance/antagonist or nonexistent.

Ok, now I feel arrogant for listing my very picky preferences, but I am desperate for new fics of this type, cuz I've run out. :'(

Thanks for the thread, though! Hope you don't mind me posting something (just realized it is like two months old, oops- :p )

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceRobaku90

hi! I loooooove snamione & snape/oc ! I've found quite a bit online but they either abruptly end or are incomplete! I'm also not a huge slowburn fan. I appreciate plots but like @zombiepotter04 said- I don't wanna wait until chapter 53! lol I'll happily take any recs! <3

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and Naaga have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceNaaga

@tearyeyedpupa, check out Fanfiction Recommendations thread, there are good amount of good recommendations and you may find something you'd like. There are also good completed Snape Fanfic Recommendations (Severus/OC) in the thread. 😸

Heatherlly, The Gestalt Prince and 2 other users have reacted to this post.
HeatherllyThe Gestalt PrinceRobaku90𐙚 ‧jel₊˚ ⋅
Quote from EasternHistorian on March 2, 2024, 9:37 am

I've read a lot of Snily fics where Snape goes back in time to his Hogwarts years. I am looking for any fics where the Marauders don't appear or have very little presence.

The first Snily fic I read was The Apprentice where Snape leaves Hogwarts and becomes a Potions apprentice at an apothecary, so the Marauders hardly make an appearance.

Something similar, where Snape doesn't bother redoing school and leaves to do something else would be great.

Anyone have any recommendations, please let me know. Thanks!


I think I can recommend the work of Mermaid886 to you. I am posting a link to her profile on Ao3 and the Harry Potter subcategory:

Take a look at its thumbnails, which show short moments from Lily and Severus' life together. That's so sweet! For example, this: It is true that Sev receives an offer to become a potions professor, but this is only his future. This is nice too: Or this:

Mermaid886 wrote a longer piece where Severus owns a pharmacy. Maybe you'll like it? Except that it's also an alpha/omega theme, not everyone likes it.

Overall, Mermaid886's work gives me a sense of comfort. I like her.

By the way: could you post a link to "The Apprentice"?
The Gestalt Prince and ZombiePotter04 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceZombiePotter04
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 6, 2024, 9:20 am

I would love some more fics where Sev and Lily are madly in-love with each other (Lily loves Sev as much as he loves her) and no outside romances (including James (I hate James)). It's cool if James is either a villain or just an antagonist to them (trying to woo Lily even though she has 0% interest in him). But, I am also OK with James not being present or not existing at all. Also, I am not a fan of super-slow burn, it doesn't have to be the first chapter but please don't let me wait till chapter 53 or something.

One of my recent favourite fics was "A Life Worth Dying For" by Kirin K on ( (definetly recommend). Because, even though Lily was engaged to James in like the first chapter (it is a back in time fic after Sev dies). She is overjoyed that Sev has come back in her life (canonically he would've been with the Death Eaters at that point) and has no problem starting a romance with Sev (in also like the first chapter), because she only planned to marry James because she thought Sev didn't love her (side note, the tree incident in fifth year and Lily's "smile" is explained beautifully in this fic (imo) Basically she was frustrated that Sev hadn't yet admitted he loved her cuz she loved him too and thus decided to try and flirt with James to make Sev jealous but like at the worst possible time, which she deeply regrets). I know it is all a bit cruel to James, but as I already stated, I am not a fan of him (and Sev got to suffer in canon, so James in fanon 😉 (damn, maybe I am kinda cruel :p ))

Basically a fic where Sev and Lily are soulmates and there is no romantic tragedy/angst stuff (other types of tragedy/angst are fine though :p (as long as they love each other and only each other)) and James is either the villain, an annoyance/antagonist or nonexistent.

Ok, now I feel arrogant for listing my very picky preferences, but I am desperate for new fics of this type, cuz I've run out. :'(

Thanks for the thread, though! Hope you don't mind me posting something (just realized it is like two months old, oops- :p )

I have exactly the same opinion as @ZombiePotter04! I hate James with all my heart and the fact that Lily would be with anyone other than Severus. Or vice versa - I rule out any intimate contacts between Severus and other women. I only have a different opinion about the length of the story. The longer the better. I say that it is full-fat, like milk. This allows for the slow development of relationships, deepening the character of the characters, many hours of putting into the translator (what you read in an hour takes me two, ha, ha! :D ), only advantages.

I confirm, "A Life Worth Dying For" is divine!!! I need a Lily like that, Severus is sure of it right away.

You probably already know Mermaid886, whose work I posted links to above. If you don't like long stories, check out its thumbnails. Short, fast and to the point. <3

I agree with you, condemn James as much as possible!!! He deserved more than anyone to suffer in fanon!

I don't think you're picky, I think exactly the same as you. I will say more: after what Sev went through in the canon (and we, together with him :( ), he deserves Lily's love and devotion (and us too, by the way!).

Post your story quickly, I'm looking forward to it!

The Gestalt Prince and ZombiePotter04 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceZombiePotter04

Haha, nice to hear that you like the same type of stories as me! I do not dislike longer stories, btw! For me, it's the longer the better as well! :p I just sometimes get tired of having to wait 'till like half of the story for them to confess their love for each other (like, if the story has around a 100 chapters and the first "I love you." is said for the first time around chapter 50). But, aside from that! The longer the better, haha. :p

Personally, I have never written fanfic before and considering my daily thought processes are already a whirlwind in itself, I don't think I'd be good at it. But, maybe, someday, when everyone has finally left Snily behind and gone on with their life and there is just me still left crying over their tragic romance like a lovesick teenager, then maybe I will go on and make an attempt at writing a Snily fanfic myself! Hihi. :p

The Gestalt Prince and Robaku90 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceRobaku90
Quote from ZombiePotter04 on May 19, 2024, 6:08 pm

Haha, nice to hear that you like the same type of stories as me! I do not dislike longer stories, btw! For me, it's the longer the better as well! :p I just sometimes get tired of having to wait 'till like half of the story for them to confess their love for each other (like, if the story has around a 100 chapters and the first "I love you." is said for the first time around chapter 50). But, aside from that! The longer the better, haha. :p

Personally, I have never written fanfic before and considering my daily thought processes are already a whirlwind in itself, I don't think I'd be good at it. But, maybe, someday, when everyone has finally left Snily behind and gone on with their life and there is just me still left crying over their tragic romance like a lovesick teenager, then maybe I will go on and make an attempt at writing a Snily fanfic myself! Hihi. :p


I'm glad I found a kindred spirit on this forum. I thought I was the only one who had this taste, but there are at least two of us. :D Others may not mind Snily's other relationships, but we do.

Obviously, it's better when they confess their love to each other quickly. :D But waiting for it also has its advantages. I love the thrill of amazing twists and turns at the end of a chapter. :D

So I will be looking forward to the peace in your life that will result in the kind of Snily we look for among the ocean of other stories. <3
The Gestalt Prince and ZombiePotter04 have reacted to this post.
The Gestalt PrinceZombiePotter04
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